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The rapid and responsive growth of a pollen tube requires delicate coordination of membrane receptor signaling, Rho-of-Plants (ROP) GTPase activity switching, and actin cytoskeleton assembly. The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) kinase partner protein (KPP), is a ROP guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that activates ROP GTPases and interacts with the tomato pollen receptor kinases LePRK1 and LePRK2. It remains unclear how KPP relays signals from plasma membrane-localized LePRKs to ROP switches and other cellular machineries to modulate pollen tube growth. Here, we biochemically verified KPP’s activity on ROP4 and showed that KPP RNA interference transgenic pollen tubes grew slower while KPP-overexpressing pollen tubes grew faster, suggesting that KPP functions as a rheostat for speed control in LePRK2-mediated pollen tube growth. The N terminus of KPP is required for self-inhibition of its ROPGEF activity, and expression of truncated KPP lacking the N terminus caused pollen tube tip enlargement. The C-terminus of KPP is required for its interaction with LePRK1 and LePRK2, and the expression of a truncated KPP lacking the C-terminus triggered pollen tube bifurcation. Furthermore, coexpression assays showed that self-associated KPP recruited actin-nucleating Actin-Related Protein2/3 (ARP2/3) complexes to the tip membrane. Interfering with ARP2/3 activity reduced the pollen tube abnormalities caused by overexpressing KPP fragments. In conclusion, KPP plays a key role in pollen tube speed and shape control by recruiting the branched actin nucleator ARP2/3 complex and an actin bundler to the membrane-localized receptors LePRK1 and LePRK2.

The delivery of nonmotile sperm to the embryo sac via a pollen tube is a key innovation that allowed flowering plants to carry out sexual reproduction without the need for water (Friedman, 1993; Lord and Russell, 2002). Both the speed and signal responsiveness of pollen tube growth are critical for successful fertilization (Johnson et al., 2019). The typical shape of a growing pollen tube cell protruding from a pollen grain is a cylinder with a dome-shaped tip (Geitmann, 2010). Maintaining such a typical tube shape during pollen tube growth is fundamental to support its ability for fast growth (Michard et al., 2017), and a plasticity range of tubular growth rates allows a pollen tube to optimize directional growth along its journey from the stigma to the ovule (Luo et al., 2017). The pollen tube cell extends mainly by tip growth, requiring huge amounts of secretion/exocytosis at the tip (McKenna et al., 2009; Grebnev et al., 2017). The newly secreted cell wall at the tip is mainly composed of esterified pectin, which is expandable, whereas cell wall remodeling at the lateral region (including pectin deesterification and callose deposition) limits expansion (Grebnev et al., 2017). The tip width of a growing pollen tube actually reflects the size of the secretion zone capped by an expandable membrane and cell wall, as a collective result of multiple pollen tube growth machineries (Luo et al., 2017).The tip-localized exocytosis of a growing pollen tube is supported by a spatiotemporal tightly controlled actin cytoskeleton network (Hepler, 2016). The actin cytoskeleton configuration in a pollen tube includes highly dynamic fine actin filaments in the apical and subapical regions and parallel longitudinal actin bundles in the shank region (Qu et al., 2017). Various actin-binding proteins, such as actin nucleation factors, actin-severing proteins, and actin-bundling factors, are responsible for organizing the dynamic actin cytoskeleton network (Ren and Xiang, 2007). For example, the actin-bundling proteins fimbrin and LIM (Lin-1, isl1, Mec3) domain-containing proteins function in shank-localized actin bundles in pollen tubes (Zhang et al., 2019). For another example, the actin nucleator formin (formin3 in Arabidopsis [Arabidopsis thaliana] and formin1 in lily [Lilium longiflorum]) functions in actin polymerization in the pollen tube tip (Li et al., 2017; Lan et al., 2018). The branched actin nucleator Actin-Related Protein2/3 (ARP2/3) complex is an evolutionarily conserved, seven-subunit complex consisting of the actin-related proteins ARP2 and ARP3 (Machesky et al., 1994). The ARP2/3 complex initiates the formation of branches on the side of preexisting actin filaments, locally creating a force-generating branched actin network that underlies cellular protrusion and movement (Blanchoin et al., 2000; Amann and Pollard, 2001; Molinie