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The reactive palladium dimer, [Pd(dppm)(O2CCF3)]2, is carbonylated to [Pd(dppm)(O2CCF3)]2(μ-CO) in a reversible reaction with K = c. 7.2(2)x104 atm−1 (P1/2 = c. 2.4 Torr). This is significantly larger than is expected based on the λmax = 280 nm in the electronic spectrum. The product can be isolated in analytically pure form by crystallization under a CO atmosphere. It forms crystals in the monoclinic space group Cc with a = 18.584(5), b = 28.65(1), c = 11.164(3) Å and β = 95.16(2)°. The structure is significantly distorted. The bonding about the two palladium atoms is quite asymmetric. While one is close to a square planar geometry with a Pd---C(O) distance of 1.90(2) Å, the other is significantly pyramidalized and has a longer (2.00(2) Å) bond to the bridging CO. The Pd---Pd distance is only 2.896(2) Å, much shorter than that usually observed for formally non-bonded Pd atoms.  相似文献   
The possibility was considered that osmotic adjustment, the ability to accumulate solutes in response to water stress, may contribute to growth rate differences among closely-related genotypes of trees. Progeny variation in osmotic adjustment and turgor regulation was investigated by comparing changes in osmotic and pressure potentials, soluble carbohydrates, and amino acids in osmotically stressed seedlings in 4 full-sib progenies of black spruce [ Picea mariana (Mill.) B. S. P.] that differed in growth rate under drought. Osmotic stress was induced by a stepwise increase in the concentration of polyethylene glycol (PEG)-3350 from 10 (w/v) to 18 and 25%, which provided osmotic potentials in solution culture of -0.4, -1.0 and -2.0 MPa each for 3 days. All 4 progenies maintained a positive cell turgor even at 25% PEG, due to a significant decline in osmotic potential. Although total amino acids, principally proline, increased, ca 60% of the decrease in osmotic potential was attributable to soluble carbohydrates and glucose was the major osmoregulating solute. There was little progeny variation in any of measured parameters in unstressed seedlings. Compared to two slower-growing progenies, the two progenies capable of more vigorous growth under drought in the field accumulated more soluble carbohydrates (mainly glucose and fructose), developed lower osmotic potential and maintained higher turgor pressure when osmotically-stressed in solution culture. The ability to adjust osmotically and maintain turgor under drought stress could thus be a useful criterion for the early selection of faster-growing, drought-tolerant genotypes.  相似文献   
Preadult rearing conditions affected the behavior of dicofol-resistant two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae). Resistant spider mites reared on dicofol-treated leaves initiated a significantly greater number of feeding bouts on dicofol-treated leaves than did genetically identical spider mites reared on residue-free leaves. Therefore the prior exposure of resistant spider mites resulted in induced feeding preferences that could exacerbate the potential outcome of the resistance by resulting in greater amounts of feeding by resistant individuals on dicofol-treated areas. Since resistant individuals that had not experienced dicofol in their lifetime did not display this feeding preference, avoidance of this phenomenon of induced feeding preference may be an undescribed value of rotations of pesticides.  相似文献   
Monod's equation adequately described aerobic biodegradation rates of benzene and toluene by the microbial population of a sandy aquifer when these compounds were initially present at concentrations lower than 100 mg/l each. Concentrations higher than 100 mg/l were inhibitory, and no benzene or toluene degradation was observed when these compounds were initially present at 250 mg/l each. The Monod coefficients were calculated as k = 8.3 g-benzene/g-cells/day and Ks = 12.2 mg/l for benzene, and k = 9.9 g-toluene/g-cells/day and Ks = 17.4 mg/l for toluene. Specific first-order coefficients would be 0.68 l/mg.day for benzene and 0.57 l.mg.day for toluene.  相似文献   
In the American Midwest, superior N2-fixing inoculant strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum consistently fail to produce the majority of nodules on the roots of field-grown soybean. Poor nodulation by inoculant strains is partly due to their inability to stay abreast of the expanding soybean root system in numbers sufficient for them to be competitive with indigenous bradyrhizobia. However, certain strains are noncompetitive even when numerical dominance is not a factor. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the nodule occupancy achieved by strains is related to their nodule-forming efficiency. The nodulation characteristics and competitiveness of nine strains of B. japonicum were compared at both 20 and 30°C. The root tip marking technique was used, with the nodule-forming efficiency of each strain estimated from the average position of the uppermost nodule and the number of nodules formed above the root tip mark. The competitiveness of the nine strains relative to B. japonicum USDA 110 was determined by using immunofluorescence to identify nodule occupants. The strains differed significantly in competitiveness with USDA 110 and in nodulation characteristics, strains that were poor competitors usually proving to be inferior in both the average position of the uppermost root nodule and the number of nodules formed above the root tip mark. Thus, competitiveness was correlated with both the average position of the uppermost nodule (r = 0.5; P = 0.036) and the number of nodules formed above the root tip mark (r = 0.64; P = 0.005), while the position of the uppermost nodule was also correlated to the percentage of plants nodulated above the root tip mark (r = 0.81; P < 0.001) and the percentage of plants nodulated on the taproot (r = 0.67; P = 0.002).  相似文献   
The possible contribution of pinon (Pinus edulis) seed to the diet of an Anasazi population is investigated using present data on seed productivity and archaeological data on resource use. Annual estimates of total productivity for a 135.7 sq km study area in Montezuma County, Colorado, vary by a factor of 141 in a sample spanning 5 yr. Trees greater than about 25 cm (basal diameter) are usually monoecious and produce significantly more cones per tree but fewer good seeds per cone than smaller, usually dioecious specimens. Archaeological data suggest that piñon seed was a relatively unimportant food item after the initial period of Anasazi colonization of the Dolores River valley about a.D. 600. Use of piñon seed as food was inversely related to degree of agricultural intensification and use of piñon for fuel.  相似文献   
