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The baculovirus insect cell expression system (BEVS) was used for the production of self-forming Porcine parvovirus-like particles (VLPs) in serum-free medium. A low multiplicity of infection (MOI) strategy was used to overcome an extra virus amplification step, undesirable in industrial production, and to minimize the virus passage effect. It was confirmed that the time of infection (TOI) and MOI are dependent variables. Higher cell densities were obtained at low MOIs, keeping a constant TOI; however, both volumetric and specific productivities were lower. In synchronous infection, at high MOI, the specific productivity decreased when the cells were infected in the late phase of growth. Product degradation due to cell lysis strongly influenced the optimal time of harvest (TOH). Time of harvest was found to be highly dependent on the MOI, and a direct relationship with the cell yield was obtained.Analysis of the culture medium reveals that glutamine depletion occurs in the late phase of the growth. Supplementation of glutamine to uninfected cell cultures resulted in an increased cell yield. Its addition to cultures infected in the middle phase of the growth curve was also able to restore the productivity levels, but addition to cells in their stationary phase caused no observable effect on product expression. The study clearly shows that for a specific TOI it is not obvious what the correct MOI should be to obtain the best volumetric productivity.  相似文献   
1. It has been discussed for over 100 years whether short-term memory (STM) is separate from, or just an early phase of, long-term memory (LTM). The only way to solve this dilemma is to find out at least one treatment that blocks STM while keeping LTM intact for the same task in the same animal.2. The effect of a large number of treatments infused into the hippocampus, amygdala, and entorhinal, posterior parietal or prefrontal cortex on STM and LTM of a one-trial step-down inhibitory avoidance task was studied. The animals were tested at 1.5 h for STM, and again at 24 h for LTM. The treatments were given after training.3. Eleven different treatments blocked STM without affecting LTM. Eighteen treatments affected the two memory types differentially, either blocking or enhancing LTM alone. Thus, STM is separate from, and parallel to the first hours of processing of, LTM of that task.4. The mechanisms of STM are different from those of LTM. The former do not include gene expression or protein synthesis; the latter include a double peak of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity, accompanied by the phosphorylation of CREB, and both gene expression and protein synthesis.5. Possible cellular and molecular events that do not require mRNA or protein synthesis should account for STM. These might include a hyperactivation of glutamate AMPA receptors, ribosome changes, or the exocytosis of glycoproteins that participate in cell addition.  相似文献   
During inflammatory processes, monocytes leave the blood stream at increased rates and enter inflammation tissue, where they undergo phenotypic transformation to mature macrophages with enhanced phagocytic activity. alpha-Actinin, a cytoskeletal protein, is present in focal adhesion complexes and left in the microenvironment as a result of cell movement. Mactinin, a 31 kDa amino-terminal fragment of alpha-actinin, is generated by the degradation of extracellular alpha-actinin by monocyte-secreted urokinase. We have previously demonstrated that mactinin promotes monocyte/macrophage maturation. We now report that 0.5-10 nM mactinin has significant chemotactic activity for monocytes. Mactinin seems to be present in inflammatory arthritis synovial fluid, because affinity-purified antisera reacted with a protein of the expected molecular mass in various types of arthritis fluids that were immunoaffinity-purified and subjected to Western analysis. Thus, six of seven samples from patients with psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, gout, or ankylosing spondylitis contained mactinin at levels that are active in vitro. Initially, mactinin was not found in affinity-purified rheumatoid arthritis samples. However, it was detectable after the dissociation of immune complexes, suggesting that it was complexed to anti-microfilament auto-antibodies. In addition, mactinin was found in the lavage fluid from the arthritic knee joints of rabbits with antigen-induced arthritis and was absent from the contralateral control knee fluids. We conclude that mactinin is present in several types of inflammatory arthritis and might modulate mononuclear phagocyte response to inflammation.  相似文献   
We demonstrate broad-field, non-scanning, two-photon excitation fluorescence (2PEF) close to a glass/cell interface by total internal reflection of a femtosecond-pulsed infrared laser beam. We exploit the quadratic intensity dependence of 2PEF to provide non-linear evanescent wave (EW) excitation in a well-defined sample volume and to eliminate scattered background excitation. A simple model is shown to describe the resulting 2PEF intensity and to predict the effective excitation volume in terms of easily measurable beam, objective and interface properties. We demonstrate non-linear evanescent wave excitation at 860 nm of acridine orange-labelled secretory granules in live chromaffin cells, and excitation at 900 nm of TRITC-phalloidin-actin/GPI-GFP double-labelled fibroblasts. The confined excitation volume and the possibility of simultaneous multi-colour excitation of several fluorophores make EW 2PEF particularly advantageous for quantitative microscopy, imaging biochemistry inside live cells, or biosensing and screening applications in miniature high-density multi-well plates.Abbreviations 1PEF one-photon excited fluorescence - 2PEF two-photon excited fluorescence - APD avalanche photo diode - CHO Chinese hamster ovary - DMEM Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - EGFP enhanced green fluorescent protein - EW evanescent wave - FCS fetal calf serum - GPI glycosylphosphatidylinositol - TIR total internal reflectionThis paper is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Horst Harreis (1940–2002)  相似文献   
