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Combinations of lactococcal strains from various origins with divers properties were developed as new starters for new dairy products. Flavour formation by such tailor-made cultures was studied. In some cases, a strongly enhanced flavour was observed. For instance, the combination of B1157 and SK110 strains in milk resulted in a very strong chocolate-like flavour. B1157 produces only a moderate chocolate-like flavour, whereas SK110 alone fails to produce this flavour. Headspace gas chromatography results corroborate the organoleptic evaluations. High levels of branched-chain aldehydes were found when B1157 and SK110 were grown together. The enzyme activities involved in this pathway were studied; both strains contain transaminase activity. Although B1157 had a very high amino acid decarboxylating activity, its release of amino acids from milk protein was limited. SK110 was strongly limited in decarboxylating activity, although this strain is very active in proteolysis. By combining these strains, the substrates released by SK110 can directly be used by the other strain, resulting in the completion of the whole flavour-formation pathway. This opens new avenues for the preparation of tailor-made cultures.  相似文献   
It has been reported that low-pH-induced fusion of influenza virus with liposomes results in rapid and extensive release of both low- and high-molecular-weight substances from the liposomes [Günther-Ausborn et al., J. Biol. Chem. 270 (1995) 29279-29285; Shangguan et al., Biochemistry 35 (1996) 4956-4965]. Here, we demonstrate retention of encapsulated water-soluble compounds during fusion of Semliki Forest virus (SFV) or Sindbis virus with liposomes at low pH. Under conditions allowing complete fusion of the liposomes, a limited fluorescence dequenching of liposome-encapsulated calcein was observed, particularly for SFV. Also, radioactively labeled inulin or sucrose were largely retained. Freezing and thawing of the viruses in the absence of sucrose resulted in an enhanced leakiness of fusion. These results support the notion that the alphavirus fusion event per se is non-leaky and may well involve a discrete hemifusion intermediate.  相似文献   
During bacterial protein synthesis, stalled ribosomes can be rescued by tmRNA, a molecule with both tRNA and mRNA features. The tRNA region of tmRNA has sequence similarity with tRNA(Ala) and also has a clover-leaf structure folded similarly as in canonical tRNAs. Here we propose the L-shape of tmRNA to be stabilized by two tertiary interactions between its D- and T-loop on the basis of phylogenetic and experimental evidence. Mutational analysis clearly demonstrates a tertiary interaction between G(13) and U(342). Strikingly, this in evolution conserved interaction is not primarily important for tmRNA alanylation and for binding to elongation factor Tu, but especially for a proper functioning of SmpB.  相似文献   
The CDKN2A tumour suppressor locus encodes two distinct proteins, p16(INK4a) and p14(ARF), both of which have been implicated in replicative senescence, the state of permanent growth arrest provoked in somatic cells by aberrant proliferative signals or by cumulative population doublings in culture. Here we describe primary fibroblasts from a member of a melanoma-prone family who is homozygous for an intragenic deletion in CDKN2A. Analyses of the resultant gene products imply that the cells are p16(INK4a) deficient but express physiologically relevant levels of a frameshift protein that retains the known functions of p14(ARF). Although they have a finite lifespan, the cells are resistant to arrest by oncogenic RAS. Indeed, ectopic expression of RAS and telomerase (hTERT) results in outgrowth of anchorage-independent colonies that have essentially diploid karyotypes and functional p53. We find that in human fibroblasts, ARF is not induced demonstrably by RAS, pointing to significant differences between the proliferative barriers implemented by the CDKN2A locus in different cell types or species.  相似文献   
The N-terminal repeat (SAC1) of the S-protein of Lactobacillus acidophilus bound efficiently and specifically to cell wall fragments (CWFs) when fused to green fluorescent protein, whereas the C-terminal repeat (SAC2) did not. Treatment of CWFs with hydrofluoric acid, but not phenol, prevented binding. Apparently, SAC1 is necessary and sufficient for cell wall binding. Our data suggest that SAC anchors the S-protein to a cell wall teichoic acid.  相似文献   
Strains of Caulobacter crescentus elaborate an S-layer, a two-dimensional protein latticework which covers the cell surface. The S-layer protein (RsaA) is secreted by a type I mechanism (relying on a C-terminal signal) and is unusual among type I secreted proteins because high levels of protein are produced continuously. In efforts to adapt the S-layer for display of foreign peptides and proteins, we noted a proteolytic activity that affected S-layer monomers with foreign inserts. The cleavage was precise, resulting in fragments with an unambiguous N-terminal sequence. We developed an assay to screen for loss of this activity (i.e., presentation of foreign peptides without degradation), using transposon and traditional mutagenesis. A metalloprotease gene designated sap (S-layer-associated protease) was identified which could complement the protease-negative mutants. The N-terminal half of Sap possessed significant similarity to other type I secreted proteases (e.g., alkaline protease of Pseudomonas aeruginosa), including the characteristic RTX repeat sequences, but the C-terminal half which normally includes the type I secretion signal exhibited no such similarity. Instead, there was a region of significant similarity to the N-terminal region of RsaA. We hypothesize that Sap evolved by combining the catalytic portion of a type I secreted protease with an S-layer-like protein, perhaps to associate with nascent S-layer monomers to "scan" for modifications.  相似文献   
