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Abstract. The biodiversity of species‐rich semi‐natural meadows is declining across Europe due to ceased management. In this study we aimed to find out how successfully the local species richness of an overgrown semi‐natural mesic meadow could be restored by sheep grazing after a long period of abandonment. The cover of vascular plant species in grazed plots and ungrazed exclosures was studied for five years and the responses of different functional plant groups were followed (herbs vs grasses, tall vs short species, species differing in flowering time, species representing different Grime's CSR strategies and species indicative of rich vs poor soil). Grazing increased species number by nearly 30%. On grazed plots the litter cover practically disappeared, favouring small herbs such as Rhinanthus minor, Ranunculus acris, Trifolium pratense and the grass Agrostis capillaris. Grazing decreased the cover of the late flowering tall herb Epilobium angustifolium but had no effect on the abundance of the early flowering tall herbs Anthriscus sylvestris or Geranium sylvaticum. We suggest that to succeed in restoration it is useful to determine the responses of different functional plant groups to grazing. Grassland managers need this information to optimize the methods and timing of management used in restoration. Additional management practices, such as mowing, may be needed in mesic meadows to decrease the dominance of tall species. The availability of propagules seemed to restrict further increase of species richness in our study area.  相似文献   
Optimal defence theory (ODT) attempts to explain variation in plant secondary compounds between different species, different growth conditions and different parts of individual plants. The theory is widely applied to vascular plants and more recently also to seaweeds. Surprisingly, ODT has gained little attention as potential explanation on the distribution of lichen secondary metabolites. In the present study, we analysed intrathalline variation in total phenol content and phenol spectra between reproductive and somatic structures of three foliose lichens, Xanthoria parietina , Vulpicida pinastri and Hypogymnia physodes . The results showed that the concentration of phenolic compounds is higher in sorediate than in non-sorediate lobe ends of V. pinastri and H. physodes as well as in apothecia of X. parietina compared to other parts of the thallus. These results were in accordance with ODT predicting higher allocation of phenols in structures that are most important for the fitness of an individual genet or ramet. This pattern was parallel in all species regardless whether the compounds originate from either acetate-mevalonate or shikimic acid pathways. Moreover, both sexual ( X. parietina apothecia) and asexual (soralia of V. pinastri and H. physodes ) reproductive structures were higher in phenols compared to somatic tissue.  相似文献   
A SNP upstream of the INSIG2 gene, rs7566605, was recently found to be associated with obesity as measured by body mass index (BMI) by Herbert and colleagues. The association between increased BMI and homozygosity for the minor allele was first observed in data from a genome-wide association scan of 86,604 SNPs in 923 related individuals from the Framingham Heart Study offspring cohort. The association was reproduced in four additional cohorts, but was not seen in a fifth cohort. To further assess the general reproducibility of this association, we genotyped rs7566605 in nine large cohorts from eight populations across multiple ethnicities (total n = 16,969). We tested this variant for association with BMI in each sample under a recessive model using family-based, population-based, and case-control designs. We observed a significant (p < 0.05) association in five cohorts but saw no association in three other cohorts. There was variability in the strength of association evidence across examination cycles in longitudinal data from unrelated individuals in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring cohort. A combined analysis revealed significant independent validation of this association in both unrelated (p = 0.046) and family-based (p = 0.004) samples. The estimated risk conferred by this allele is small, and could easily be masked by small sample size, population stratification, or other confounders. These validation studies suggest that the original association is less likely to be spurious, but the failure to observe an association in every data set suggests that the effect of SNP rs7566605 on BMI may be heterogeneous across population samples.  相似文献   
Both the theory and the observations suggest that, there are strong links between herbivores and plants in terrestrial ecosystems; although, the effect of herbivores on plant community biomass is often attributed to variations in plant palatability. The existence of a strong link is commonly tested by constructing exclosures that exclude herbivores during a period of time. We here present data from two long-term (9 and 20 years, respectively) herbivore exclosure studies in lemming habitats on arctic tundra in northernmost Norway. The exclusion of all mammalian herbivores triggered strong increases in community level plant biomass and substantial changes in plant community composition. Palatable plants like graminoids and large bryophytes, as well as unpalatable plants like evergreen ericoids, deciduous shrubs, and lichens were all favored by excluding lemmings. These results reveal that a substantial increase in community biomass which occurs only when plant species capable of accumulating biomass are present, and palatability is a poor predictor of long-term responses of plants to excluding herbivores.  相似文献   