and Gautreau, 2018). The phenotypes of mutants in ARP2/3 in the moss Physcomitrella patens (Harries et al., 2005; Perroud and Quatrano, 2006), in Arabidopsis (Le et al., 2003; Li et al., 2003; Mathur et al., 2003; Brembu et al., 2004; Deeks et al., 2004), in maize (Zea mays; Frank and Smith, 2002), and in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum; Chang et al., 2019) demonstrated the broad importance of the ARP2/3 complex and its activation during cellular morphogenesis, including tip-growing cells. Perhaps surprisingly, in Arabidopsis, null ARP2/3 alleles are transmitted normally through pollen and there is no obvious root hair phenotype (Le et al., 2003; Djakovic et al., 2006).These cell growth machineries are tightly coordinated by multiple signaling pathways, including membrane-localized receptor kinases and Rho-of-Plants (ROP) GTPases (Li et al., 2018). The tomato pollen-specific and membrane-localized receptor kinases LePRK1 and LePRK2 mediate signaling during pollen tube growth (Muschietti et al., 1998). LePRK2 perceives several extracellular growth-stimulating factors, including a Cys-rich extracellular protein (Late-Anther-Specific52 [LAT52]), a Leu-rich repeat protein from pollen, and two pistil/stigma molecules, Style Interactor for LePRKs and Stigma-Specific Protein1 (Tang et al., 2002, 2004; Wengier et al., 2003, 2010), which increase the speed of pollen tube growth (Zhang et al., 2008b; Huang et al., 2014). LePRK2 antisense and RNA interference (RNAi) pollen tubes grow slower (Zhang et al., 2008b), consistent with a positive role for LePRK2 in regulating the speed of pollen tube growth. LePRK1 binds LePRK2 (Wengier et al., 2003), but LePRK1 plays a negative role in pollen tube growth by controlling a switch from a fast tubular mode to a slow blebbing mode (Gui et al., 2014). LePRK1 RNAi pollen tubes burst more often than wild-type pollen tubes, implicating a role for LePRK1 in maintaining plasma membrane integrity (Gui et al., 2014). An Arabidopsis paralog of these LePRKs, PRK6, also localized on the tip membrane, perceives Arabidopsis attraction cues from the female, AtLURE1s, to guide pollen tube growth (Takeuchi and Higashiyama, 2016; Zhang et al., 2017).Rho family small guanine nucleotide-binding proteins called ROPs or RACs, which can switch between a GDP-bound inactive form and a GTP-bound active form, are regulators of polar growth in pollen tubes (Cheung and Wu, 2008; Yang, 2008). In Arabidopsis, ROP1-dependent signaling controls tip growth. Active ROP1 defines a cap region in the apical plasma membrane as an exocytosis zone (Luo et al., 2017). Overexpression of ROP1 or of a constitutively active version resulted in pollen tube tip swelling (i.e. increased tip width) and slower growth (i.e. reduced tube length), while overexpressing a dominant negative version of ROP1 inhibited pollen tube growth (i.e. shorter but normal width tubes). The size of the pollen tube tip reflects the aggregate activity of membrane-associated ROP at the tip (McKenna et al., 2009; Luo et al., 2017). Tomato ROPs have been reported to be associated with the LePRK1-LePRK2 complex (Wengier et al., 2003) and therefore presumably play similar roles as the Arabidopsis homologs in pollen tube growth, yet their biological roles have not been directly investigated.Guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) activate ROPs by promoting the conversion of ROP/RAC GTPases from a GDP-bound inactive form to a GTP-bound active form. Plants possess a plant-specific ROPGEF family whose members contain a highly conserved GEF catalytic domain, the PRONE (plant-specific ROP nucleotide exchanger) domain (Berken et al., 2005; Gu et al., 2006). The intracellular portions of LePRK1 and LePRK2 interact with Kinase Partner Protein (KPP; Kaothien et al., 2005), whose Arabidopsis homologs were later shown to belong to the PRONE-type ROPGEF family (Berken et al., 2005; Gu et al., 2006). Pollen tubes overexpressing nearly full-length KPP (missing eight amino acids at the N terminus) developed swollen tips with abnormal cytoplasmic streaming and F-actin arrangements (Kaothien et al., 2005). An Arabidopsis homolog of receptor kinase, AtPRK2a (also named AtPRK2), interacts with AtROPGEF12 (Zhang and McCormick, 2007) and with AtROPGEF1 (Chang et al., 2013) to affect ROP activity. Based on the in vitro catalytic activity of full-length and truncated AtROPGEF1, an autoinhibition conferred by the C-terminal variable region was proposed (Gu et al., 2006). AtROPGEF12 was also shown to interact with the guidance receptor kinase PRK6 (Takeuchi and Higashiyama, 