Patients with defects in IFN-gamma- or IL-12-mediated immunity are susceptible to infections with Salmonella and non-tuberculous mycobacteria, but rarely suffer from infections with other intracellular pathogens such as Toxoplasma gondii. Here we describe macrophage and T cell function in eight individuals with partial IFN-gamma receptor 1 (IFN-gammaR1) deficiency due to a mutation that results in elevated cell surface expression of a truncated IFN-gammaR1 receptor that lacks the intracellular domain. We show that various effector mechanisms dependent on IFN-gammaR signaling are affected to different extents. Whereas TNF-alpha production was normally up-regulated in response to IFN-gamma, IL-12 production and CD64 up-regulation were strongly reduced, and IFN-gamma-mediated killing of the intracellular pathogens Salmonella typhimurium and T. gondii was completely abrogated in patient's macrophages. Since these patients suffer selectively from infections with non-tuberculous mycobacteria and Salmonella, but not T. gondii, despite sero-immunity in six of eight patients, which indicates previous contact with this pathogen, we next studied the role of TNF-alpha as a possible immune compensatory mechanism. IFN-gamma-induced killing of T. gondii appeared to be partially mediated by TNF-alpha, and addition of TNF-alpha could compensate for the abrogated killing of T. gondii in the patient's macrophages. In contrast, IFN-gamma-mediated killing of S. typhimurium appeared to be independent of TNF-alpha. We propose that the divergent role of TNF-alpha in IFN-gamma-induced killing of T. gondii and S. typhimurium may at least partially explain the highly selective susceptibility of patients.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Early suspicion of essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD) or omega3-deficiency may rather focus on polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) or long-chain PUFA (LCP) analyses than clinical symptoms. We determined cut-off values for biochemical EFAD, omega3-and omega3/22:6omega3 [docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)]-deficiency by measurement of erythrocyte 20:3omega9 (Mead acid), 22:5omega6/20:4omega6 and 22:5omega6/22:6omega3, respectively. METHODS: Cut-off values, based on 97.5 percentiles, derived from an apparently healthy omnivorous group (six Dominica breast-fed newborns, 32 breast-fed and 27 formula+LCP-fed Dutch low-birth-weight infants, 31 Jerusalem infants, 33 Dutch 3.5-year-old infants, 69 omnivorous Dutch adults and seven Dominica mothers) and an apparently healthy group with low dietary LCP intake (81 formula-fed Dutch low-birth-weight infants, 12 Dutch vegans). Cut-off values were evaluated by their application in an EFAD suspected group of 108, mostly malnourished, Pakistani children, three pediatric patients with chronic fat-malabsorption (abetal-ipoproteinemia, congenital jejunal and biliary atresia) and one patient with a peroxisomal beta-oxidation disorder. RESULTS: Erythrocyte 20:3omega9, 22:5omega6/20:4omega6 and 22:5omega6/22:6omega3 proved age-dependent up to 0.2 years. Cut-off values for ages above 0.2 years were: 0.46mol% 20:3omega9 for EFAD, 0.068mol/mol 22:5omega6/20:4omega6 for omega3-deficiency, 0.22mol/mol 22:5omega6/22:6omega3 for omega3/DHA-marginality and 0.48mol/mol 22:5omega6/22:6omega3 for omega3/DHA-deficiency. Use of RBC 20:3omega9 and 22:5omega6/20:4omega6 cut-off values identified 20.4% of the Pakistani subjects as EFAD+omega3-deficient, 12.9% as EFAD+omega3-sufficient, 38.9% as EFA-sufficient+omega3-deficient and 27.8% as EFA-sufficient+omega3-sufficient. The patient with the peroxisomal disorder was classified as EFA-sufficient, omega3-sufficient (based on RBC 22:5omega6/20:4omega6) and omega3/DHA-deficient (based on RBC 22:5omega6/22:6omega3). The three other pediatric patients were classified as EFAD, omega3-deficient and omega3/DHA-deficient. CONCLUSION: Use of the combination of the present cut-off values for EFA, omega3 and omega3/DHA status assessment, as based on 97.5 percentiles, may serve for PUFA supplement intervention until better concepts have emerged.  相似文献   
Homologous recombination is one of the major pathways for repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Important proteins in this pathway are Rad51 and Rad54. Rad51 forms a nucleoprotein filament on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) that mediates pairing with and strand invasion of homologous duplex DNA with the assist of Rad54. We estimated that the nucleus of a mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells contains on average 4.7x10(5) Rad51 and 2.4x10(5) Rad54 molecules. Furthermore, we showed that the amount of Rad54 was subject to cell cycle regulation. We discuss our results with respect to two models that describe how Rad54 stimulates Rad51-mediated DNA strand invasion. The models differ in whether Rad54 functions locally or globally. In the first model, Rad54 acts in cis relative to the site of strand invasion. Rad54 coats the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament in stoichiometric amounts and binds to the target duplex DNA at the site that is homologous to the ssDNA in the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament. Subsequently, it promotes duplex DNA unwinding. In the second model, Rad54 acts in trans relative to the site of strand invasion. Rad54 binds duplex DNA distant from the site that will be unwound. Translocation of Rad54 along the duplex DNA increases superhelical stress thereby promoting duplex DNA unwinding.  相似文献   
Characterization of legumain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mammalian legumain, also called asparaginyl endopeptidase (AEP), is critically involved in the processing of bacterial antigens for MHC class II presentation. In order to investigate the substrate specificity of AEP in the P1' position, we created a peptide library and digested it with purified pig kidney AEP. Digestion was less efficient only when proline was in the P1' position. Maximum AEP activity was found in lysosomal fractions of different types of antigen presenting cells (APC). When the multiple sclerosis-associated autoantigen myelin basic protein (MBP) was digested with AEP, the immunodominant epitope 83-99 was destroyed. Myoglobin as an alternative substrate was AEP resistant. These results suggest an important, but not necessarily critical role for AEP in lysosomal antigen degradation.  相似文献   
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