We studied the role of aerobic and anaerobic petroleum hydrocarbon degradation at a boreal, light-weight fuel and lubrication oil contaminated site undergoing natural attenuation. At the site, anoxic conditions prevailed with high concentrations of CH4 (up to 25% v/v) and CO2 (up to 18% v/v) in the soil gas throughout the year. Subsurface samples were obtained mainly from the anoxic parts of the site and they represented both the unsaturated and saturated zone. The samples were incubated in microcosms at near in situ conditions (i.e. in situ temperature 8 degrees C, aerobic and anaerobic conditions, no nutrient amendments) resulting in the removal of mineral oil (as determined by gas chromatography) aerobically as well as anaerobically. In the aerobic microcosms on average 31% and 27% of the initial mineral oil was removed during a 3- and 4-month incubation, respectively. In the anaerobic microcosms, on average 44% and 15% of the initial mineral oil was removed during a 12- and 10-month anaerobic incubation, respectively, and e.g. n-alkanes from C11 to C15 were removed. A methane production rate of up to 2.5 microg CH4 h(-1) g(-1) dwt was recorded in these microcosms. In the aerobic as well as anaerobic microcosms, typically 90% of the mineral oil degraded belonged to the mineral oil fraction that eluted from the gas chromatograph after C10 and before C15, while 10% belonged to the fraction that eluted after C15 and before C40. Our results suggest that anaerobic petroleum hydrocarbon degradation, including n-alkane degradation, under methanogenic conditions plays a significant role in the natural attenuation in boreal conditions.  相似文献   
Costs of reproduction constitute a core assumption of life history theory. After reformulation by G.C. Williams, the cost hypothesis soon became a major foundation of phenotypic life history models. More-recent studies have approached reproductive costs from the perspective of quantitative genetics. Here, we present a brief historical perspective to the development of the cost of reproduction hypothesis. We evaluate the status and heuristic value of the different approaches, and outline how the approaches have originated.  相似文献   
5'-Methylthioadenosine was taken up and immediately metabolized further by cultured baby-hamster kidney cells during the exponential phase of growth. The adenine moiety supplied the purine-nucleotide pool via the salvage pathway and was efficiently incorporated into nucleic acids. Catabolites of methylthioadenosine excreted by the cells included adenine, purinic compounds and metabolites of the ribose portion. 5'-Methylthiotubercidin had no significant effect on the cellular metabolism of methyl-thioadenosine, but greatly inhibited its uptake. erythro-9-(2-Hydroxy-3-nonyl)adenine had no effect on the uptake, but markedly interfered with the further utilization of methylthioadenosine after cleavage in the cells.  相似文献   
Natural fruit set is constrained by pollen limitation and fruiting failure, and pollen limitation is expected to be especially severe in deceptive orchids. We performed hand cross‐pollinations in ten populations of a food‐deceptive orchid, Calypso bulbosa, under sparse and dense canopies in three non‐consecutive years. We explored the relationships between natural fruit set, pollen limitation and fruiting failure. Mean natural fruit set over the years was 60%, which is exceptionally high for a deceptive orchid. On average, hand cross‐pollination increased fruit set by 23%. Among open‐pollinated plants that did not set a fruit, 55.5% were estimated to be pollen limited and 44.5% to be limited by fruiting failure, i.e. inability to set a fruit after pollination. In species with high natural fruit set, hand cross‐pollination experiments may not always detect statistically significant pollen limitation. In our case, pollen limitation tended to become significant when the natural fruit set dropped below 60%. Canopy cover had a significant effect on fruiting failure, which was more severe under a dense canopy. Although our results demonstrate pollen limitation in many cases, they also highlight the fact that food deception can be a very effective pollination strategy. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013 , 171 , 744–750.  相似文献   
Selection is assumed to eliminate life-histories showing high variability in vital rates that have the greatest influence on population performance. Therefore, an inverse variability-importance relationship of vital rates is believed to be a universal pattern for diverse life-histories. We tested for such a relationship using multi-year demographic data on a large number of populations of two perennial plant species. Applying different approaches, we first examined the overall variability-importance relationship for the average main vital rates (survival, growth, retrogression, fecundity) per species, and then separately for each population. We found an overall inverse relationship between temporal variation and importance of the average main vital rates for both study species, but these negative species-level correlations were mainly caused by different scales of the examined vital rates. When variability-importance relationships were examined across individual demographic transitions within populations, the abundance of positive and negative correlations depended largely on the method used, and positive correlations were more common after correcting vital rates for sampling variation than when using uncorrected vital rates. Our results cast doubt on the generality of the demographic buffering hypothesis, suggesting that the inverse variability-importance relationship may not be a universal pattern when vital rates are examined for multiple populations of the same plant species.  相似文献   
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