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Functional abdominal pain (FAP) causes disruption of daily activities/missed school days, over utilization of healthcare, unnecessary surgeries, and anxiety in 10–15% of children. Its etiology is not clearly understood, however the success of several clinical protocols suggests that autonomic dysregulation is a factor. In this study autonomic activity, including heart rate variability (HRV), was compared between children with FAP and a comparison group. Twenty children with FAP and 10 children without FAP between the ages of 5 and 17 years old were compared on autonomic regulation using an ambulatory system at baseline and 8 weeks later. Children with FAP participated in 6 sessions of HRV biofeedback aimed at normalizing autonomic balance. At baseline, children with FAP appear to have more autonomic dysregulation than children without FAP. After completing HRV biofeedback, the FAP group was able to significantly reduce their symptoms in relation to significantly increasing their autonomic balance. In a sample of children with FAP, it appears that HRV biofeedback treatment improved their symptoms and that a change in vagal tone was a potential mediator for this improvement. The present study appears to point to excessive vagal withdrawal as an underlying mechanism of FAP.  相似文献   
It is unclear whether adaptation to a new host typically broadens or compromises host range, yet the answer bears on the fate of emergent pathogens and symbionts. We investigated this dynamic using a soil isolate of Burkholderia cenocepacia, a species that normally inhabits the rhizosphere, is related to the onion pathogen B. cepacia, and can infect the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients. We hypothesized that adaptation of B. cenocepacia to a novel host would compromise fitness and virulence in alternative hosts. We modeled adaptation to a specific host by experimentally evolving 12 populations of B. cenocepacia in liquid medium composed of macerated onion tissue for 1,000 generations. The mean fitness of all populations increased by 78% relative to the ancestor, but significant variation among lines was observed. Populations also varied in several phenotypes related to host association, including motility, biofilm formation, and quorum-sensing function. Together, these results suggest that each population adapted by fixing different sets of adaptive mutations. However, this adaptation was consistently accompanied by a loss of pathogenicity to the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans; by 500 generations most populations became unable to kill nematodes. In conclusion, we observed a narrowing of host range as a consequence of prolonged adaptation to an environment simulating a specific host, and we suggest that emergent pathogens may face similar consequences if they become host-restricted.Some emergent pathogens, such as Pseudomonas and Burkholderia species, persist in a wide range of plant and animal hosts, suggesting that the virulence factors needed to infect plants and animals are similar (5, 40). Yet whether adaptation to a new niche tends to compromise niche breadth or, in this case, host range is an open question. Adaptation to a novel host may restrict host range to various degrees, whether by diminishing host-specific virulence traits without affecting host colonization or by reducing the ability to initiate infection in alternative hosts. However, if factors needed to colonize plant and animal hosts are similar, then why are some bacterial populations restricted to a narrow host range while others are not? One explanation for a limited host range may be the result of genetic trade-offs associated with adaptation to a specific host (7, 18). Another explanation may be that prolonged adaptation to a specific host casts a “selective shadow” over unused functions that are relevant to colonizing other hosts but decay by genetic drift (7, 18). To address these possibilities, we quantified the direct and correlated effects of specific host adaptation by the opportunistic pathogen Burkholderia cenocepacia.Members of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc), which are ubiquitous in the environment, were once used as biocontrol and bioremedial agents but now are banned from these applications because of the potential of some members to cause plant and human disease (39). The type species B. cepacia is well known as a pathogen of the common yellow onion, Allium cepa, in which it causes a characteristic yellow or brown rot. Another species, B. cenocepacia, can also infect onions as well as a range of plants and animals, including humans (2, 6, 26, 36). Bcc bacteria can cause serious infection in the lungs of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients (6, 26). These infections, called “cepacia syndrome,” are highly contagious among CF patients, and infections produce many negative effects on an already poor quality of life, including longer hospital stays, removal from lung transplant lists, blood poisoning, and eventual death (24). B. cenocepacia, one of the two Bcc species most commonly isolated from lung infections, is especially threatening and is associated with more severe cepacia syndrome (35). However, the mechanisms allowing B. cenocepacia to adapt to colonize both human and plant hosts are unclear. Several putative virulence mechanisms have been identified by random mutagenic screens or by knockouts of candidate genes (2, 12, 20, 25, 29, 35, 43, 46), but these mechanisms generally have not been shown to function in host adaptation. One way to directly study adaptation of bacterial populations to susceptible hosts is by experimental evolution, in which bacterial populations evolve in a controlled laboratory setting that enables study of the adaptive process over time (7).We experimentally evolved populations of B. cenocepacia HI2424 to study the extent to which adaptation to the common yellow onion A. cepa affects host range. B. cenocepacia HI2424 is a soil isolate and is classified as part of the PHDC strain lineage, the strain first characterized as responsible for an outbreak of Bcc infections in large treatment centers located in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States (33). We found that adaptation of B. cenocepacia to the onion model was associated with reduced virulence but did not compromise the capacity to colonize (or be consumed by) the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, and the coincidence of these events suggests that a genetic trade-off (antagonistic pleiotropy) between fitness in onion medium and nematode virulence exists. We also characterized several phenotypes potentially associated with adaptation to the onion or nematode virulence. Most phenotypes varied significantly among replicate populations, suggesting that adaptation to the onion model may follow several different pathways.  相似文献   
