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本文根据沉积物成因、古气候和古生物特征,把禄丰古猿化石产地新第三纪地层划分为晚中新世石灰坝组和早上新世庙山坡组。据岩性和岩相特征,可划分出五个不同的沉积阶段,每个阶段代表不同的沉积环境。古猿和其他脊椎动物化石主要埋在石灰坝组(四段)湖泊沼泽化沉积环境,次之为庙山坡组(五段)河流相沉积环境。  相似文献   
The DNA polymerases and thymidine kinases induced by three drug-resistant mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 (S1, Tr7, and B3) and their common parent strain, SC16, have been purified and their properties compared. No significant differences were seen in the affinities of the polymerases for TTP and dGTP, or for the triphosphates of 9-(2-hydroxyethyloxymethyl)guanine (acyclovir) or (E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine (BVdU) (drugs used in their isolation). In contrast all three mutants induced abnormal thymidine kinases. Those induced by the acyclovir-resistant mutants, S1 and Tr7, showed reduced affinities for thymidine, acyclovir, and also BVdU. Thymidine kinase induced by the BVdU-resistant mutant B3 showed reduced affinity for BVdU, but its affinities for thymidine and acyclovir were similar to those of the wild type enzyme. Thus, it appears that these variants of herpes simplex virus express altered thymidine kinases with impaired ability to phosphorylate particular nucleoside analogue drugs and these characteristics probably account for the drug resistance of the viruses. This strategy for resistance is important as it may result in variants with undiminished pathogenicity.  相似文献   
The metabolism of 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine (DHPG), one of the most promising new anti-herpes virus compounds, in HeLa cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 was compared with that in the uninfected HeLa cells. In the virus-infected cells, the uptake of DHPG was enhanced and the major metabolites were found to be the mono-, di-, and triphosphate derivatives. The formation of these metabolites was dependent on the extracellular concentration of DHPG (0.5 to 5.0 microM). Virus-induced thymidine kinase was capable of phosphorylating DHPG to its monophosphate which could be further phosphorylated to the di- and triphosphate derivatives by the host cellular enzymes. Incorporation of the DHPG into DNA was observed in virus-infected cells. In contrast with 9-(2-hydroxyethoxymethyl)guanine, DHPG seemed not to serve as a chain terminator, but to be incorporated internally into DNA strands.  相似文献   
The Arrhenius plot of the rate of V79 Chinese hamster cell inactivation due to hypothermia has a "break" around 7-10 degrees C with optimum storage temperature for unprotected cells being about 10 degrees C. Addition of the membrane lipid perturber, butylated hydroxytoluene, improves survival of cells when compared to controls at temperatures below this break but not above. Arrhenius plots of growth rates of the cells show breaks at 30 and 40 degrees C. Measurements of membrane fluidity by electron spin resonance or membrane polarization anisotropy by fluorescence spectrophotometry techniques as a function of temperature in these cells also reveal "breaks" centered around 8 and 30 degrees C. Hence, the changes in the rate of cell inactivation and growth as a function of temperature may be related to membrane lipid phase changes.  相似文献   
Tonin is a serine protease found in high concentrations in the submandibular gland (SMG) of the adult rat where it has been localized by immunohistochemistry in the granular ducts. The present study examined the development of tonin in the SMG, the effect of lactation and of stimulation of tonin release, using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique and antitonin. Tonin-like immunoreactivity first appeared in the primitive striated duct of the SMG on day 19 foetal and increased in intensity as the ducts developed into granular ducts. Reaction product in granules was seen on day 17 postpartum. Its localization within granules was established by immunochemistry of Sepharose beads to which had been coupled the contents of granules isolated from adult rats. The granular ducts of female rats, which are less developed than in the male, showed a marked increase in tonin-immunoreactivity during lactation. Stimulation of tonin secretion by isoprenaline caused massive discharge of tonin-like immunoreactivity into the lumen of the granular ducts during in vitro incubation. However, within one hour complete regranulation was apparent. The secretion was prevented by propranolol. The results indicate that tonin or a tonin-like substance appears in the rat submandibular gland late in gestation in ducts that presumably develop into granular ducts where it is found in abundance in granules in the adult, that the amount in females is increased during lactation, and that most of the granules are discharged during stimulation, only to be rapidly replaced.  相似文献   
The recovery of indicator bacteria on selective media   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Daughter rediae of Himasthla quissetensis removed from the digestive gland of Nassarius obsoletus were placed in sterilized seawater fortified with antibiotics. When [3H]-glucose was added to this medium and autoradiographs were made after 3, 9, and 24 hr of exposure, labeling was observed associated with the redial walls and developing germ balls and cercariae within the brood chambers. Respirometric determinations on starved rediae suspended in the seawater medium with and without glucose revealed the rate of oxygen utilization by rediae exposed to exogenous glucose is significantly elevated. These results are interpreted to mean that the daughter rediae of H. quissetensis can take up and utilize glucose.  相似文献   
Toxigenic fungi associated with stored corn   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A total of 246 fungal isolates were obtained from 25 moldy corn samples collected in central Iowa. Either water or ether extracts of all corn samples except one exhibited some degree of toxicity in mice and/or ducklings. At least one toxigenic isolate was obtained from each corn sample. Extracts of cultures of 99 of the fungal isolates, involving 13 genera, produced death in one or more of the assay animals. The majority of the toxigenic isolates belonged to the generaAspergillus andPenicillium. Three isolates ofTrichothecium roseum were highly toxic to ducklings and mice. The ducklings exhibited a flaccid paralysis shortly after receiving an oral dose of extracts of these three isolates. Death frequently occurred following a second oral dose given 24 hr later. Mice given intraperitoneal injections of extracts ofT. roseum first exhibited lethargy and intermittent tremors, then hyperemotivity, roughening of the hair coat, abdominal respirations, incoordination, dyspnea and clonic convulsions with death occurring usually within 10 to 20 min.