Summary Recently techniques have been developed for the long-term growth of cytotoxic T-lymphoid cells in vitro with T cell growth factor (TCGF). We have investigated the use of these in vitro-expanded T cells for the immunotherapy of a disseminated syngeneic murine FBL-3 lymphoma. In this model, mice with disseminated tumor were treated on day 5 with 180 mg cytoxan/kg and then 5 h later were given lymphoid cells IP. In vivo-immunized lymphocytes resulted in significantly improved survival in three of three experiments, curing 52% of 38 animals, compared with treatment with cytoxan alone (0 of 31 cured) or cytoxan plus unimmunized cells (0 of 40 cured) (P<0.0005). In vivo-immunized lymphocytes were re-exposed to FBL-3 tumor in vitro for 5 days in complete medium (CM) or lectin-free TCGF (LF-TCGF). Both groups showed significantly improved survival in six of six experiments. Cytoxan cured 17% of 66 animals, while cytoxan plus normal lymphocytes after IVS cured 6% of 47 animals. In vivo-immunized cells resensitized in vitro to FBL-3 in CM or LF-TCGF cured 82% of 50 animals (P<0.001) and 72% of 61 animals (P<0.001), respectively. Cells from in vivo- and in vitro-sensitized lymphocytes exhibited no cytotoxicity in our in vitro 51Cr-release assay; expansion of these cells resulted in significant specific lysis of fresh FBL-3 targets. Adoptive transfer of immune lymphocytes resensitized to FBL-3 tumor in vitro and expanded in LF-TCGF conferred a significant survival benefit (P<0.001, curing 7 of 27 animals) compared with all controls. These expanded cells were then continuously grown in LF-TCGF for 2 1/2 months. Again, in vivo-immunized lymphocytes resensitized to FBL-3 tumor and expanded in LF-TCGF for 2 1/2 months cured 56% of the animals with disseminated tumor, significantly prolonging survival over that recorded in any control group (P<0.0002). Irradiation of these same cells totally abolished their efficacy. Clones were generated from IVS and continuously grown in LF-TCGF. Two of these clones were very cytotoxic for fresh FBL-3 (>4,000 lytic units/106 cells). When adoptively transferred to mice in this chemoimmunotherapy model these cytotoxic clones significantly enhanced survival over that recorded following treatment with cytoxan alone (P<0.00001), though prolongation of survival was small. Implications of these results for application of these techniques to other less antigenic tumors and human cancers are discussed.  相似文献   
A rapid and sensitive method for the detection of carrier ampholyte contamination in electrofocused proteins is described. Samples containing proteins and carrier ampholytes were applied to cellulose thin-layer chromatographic sheets and developed in 10% trichloroacetic acid. Proteins and large-molecular-weight carrier ampholytes were precipitated at the origin while 10% trichloroacetic acid-soluble carrier ampholytes migrated as a diffuse ninhydrin (nitrogen)-positive area at an Rf greater than 0.50. We found that 1.25 μg of carrier ampholytes contained enough 10% trichloroacetic acid-soluble components to be detected by thinlayer chromatography. Using this assay, we investigated techniques designed to remove carrier ampholytes from an electrofocused protein. Removal of large-molecular-weight components from carrier ampholytes by dialysis through a 3500 Mr cutoff membrane did not facilitate separation of carrier ampholytes from streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin type C by dialysis or gel chromatography. Also, this protein binds irreversibly to mixed-bed ion-exchange resin. The best method for separating carrier ampholytes from streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin type C was by electrodialysis at pH 4.0. Following electrodialysis, estimated carrier ampholyte contamination in this protein was less than 1 part in 500 parts (by weight).  相似文献   
Timothy G. Kingan 《Life sciences》1981,28(23):2585-2594
Standard biochemical procedures were used to purify the prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) 4400 fold from whole head extracts of Mandurasexta fifth instar larvae. Hormonal activity was bioassayed by injection into neck-ligated fourth instar larvae. The hormone was stable to heating at 85°C. Ammonium sulfate and acetone fractionation provided a crude preparation which showed dose-dependent activity in the bioassay. Chromatography on Sephadex G-100, DEAE-Sephadex, and hydroxylapatite gave a preparation with 2.6 Manduca PTTH units/μg protein (4400-fold purification). Activity was sensitive to proteolytic enzymes. Further purification by preparative electrophoresis gave a preparation which migrated as a single band in two polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis systems. A molecular weight estimate of 25,000 Daltons was obtained for this bands on SDS polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   
By placing seedlings of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) or maize (Zea mays L.) on agar plates containing a pH indicator dye it is possible to observe surface pH patterns along the growing seedling by observing color changes of the indicator dye. Using this method we find that in geotropically stimulated sunflower hypocotyls or maize coleoptiles there is enhanced proton efflux on the lower surface of the organ prior to the initiation of curvature. As curvature develops the pattern of differential acid efflux becomes more intense. A similar phenomenon is observed when these organs are exposed to unilateral illumination, i.e. enhanced acid efflux occurs on the dark side of the organ prior to the initiation of phototropic curvature and the pattern of differential acid efflux intensifies as phototropic curvature develops. These observations indicate that differential acid efflux occurs in response to tropistic stimuli and that the acid efflux pattern may mediate the development of tropistic curvatures.  相似文献   
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