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We have studied the in vivo function and tissue specificity of Dcas, the Drosophila ortholog of CAS, the importin beta-like export receptor for importin alpha. While dcas mRNA is specifically expressed in the embryonic central nervous system, Dcas protein is maternally supplied to all embryonic cells and its nuclear/cytoplasmic distribution varies in different tissues and times in development. Unexpectedly, hypomorphic alleles of dcas show specific transformations in mechano-sensory organ cell identity, characteristic of mutations that increase Notch signaling. Dcas is essential for efficient importin-alpha3 nuclear export in mechano-sensory cells and the surrounding epidermal cells and is indirectly required for the import of one component of the Notch pathway, but not others tested. We interpret the specificity of the dcas phenotype as indicating that one or more Notch signaling components are particularly sensitive to a disruption in nuclear protein import. We propose that mutations in house keeping genes often cause specific developmental phenotypes, such as those observed in many human genetic disorders.  相似文献   
Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in DBA/1 and proteoglycan-induced arthritis (PGIA) in BALB/c mice are the most frequently used mouse models for studying clinical, immunological and genetic factors contributing to rheumatoid arthritis. DBA/1 ( H2(q)) mice are susceptible to CIA but resistant to PGIA, whereas BALB/c mice ( H2 (d)) are susceptible to PGIA and resistant to CIA. To gain insight into the mechanisms of how the major clinical (disease susceptibility, severity and onset of arthritis) and immunological traits (antigen-specific T- and B-cell responses) are influenced by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), we have generated a unique intercross of BALB/c and DBA/1 parent strains, and the F1 and F2 hybrids were immunized for either CIA or PGIA. The major clinical and immunological traits were identified as either binary (qualitative) or quantitative traits on Chromosome 17 with a peak at MHC when the entire population was analyzed. In contrast, when only arthritic (susceptible) mice were selected and analyzed, the major clinical traits (severity and onset) 'lost' the linkage to MHC. Thus, MHC dictates disease susceptibility, but not the severity of arthritis. This was even more evident in the case of the H2(q) allele, which was clearly responsible for the dominant inheritance of arthritis in F2 hybrids (either CIA or PGIA). In conclusion, while certain MHC alleles strongly affect disease susceptibility and determine the mode of inheritance of a polygenic autoimmune disease, neither the type of inheritance (dominant vs recessive) nor other MHC components have evident effects upon the clinical symptoms of arthritis.  相似文献   
For many years data of cancer research indicated that viruses can cause cancer. Virus infections induce cancer by different mechanisms. To predict the significance of a viral DNA fragment in human cells we have to be aware of the changes the particular virus is able to induce there.However, no matter which mechanisms of viral carcinogenesis are utilized, generally other factors (environmental, chemical, immunodeficiency, etc.) are also needed to induce invasive cancer in human. Before the introduction of nucleic acid based detection technique virus identification was a long and cumbersome process. This has been eliminated by the invention of recombinant gene technology and polymerase chain reaction. Virus nucleic acid can be detected without amplification using Southern, Northern and in situ hybridization. Techniques for target (polymerase chain reaction)or signal (hybrid capture, tyramine) amplification improved the sensitivity of detection. In the meantime, for the successful use of the arsenal of new methods we have to consider the characteristic feature of molecular virus research. A major achievement of molecular virus detection is that it proved the pathological significance of viruses in human cancers even in those where this was not expected. Hopefully these informations will increase the effort for elimination of oncogene virus infections.  相似文献   
