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We assessed the effects of topographic heterogeneity and stem density on species composition between grains of different sizes (20 × 20, 50 × 50, and 100 × 100 m), based on partial Mantel tests. Similarity in species composition was measured by the abundance-based Jaccard index (C_J) and by an index that incorporates phylogenetic information into C_J (pC_J). Plants were divided into five groups, arbor, subarbor, and shrub according to life form and two other groups: species that produce dry fruits (PDF) and that produce fleshy fruits (PFF). C_J and pC_J between any two grains at each grain size were calculated separately for these groups and for all species combined. In order to examine what influences C_J and pC_J, we analyzed their correlations with topographic heterogeneity variables and two dispersal limitation-related variables (stem and topographic resistance). Our data indicate that at all three grain sizes, C_J and pC_J decrease with increasing distance for all plant groups. Dispersal limitation and topographic heterogeneity were both important at 20 × 20 and 50 × 50 m grain sizes for C_J and pC_J of all plant groups; and at 100 × 100 m grain size, topographic heterogeneity dominates over dispersal limitation for some plant groups. C_J and pC_J of PDFs are less negatively correlated with stem resistance than those of PFFs. We conclude that both beta diversity and phylobetadiversity are dependent on plant groups and grain sizes.  相似文献   
We recently showed that a side-chain industrial co-oligosiloxane presents a quenchable enlarged blue phase behaviour at the cholesteric-isotropic phase transition. In this paper, we present the results of a structural study based on X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry and optical measurements. In particular, the smectic A organisation is demonstrated in the lower temperature domain, which was hitherto understood as a cholesteric phase. A structural model for this phase is proposed on the basis of the analysis of the anisotropic scattering of stretched fibers. Our results also suggest that the observed glass transition is indeed a rather complex phenomenon, which seems to involve not only the freezing of the main chains, but also smectic correlations at the side-chain level. Moreover, the calorimetric study indicates that, notwithstanding the conservation of the processed film's optical properties, low kinetic reorganisations occur at room temperature.  相似文献   
Limited proteolysis by pancreatic elastase (EC and chymotrypsin (EC was used to study the domain structure and active site of beta-galactosidase (EC (Escherichia coli). Treatment with elastase resulted in a rapid cleavage between residues Ala-732 and Ala-733. No inactivation accompanied this cleavage suggesting that this bond is in a hinge region of the protein. Some slow cleavages beyond the initial one were observed to occur and were accompanied by inactivation. Treatment of beta-galactosidase with chymotrypsin resulted in cleavages first between Trp-585 and Ser-586 and then between Phe-601 and Cys-602. The first of these cleavages resulted in total inactivation of beta-galactosidase. The presence of monovalent ions or isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside protected against the cleavages but when Mg2+ or Mn2+ was present in the reaction mixture, the bond between Trp-585 and Ser-586 was more susceptible to the action of chymotrypsin. These data demonstrate that the conformation of beta-galactosidase around Trp-585 and Ser-586 is dramatically affected by the binding of ions and isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside. The mutant M15 beta-galactosidase, which is missing residues 11 through 41 and is an inactive dimer rather than an active tetramer, was found to be much more labile to proteases than native beta-galactosidase, but the same initial cleavages were found to occur. In addition, trypsin cleaved the M15 protein between Arg-431 and Trp-432 while native beta-galactosidase was stable to trypsin.  相似文献   
