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Placental lactogen (PL) induced serotonergic signaling is essential for gestational β-cell mass expansion. We have previously shown that intact Epidermal growth factor –receptor (EGFR) function is a crucial component of this pathway. We now explored more specifically the link between EGFR and pregnancy-induced β-cell mass compensation. Islets were isolated from wild-type and β-cell-specific EGFR-dominant negative mice (E1-DN), stimulated with PL and analyzed for β-cell proliferation and expression of genes involved in gestational β-cell growth. β-cell mass dynamics were analyzed both with traditional morphometrical methods and three-dimensional optical projection tomography (OPT) of whole-mount insulin-stained pancreata. Insulin-positive volume analyzed with OPT increased 1.4-fold at gestational day 18.5 (GD18.5) when compared to non-pregnant mice. Number of islets peaked by GD13.5 (680 vs 1134 islets per pancreas, non-pregnant vs. GD13.5). PL stimulated beta cell proliferation in the wild-type islets, whereas the proliferative response was absent in the E1-DN mouse islets. Serotonin synthesizing enzymes were upregulated similarly in both the wild-type and E1-DN mice. However, while survivin (Birc5) mRNA was upregulated 5.5-fold during pregnancy in the wild-type islets, no change was seen in the E1-DN pregnant islets. PL induced survivin expression also in isolated islets and this was blocked by EGFR inhibitor gefitinib, mTOR inhibitor rapamycin and MEK inhibitor PD0325901. Our 3D-volumetric analysis of β-cell mass expansion during murine pregnancy revealed that islet number increases during pregnancy. In addition, our results suggest that EGFR signaling is required for lactogen-induced survivin expression via MAPK and mTOR pathways.  相似文献   
The frequency and specificity of mutations produced during in vitro DNA synthesis of the lacZ alpha gene in M13mp2 DNA by eucaryotic DNA polymerase-alpha (pol-alpha) and DNA polymerase-gamma (pol-gamma) have been determined. Pol-alpha, purified from five different sources, produces mutations resulting in loss of alpha-complementation at a frequency of 0.8-1.6%/single round of gap-filling DNA synthesis. DNA sequence analysis of 420 independent mutants produced by pol-alpha demonstrates three classes of errors. The majority of mutations result from single base substitutions, while single base frameshifts are detected at a lower but substantial frequency. Large deletions are also observed, with a frequency and specificity suggesting that they too are produced by pol-alpha in vitro. In contrast, pol-gamma is more accurate, producing mutants at a frequency of 0.3-0.5%. The specificity of pol-gamma errors is also different, since more than 90% of the mutants result from single base substitutions, while frameshift errors are not observed at a frequency significantly above background. The pol-gamma mutant spectrum also contains deletion mutations (10 of 179 mutants) presumably resulting from aberrant in vitro synthesis. When considered together with previous results using pol-beta (Kunkel, T. A. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 5787-5796) the relative accuracy of the three classes of purified vertebrate DNA polymerases for base substitutions, frameshifts, and deletions is in the order gamma greater than alpha greater than beta. These data demonstrate a correlation between the accuracy and processivity of DNA polymerization. Thus, the most accurate DNA polymerase (pol-gamma) also incorporates the most nucleotides per association with the primer-template, while the least accurate enzyme (pol-beta) is the least processive. This correlation exists both for base substitution mutations and for single base frameshifts, and is most obvious for minus-one-base frameshifts in runs of pyrimidines. In support of this correlation, increasing the processivity of pol-beta from 1 to 4-6 incorporations per association increases the accuracy of in vitro DNA synthesis by severalfold. The data imply that the processivity of DNA synthesis could be an important factor in controlling the levels of spontaneous and perhaps induced mutations.  相似文献   
Recent studies suggest that evergreen plants may maintain their photosynthetic capacity through the winter. Since mild winters are predicted to be more frequent in the future, the metabolic activity of plants is also likely to increase. The aim of the present study was to assess how various environmental factors, such as temperature, photoperiod and preceding frost, affect the recovery of photosynthesis during a mild spell in winter. The recovery of photosynthesis was studied in a series of growth chamber experiments where the overwintering of lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) was interrupted by an intermittent warm spell of 1 week during different phases of winter. Rapid activation was observed in all the experiments during the first 3–4 days. No obvious effects of the phase of winter or photoperiod on the recovery of photosynthesis were observed, but a severe freezing treatment prior to the warm spell retarded the recovery significantly. Once recovered, however, lingonberry was able to maintain high rates of photosynthesis even at near-freezing temperatures, which prevail in their natural sub-nivean environment. The apparent quantum yield of photosynthesis remained high through the winter for lingonberry. This may prove advantageous for evergreen dwarf shrubs which overwinter in dim environments under snow.  相似文献   
The role of ultraviolet radiation in oxidative stress‐related ocular pathologies is less known than its role in skin cancer. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation is associated with increased oxidative stress in eye tissues, which may promote the development of photokeratitis, cataract, and retinal damages. Children are especially vulnerable: large pupils, transparent ocular media. Efficient everyday protection of the eye should be considered from early age. (Image: with permission from Carl Zeiss Vision International GmbH, Aalen, Germany) Further details can be found in the article by Iliya V. Ivanov, Timo Mappes, Patrick Schaupp, et al. ( e201700377 ).