T cell homeostasis is a physiological function of the immune system that maintains a balance in the numbers and ratios of T cells at the periphery. A self-MHC/self-peptide ligand can induce weak (covert) signals via the TCR, thus providing an extended lifespan for naive T cells. A similar mechanism is responsible for the restoration of immune homeostasis in severe lymphopenic conditions such as those following irradiation or chemotherapy, or upon transfer of lymphocytes to nu/nu or SCID mice. To date, the genetic backgrounds of donor and recipient SCID mice were unmatched in all autoimmune arthritis transfer experiments, and the recovery of lymphoid cells in the host has not been followed. In this study, we present the adoptive transfer of proteoglycan (PG)-induced arthritis using unseparated and T or B cell-depleted lymphocytes from arthritic BALB/c donors to genetically matched syngeneic SCID recipient mice. We demonstrate that selectively recovered lymphoid subsets determine the clinical and immunological status of the recipient. We found that when T cells were depleted (>98% depleted), B cells did not produce PG-specific anti-mouse (auto) Abs unless SCID mice received a second Ag (PG) injection, which promoted the recovery of Ag-specific CD4(+) Th1 cells. Reciprocally, as a result of B cell recovery, high levels of serum anti-PG Abs were found in SCID mice that received B cell-depleted (>99% depleted) T lymphocytes. Our results indicate a selective and highly effective cooperation between CD4(+) T cells and B lymphocytes that is required for the restoration of pathological homeostasis and development of autoimmune arthritis in SCID mice.  相似文献   
Two commonly used hydrophobic and hydrophilic spin traps for NO, namely Fe2+(DETC)(2)and Fe2+(MGD)(2), respectively, were analyzed via EPR spectroscopy. EPR spectra of trapped NO, together with field position standards, were recorded both in the frozen state and at room temperature. We present a detailed characterization of the EPR spectra of the above paramagnetic NO complexes, concerning g-value, hyperfine splitting and linewidths. This study also provides spectroscopic data required to develop a quantitative and sensitive detection system for nitric oxide both in hydrophobic and hydrophilic aqueous media.  相似文献   
One of the recently found functions of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) is the modulation of circadian rhythms. Widespread distribution of PACAP-containing neurons and receptors has been shown in the chicken. Recently, we have demonstrated that PACAP levels oscillate in a circadian manner in the chicken brain. Daily variation in PACAP levels might be influenced by several regulatory mechanisms. Among the structures that may regulate PACAP levels, one candidate is the pineal gland. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the effect of pinealectomy on the levels of PACAP in the chicken brain. Animals were kept under 12:12-h light-dark schedule. Pinealectomy was performed at 3 weeks of age; sham-operated animals were used as controls. The animals were sacrificed at 15 and 24 h 1 week after pinealectomy. The brainstem and diencephalon were removed, and tissue samples were processed for PACAP and cAMP radioimmunoassay (RIA).PACAP and cAMP levels showed nighttime elevations in both the sham-operated and pinealectomized animals, except for the PACAP content in the diencephalon of pinealectomized chicken. PACAP levels of pinealectomized animals were significantly higher in the diencephalon and brainstem as compared to the control animals at both time-points. Levels of cAMP correlated well with levels of PACAP. The present results provide evidence that the pineal gland has an inhibitory impact on PACAP-neurons in the chicken brainstem and diencephalon.  相似文献   
Human osteoblasts produce interleukin-6 (IL-6) and respond to IL-6 in the presence of soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R), but the cell surface expression of IL-6R and the mechanism of sIL-6R production are largely unknown. Three different human osteoblast-like cell lines (MG-63, HOS, and SaOS-2) and bone marrow-derived primary human osteoblasts expressed both IL-6R and gp130 as determined by flow cytometry and immunoprecipitation. However, the membrane-bound IL-6R was nonfunctional, as significant tyrosine phosphorylation of gp130 did not occur in the presence of IL-6. Phorbol myristate acetate induced a dramatic increase of both IL-6R shedding (i.e. the production of sIL-6R) and IL-6 release in osteoblast cultures, but the cell surface expression of gp130 remained unchanged. IL-6 complexed with sIL-6R, either exogenously introduced or derived from the nonfunctional cell surface form by shedding, induced rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of gp130. This effect was inhibited by neutralizing antibodies to either sIL-6R or gp130, indicating that the gp130 activation was induced by IL-6/sIL-6R/gp130 interaction. Protein kinase C inhibitors blocked phorbol myristate acetate-induced and spontaneous shedding of IL-6R resulting in the absence of sIL-6R in the culture medium, which in turn also prevented the activation of gp130. In conclusion, human osteoblasts express cell surface IL-6R, which is unable to transmit IL-6-induced signals until it is shed into its soluble form. This unique mechanism provides the flexibility for osteoblasts to control their own responsiveness to IL-6 via the activation of an IL-6R sheddase, resulting in an immediate production of functionally active osteoblast-derived sIL-6R.  相似文献   
