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Shallow coastal lakes are prone to large fluctuations in physico-chemical variables such as salinity and turbidity. This is now escalating in response to global change. A flood event in March 2014 resulted in a silt plume spreading through part of Lake St Lucia (South Africa). To determine the impact of this event on zooplankton, the Narrows region of St Lucia was sampled on a monthly basis from March to September 2014. For comparative purposes, data from samples collected prior to the flood event were included in the analyses. Analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) revealed dissimilarities in zooplankton community structure among the sampling occasions. The March 2014–May 2014 period was characterized by the highest abundance of freshwater species. Conversely, the abundance of the resident St Lucia copepods Acartiella natalensis and Oithona brevicornis was lowest during this time, and highest in September 2014. The other dominant copepod Pseudodiaptomus stuhlmanni prevailed in March 2014, but declined markedly in April. As of September 2014, P. stuhlmanni had yet to regain its pre-flood densities. The BIOENV procedure, which relates biological and environmental data, revealed that turbidity, salinity and dissolved oxygen were responsible for the observed changes in zooplankton community structure during the study period. Careful management of turbidity and salinity is stressed, as both factors are major drivers of the biota of St Lucia and similar systems worldwide.  相似文献   
Probability of detection and accuracy of distance estimates in aural avian surveys may be affected by the presence of anthropogenic noise, and this may lead to inaccurate evaluations of the effects of noisy infrastructure on wildlife. We used arrays of speakers broadcasting recordings of grassland bird songs and pure tones to assess the probability of detection, and localization accuracy, by observers at sites with and without noisy oil and gas infrastructure in south‐central Alberta from 2012 to 2014. Probability of detection varied with species and with speaker distance from transect line, but there were few effects of noisy infrastructure. Accuracy of distance estimates for songs and tones decreased as distance to observer increased, and distance estimation error was higher for tones at sites with infrastructure noise. Our results suggest that quiet to moderately loud anthropogenic noise may not mask detection of bird songs; however, errors in distance estimates during aural surveys may lead to inaccurate estimates of avian densities calculated using distance sampling. We recommend caution when applying distance sampling if most birds are unseen, and where ambient noise varies among treatments.  相似文献   
Nonsense mutations generate in-frame stop codons in mRNA leading to a premature arrest of translation. Functional consequences of premature termination codons (PTCs) include the synthesis of truncated proteins with loss of protein function causing severe inherited or acquired diseases. A therapeutic approach has been recently developed that is based on the use of chemical agents with the ability to suppress PTCs (read-through) restoring the synthesis of a functional full-length protein. Research interest for compounds able to induce read-through requires an efficient high throughput large scale screening system. We present a rapid, sensitive and quantitative method based on a dual-fluorescence reporter expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to monitor and quantitate read-through at PTCs. We have shown that our novel system works equally well in detecting read-through at all three PTCs UGA, UAG and UAA.  相似文献   
Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), a maternally imprinted disorder and leading cause of obesity, is characterised by insatiable appetite, poor muscle development, cognitive impairment, endocrine disturbance, short stature and osteoporosis. A number of causative loci have been located within the imprinted Prader-Willi Critical Region (PWCR), including a set of small non-translated nucleolar RNA’s (snoRNA). Recently, micro-deletions in humans identified the snoRNA Snord116 as a critical contributor to the development of PWS exhibiting many of the classical symptoms of PWS. Here we show that loss of the PWCR which includes Snord116 in mice leads to a reduced bone mass phenotype, similar to that observed in humans. Consistent with reduced stature in PWS, PWCR KO mice showed delayed skeletal development, with shorter femurs and vertebrae, reduced bone size and mass in both sexes. The reduction in bone mass in PWCR KO mice was associated with deficiencies in cortical bone volume and cortical mineral apposition rate, with no change in cancellous bone. Importantly, while the length difference was corrected in aged mice, consistent with continued growth in rodents, reduced cortical bone formation was still evident, indicating continued osteoblastic suppression by loss of PWCR expression in skeletally mature mice. Interestingly, deletion of this region included deletion of the exclusively brain expressed Snord116 cluster and resulted in an upregulation in expression of both NPY and POMC mRNA in the arcuate nucleus. Importantly, the selective deletion of the PWCR only in NPY expressing neurons replicated the bone phenotype of PWCR KO mice. Taken together, PWCR deletion in mice, and specifically in NPY neurons, recapitulates the short stature and low BMD and aspects of the hormonal imbalance of PWS individuals. Moreover, it demonstrates for the first time, that a region encoding non-translated RNAs, expressed solely within the brain, can regulate bone mass in health and disease.  相似文献   