Zusammenfassung Insgesamt sind 246 Pilzisolierungen von 25 verschimmelten Getreideproben, die in Zentral-Iowa gesammelt worden sind, erhalten worden. Sowohol Wasser- wie Aether-Extrakte von allen Getreideproben zeigten eine gewisse Toxizität in Mäusen als auch in Entchen außer einer einzigen Probe. Kulturextrakte von 99 der Pilzisolierungen, die 13 Gattungen umfaßten, verursachten den Tod in einem oder in mehreren Versuchstieren. Die Mehrheit der toxischen Isolierungen gehörte den GattungenAspergillus undPenicillium an. Drei Isolierungen vonTrichothecium roseum waren hoch toxisch für Entchen und Mäuse. Die Entchen zeigten eine schlaffe Paralyse kurz nachdem sie eine orale Dosis der Auszüge dieser drei Isolierungen erhalten hatten. Tod erfolgte häufig nach der zweiten oralen Dosis innerhalb 24 Stunden. Mäuse, die eine intraperitoneale Injektion der Auszüge vonT. roseum erhielten, zeigten erst eine Lethargie und einen intermittierenden Tremor, dann eine Hyperemotivität, aufgerauhte Haarbedeckung, abdominale Atmung, Inkoordination, Dyspnoe, klonische Zuckungen und Tod gewöhnlich innerhalb 10 bis 20 Minuten.
Extracts of rice cultures of 8 of 16 isolates ofTrichothecium roseum killed one or more ducklings or mice or both. One of the isolates (MC-156) obtained from shelled corn was the most toxigenic; extracts of this isolate killed all treated ducklings and mice.Doses of purified toxic fraction TR-1 of 166 mg/kg body weight given intraperitoneally killed all test mice but none of the mice given 100 mg/kg doses died. However, a partially purified fraction (Fraction VII), from which toxic fraction TR-1 was derived, killed two of three mice given 78 mg/kg doses.Crude ether extracts of rice cultures ofT. roseum (MC-156) produced death when injected intraperitoneally in rabbits and a 19-day-old pig and also produced dermal necrosis when applied to the skin of rabbits. The latter phenomenon was not observed when 5 mg of toxic fraction TR-1 was applied to the skin of rabbits.The greatest production of toxin occurred in rice cultures when incubated at 28° C and with 20 % (ml/g) water added to the rice. Incubation of rice cultures ofT. roseum (MC-156) under CO2 tension suppressed toxin production.
Zusammenfassung Auszüge von Reiskulturen von acht der 16 Stämme vonTrichothecium roseum haben mehrere Entchen und/oder Mäuse getötet. Einer der Auszüge (MC-156) von abgeschälten Mais war das toxischste; Auszüge dieses Isolates hat alle Entchen und Mäuse getötet. Dosen der gereinigten toxischen Fraktion TR-1, 166 mg/Kg Körpergewicht, intraperitonial verabreicht, haben alle Mäuse getötet, aber keine der Mäuse starb mit der Dose von 100 mg/Kg. Jedoch hat eine teilweise gereinigte Fraktion (Fraktion VII), von welcher die toxische Fraktion TR-1 gewonnen war, zwei von drei Mäusen mit 78 mg/Kg Dose getötet. Ungereinigte Ätherauszüge vonT. roseum (MC-156) waren tödlich, wenn sie in Kaninchen, in ein 19 Tage altes Schweinchen intraperitonel injiziert worden sind. Sie haben auch eine Hautnekrose hervorgerufen, wenn sie auf die Haut von Kaninchen gebracht worden sind. Das letztere Phänomen war nicht beobachtet, wenn 5 mg der toxischen Fraktion TR-1 an Kaninchenhaut gebracht worden ist. Die größte Produktion des Toxins fand in Reiskulturen statt, wenn sie bei 28° C und mit 20 Perzent (ml/g) Wasser bebrütet worden sind. Inkubation von Reiskulturen vonT. roseum (MC-156) unter CO2-Druck hat die Toxinproduktion unterdrückt.
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