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A polysaccharide (PS-I) isolated from the aqueous extract of the unripe (green) tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) consists of d-galactose, d-methyl galacturonate, d-arabinose, l-arabinose, and l-rhamnose. Structural investigation of the polysaccharide was carried out using total acid hydrolysis, methylation analysis, periodate oxidation study, and NMR studies (1H, 13C, DQF-COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, ROESY, HMQC, and HMBC). On the basis of above-mentioned experiments the structure of the repeating unit of the polysaccharide (PS-I) was established as:

We investigate high-modulus degradable materials intended to replace metals in biomedical applications.These are typicallycomposites comprising a polylactide(PLA)matrix reinforced with phosphate glass fibres,which provide reinforcementsimilar to E-glass but are entirely degradable in water to produce,principally,calcium phosphate.We have made compositesusing a variety of fibre architectures,from non-woven random mats to unidirectional fibre tapes.Flexural properties in theregion of 30 GPa modulus and 350 MPa strength have been achieved-directly comparable to quoted values for human corticalbone.In collaboration with other groups we have begun to consider the development of foamed systems with structures mimickingcancellous bone and this has shown significant promise.The fibres in these foamed structures provide improved creepresistance and reinforcement of the pore walls.To date the materials have exhibited excellent cellular responses in vitro andfurther studies are due to include consideration of the surface character of the materials and the influence of this on cell interaction,both with the composites and the glass fibres themselves,which show promise as a standalone porous scaffold.  相似文献   
Benzamide 1 demonstrated good potency as a selective ITK inhibitor, however the amide moiety was found to be hydrolytically labile in vivo, resulting in low oral exposure and the generation of mutagenic aromatic amine metabolites. Replacing the benzamide with a benzylamine linker not only addressed the toxicity issue, but also improved the cellular and functional potency as well as the drug-like properties. SAR studies around the benzylamines and the identification of 10n and 10o as excellent tools for proof-of-concept studies are described.  相似文献   
Crystallography driven optimisation of a lead derived from similarity searching of the GSK compound collection resulted in the discovery of quinoline-3-carboxamides as highly potent and selective inhibitors of phosphodiesterase 4B. This series has been optimized to GSK256066, a potent PDE4B inhibitor which also inhibits LPS induced production of TNF-α from isolated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells with a pIC50 of 11.1. GSK256066 also has a suitable profile for inhaled dosing.  相似文献   
Background: Increasing acceptance of basal-bolus insulin therapy for the control of diabetes mellitus (DM) has led to newer formulations of basal insulin analogues. The newest one is detemir.Objectives: Clinical evidence suggests that patients with type 2 DM require higher doses of detemir than other basal insulins to achieve equivalent glycemic control. This study examines evidence for greater dosing requirements and the implications of higher doses on the cost of insulin treatment.Methods: We performed a MEDLINE search for randomized, prospective studies comparing detemir with other basal insulins in patients with type 2 DM that were published in English between January 2000 and November 2008. The mean daily doses of basal and bolus insulin and the mean total daily insulin doses were determined. Overall weighted mean doses of the insulins were used to estimate the mean total daily insulin doses required for a 100-kg patient, and published 2008 US retail prices were used to estimate the retail costs of basal-bolus and basal-only insulin regimens.Results: Seven trials involving 3311 patients were identified in the literature search. The mean total daily insulin dose was 0.80 unit/kg for detemir-based regimens and 0.58 unit/kg for comparison regimens. For basal-bolus regimens, the estimated retail cost of the mean total daily insulin dose was $11.24 for detemir-based regimens compared with $8.99 for glargine-based regimens and $6.41 for neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH)-based insulins. For basal-only regimens, the estimated retail cost of the mean total daily insulin dose was $8.23 for detemir compared with $5.19 for glargine and $2.35 for NPH.Conclusions: It is important for health care providers and patients to know that patients with type 2 DM may require substantially higher doses of detemir than other basal insulins. This should be considered when titrating the dose as well as in cost-benefit analyses of detemir versus other insulins.  相似文献   
Mass mortalities of larval cultures of Chilean scallop Argopecten purpuratus have repeatedly occurred in northern Chile, characterized by larval agglutination and accumulation in the bottom of rearing tanks. The exopolysaccharide slime (EPS) producing CAM2 strain was isolated as the primary organism from moribund larvae in a pathogenic outbreak occurring in a commercial hatchery producing larvae of the Chilean scallop Argopecten purpuratus located in Bahía Inglesa, Chile. The CAM2 strain was characterized biochemically and was identified by polymerase chain reaction amplification of 16S rRNA as Halomonas sp. (Accession number DQ885389.1). Healthy 7-day-old scallop larvae cultures were experimentally infected for a 48-h period with an overnight culture of the CAM2 strain at a final concentration of ca. 105 cells per milliliter, and the mortality and vital condition of larvae were determined by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to describe the chronology of the disease. Pathogenic action of the CAM2 strain was clearly evidenced by SEM analysis, showing a high ability to adhere and detach larvae velum cells by using its “slimy” EPS, producing agglutination, loss of motility, and a posterior sinking of scallop larvae. After 48 h, a dense bacterial slime on the shell surface was observed, producing high percentages of larval agglutination (63.28 ± 7.87%) and mortality (45.03 ± 4.32%) that were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those of the unchallenged control cultures, which exhibited only 3.20 ± 1.40% dead larvae and no larval agglutination. Furthermore, the CAM2 strain exhibited a high ability to adhere to fiberglass pieces of tanks used for scallop larvae rearing (1.64 × 105 cells adhered per square millimeters at 24 h postinoculation), making it very difficult to eradicate it from the culture systems. This is the first report of a pathogenic activity on scallop larvae of Halomonas species, and it prompts the necessity of an appraisal on biofilm-producing bacteria in Chilean scallop hatcheries.  相似文献   
