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The moderately halophilic bacterium Chromohalobacter marismortui contains a 17.5-kb narrow-host-range plasmid, pCM1, which shows interesting properties for the development of cloning vectors for the genetic manipulation of this important group of extremophiles. Plasmid pCM1 can stably replicate and is maintained in most gram-negative moderate halophiles tested. The replication origin has been identified and sequenced, and the minimal pCM1 replicon has been localized to a 1,600-bp region which includes two functionally discrete regions, the oriV region and the repA gene. oriV, located on a 700-bp fragment, contains four iterons 20 bp in length adjacent to a DnaA box that is dispensable but required for efficient replication of pCM1, and it requires trans-acting functions. The repA gene, which encodes a replication protein of 289 residues, is similar to the replication proteins of other gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   
A high copy, tandemly repeated, sequence (Bd49) specific to the B chromosome and located near the centromere in Brachycome dichromosomatica was used to identify lambda genomic clones from DNA of a 3B plant. Only one clone of those analysed was composed entirely of a tandem array of the B-specific repeat unit. In other clones, the Bd49 repeats were linked to, or interspersed with, sequences that are repetitious and distributed elsewhere on the A and B chromosomes. One such repetitious flanking sequence has similarity to retrotransposon sequences and a second is similar to chloroplast DNA sequences. Of the four separate junctions analysed of Bd49-like sequence with flanking sequence, three were associated with the same A/T-rich region in Bd49 and the fourth was close to a 25 bp imperfect dyadic sequence. No novel B-specific sequences were detected within the genomic clones. Received: 31 December 1995; in revised form: 1 May 1996 / Accepted: 10 May 1996  相似文献   
Integration host factor (IHF) is a DNA-binding and -bending protein that has been found in a number of gram-negative bacteria. Here we describe the cloning, sequencing, and functional analysis of the genes coding for the two subunits of IHF from Pseudomonas putida. Both the ihfA and ihfB genes of P. putida code for 100-amino-acid-residue polypeptides that are 1 and 6 residues longer than the Escherichia coli IHF subunits, respectively. The P. putida ihfA and ihfB genes can effectively complement E. coli ihf mutants, suggesting that the P. putida IHF subunits can form functional heterodimers with the IHF subunits of E. coli. Analysis of the amino acid differences between the E. coli and P. putida protein sequences suggests that in the evolution of IHF, amino acid changes were mainly restricted to the N-terminal domains and to the extreme C termini. These changes do not interfere with dimer formation or with DNA recognition. We constructed a P. putida mutant strain carrying an ihfA gene knockout and demonstrated that IHF is essential for the expression of the P(U) promoter of the xyl operon of the upper pathway of toluene degradation. It was further shown that the ihfA P. putida mutant strain carrying the TOL plasmid was defective in the degradation of the aromatic model compound benzyl alcohol, proving the unique role of IHF in xyl operon promoter regulation.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe a sediment microcosm system consisting of 20 undisturbed, layered sediment cores with overlying site water which are incubated under identical conditions of temperature, light, stirring rate of overlying water, and water exchange rate. Ecosystem parameters (nutrient level, photosynthetic potential, community structure of heterotrophic bacteria, thymidine incorporation rate, and oxygen microgradients) of the laboratory microcosms and the source ecosystem were compared and shown to be indistinguishable for the first 2 weeks. In weeks 3 and 4, small differences were detectable in the nutrient level, community structure of heterotrophic bacteria, and thymidine incorporation rate. However, the photosynthetic potential, depth profiles of heterotrophic bacterial community structure, and oxygen microgradients were maintained throughout the incubation period and did not differ between laboratory microcosms and the source ecosystem. The microcosm system described here would thus appear to be a valid model of aquatic sediments for up to 4 weeks; the actual period would depend on the sediment source and incubation temperature. The validated systems were used with Rhine river sediment to assess possible effects on ecosystem parameters of Pseudomonas sp. strain B13 FR1(pFRC20P), a genetically engineered microorganism (GEM) that had been constructed to degrade mixtures of halo- and alkylbenzoates and -phenols. The GEM survived in the surface sediment at densities of 5 x 10(4) to 5 x 10(5)/g (dry weight) for 4 weeks and degraded added chloro- and methylaromatics. The GEM did not measurably influence ecosystem parameters such as photosynthesis, densities of selected heterotrophic bacteria, thymidine incorporation rate, and oxygen microgradients. Thus, the microcosm system described here would seem to be useful for the study of the ecology of biodegradation and the fate and effect of microorganisms introduced into the environment.  相似文献   
The meta operon of the Pseudomonas putida TOL plasmid (pWWO) encodes all enzymes of a meta-cleavage pathway for the metabolism of benzoic acids to Krebs-cycle intermediates. We have determined and analysed the nucleic acid sequence of a 3442 bp region of the meta operon containing the xyl-GFJ genes whose products are involved in the post meta-ring fission transformation of catechols. Homology analysis of the xylGFJ gene products revealed evidence of biochemical relatedness, suggested enzymatic mechanisms, and permitted us to propose evolutionary events which may have generated the current variety of aromatic degradative pathways. The xylG gene, which specifies 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (HMSD), was found to encode a protein of 51.7 kDa. The predicted protein sequence exhibits significant homology to eukaryotic aldehyde dehydrogenases (ADHs) and to the products of two other Pseudomonas catabolic genes, i.e. xylC and alkH. Expansion of the ADH superfamily to include these prokaryotic enzymes permitted a broader analysis of functionally critical ADH residues and phylogenetic relationships among superfamily members. The importance of three regions of these enzymes previously thought to be critical to ADH activity was reinforced by this analysis. However glutamine-487, also thought to be critical, is less well conserved. The revised ADH phylogeny proposed here suggests early catabolic ADH divergence with subsequent interkingdom gene exchange. The xylF gene, which specifies 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde hydrolase (HMSH), was delineated by N-terminal sequence analysis of the purified gene product and is shown to encode a protein of 30.6 kDa. Homology analysis revealed sequence similarity to a chromosomally encoded serine hydrolase, especially in the region of the previously identified active-site serine residue, suggesting that HMSH may also possess a serine hydrolytic enzymatic mechanism. Likewise, the xylJ gene, which specifies 2-hydroxy-pent-2,4-dienoate hydratase (HPH), was delineated by N-terminal sequence analysis of purified HPH, and was found to encode a 23.9 kDa protein. Sequence comparisons revealed that both HMSH and HPH have analogues in the tod gene cluster, which specifies a toluene/benzene degradative pathway. Although the newly identified todF and todJ genes had been at least partially sequenced (Zylstra and Gibson, 1989), the open reading frames had not been positively identified. The presence of todJ provides strong evidence that the reactions following ring fission in the tod pathway are identical to those of the TOL pathway.