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Tsukamurella paurometabola corrig. (Steinhaus 1941) Collins et al. 1988 is the type species of the genus Tsukamurella, which is the type genus to the family Tsukamurellaceae. The species is not only of interest because of its isolated phylogenetic location, but also because it is a human opportunistic pathogen with some strains of the species reported to cause lung infection, lethal meningitis, and necrotizing tenosynovitis. This is the first completed genome sequence of a member of the genus Tsukamurella and the first genome sequence of a member of the family Tsukamurellaceae. The 4,479,724 bp long genome contains a 99,806 bp long plasmid and a total of 4,335 protein-coding and 56 RNA genes, and is a part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.  相似文献   
Ktedonobacter racemifer corrig. Cavaletti et al. 2007 is the type species of the genus Ktedonobacter, which in turn is the type genus of the family Ktedonobacteraceae, the type family of the order Ktedonobacterales within the class Ktedonobacteria in the phylum 'Chloroflexi'. Although K. racemifer shares some morphological features with the actinobacteria, it is of special interest because it was the first cultivated representative of a deep branching unclassified lineage of otherwise uncultivated environmental phylotypes tentatively located within the phylum 'Chloroflexi'. The aerobic, filamentous, non-motile, spore-forming Gram-positive heterotroph was isolated from soil in Italy. The 13,661,586 bp long non-contiguous finished genome consists of ten contigs and is the first reported genome sequence from a member of the class Ktedonobacteria. With its 11,453 protein-coding and 87 RNA genes, it is the largest prokaryotic genome reported so far. It comprises a large number of over-represented COGs, particularly genes associated with transposons, causing the genetic redundancy within the genome being considerably larger than expected by chance. This work is a part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.  相似文献   
Thiothrix nivea (Rabenhorst 1865) Winogradsky 1888 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Larkin and Shinabarger 1983 is the type species of the genus Thiothrix in the family Thiotrichaceae. The species is of interest not only because of its isolated location in the yet to be genomically characterized region of the tree of life, but also because of its life-style with gliding gonidia, the multilayer sheath, rosettes, and the embedded sulfur granules. Strain JP2(T) is the neotype strain of the species which was first observed by Rabenhorst in 1865 and later reclassified by Winogradsky in 1888 into the then novel genus Thiothrix. This is the first completed (improved-high-quality-draft) genome sequence to be published of a member of the family Thiotrichaceae. The genome in its current assembly consists of 15 contigs in four scaffolds with a total of 4,691,711 bp bearing 4,542 protein-coding and 52 RNA genes and is a part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.  相似文献   
The frequency and incidence of Pyrenochaeta terrestris and symptom type on the roots of each internode of four maize hybrids of different maturity groups were studied 70 days after sowing. The fungus developed in the roots of all developed internodes (from the primary to the sixth or seventh internodes of all tested hybrids). The average frequency and incidence of P. terrestris in the roots of late and medium early maturity hybrids ranged from 29.5 to 55.2% and from 11.8 to 22.7%, respectively. The highest frequency of the fungus was at the 2nd root internode (93.3%), and its greatest incidence was detected in the mesocotyl of the medium early hybrid H‐1 (56.9%). Necrosis predominated in the roots of the medium early (i.e. medium late maturity hybrids, 44.5% and 44.3%, respectively), whereas reddish pink symptoms were recorded in the roots of the late hybrids (51% and 42.5%). Because the fungus always produces a distinctive red pigment on carnation leaf agar (CLA) in a light regime, these conditions can be recommended for the reliable identification of P. terrestris, even if pycnidia are not formed. These are the first reports of the successive distribution of the fungus in each maize root internode of different hybrids, as well as the use of CLA medium in the identification of the P. terrestris.  相似文献   
Adult neurogenesis is frequently studied in the mouse hippocampus. We examined the morphological development of adult-born, immature granule cells in the suprapyramidal blade of the septal dentate gyrus over the period of 7–77 days after mitosis with BrdU-labeling in 6-weeks-old male Thy1-GFP mice. As Thy1-GFP expression was restricted to maturated granule cells, it was combined with doublecortin-immunolabeling of immature granule cells. We developed a novel classification system that is easily applicable and enables objective and direct categorization of newborn granule cells based on the degree of dendritic development in relation to the layer specificity of the dentate gyrus. The structural development of adult-generated granule cells was correlated with age, albeit with notable differences in the time course of development between individual cells. In addition, the size of the nucleus, immunolabeled with the granule cell specific marker Prospero-related homeobox 1 gene, was a stable indicator of the degree of a cell''s structural maturation and could be used as a straightforward parameter of granule cell development. Therefore, further studies could employ our doublecortin-staging system and nuclear size measurement to perform investigations of morphological development in combination with functional studies of adult-born granule cells. Furthermore, the Thy1-GFP transgenic mouse model can be used as an additional investigation tool because the reporter gene labels granule cells that are 4 weeks or older, while very young cells could be visualized through the immature marker doublecortin. This will enable comparison studies regarding the structure and function between young immature and older matured granule cells.  相似文献   
Acidimicrobium ferrooxidans (Clark and Norris 1996) is the sole and type species of the genus, which until recently was the only genus within the actinobacterial family Acidimicrobiaceae and in the order Acidomicrobiales. Rapid oxidation of iron pyrite during autotrophic growth in the absence of an enhanced CO(2) concentration is characteristic for A. ferrooxidans. Here we describe the features of this organism, together with the complete genome sequence, and annotation. This is the first complete genome sequence of the order Acidomicrobiales, and the 2,158,157 bp long single replicon genome with its 2038 protein coding and 54 RNA genes is part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.  相似文献   
The role of ribosome-binding molecular chaperones in protein folding is not yet well understood. Trigger factor (TF) is the first chaperone to interact with nascent polypeptides as they emerge from the bacterial ribosome. It binds to the ribosome as a monomer but forms dimers in free solution. Based on recent crystal structures, TF has an elongated shape, with the peptidyl-prolyl-cis/trans-isomerase (PPIase) domain and the N-terminal ribosome binding domain positioned at opposite ends of the molecule and the C-terminal domain, which forms two arms, positioned in between. By using site specifically labeled TF proteins, we have demonstrated that all three domains of TF interact with nascent chains during translation. Interactions with the PPIase domain were length-dependent but independent of PPIase activity. Interestingly, with free TF, these same sites were found to be involved in forming the dimer interface, suggesting that dimerization partially occludes TF-nascent chain binding sites. Our data indicate the existence of two regions on TF along which nascent chains can interact, the NC-domains as the main site and the PPIase domain as an auxiliary site.  相似文献   
The quantitative determination of transgene copy number in stably transfected mammalian cells has been traditionally estimated by Southern blot analysis. Recently, other methods have become available for appraisal of gene copy number, such as real-time PCR. Herein we describe a new method based on a fluorescently labeled PCR, followed by capillary electrophoresis. We amplified our target gene (prothrombin) and the internal control originating from genomic DNA (18S rRNA) in the same PCR tube and calculated the mean peak height ratio of the target:control gene for every cell clone sample. With this approach we identified stably transfected cell clones bearing the same transgene copy number. The results of our assay were confirmed by real-time PCR. Our method proves to be fast, low-cost, and reproducible compared with traditionally used methods. This assay can be used as a rapid screening tool for the determination of gene copy number in gene expression experiments.  相似文献   
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