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马桑菌株的生物学特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对从湖北、四川、云南等地采集的尼泊尔马桑(Coriaria nepalensis Wall.)根瘤中分离的20株内生菌纯培养物所进行的研究表明,其形态均具有弗兰克氏菌属的特征。在粗细不一的分枝菌丝体上有泡囊和孢囊,有的还有串珠状结构的菌丝体。不同菌株在液体培养基上生长速度很不一致;菌丝体多呈絮状或颗粒状沉淀,个别还呈薄膜状沉淀;绝大多数菌株的菌丝体具有不同色调的色素;在S培养基中大多数都能产生可溶性色素。上述这些培养特征常因培养基成分和培养方式的不同而有差异。大多数菌株的胞壁组分属Ⅱ型,少数菌株为Ⅲ型;全细胞糖型变化很大,20个菌株可划分为6个糖型,而且绝大多数糖型与已知弗兰克氏菌有所不同。此外,有65%的菌株还具有明显的抗菌活性。  相似文献   
W Zhou  S W Jones 《Biophysical journal》1996,70(3):1326-1334
We have investigated the effects of external pH (pHo) on whole-cell calcium channel currents in bullfrog sympathetic neurons. The peak inward current increased at alkaline pHo and decreased at acidic pHo. We used tail currents to distinguish effects of pHo on channel gating and permeation. There were large shifts in the voltage dependence of channel activation (approximately 40 mV between pHo and 9.0 and pHo 5.6), which could be explained by binding of H+ to surface charge according to Gouy-Chapman theory. To examine the effects of pHo on permeation, we measured tail currents at 0 mV, following steps to + 120 mV to maximally activate the channels. Unlike most previous studies, we found only a approximately 10% reduction in channel conductance from pHo 9.0 to pHo 6.4, despite a approximately 25 mV shift of channel activation. At lower pHo the channel conductance did decrease, which could be described by binding of H+ to a site with pKa = 5.1. In some cells, there was a separate slow decrease in conductance at low pHo, possibly because of changes in internal pH. These results suggest that changes in current at pHo > 6.4 result primarily from a shift in the voltage dependence of channel activation. A H(+)-binding site can explain a rapid decrease in channel conductance at lower pHo. The surface charge affecting gating has little effect on the local ion concentration near the pore, or on the channel conductance.  相似文献   
In the search for candidate genes for the tuberous sclerosis (TSC1) disease locus on chromosome 9q34, we have isolated an overlapping series of 22 plasmid and phage cDNA clones covering nearly 7 kb and with an open reading frame of 5070 bp encoding a protein of 1690 amino acids. The putative protein product is a member of the kinesin superfamily and is homologous to the mouse KIF1A and theCaenorhabditas elegansunc-104 genes. Both KIF1A and unc-104 function in the anterograde axonal transport of synaptic vesicles. The human homolog is therefore termed H-ATSV (axonal transporter of synaptic vesicles, HGMW-approved nomenclature ATSV) Screening of DNA from 107 tuberous sclerosis patients and 80 unaffected individuals with H-ATSV cDNA probes by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis/Southern blotting following digestion by rare-cutting methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes showed variant banding patterns in three patients with tuberous sclerosis. However, further analysis indicated that these variant fragments represent a rare polymorphism probably associated with methylation of clustered restriction sites. There is no evidence to support H-ATSV as a candidate gene for TSC1.  相似文献   
Investigations of biological effects of prolonged elevation of growth hormone in animals such as mice and rats require large amounts of mouse and rat growth hormone (GH) materials. As an alternative to scarce and expensive pituitary derived materials, both mouse and rat GH were expressed in NSO murine myeloma cells transfected with a vector containing the glutamine synthetase (GS) gene and two copies of mouse or rat GH cDNA. For optimal expression, the mouse GH vector also contained sequences for targeting integration by homologous recombination. Fed-batch culture processes for such clones were developed using a serum-free, glutamine-free medium and scaled up to 250 L production scale