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BACKGROUND: Decreased maternal folate levels are associated with having a child with a neural tube defect (NTD), and periconceptual folic acid supplementation reduces this risk by >50%. Vitamin B(12) (as methylcobalamin) is a cofactor for methionine synthase, an enzyme that plays a key role in folate metabolism. Alterations in vitamin B(12) metabolism may influence the development of NTDs. Low levels of maternal plasma vitamin B(12) and reduced binding of vitamin B(12) by transcobalamin II (TCII) are independent risk factors for NTDs. TCII levels are altered in the amniotic fluid of pregnancies affected by NTDs. Given this evidence, inherited variants in genes involved in vitamin B(12) trafficking such as TCII are candidate NTD risk factors. METHODS: We used case/control and family-based association methods to investigate whether six common polymorphisms in the TCII gene influence NTD risk. TCII genotypes were determined for more than 300 Irish NTD families and a comparable number of Irish controls. RESULTS: Allele and genotype frequencies for each polymorphism did not differ between family members and controls. CONCLUSIONS: These six TCII polymorphisms do not strongly influence NTD risk in the Irish population. The Supplementary Material for this article can be found on the Birth Defects Research (Part A) website: http://www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/suppmat/1542-0752/suppmat/2005/73/v73.4.swanson.html  相似文献   
One-cell-stage embryos derived from most random-bred and inbred female mice exhibit an in vitro developmental block at the two-cell stage in classical embryo culture media. However, embryos derived from many F1 hybrids develop easily past the two-cell stage under the same conditions. This has given rise to the commonly accepted idea that there exist blocking and nonblocking types of female mice, with only the former being prone to a two-cell block. Recently, culture media have been improved to the point that even embryos prone to the two-cell block will develop past the block in vitro, making it possible to study its etiology. Here, we show that either increased osmolarity or increased glucose/phosphate levels induced the expected two-cell block in random-bred CF1 embryos and the two-cell block at increased osmolarities could be rescued by the organic osmolyte glycine. Surprisingly, one-cell embryos from B6D2F1 (BDF1) F1 hybrid females, considered to be nonblocking, also became blocked at the two-cell stage when osmolarity or glucose/phosphate levels were increased. They were also similarly rescued by glycine from the osmolarity-induced block. The most evident difference was that the purportedly nonblocking embryos became blocked at a higher threshold of osmolarity or glucose/phosphate level than those considered prone to this developmental block. Thus, both blocking and nonblocking embryos actually exhibit a similar two-cell block to development.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae knockout collection TAG microarrays are an emergent platform for rapid, genome-wide functional characterization of yeast genes. TAG arrays report abundance of unique oligonucleotide ‘TAG’ sequences incorporated into each deletion mutation of the yeast knockout collection, allowing measurement of relative strain representation across experimental conditions for all knockout mutants simultaneously. One application of TAG arrays is to perform genome-wide synthetic lethality screens, known as synthetic lethality analyzed by microarray (SLAM). We designed a fully defined spike-in pool to resemble typical SLAM experiments and performed TAG microarray hybridizations. We describe a method for analyzing two-color array data to efficiently measure the differential knockout strain representation across two experimental conditions, and use the spike-in pool to show that the sensitivity and specificity of this method exceed typical current approaches.  相似文献   
Accommodation in the mammalian lens requires flexure of lens fibres and some redistribution of their contents involving limited viscous flow. Shear-dependent viscosity of bovine alpha-crystallin solutions was determined with the Contraves Low-Shear Rheometer between 4.4 and 347 mg ml(-1), and at 15.5, 25, 30, and 37 degrees C. All solutions showed significant shear thinning, with markedly higher viscosity at physiological levels of approximately 300 mg ml(-1). Viscosity-concentration graphs were similar at low (1.0 s(-1)) and high (94.5 s(-1)) shear rates, indicating low molecular interaction in solution. Arrhenius plots which might have indicated the size of the energy barrier to displacement of molecules or aggregates were inconclusive.  相似文献   
In response to wildlife mortality including unexplained eared grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) die-off events in 1992 and 1994 and other mortality events including large fish kills, a survey was conducted for the presence of algal toxins in the Salton Sea. Goals of this survey were to determine if and when algal toxins are present in the Salton Sea and to describe the phytoplankton composition during those times. A total of 29 samples was collected for toxicity analysis from both nearshore and midlake sites visited biweekly from January to December 1999. Dinoflagellates and diatoms dominated most samples, but some were dominated by a prymnesiophyte (Pleurochrysis pseudoroscoffensis) or a raphidophyte (Chattonella marina). Several types of blooms were observed and sampled. The dinoflagellate Gyrodinium uncatenum formed an extensive, dense (up to 310000 cells ml–1) and long-lasting bloom during the winter in 1999. A coccolithophorid, Pleurochrysis pseudoroscoffensis, occurred at high densities in surface films and nearshore areas during the spring and summer of 1999. These surface films also contained high densities of one or two other species (an unidentified scrippsielloid, Heterocapsa niei, Chattonella marina). Localized blooms were also observed in the Salton Sea. An unknown small dinoflagellate reached high densities (110000 cells ml–1) inside Varner Harbor, and an unidentified species of Gymnodinium formed a dense (270000 cells ml–1) band along part of the southern shoreline during the summer. Three species known to produce toxins in other systems were found. Protoceratium reticulatum (=Gonyaulax grindleyi) and Chattonella marina were found in several samples taken during summer months, and Prorocentrum minimum was found in low densities in several samples. Extracts of most samples, including those containing known toxic species, showed a low level (<10% mortality across all concentrations) of activity in the brine shrimp lethality assay and were not considered toxic. All sample extracts tested in the mouse bioassay showed no activity. One sample extract taken from the bloom of the small dinoflagellate was highly active (100% mortality across all concentrations) in the brine shrimp lethality assay, but the active material could not be isolated. While dense algal blooms are common at the Salton Sea, no evidence gathered in this study suggests that algal toxins are present within phytoplankton cells; however, toxins actively excreted by cells may have been missed. Blooms of phytoplankton likely contribute to wildlife mortality at the Salton Sea. Possible mechanisms including intoxication due to ingestion of feathers in grebes and waterlogging caused by changes in surface tension are discussed.  相似文献   
We have characterised ceramidase activity in extracts of human spleen from control subjects and from patients with Gaucher disease. In Triton X-100 extracts of control spleens, a broad pH optimum of pH 3.5-5.0 was found; no ceramidase activity was detectable at neutral or alkaline pH. About 45-60% of acid ceramidase could be extracted from spleen without detergents, but for complete extraction, Triton X-100 was required. For the radiolabelled substrate oleoylsphingosine, a Km of 0.22 +/- 0.09 mM and a Vmax of 57 +/- 11 nmol/h per mg protein was calculated in spleen from a control subject. Flat-bed isoelectric focussing in the presence of Triton X-100 revealed a pI of 6.0-7.0 for acid ceramidase; similar values were found for sphingomyelinase and glucerebrosidase. HPLC-gel filtration indicated that in the presence of Triton X-100, acid ceramidase has an Mr of about 100 kDa. In the absence of detergents, the enzyme forms high-molecular-weight aggregates. Similar aggregation behaviour was observed for sphingomyelinase, while the elution of beta-hexosaminidase was not affected by detergents. The elution profile of glucocerebrosidase was only slightly altered by Triton X-100. There was no difference in the properties of acid ceramidase present in spleen from control subjects and from patients with type I Gaucher disease.  相似文献   
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