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary Micropropagated plants both from angiosperms (bamboo, birch, eucalyptus, tamarind, teak, willow) and gymnosperms (Douglas-fir, loblolly pine, Monterey pine, and redwood) have been established in the field. Plantlets were regenerated from juvenile explants (via adventitious or axillary buds) as well as explants from mature trees [apical and axillary buds (nodal segments)]. Plantlets regenerated from adventitious buds tend to show early maturation traits (Douglas fir, loblolly pine, Monterey pine). A population of selected clones showed superior performance and yield over seedlings derived from the same trees. Increased biomass production was obtained with plantlets derived from tissue culture ofEucalyptus spp. when compared to seedlings. No morphologic variation was observed in micropropagated plants. Plantlets derived from tissue culture grew very uniformly. Early flowering was observed with plantlets derived from tissue culture (tamarind, teak). Based on a presentation at an International Training Course on the Application of Biotechnology in Forest Trees held in Caracas, Venezuela, May 1991.  相似文献   
The TraT protein is a surface-exposed lipoprotein, specified by plasmids of the IncF group, that mediates serum resistance and surface exclusion. The structure and function of the TraT protein determined by plasmid R6-5 was probed by genetic insertion of a foreign antigenic determinant, the C3 epitope of polio virus, at residues 61, 125, 180, 200 or 216 of the protein. The chimaeric proteins were transported to the outer membrane and, in three cases, immunoassays with an anti-C3 monoclonal antibody indicated that the C3 epitope was exposed on the cell surface. Three of the hybrids, with insertions at residues 125, 180 and 200, assembled into the trypsin-resistant oligomeric form characteristic of the wild-type protein, which suggested that these regions are not involved in TraT subunit:subunit interactions. Additionally, the hybrid protein carrying the C3 epitope at position 180 functioned in a genetic suppression assay and retained partial surface-exclusion activity. Thus, its localization, folding and organization does not appear to be grossly altered from that of the wild-type protein. Applications of the protein for the transport of foreign antigenic determinants to the cell surface are discussed.  相似文献   
The TecA chlorobenzene dioxygenase and the TodCBA toluene dioxygenase exhibit substantial sequence similarity yet have different substrate specificities. Escherichia coli cells producing recombinant TecA enzyme dioxygenate and simultaneously eliminate a halogen substituent from 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene but show no activity toward benzene, whereas those producing TodCBA dioxygenate benzene but not tetrachlorobenzene. A hybrid TecA dioxygenase variant containing the large α-subunit of the TodCBA dioxygenase exhibited a TodCBA dioxygenase specificity. Acquisition of dehalogenase activity was achieved by replacement of specific todC1 α-subunit subsequences by equivalent sequences of the tecA1 α-subunit. Substrate transformation specificities and rates by E. coli resting cells expressing hybrid systems were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. This allowed the identification of both a single amino acid and potentially interacting regions required for dechlorination of tetrachlorobenzene. Hybrids with extended substrate ranges were generated that exhibited activity toward both benzene and tetrachlorobenzene. The regions determining substrate specificity in (chloro)benzene dioxygenases appear to be different from those previously identified in biphenyl dioxygenases.  相似文献   
There is much human disadvantage and unmet need in the world, including deficits in basic resources and services considered to be human rights, such as drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, healthy nutrition, access to basic healthcare, and a clean environment. Furthermore, there are substantive asymmetries in the distribution of key resources among peoples. These deficits and asymmetries can lead to local and regional crises among peoples competing for limited resources, which, in turn, can become sources of discontent and conflict. Such conflicts have the potential to escalate into regional wars and even lead to global instability. Ergo: in addition to moral and ethical imperatives to level up, to ensure that all peoples have basic resources and services essential for healthy living and to reduce inequalities, all nations have a self-interest to pursue with determination all available avenues to promote peace through reducing sources of conflicts in the world. Microorganisms and pertinent microbial technologies have unique and exceptional abilities to provide, or contribute to the provision of, basic resources and services that are lacking in many parts of the world, and thereby address key deficits that might constitute sources of conflict. However, the deployment of such technologies to this end is seriously underexploited. Here, we highlight some of the key available and emerging technologies that demand greater consideration and exploitation in endeavours to eliminate unnecessary deprivations, enable healthy lives of all and remove preventable grounds for competition over limited resources that can escalate into conflicts in the world. We exhort central actors: microbiologists, funding agencies and philanthropic organisations, politicians worldwide and international governmental and non-governmental organisations, to engage – in full partnership – with all relevant stakeholders, to ‘weaponise’ microbes and microbial technologies to fight resource deficits and asymmetries, in particular among the most vulnerable populations, and thereby create humanitarian conditions more conducive to harmony and peace.  相似文献   
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