This preliminary, community-based study examines major stressors identified by Iraqw and Datoga women of Mbulu District, Tanzania, and describes steps in creating a culturally specific questionnaire to assess mental health burdens. This area of Tanzania is remote, with limited access to goods and services, and is undergoing dramatic social and economic changes. Iraqw and Datoga reside in close proximity and often intermarry but have different cultural and subsistence responses to this rapid social change. Data were collected from May to October 2002, with 49 Datoga women and 64 Iraqw women interviewed. In-home interviews were conducted to have women (1) free-list their primary concerns and (2) answer questions from a translated (in Datoga and Iraqw) and modified standardized mental health questionnaire. Both groups of women identified hunger, the lack of animals, particularly cattle, and health/illnesses as the most common major stressors. Other frequently cited stressors included crop failure, general fears of violence, paying taxes, and no money for basic needs. Additional refinements are required for the mental health questionnaire, with strengths and limitations discussed. Such data, while preliminary, augment efforts to analyze the emotional burdens associated with dramatic social change.  相似文献   
In pulmonary sarcoidosis, the marked expansion of CD4+ (helper/inducer) T cells in the alveolar structures of the lung is maintained by local IL-2 release by activated CD4+ HLA-DR+ T cells without concomitant expansion and activation of CD8+ (suppressor/cytotoxic) T cells, suggesting that sarcoid may be associated with a generalized abnormality of CD8+ T cells. Consistent with this concept, evaluation of the expression of the IL-2R on fresh lung T cells from individuals with active sarcoidosis demonstrated that 7 +/- 1% of sarcoid lung CD4+ T cells are spontaneously expressing the IL-2R compared with only 1 +/- 1% lung CD8+ T cells (p less than 0.01). However, stimulation of purified sarcoid blood CD8+ T cells with the anti-T3/TCR complex mAb OKT3 was followed by the normal expression of IL-2R (p greater than 0.1) and proliferation (p greater than 0.1). In addition, lung sarcoid CD8+ T cells responded to OKT3 similarly to normal lung CD8+ T cells and to autologous blood CD8+ T cells as regards expression of IL-2R (p greater than 0.1) and proliferation (p greater than 0.1). Finally, using CD4+ cells activated with allogenic Ag to induce, in coculture, fresh autologous CD8+ cells to suppress proliferation of fresh autologous CD4+ cells to the same Ag, sarcoid CD8+ T cells suppressed CD4+ cell proliferation in a normal fashion (p greater than 0.1). These results demonstrate that sarcoid CD8+ (suppressor/cytotoxic) T cells are competent to respond to a proliferation signal normally and can be induced to normally suppress CD4+ T cell proliferation to Ag, suggesting that the expansion of activated CD4+ T cells in pulmonary sarcoidosis is not due to a generalized abnormality of CD8+ T cells or of their suppressor T cell function.  相似文献   
Whole-genome sequencing across multiple samples in a population provides an unprecedented opportunity for comprehensively characterizing the polymorphic variants in the population. Although the 1000 Genomes Project (1KGP) has offered brief insights into the value of population-level sequencing, the low coverage has compromised the ability to confidently detect rare and low-frequency variants. In addition, the composition of populations in the 1KGP is not complete, despite the fact that the study design has been extended to more than 2,500 samples from more than 20 population groups. The Malays are one of the Austronesian groups predominantly present in Southeast Asia and Oceania, and the Singapore Sequencing Malay Project (SSMP) aims to perform deep whole-genome sequencing of 100 healthy Malays. By sequencing at a minimum of 30× coverage, we have illustrated the higher sensitivity at detecting low-frequency and rare variants and the ability to investigate the presence of hotspots of functional mutations. Compared to the low-pass sequencing in the 1KGP, the deeper coverage allows more functional variants to be identified for each person. A comparison of the fidelity of genotype imputation of Malays indicated that a population-specific reference panel, such as the SSMP, outperforms a cosmopolitan panel with larger number of individuals for common SNPs. For lower-frequency (<5%) markers, a larger number of individuals might have to be whole-genome sequenced so that the accuracy currently afforded by the 1KGP can be achieved. The SSMP data are expected to be the benchmark for evaluating the value of deep population-level sequencing versus low-pass sequencing, especially in populations that are poorly represented in population-genetics studies.  相似文献   
Using a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope, 10 rhesus monkeys were bronchoscoped 30 times without complication. The bronchoscopic anatomy was found to be similar to that of the human except for the presence of a right cardiac lobe in the monkey.  相似文献   
Northern regions are generally viewed as unsuitable for microalgal biofuel production due to unfavorable climate and solar insolation levels. However, these conditions can potentially be mitigated by coupling microalgal cultivation to industrial processes such as wastewater treatment. In this study, we have examined the biomass and lipid productivity characteristics of 14 microalgae isolates (Chlorophyta) from the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Under both photoautotrophic and mixotrophic cultivation, a distinct linear trend was observed between biomass and lipid productivities in the 14 SK isolates. The most productive strain under cultivation in TAP media was Scenedesmus sp.-AMDD which displayed rates of biomass and fatty acid productivities of 80 and 30.7?mg?L?1?day?1, respectively. The most productive strain in B3NV media was Chlamydomonas debaryana-AMLs1b which displayed rates of biomass and fatty acid productivities of 51.7 and 5.9?mg?L?1?day?1, respectively. In 11 of the isolates tested, secondary municipal wastewater (MCWW) supported rates of biomass productivity between 21 and 33?mg?L?1?day?1 with Scenedesmus sp.-AMDD being the most productive. Three strains, Chlamydomonas debaryana-AMB1, Chlorella sorokiniana-RBD8 and Micractinium sp.-RB1b, showed large increases in biomass productivity when cultivated mixotrophically in MCWW supplemented with glycerol. High relative oleic acid content was detected in 10 of the 14 isolates when grown mixotrophically in media supplemented with acetate. There was no detectable effect on the fatty acid profiles in cells cultivated mixotrophically in glycerol-supplemented MCWW. These data indicate that biomass and lipid productivities are boosted by mixotrophic cultivation. Exploiting this response in municipal wastewater is a promising strategy for the production of environmentally sustainable biofuels.  相似文献   
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