糙叶败酱挥发油镇静作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文观察了败酱科植物糙叶败酱(Patrinia scabra Bunge)根和根茎中制得的挥发油的镇静作用,井与黄花败酱挥发油做了比较。结果表明,此油灌胃给予数组小鼠,剂量0.45ml/kg,显示如下的作用:[1]能显著延长由于腹腔注射戊巴比妥钠(50mg/kg)引起的小鼠睡眠时间,但其作用强度弱于黄花败酱挥发油。(2)一次灌胃给予小鼠大剂量10.46g/kg的糙叶败酱挥发油,连续观察10天,动物外观正常,无一死亡,体重增加与对照组相似。  相似文献   
武汉东湖的鲢(Hypophthalmichthy molitrix)鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)在天然条件下摄食强度具季节性变化。摄食强度高峰处于夏季,低谷处于冬季。在实验条件下,按周年采样期间水温变化范围,测定鱼的肠管排空率。食物通过鱼肠管时间(Y_p—h)与水温(X_t—℃)的关系为: 鲢Y_p=270.63 X_t~(0.6408) 鳙Y_p=280.46 X_t~(0.6642) 根据修正后Bajkov公式(D=C (24.A)/n),估算鱼的日粮。鱼日粮(Y_D)与水温(X_t)关系为: 鲢Y_D=0.2683e~(0.1503X_t) 鳙Y_D=0.0075X_t~(2.2715) 计算鱼在天然条件下周年月粮及年粮。鲢、鳙对天然饵料年消耗量分别为18.924公斤及17.39公斤,饵料系数分别为18.02及13.38。  相似文献   
“引黄济青”是国家“七五”重点工程,由黄河下游博兴县境内打渔张闸引水,在渠首沉沙后,再经惠民、东营、潍坊和青岛的10个县区约253km的明渠输送,到达唠山县棘洪滩蓄水库蓄存,实现向青岛市日供水3.0×10~5m~3。明渠输水过程中,来白沿线的营养物质会污染水体,加之输水在库中滞留时间长,会不会发生富营养化,这是社会普遍关注的问题。  相似文献   
自养黄杆菌合成羟基丁酸和羟基戊酸共聚体的发酵研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
采用本实验室从土壤中分离到的一株自养黄杆菌进行了羟基丁酸和羟基戊酸共聚体〔P(HB-co-HV)〕的发酵试验。实验结果表明,该菌株是自养黄杆菌葡萄糖运输突变株,可以葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、乙酸盐、乳酸盐和苹果酸盐作为唯一碳源,尤以葡萄糖和果糖效果最佳。硫酸铵、氯化铵和蛋白胨等不同氮源不影响其生长,却影响细胞中P(HB-co-HV)的含量和P(HB-co-HV)中HV/HB的比例。应用两阶段控制方式,经42h的补料分批发酵,细胞浓度达34.9g·L~(-1),P(HB-co-HV)浓度达25.28g·L~(-1)。细胞和P(HB-co-HV)生产速率系数分别为0.83g·L~(-1)”·h~(-1)和0.61g·L~(-1)·h~(-1)。以基质为基准的细胞得率系数(Yx/s)、产物得率系数(Yp/s)和以干细胞为基准的产物得率系数(Yp/x)分别为0.283(g/g)、0.174(g/g)和0.73(g/g)。改变培养基中碳氮源组分可将P(HB-co-HV)中HB的含量调节在24%~78%之间。  相似文献   
湿地松粉蚧夏季数量凋落的原因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用生命表技术及其相应的控制指数分析方法,对新侵入害虫湿地松粉蚧Oraoellaa-cuta(Lobdell)夏季数量凋落的某些因子进行了量化分析。结果表明:在广东南部的新侵入区,夏季高温引起的松梢迅速老化,上代为害以后引起的营养质量的变化、拥挤以及煤污病的严重发生等,均对湿地松粉蚧夏季种群数量的凋落有着明显的影响,其总的排除作用控制指数EIPC为46.89,如果排除这几个因子的作用,下代种群的数量将为当代的46.89倍。  相似文献   
川西峨眉晚白垩世夹关期河流沉积中的痕迹化石群落*   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
胡斌  吴贤涛 《古生物学报》1993,32(4):478-489
晚白垩世夹关组中的痕迹化石群落至少由12个痕迹属17个痕迹种组成,其中包括5个新痕迹种,即Cystichrtium cuwatitivum,Steinichnus laryus,Paradidymaulichnus emeiertsis,Monmorphichnus lineates和Rusophycus univalvis.这一化石群落主要是无脊椎动物的进食迹、觅食迹、爬迹、停息迹和居住迹,其中多数呈下浮痕和全浮痕保存,并形成于经常干旱的河流环境(大多出现在泛滥平原沉积中).该群落可识别出两个痕迹化石组合,即1) Scoyenia-Steinichnus-Rusophycus组合,它主要产自泛滥平原和漫滩环境;2)Skolithos-Arenicolites组合,它代表一种水道砂坝或曲流砂坝环境.  相似文献   
Intact tropical forests are generally considered to be resistant to invasions by exotic species, although the shrub Clidemia hirta (Melastomataceae) is highly invasive in tropical forests outside its native range. Release from natural enemies (e.g., herbivores and pathogens) contributes to C. hirta invasion success where native melastomes are absent, and here we examine the role of enemies when C. hirta co-occurs with native Melastomataceae species and associated herbivores and pathogens. We study 21 forest sites within agricultural landscapes in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, recording herbivory rates in C. hirta and related native Melastoma spp. plants along two 100-m transects per site that varied in canopy cover. Overall, we found evidence of enemy release; C. hirta had significantly lower herbivory (median occurrence of herbivory per plant = 79% of leaves per plant; median intensity of herbivory per leaf = 6% of leaf area) than native melastomes (93% and 20%, respectively). Herbivory on C. hirta increased when closer to native Melastoma plants with high herbivory damage, and in more shaded locations, and was associated with fewer reproductive organs on C. hirta. This suggests host-sharing by specialist Melastomataceae herbivores is occurring and may explain why invasion success of C. hirta is lower on Borneo than at locations without related native species present. Thus, natural enemy populations may provide a “biological control service” to suppress invasions of exotic species (i.e., biotic resistance). However, lower herbivory pressures in more open canopy locations may make highly degraded forests within these landscapes more susceptible to invasion.  相似文献   
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