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A new species, Paracapillaria argentinensis n. sp., is described from the pinguipedid fish Pinguipes brasilianus Cuvier, 1829 from waters off Mar del Plata, Argentina (38 degrees 08'S, 57 degrees 32'W) (prevalence 22.2%; mean intensity +/- SD, 4.42 +/- 5.19). The new species is assigned to the subgenus Paracapillaria Moravec, 1987. Of the 10 species so far known in the subgenus, the new species more closely resembles P. (P.) plectroplites, from which it is distinguished by having a spicule with an expanded anterior end and a slender medial section. A similar spicular morphology is observed in P. (P.) epinephell; however, it shows shorter spicules and a highly reduced caudal bursa. This is the first record of Paracapillaria in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
In total, 17 specimens of Conger orbignianus Valenciennes, 1847 from waters off Mar del Plata, Argentina (38 degrees 08'S, 57 degrees 32'W) were examined for parasitic nematodes. A new nematode species, Cucullanus pedroi n. sp., is described (prevalence 76.5%, x intensity +/- SD = 3.8 +/- 2.7). The new species closely resembles some species parasitizing other anguilliform fishes; however, it can be distinguished from most of its congeners by the distribution pattern of caudal papillae (particularly fourth and eight pairs) and phasmids. Those congeners with similar pattern of papillae differ from the new species by the length of the spicules and gubernaculum and by the position of the excretory pore and deirids.  相似文献   
A new nematode species Dichelyne (Cucullanellus) mariajuliae n. sp., is described based on specimens collected from the black drum, Pogonias cromis (Linnaeus, 1766), from Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (37 degrees 32'S, 57 degrees 19'W) (prevalence 75%, mean intensity 3.75). Among Dichelyne (Cucullanellus), the new species is unique in having the papillae 2 situated at the level of ventral sucker in males and bearing subcuticular ornamentation in the female tail.  相似文献   
Capillaria (Procapillaria) navoneae n. sp. is described from the congrid fish Conger orbignianus from waters off Mar del Plata, Argentina (38 degrees 08'S, 57 degrees 32'W) (prevalence 29.17%, mean intensity +/- SD 6.07 +/- 6.59). The new species is assigned to the subgenus Procapillaria Moravec, 1987, despite the absence of vulvar appendages in gravid females. Of the 3 species so far known in the subgenus, the new one most closely resembles C. (P.) margolisi, from which it is distinguished by lacking a medial expansion in the spicule and a slightly elevated anterior lip of vulva, and by having a shorter esophagus, a larger number of stichocytes, and a shorter tail.  相似文献   
The genetic relationships among 11 taxa, belonging to the genus Contracaecum (C. osculatum A, C. osculatum B, C. osculatum (s.s.), C. osculatum D, C. osculatum E, C. osculatum baicalensis, C. mirounga, C. radiatum, C. ogmorhini (s.s.), C. margolisi) and Phocascoris (Phocoscris cystophorae), parasites as adults of seals, were inferred from sequence analysis 1519 bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (mtDNA cox2) gene. Phylogenetic analyses obtained from Parsimony (MP) and Neighbour-Joining (NJ) K2P distance values generated similar topologies, each well supported at major nodes. All analyses delineated two main clades: the first encompassing the parasites of the phocid seals, i.e. the C. osculatum species complex, C. osculatum boicolensis, C. mirounga and C. radiatum, with the latter two species forming a separate subclade; the second including the parasites of otarids, i.e. C. ogmorhini (s.s.) and C. margolisi. An overall high congruence between mtDNA inferred tree topologies and those produced from nuclear data sets (20 allozyme loci) was observed. Comparison of the phylogenetic hypothesis here produced for Controcaecum spp. plus Phocascaris with those currently available for their definitive hosts (pinnipeds) suggests parallelism between hosts and parasite phylogenetic tree topologies.  相似文献   
The aims of this study were (1) to compare the structure and composition of parasite assemblages of the flounder Xystreurys rasile in two regions of the Argentine Sea in order to evaluate the hypothesis for the existence of different stocks, and (2) to test the hypothesis for X. rasile migration from the Argentine–Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (AUCFZ) towards more southern waters during spring. Parasitological evidence shows that at least two stocks of X. rasile inhabit the coastal and shelf waters of the northern Argentine Sea, one in El Rincón and the other in the AUCFZ. These stocks should be considered as discrete entities in management plans to ensure a sustainable use of these resources. The results also confirm the existence of migratory patterns in the northern stock.  相似文献   