Chirality plays a major role in recognition and interaction of biologically important molecules. The enzyme 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase (DAH7PS) is the first enzyme of the shikimate pathway, which is responsible for the synthesis of aromatic amino acids in bacteria and plants, and a potential target for the development of antibiotics and herbicides. DAH7PS from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtuDAH7PS) displays an unprecedented complexity of allosteric regulation, with three interdependent allosteric binding sites and a ternary allosteric response to combinations of the aromatic amino acids l-Trp, l-Phe and l-Tyr. In order to further investigate the intricacies of this system and identify key residues in the allosteric network of MtuDAH7PS, we studied the interaction of MtuDAH7PS with aromatic amino acids that bear the non-natural d-configuration, and showed that the d-amino acids do not elicit an allosteric response. We investigated the binding mode of d-amino acids using X-ray crystallography, site directed mutagenesis and isothermal titration calorimetry. Key differences in the binding mode were identified: in the Phe site, a hydrogen bond between the amino group of the allosteric ligands to the side chain of Asn175 is not established due to the inverted configuration of the ligands. In the Trp site, d-Trp forms no interaction with the main chain carbonyl group of Thr240 and less favourable interactions with Asn237 when compared to the l-Trp binding mode. Investigation of the MtuDAH7PSN175A variant further supports the hypothesis that the lack of key interactions in the binding mode of the aromatic d-amino acids are responsible for the absence of an allosteric response, which gives further insight into which residues of MtuDAH7PS play a key role in the transduction of the allosteric signal.  相似文献   
Alkaline phosphatase has been extracted from matrix vesicles of a calcifying cartilage with 0.15 M KCl, 0.4 M guanidinium chloride and 0.05 M deoxycholate/50% butanol mixture. The catalytic properties of the three extracts have been compared. Although the highest amount of enzyme activity is extracted with the latter reagent (55%), some of it is also extracted with KCl (11%) and guanidinium (7%). By submitting isolated matrix vesicles to a short time sonication the distribution pattern of the alkaline phosphatase activity in the extracts is clearly modified, as the amount extracted with KCl increases from 14 to 50% and the portion extracted with deoxycholate decreases from 55 to 27% of the total enzyme activity of matrix vesicles. The enzymatic preparations were comparable on the basis of specific activities, affinity for the substrates (p-nitrophenylphosphate, ATP), thermostability, sensitivity to inhibitors and activators. By electrofocusing a value of pI = 4.15 was found for the alkaline phosphatase of matrix vesicles independently of the extraction medium. These results contradict the concept that alkaline phosphatase is exclusively an intrinsic membrane protein.  相似文献   
When granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), purified to homogeneity from mouse lung-conditioned medium, was added to agar cultures of mouse bone marrcw cells, it stimulated the formation of small numbers of granulocytic colonies. At high concentrations of G-CSF, a small proportion of macrophage and granulocyte-macrophage colonies also developed. G-CSF stimulated colony formation by highly enriched progenitor cell populations obtained by fractionation of mouse fetal liver cells using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter, indicating that G-CSF probably acts directly on target progenitor cells. Granulocytic colonies stimulated by G-CSF were small and uniform in size, and at 7 days of culture were composed of highly differentiated cells. Studies using clonal transfer and the delayed addition of other regulators showed that G-CSF could directly stimulate the initial proliferation of a large proportion of the granulocvte-macrophage progenitors in adult marrow and also the survival and/or proliferation of some multipotential, erythroid, and eosinophil progenitors in fetal liver. However, G-CSF was unable to sustain continued proliferation of these cells to result in colony formation. When G-CSF was mixed with purified granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) or macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), the combination stimulated the formation by adult marrow cells of more granulocyte-macrophage colonies than either stimulus alone and an overall size increase in all colonies. G-CSF behaves as a predominantly granulopoietic stimulating factor but has some capacity to stimulate the initial proliferation of the same wide range of progenitor cells as that stimulated by GM-CSF.  相似文献   
An improved separation procedure is described for isolating five leghemoglobin components from the nodules of soybean plants. After a preliminary oxidation with ferricyanide, and separation from endogenous nicotinate at pH 9.2, the ferrileghemoglobins are separated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography using gradient elution with acetate buffer (pH 5.2). The components have been characterized by their acetate and nicotinate binding affinities, gel electrophoretic, visible, and circular dichroic spectra in the ultraviolet, Soret and visible regions. Two formerly unresolved components of leghemoglobin c have indistinguishable circular dichroic, electrophoretic, and ligand binding properties, but differ in their spin states as judged by their visible spectra, their amino acid analyses, and their tryptic maps.  相似文献   
Respiratory syncytial virus, Burnett strain, adsorbed efficiently and grew to high titers in suspension cultures of HEp-2 and MA-160 cells. Our results compared favorably with previous experience with the growth of respiratory syncytial virus in monolayer cell cultures. The use of suspension cell cultures provides a convenient and simple procedure for producing high-titering respiratory syncytial virus pools.  相似文献   
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