Dystrophin, a component of the muscle membrane cytoskeleton, is the protein altered in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and Becker Muscular Dystrophy (BMD). Dystrophin shares significant homology with other cytoskeletal proteins, such as α-actinin and spectrin. On the basis of its sequence similarity with α-actinin and spectrin, dystrophin has been proposed to function as dimer. However, the existence of both dimers and monomers have been observed by electron microscopy. To address this apparent discrepancy, we expressed dystrophin fragments composed of different domains in an in vitro translation system. The expressed fragments were tested for their ability to interact with each other and full-length dystrophin by both immunoprecipitation and blot overlay assays. These assays were successfully used to demonstrate the dimerization of α-actinin and spectrin, yet failed to detect any interaction between dystrophin fragments. Although these in vitro results do not prove that dystrophin is not a dimer in vivo, they do indicate that this interaction is not like that of the α-actinin and spectrin.  相似文献   
X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (HYP) is a dominant disorder characterized by renal phosphate wasting and abnormal vitamin D metabolism. PEX, the gene that is defective in HYP and is located on Xp22.1, is homologous to members of the neutral endopeptidase family. However, the complete coding sequence of the PEX cDNA, the structure of the PEX gene, and the role that PEX plays in phosphate transport remain unknown. We determined the genomic structure of the published PEX gene, which was found to be composed of 18 short exons, and demonstrated that the genomic organization of PEX shares homology to members of the family of neutral endopeptidases. Primer sets were designed from the intron sequence, to amplify each PEX exon from genomic DNA of HYP patients. Mutations in PEX were identified in 9/22 unrelated HYP patients, confirming that defects in PEX are responsible for HYP. The mutations detected included three nonsense mutations, a 1-bp deletion leading to a frameshift, a donor splice-site mutation, and missense mutations in four patients. Although the entire PEX gene has not been identified and some mutations may have been missed, the lack of detection of mutations in the remaining 13 patients, especially in 1 patient who has an apparently balanced, de novo 9;13 translocation, implies that there may be other loci involved in the generation of the HYP phenotype.  相似文献   
Luminol-amplified chemiluminescence (CL) from phagocytes has previously been shown to be almost completely dependent on the release of myeloperoxidase (MPO) from azurophilic granules. We measured the luminol-amplified chemiluminescence response (WBCL) by using serially diluted whole blood. In these experiments, non-opsonized and serum-opsonized zymosan (NWBCL and OWBCL, respectively) were used concurrently as phagocytosable particles. We found two whole-blood dilution ranges with clinical significance: first, <0.04% of whole blood in the reaction volume, where MPO released by the zymosan-activated leukocyte population came almost totally from neutrophils and the OWBCL response could be exploited as a measure of a neutrophil count in a given blood specimen, despite the pathophysiological state of the host. In contrast, the NWBCL response was two-fold in blood samples from bacterial infection patients compared to those of controls and patients with viral infection, suggesting the use of NWBCL for the differential diagnosis of bacterial infections from viral infections; second, 0.16-1.2% of whole blood in the reaction volume, where the opsonization capacity of plasma (OC(50)) can be determined. We also found that at whole blood content >0.04%, erythrocytes quickly start to absorb chemiluminescence light, and that at whole blood content >1.2%, plasma proteins, most probably albumin and fibrinogen, start to inhibit MPO release.  相似文献   
We present carbon stable isotope, δ13C, results from air and organic matter samples collected during 98 individual field campaigns across a network of Carboeuroflux forest sites in 2001 (14 sites) and 2002 (16 sites). Using these data, we tested the hypothesis that δ13C values derived from large‐scale atmospheric measurements and models, which are routinely used to partition carbon fluxes between land and ocean, and potentially between respiration and photosynthesis on land, are consistent with directly measured ecosystem‐scale δ13C values. In this framework, we also tested the potential of δ13C in canopy air and plant organic matter to record regional‐scale ecophysiological patterns. Our network estimates for the mean δ13C of ecosystem respired CO2 and the related ‘discrimination’ of ecosystem respiration, δer and Δer, respectively, were ?25.6±1.9‰ and 17.8 ±2.0‰ in 2001 and ?26.6±1.5‰ and 19.0±1.6‰ in 2002. The results were in close agreement with δ13C values derived from regional‐scale atmospheric measurement programs for 2001, but less so in 2002, which had an unusual precipitation pattern. This suggests that regional‐scale atmospheric sampling programs generally capture ecosystem δ13C signals over Europe, but may be limited in capturing some of the interannual variations. In 2001, but less so in 2002, there were discernable longitudinal and seasonal trends in δer. From west to east, across the network, there was a general enrichment in 13C (~3‰ and ~1‰ for the 2 years, respectively) consistent with increasing Gorczynski continentality index for warmer and drier conditions. In 2001 only, seasonal 13C enrichment between July and September, followed by depletion in November (from about ?26.0‰ to ?24.5‰ to ?30.0‰), was also observed. In 2001, July and August δer values across the network were significantly related to average daytime vapor pressure deficit (VPD), relative humidity (RH), and, to a lesser degree, air temperature (Ta), but not significantly with monthly average precipitation (Pm). In contrast, in 2002 (a much wetter peak season), δer was significantly related with Ta, but not significantly with VPD and RH. The important role of plant physiological processes on δer in 2001 was emphasized by a relatively rapid turnover (between 1 and 6 days) of assimilated carbon inferred from time‐lag analyses of δer vs. meteorological parameters. However, this was not evident in 2002. These analyses also noted corresponding diurnal cycles of δer and meteorological parameters in 2001, indicating a rapid transmission of daytime meteorology, via physiological responses, to the δer signal during this season. Organic matter δ13C results showed progressive 13C enrichment from leaves, through stems and roots to soil organic matter, which may be explained by 13C fractionation during respiration. This enrichment was species dependent and was prominent in angiosperms but not in gymnosperms. δ13C values of organic matter of any of the plant components did not well represent short‐term δer values during the seasonal cycle, and could not be used to partition ecosystem respiration into autotrophic and heterotrophic components.  相似文献   
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