Geographical distances between host populations are key determinants of how many parasite species they share. In principle, decay in similarity should also occur with increasing distance along any other dimension that characterizes some form of separation between communities. Here, we apply the biogeographical concept of distance decay in similarity to ontogenetic changes in the metazoan parasite communities of three species of marine fish from the Atlantic coast of South America. Using differences in body length between all possible pairs of size classes as measures of ontogenetic distances, we find that, using an index of similarity (Bray-Curtis) that takes into account the abundance of each parasite species, the similarity in parasite communities showed a very clear decay pattern; using an index (Jaccard) based on presence/absence of species only, we obtained slightly weaker but nevertheless similar patterns. As we predicted, the slope of the decay relationship was significantly steeper in the fish Cynoscion guatucupa, which goes through clear ontogenetic changes in diet and therefore in exposure to parasites, than in the other species, Engraulis anchoita and Micropogonias furnieri, which maintain a roughly similar diet throughout their lives. In addition, we found that for any given ontogenetic distance, i.e. for a given length difference between two size classes, the similarity in parasite communities was almost always higher if they were adult size classes, and almost always lower if they were juvenile size classes. This, combined with comparisons among individual fish within size classes, shows that parasite communities in juvenile fish are variable and subject to stochastic effects. We propose the distance decay approach as a rigorous and quantitative method to measure rates of community change as a function of host age, and for comparisons across host species to elucidate the role of host ecology in the development of parasite assemblages.  相似文献   
The aims of this study were to determine the existence of migratory movements and to identify ecological stocks of the silverside Odontesthes smitti along its distribution in the Southern Atlantic Ocean, using metazoan parasites as biological tags. Samples were obtained from San José Gulf (SJ) (42° 25' S; 64° 07' W) and Nuevo Gulf (NG) (42° 47' S; 65° 02' W) in north Patagonia during winter and summer and in waters off Mar del Plata (MDP) (38° 03' S; 57° 32' W), Bonaerense region, during winter. Fifteen parasite species were collected. Multivariate statistical procedures on parasite community data showed strong effect of host size on the structure of parasite assemblages. Taking into account the variations among samples due to host size, the differential structure of parasite communities between SJ and NG suggests that fish inhabiting these localities could belong to different ecological stocks. Fish from MDP and SJ caught in summer showed similar composition in their parasite assemblages, which is congruent with a migratory cycle that implies that fish caught in MDP during winter inhabit SJ during summer. Further evidence of the Patagonian origin of MDP O. smitti is the presence of the digenean Proctotrema bartolii in fish from both regions. Proctotrema bartolii is acquired by O. smitti only in the Magellanic province, where its intermediate host, Darina solenoides, is distributed. The analyses suggest that O. smitti inhabiting north Patagonian gulfs could belong to different ecological stocks and that O. smitti caught in MDP could have come from SJ.  相似文献   
Three stocks of the Brazilian flathead Percophis brasiliensis were identified on the coast of Argentina and Uruguay using parasites as biological tags. A total of 177 fish were examined and 23 parasite species were found. Fish were caught in four zones: north of the Argentine–Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (34°30′–36°30′ S; 53°30′–56°00′ W), south of the Argentine–Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (38°08′ S 57°32′ W), El Rincón zone (39–41° S; 60–62° W) and San Matías Gulf (41°40′–42°10′ S; 63°50′–65°00′ W). Discriminant analyses allowed the identification of three discrete stocks in the four zones (86·44% of classified samples were correctly identified), with P. brasiliensis from both north and south of the Argentine–Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone clumping together, as a single stock. Some species were important in discriminating among groups, Anisakis simplex was related to southern areas, while Grillotia sp., Corynosoma australe and Hysterothylacium sp. were important in determining the position of fish from the Argentine–Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone. These results were corroborated by comparing parasite prevalence and abundance among zones. The main differences were observed in those comparisons involving fish from the San Matías Gulf. Fish from the Argentine–Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone were characterized by higher infections of Grillotia sp., C. australe, Corynosoma cetaceum and Hysterothylacium sp., while the samples from El Rincón and San Matías Gulf showed higher infections of A. simplex. Samples from San Matías Gulf were characterized by lower levels of parasitism for all other species. Differences in environmental factors and their influence on the distribution of zooplankton and other hosts in the food web may be differentially shaping the parasite community structure in each zone, resulting in identifiable stocks of the P. brasiliensis. The present study confirmed the existence of regional biological tags that delineated fish assemblages.  相似文献   
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