Fly ash was used as a model for ambient particulate matter which is under suspicion to cause adverse pulmonary health effects. The fly ash was pre-sized and contained only particles < 20 microm including an ultrafine fraction (< 100 nm) that contributed 31% to the particle number. In our study, we investigated the influence of fly ash on the promotion of early inflammatory reactions like the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in rat lung epithelial cells (RLE-6TN). Furthermore, we determined the formation of nitric oxide (NO). The cells show a clear dose-response relationship concerning the formation of ROS with regard to the mass of particles applied. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) added as a co-stimulus did not increase the formation of ROS induced by fly ash. Furthermore, in LPS (0.1 microg/ml) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha; 1 ng/ml) pre-treated cells no increase in reactive oxygen species comparable to fly ash alone is observable. In presence of the metal chelator, desferrioxamine (DFO), ROS formation can be significantly reduced. Neither fly ash nor LPS induced a significant NO release in RLE-6TN cells.  相似文献   
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome encodes several proteins that, in laboratory strains, can take up a stable, transmissible prion form. In each case, this requires the Asn/Gln-rich prion-forming domain (PrD) of the protein to be intact. In order to further understand the evolutionary significance of this unusual property, we have examined four different prion genes and their corresponding PrDs, from a number of naturally occurring strains of S. cerevisiae. In 4 of the 16 strains studied we identified a new allele of the SUP35 gene (SUP35delta19) that contains a 19-amino-acid deletion within the N-terminal PrD, a deletion that eliminates the prion property of Sup35p. In these strains a second prion gene, RNQ1, was found to be highly polymorphic, with eight different RNQ1 alleles detected in the six diploid strains studied. In contrast, for one other prion gene (URE2) and the sequence of the NEW1 gene encoding a PrD, no significant degree of DNA polymorphism was detected. Analysis of the naturally occurring alleles of RNQ1 and SUP35 indicated that the various polymorphisms identified were associated with DNA tandem repeats (6, 12, 33, 42 or 57 bp) within the coding sequences. The expansion and contraction of DNA repeats within the RNQ1 gene may provide an evolutionary mechanism that can ensure rapid change between the [PRION+] and [prion-] states.  相似文献   
Copy number variations (CNVs) are an important cause of ASD and those located at 15q11-q13, 16p11.2 and 22q13 have been reported as the most frequent. These CNVs exhibit variable clinical expressivity and those at 15q11-q13 and 16p11.2 also show incomplete penetrance. In the present work, through multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) analysis of 531 ethnically admixed ASD-affected Brazilian individuals, we found that the combined prevalence of the 15q11-q13, 16p11.2 and 22q13 CNVs is 2.1% (11/531). Parental origin could be determined in 8 of the affected individuals, and revealed that 4 of the CNVs represent de novo events. Based on CNV prediction analysis from genome-wide SNP arrays, the size of those CNVs ranged from 206 kb to 2.27 Mb and those at 15q11-q13 were limited to the 15q13.3 region. In addition, this analysis also revealed 6 additional CNVs in 5 out of 11 affected individuals. Finally, we observed that the combined prevalence of CNVs at 15q13.3 and 22q13 in ASD-affected individuals with epilepsy (6.4%) was higher than that in ASD-affected individuals without epilepsy (1.3%; p<0.014). Therefore, our data show that the prevalence of CNVs at 15q13.3, 16p11.2 and 22q13 in Brazilian ASD-affected individuals is comparable to that estimated for ASD-affected individuals of pure or predominant European ancestry. Also, it suggests that the likelihood of a greater number of positive MLPA results might be found for the 15q13.3 and 22q13 regions by prioritizing ASD-affected individuals with epilepsy.  相似文献   
The western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is a climatically sensitive region where foundational changes at the basis of the food web have been recorded; cryptophytes are gradually outgrowing diatoms together with a decreased size spectrum of the phytoplankton community. Based on a 11-year (2008–2018) in-situ dataset, we demonstrate a strong coupling between biomass accumulation of cryptophytes, summer upper ocean stability, and the mixed layer depth. Our results shed light on the environmental conditions favoring the cryptophyte success in coastal regions of the WAP, especially during situations of shallower mixed layers associated with lower diatom biomass, which evidences a clear competition or niche segregation between diatoms and cryptophytes. We also unravel the cryptophyte photo-physiological niche by exploring its capacity to thrive under high light stress normally found in confined stratified upper layers. Such conditions are becoming more frequent in the Antarctic coastal waters and will likely have significant future implications at various levels of the marine food web. The competitive advantage of cryptophytes in environments with significant light level fluctuations was supported by laboratory experiments that revealed a high flexibility of cryptophytes to grow in different light conditions driven by a fast photo-regulating response. All tested physiological parameters support the hypothesis that cryptophytes are highly flexible regarding their growing light conditions and extremely efficient in rapidly photo-regulating changes to environmental light levels. This plasticity would give them a competitive advantage in exploiting an ecological niche where light levels fluctuate quickly. These findings provide new insights on niche separation between diatoms and cryptophytes, which is vital for a thorough understanding of the WAP marine ecosystem.  相似文献   
A genetic strategy identified Salmonella typhimurium strains carrying large (>40 kb) Tn10-catalyzed inversions; the inverted segments were characterized by XbaI digestion and pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Two size classes of large inversions were found. More than half of the inversions extended 40-80 kb either clockwise or counterclockwise of the original Tn10 site. The remaining inversions extended up to 1620 kb (33% of the genome), but the distal endpoints of these inversions were not randomly scattered throughout the chromosome. Rather, each Tn10 repeatedly yielded similar (though not identical) inversions. The biased endpoint selection may reflect the limited search for target DNA sequences by the Tn10 transposase, and the spatial proximity of the donor and target regions in the folded S. typhimurium nucleoid. Using this interpretation, the data suggest that DNA sequences 40-80 kb clockwise and counterclockwise of the insertion site are in spatial proximity with the insertion, perhaps reflecting the organization of DNA into ~120-kb nucleoid domains. In addition, the data predict the spatial proximity of several distant DNA regions, including DNA sequences equidistant from the origin of DNA replication.  相似文献   
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