reactors. Concentrated solutions of proteins, amino acids and glucose were fed periodically to extend cell growth and culture lifetime, which led to an increase in the maximum viable cell concentration to 3.5×109 cells/L and an up to 10 fold increase in final mouse and rat rGH titers in comparison with batch cultures. For successful scale up, similar culture environmental conditions were maintained at different scales, and specific issues in large scale reactors such as balancing oxygen supply and carbon dioxide removal, were addressed. Very similar cell growth and protein productivity were obtained in the fed-batch cultures at different scales and in different production runs. The final mouse and rat rGH titers were approximately 580 and 240 mg/L, respectively. During fed-batch cultures, the cell growth stage transition was accompanied by a change in cellular metabolism. The specific glucose consumption rate decreased significantly after the transition from the growth to stationary stage, while lactate was produced in the exponential growth stage and became consumed in the stationary stage. This was roughly coincident with the beginning of ammonia and glutamate accumulation at the entry of cells into the stationary stage as the result of a reduced glutamine consumption and periodic nutrient additions.  相似文献   
An efficient impedance method was developed for rapid evaluation of cosmetic preservatives. The method used decimal reduction time or D-value to assess preservative efficacies. The D-value, which was calculated from the plot of Log CFU ml–1 versus time by linear regression analysis, could be obtained within 48 h. Thus, the time required for the challenge test was reduced from 4–8 weeks with the standard procedures (eg US Pharmacopeia), to 2 days with the current method. A calibration curve (r=-0.95) was established by plotting the Log CFU ml–1 versus capacitance detection time (DT) of 108 samples. With the calibration, CFU can be estimated directly from the impedance test without plating. Two commercial biocides and several other chemicals were evaluated in a shampoo by the impedance procedure againstPseudomonas aeruginosa. The D-values obtained from the impedance test were not significantly different from those produced by the conventional plate count method. The technique was found to be particularly useful when screening a large number of compounds to find novel preservatives and synergistic preservative combinations.  相似文献   
病毒基因组启动子识别的人工神经网络方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用神经网络方法,并结合病毒基因分子生物学有关理论与统计事实,对病毒基因启动子区域进行了识别,文中选择了共35个基因组,作为研究对象.学习组选择了28个基因组,预测组选择了7个基因组,结果表明,将神经网络模型与病毒基因有关理论相结合,能够运用计算方法,以大量的可能启动子组合中排列出唯一的启动子区域.  相似文献   
主成分分析法在中药鉴别中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以植物药百合、动物药海马、中成药二妙丸为研究对象.取百合的23个样品,海马的20个样品,二妙丸与加味药的17个样品进行紫外色谱或光谱分析,对所得的数量化指标矩阵进行主成分分析,压缩出两个用以区分样品间异同的综合性指标──二元主成分,在二元主成分平面图上实现了对动植物药、中成药的鉴别与分类.  相似文献   
HAU3是寄主范围很广的放线菌噬菌体。Southern杂交实验表明,HAU3可以整合到吸水链霉菌应城变种10-22和变铅青链霉菌66的突变体ZX1的染色体中,形成溶原,其溶原菌自发释放HAU3,不受热激和紫外线照射的诱导。通过比较HAU3衍生噬粒pIJ8300的DNA酶切片段在加热前、后电泳带谱的区别,将HAU3的cos位点在pIJ8300的图谱上得到了定位。还利用Southern杂交的方法定位了HAU3与宿主形成溶原时附着位点(attP),并利用脉冲电泳技术定位了在变铅青链霉菌ZX7和吸水链霉菌应城变种10-22中形成溶原的附着位点(attB)。这些信息均有利于以HAU3为基础的载体的发展和优化。  相似文献   
用人重组肿瘤坏死因子-α(Tumornecrosisfactor-α,TNF-α)和人天然α干扰素(Interferon-α-,IFN-α)在人胚胎肺纤维母细胞(HEF)和Hep-2细胞系上对常见呼吸道病毒所致细胞病变抑制进行比较观察。病毒包括不同型别的腺病毒5株,单疱病毒Ⅰ型(HSV-I)1株,鼻病毒1株,仙台病毒1株,VSV1株。结果提示TNF-α和IFN-α均具有广谱抗病毒活性。TNF-α的抑毒作用能被TNF-α申抗和IFN-β单抗完全去除,被IFN-α单抗部分去除TNF-α的抗病毒效应。TNF--α中和试验的结果提示:TNF抗病毒活性仍为IFN-β诱生所介导。  相似文献   
激光诱变选育AC10菜用大青豆的研究报告   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用有性杂交和激光红宝石辐照交替进行,经10多年的研究、试验、选育出一个蛋白质含量、脂肪含量特高的菜用大青豆-AC10。AC10菜用大青豆,系早熟、适应性广、抗逆性强、耐迟播、产量高、效益好的品种。全生育期110天、80-85天采摘青毛豆、单产鲜毛豆700公斤以上,老豆单产160公斤左右。据农业部谷物测试中心分析,蛋白质含量48.32%,脂肪含量21.36%,合计69.68%。查新结果表明,为国内  相似文献   
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