2016).Increased expression of full-length KPP increased the speed of pollen tube growth without significantly affecting pollen tube shape. We show biochemically that the PRONE domain of KPP does have ROPGEF activity on several class I ROPs, with highest activity on ROP4. The N-terminal domain of KPP inhibits its own GEF activity, while its C-terminal domain enhances its own GEF activity. The C-terminal domain of KPP is also required for its interactions with LePRK1, LePRK2, and an actin-bundling protein, Pollen-expressed LIM2a (PLIM2a), while the C-terminal domain alone is sufficient to bind LePRK1 but insufficient to bind LePRK2. Furthermore, self-associated KPP colocalized with the actin nucleation proteins ARP2/3 complex during pollen tube growth and enriched the membrane localization of ARP2/3 in the pollen tube. Interfering with ARP2/3 activation by coexpressing a dominant negative version of ARP2 reduced the speed of pollen tube growth and alleviated the defects caused by the overexpression of truncated KPP. CK-666, a specific small molecule inhibitor of ARP2/3 activation, canceled the promotive effect of full-length KPP on the speed of pollen tube growth. These results indicate that during pollen germination and tube growth, KPP not only links pollen receptor kinase and ROP signaling but also links the actin network to the pollen tube plasma membrane, thereby directly affecting the cellular morphology and efficiency of pollen tube growth.  相似文献   
Optimal production of bispecific antibodies (bsAb) requires efficient and tailored co-expression and assembly of two distinct heavy and two distinct light chains. Here, we describe a novel technology to modulate the translational strength of antibody chains via Kozak sequence variants to produce bsAb in a single cell line. In this study, we designed and screened a large Kozak sequence library to identify 10 independent variants that can modulate protein expression levels from approximately 0.2 to 1.3-fold compared with the wild-type sequence in transient transfection. We used a combination of several of these variants, covering a wide range of translational strength, to develop stable single cell Chinese hamster ovary bispecific cell lines and compared the results with those obtained from the wild-type sequence. A significant increase in bispecific antibody assembly with a concomitant reduction in the level of product-related impurities was observed. Our findings suggest that for production of bsAb it can be advantageous to modify translational strength for selected protein chains to improve overall yield and product quality. By extension, tuning of translational strength can also be applied to improving the production of a wide variety of heterologous proteins.  相似文献   
Breast cancer is a popularly diagnosed malignant tumor. Genomic profiling studies suggest that breast cancer is a disease with heterogeneity. Chemotherapy is one of the chief means to treat breast cancer, while its responses and clinical outcomes vary largely due to the conventional clinicopathological factors and inherent chemosensitivity of breast cancer. Using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) Cox regression model, our study established a multi-mRNA-based signature model and constructed a relative nomogram in predicting distant-recurrence-free survival for patients receiving surgery and following chemotherapy. We constructed a signature of eight mRNAs (IPCEF1, SYNDIG1, TIGIT, SPESP1, C2CD4A, CLCA2, RLN2, and CCL19) with the LASSO model, which was employed to separate subjects into groups with high- and low-risk scores. Obvious differences of distant-recurrence-free survival were found between these two groups. This eight-mRNA-based signature was independently associated with the prognosis and had better prognostic value than classical clinicopathologic factors according to multivariate Cox regression results. Receiver operating characteristic results demonstrated excellent performance in diagnosing 3-year distant-recurrence by the eight-mRNA signature. A nomogram that combined both the eight-mRNA-based signature and clinicopathological risk factors was constructed. Comparing with an ideal model, the nomograms worked well both in the training and validation sets. Through the results that the eight-mRNA signature effectively classified patients into low- and high-risk of distant recurrence, we concluded that this eight-mRNA-based signature played a promising predictive role in prognosis and could be clinically applied in breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy.  相似文献   