Landscape genetics is an emerging discipline that utilizes environmental and historical data to understand geographic patterns of genetic diversity. Niche modelling has added a new dimension to such efforts by allowing species–environmental associations to be projected into the past so that hypotheses about historical vicariance can be generated and tested independently with genetic data. However, previous approaches have primarily utilized DNA sequence data to test inferences about historical isolation and may have missed very recent episodes of environmentally mediated divergence. We type 15 microsatellite loci in California mule deer and identify five genetic groupings through a Structure analysis that are also well predicted by environmental data. We project the niches of these five deer ecotypes to the last glacial maximum (LGM) and show they overlap to a much greater extent than today, suggesting that vicariance associated with the LGM cannot explain the present-day genetic patterns. Further, we analyse mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence trees to search for evidence of historical vicariance and find only two well-supported clades. A coalescence-based analysis of mtDNA data shows that the genetic divergence of the mule deer genetic clusters in California is recent and appears to be mediated by ecological factors. The importance of environmental factors in explaining the genetic diversity of California mule deer is unexpected given that they are highly mobile species and have a broad habitat distribution. Geographic differences in the timing of reproduction and peak vegetation as well as habitat choice reflecting natal origin may explain the persistence of genetic subdivision.  相似文献   
Combining ease of genetic manipulation and fermentation with the ability to secrete and to glycosylate proteins in the basic eukaryotic manner, Arxula adeninivorans provides an attractive expression platform. Based on a redesign of the basic vector, a new Arxula vector system, Xplor® 2, for heterologous gene expression was established, which allows (1) the construction of expression plasmids for supertransformation of A. adeninivorans strains secreting target proteins of biotechnological interest and (2) the integration of small vector cassettes consisting of yeast DNA sequences only. For this purpose, a set of modules including the ATRP1m selection-marker module, expression modules for constitutive expression of the genes phyK (Klebsiella-derived phytase) and IFNα2a (human interferon α), the HARS (Hansenula polymorpha autonomous replication sequence) for autonomous replication and the chaperone module AHSB4 promoter –HpCNE1 gene (calnexin) –PHO5 terminator to improve secretion efficiency were constructed and integrated in various combinations in the basic vector Xplor® 2. After removal of the complete Escherichia coli-based plasmid parts (resistance marker, ColE1 ori and f1(?) origin), the remaining yeast-based linear vector fragment with or without rDNA targeting sequences were transformed as yeast rDNA integrative expression cassettes and yeast integrative expression cassettes (YICs), respectively, and the resulting strains were tested for their capacity to secrete PhyK or IFNα2a. Maximal expression levels were consistently obtained using YICs for transformation irrespective of whether or not they carry HARS and/or calnexin modules. It is recommended that at least 50 such transformants be analyzed to ensure selection of the best transformants.  相似文献   
Modern microbial mats are widely recognized as useful analogs for the study of biogeochemical processes relevant to paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the Precambrian. We combined microscopic observations and investigations of biomarker composition to investigate community structure and function in the upper layers of a thick phototrophic microbial mat system from a hypersaline lake on Kiritimati (Christmas Island) in the Northern Line Islands, Republic of Kiribati. In particular, an exploratory incubation experiment with 13C-labeled bicarbonate was conducted to pinpoint biomarkers from organisms actively fixing carbon. A high relative abundance of the cyanobacterial taxa Aphanocapsa and Aphanothece was revealed by microscopic observation, and cyanobacterial fatty acids and hydrocarbons showed 13C-uptake in the labeling experiment. Microscopic observations also revealed purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) in the deeper layers. A cyclic C19:0 fatty acid and farnesol were attributed to this group that was also actively fixing carbon. Background isotopic values indicate Calvin–Benson cycle-based autotrophy for cyc C19:0 and farnesol-producing PSBs. Biomarkers from sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the top layer of the mat and their 13C-uptake patterns indicated a close coupling between SRBs and cyanobacteria. Archaeol, possibly from methanogens, was detected in all layers and was especially abundant near the surface where it contained substantial amounts of 13C-label. Intact glycosidic tetraether lipids detected in the deepest layer indicated other archaea. Large amounts of ornithine and betaine bearing intact polar lipids could be an indicator of a phosphate-limited ecosystem, where organisms that are able to substitute these for phospholipids may have a competitive advantage.  相似文献   
Miscanthus sinensis is a promising species for biomass production. Influences of genetic and nongenetic factors on androgenesis induction efficiency were investigated. This is the first report on successful induction of pollen-derived callus inM. sinensis. The callus yield was strongly affected by genotype. A beneficial influence of cold pretreatment of spikes on androgenesis induction was observed. The highest yield of calli was obtained in cultures on a modified C17 medium. The results suggest that the high callus yield might be caused by the late culture initiation. The beginning of anther culture at the end of the flowering season caused a 17-fold increase in callus yield, in comparison to culture initiated at the height of the flowering season (August). It is likely, however, that the efficiency of androgenesis induction in the case ofM. sinensis anther culture beginning in October could be related to a positive influence of growing donor plants in conditions of cooler and shorter day, i.e. 11-h day with temperature around 11°C and 13-h night with temperature around 5°C. Results of this study can significantly support the development of effective methods ofM. sinensis haploidization, which could be used in crop improvement by breeding.  相似文献   
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