The general model of thermoregulation of ectotherms predicts that thermally challenging environments select for evolution of thermoconformity. Studies of reptilian thermoregulation at climatic extremes are rare and, in the subarctic zone, completely lacking. Thermal characteristics of the habitat of the lizard Zootoca vivipara were studied in the subarctic zone, at the northern margin of its distribution, where lizard density was already extremely low. We found that, during the activity period, the preferred body temperatures of Z. vivipara were not available for a thermoconformer, but available for 7 h for a thermoregulator in an average day. Therefore, thermoconformity is unbeneficial and accurate thermoregulation should be the appropriate strategy. We hypothesise that the extremely low lizard abundance at our subarctic study site is caused by the short activity season and the large daily temperature fluctuations, with night temperatures occasionally falling below zero even during the activity period.  相似文献   
Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) activity was measured in homogenates of conidia and both submerged and aerial mycelia of Trichoderma viride. The GAD activity in conidia had a temperature optimum at 30 degrees C and a pH optimum at pH 4. GAD was stimulated by EDTA (2 mM) and was insensitive to treatment with calmodulin antagonists calmidazolium (10 microM) or phenothiazine neuroleptics (60 microM). Cyclosporin A (up to 300 microM) partially inhibited GAD in the homogenate, but not in the supernatant obtained after centrifuging the homogenate. Attempts to release GAD activity from the homogenate using high ionic strength, detergents, or urea failed. Freezing-thawing led to the partial increase of activity in the conidial homogenate. These results indicate that GAD is a membrane-bound enzyme. The highest specific activity of GAD was present in the mitochondrial/vacuolar organellar fraction. Germination of conidia in the submerged culture led to a temporary decrease in GAD activity. After prolonged cultivation, the activity displayed quasi-oscillatory changes. The stationary state was characterized by a high GAD activity. The presence of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the submerged mycelia was demonstrated. In surface culture in the dark, GAD activity increased in a monophasic manner until conidia formation. The illumination of dark-cultivated mycelia by a white-light pulse caused a dramatic increase in GAD activity. Light-induced changes were not observed in mutants with delayed onset of conidiation. In the dark or upon illumination by light pulse, the increase of GAD activity preceded the appearance of conidia. Thus, GAD activity in T. viride is closely associated with its developmental status and may represent a link between differentiation events and energy metabolism.  相似文献   
SUMMARY 1. In vivo 1H and 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy techniques were applied to reveal biochemical changes in the rat brain caused by prolonged ethanol consumption.2. Three models of ethanol intoxication were used.3. 1H MRS showed a significant decrease in the concentration of myo-inositol in the brain of rats fed with 20% ethanol for 8 weeks. This change is consistent with perturbances in astrocytes. On the other hand, N-acetyl aspartate and choline content did not differ from controls.4. 31P MRS did not reveal any significant changes in the high-energy phosphates or intracellular free Mg2+ content in the brain of rats after 14 weeks of 20% ethanol drinking. The intracellular pH was diminished.5. By means of a 31P saturation transfer technique, a significant decrease was observed for the pseudo first-order rate constant k for of the creatine kinase reaction in the brain of rats administered 30% ethanol for 3 weeks using a gastric tube.6. The 1H MRS results may indicate that myo-inositol loss, reflecting a disorder in astrocytes, might be one of the first changes associated with alcoholism, which could be detected in the brain by means of in vivo 1H MRS.7. The results from 31P MRS experiments suggest that alcoholism is associated with decreased brain energy metabolism.8. 31P saturation transfer, which provides insight into the turnover of high-energy phosphates, could be a more suitable technique for studying the brain energetics in chronic pathological states than conventional 31P MRS.  相似文献   
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