Trigonostemons G and H, two novel dimeric dinorditerpenoids, were isolated from the stem barks of Trigonostemon chinensis. Their planar structures and relative configurations were established by extensive analysis of spectroscopic data. Trigonostemons G and H possess a homodimeric biaryl skeleton obtained from two rearranged chiral nonracemic abietane-type dinorditerpenes through an axially chiral biaryl 11,11′-linkage. Torsional scan and computation of the transition states were carried out to estimate the rotational energy barrier, and the axial chirality (aS) was determined by time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) electronic circular dichroism (ECD) calculations. The positive n-π* ECD transitions of the isolated carbonyl chromophore above 300 nm could be used to determine the central chirality of trigonostemon G independently by ECD calculations of the diastereomers.  相似文献   
Traditional and some scientific literature document the antidiabetic effects of the Ziziphi Spinosae Semen (ZSS). However, the bioactive compounds of ZSS responsible for the antidiabetic effects are not well known.  相似文献   
The intricate mechanisms controlling plant diversity and community composition are cornerstone of ecological understanding. Yet, the role of mycorrhizal symbiosis in influencing community composition has often been underestimated. Here, we use extensive species survey data from 1315 grassland sites in China to elucidate the influence of mycorrhizal symbiosis on plant phylogenetic diversity and community assembly. We show that increasing mycorrhizal symbiotic potential leads to greater phylogenetic dispersion within plant communities. Mycorrhizal species predominantly influence deterministic processes, suggesting a role in niche-based community assembly. Conversely, non-mycorrhizal species exert a stronger influence on stochastic processes, highlighting the importance of random events in shaping community structure. These results underscore the crucial but often hidden role of mycorrhizal symbiosis in driving plant community diversity and assembly. This study provides valuable insights into the mechanisms shaping ecological communities and the way for more informed conservation that acknowledges the complex interplay between symbiosis and community dynamics.  相似文献   
Species–area relationships (SAR) are widely utilized for estimating the species richness and its spatial turnover across various scales. Despite the prevalent characterization of SAR using the power law in many microbial community studies, its efficacy remains unvalidated. This study aims to characterize the microbial SAR and its mechanisms in alpine grassland soils on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP).  相似文献   
The importance of fine-root diameter for ecosystem functioning is increasingly recognized, yet much remains to be learned about the variation in fine-root diameter at large scales. We conducted an analysis of fine-root diameter for five root orders for 1163 plant species to detect patterns in relation to resource availability (e.g. carbon, nitrogen, water and net primary production (NPP)), stress intensity (e.g. plant/soil biodiversity and soil bulk density) and temperature. First- to fourth-order root diameters showed non-linear relationships with mean annual temperature (except for first-order root diameter) and/or with latitude. The diameters of the five root orders decreased with increasing mean annual precipitation, but increased with greater NPP, which was the strongest determinant of fine-root diameter. Increasing soil biodiversity was associated with decreasing diameters of fourth- and fifth-order roots, while greater plant biodiversity was associated with decreasing diameters of first- to third-order roots. Soil total nitrogen concentration had a positive effect on first-order root diameter but a negative effect on fourth- and fifth-order root diameters. The patterns reversed for soil total phosphorus concentration. First- to third-order and fifth-order root diameters increased with greater soil bulk density. Second- to fourth-order root diameters increased with higher soil pH. Overall, the variables related to climatic, biological and edaphic factors explained 44–63% of the total variance in the diameters of the different root orders. The unique patterns of plasticity observed in fine-root diameter across root orders in response to varying environmental conditions contributes to a diversification of plant strategies for nutrient/water acquisition and transport under climate change.  相似文献   
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