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Chow-fed rats were given 15% ethanol in their drinking water for 4 weeks, and then for the next 2 weeks of ethanol exposure they were fed isocaloric semisynthetic diets enriched in either saturated (S) or polyunsaturated (P, linoleic acid) fats. Food intake was lower in ethanol-fed (ETH) than in control (C) rats, but the average body weight gain was similar in ETH and C fed S or P. Intestinal dry weight and the percentage of the intestinal wall comprised of mucosa were more than 2-fold higher in ETH than C fed P, whereas these values were 50% lower in ETH than C fed S. The in vitro jejunal uptake of glucose and galactose was higher in ETH than C fed S, whereas the converse was true when feeding P. These effects were due to differences in the values of the maximal transport rate (Vmax), the Michaelis constant (Km), and the contribution of passive permeation. The relative permeability of the intestine to lipids was unchanged by giving ethanol or by feeding S or P, but the individual rates of uptake of most medium- and long-chain fatty acids and cholesterol were lower in ETH fed P as compared with S. In a second series of studies the acute effect of ethanol exposure was examined: animals were fed S or P for 2 weeks and the intestine was then removed: when 5% ethanol was added directly to the test solutions, there was lower in vitro jejunal and ileal uptake of glucose and higher jejunal uptake of 18:2 when rats were previously fed P, but not in those fed S. In summary; (1) feeding an isocaloric polyunsaturated fatty acid diet has a trophic effect on the intestinal mucosa of animals chronically drinking ethanol; and (2) feeding rats a diet enriched with saturated fatty acids prevents the inhibitory effects of acute and chronic ethanol exposure on the in vitro jejunal uptake of glucose, galactose and lipids observed in animals fed a polyunsaturated diet. Thus, the effect of chronic consumption of ethanol on the active and passive jejunal uptake of nutrients is influenced by the type of lipids in the animal's diet.  相似文献   
Recent reports highlight new approaches to immunointervention (suppression or enhancement) based on the known roles of lymphocyte populations, cytokines and their receptors, and adhesion molecules in immune responses. Considerable interest over the past year has focused on immunophilins (cyclophilin and the FK506-binding protein) which appear to play key roles in signal transduction within activated T cells and provide a molecular basis for new advances in immunosuppressive drug therapy.  相似文献   
To investigate the pH dependence of the conformational stability of ribonucleases A and T1, urea and guanidine hydrochloride denaturation curves have been determined over the pH range 2-10. The maximum conformational stability of both proteins is about 9 kcal/mol and occurs near pH 4.5 for ribonuclease T1 and between pH 7 and 9 for ribonuclease A. The pH dependence suggests that electrostatic interactions among the charged groups make a relatively small contribution to the conformational stability of these proteins. The dependence of delta G on urea concentration increases from about 1200 cal mol-1 M-1 at high pH to about 2400 cal mol-1 M-1 at low pH for ribonuclease A. This suggests that the unfolded conformations of RNase A become more accessible to urea as the net charge on the molecule increases. For RNase T1, the dependence of delta G on urea concentration is minimal near pH 6 and increases at both higher and lower pH. An analysis of information of this type for several proteins in terms of a model developed by Tanford [Tanford, C. (1964) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 86, 2050-2059] suggests that the unfolded states of proteins in urea and GdnHCl solutions may differ significantly in the extent of their interaction with denaturants. Thus, the conformations assumed by unfolded proteins may depend to at least some extent on the amino acid sequence of the protein.  相似文献   
A total of 33 isolates of Fusarium moniliforme from several food or feed crops were grown on sterile cracked corn, and chloroform-isopropanol extracts were assayed for mutagenic activity in the Salmonella typhimurium-microsome system by using tester strain TA98 or TA100 or both. Extracts of 21 (64%) of the isolates assayed against TA100 were mutagenic. Activities of seven of these extracts were increased markedly with incorporation of the liver homogenate (S-9) into the assay. Seven (33%) of the isolates assayed against TA98 were weakly active, with the liver homogenate having little effect on reversion rates.  相似文献   
Twenty-seven children with perennial rhinitis entered a double-blind cross-over study comparing nasal sprays of flunisolide---a new topical corticosteroid---and placebo. Symptoms were assessed over two consecutive monthly periods with each treatment. Weekly diary cards, monthly clinical assessments, and end-of-trial preferences all favoured the active drug. At the end of the trial 20 patients preferred the treatment month with flunisolide, four preferred the placebo month, and two rated the periods equally. Side effects were mild, the commonest being transient nasal stinging. Seventeen children who derived benefit from flunisolide continued with the treatment for a six-month open-study period. Many reduced the dosage from three times to twice or once daily without losing benefit. The effect of flunisolide on the pituitary-adrenal axis was assessed in seven children by measuring the 0900 blood cortisol concentrations at two-month intervals over the six months. No effect was observed. The results show that flunisolide is effective and safe for the treatment and prophylaxis of perennial rhinitis in children.  相似文献   
The ultrastructural manifestations of storage chilling-injury and concentric ring stipple indicate that the two types of injury are similar in some respects and different in others.The low temperature storage-induced injury involves the epidermal cells and several layers of epicarpal cells below. It is manifested as an increase in lipid material in the cytoplasm and vacuole and in eventual degradation and collapse of the cytoplasm. The field injury, concentric ring stipple, apparently involves primarily the epidermal cells which become extremely electron dense. The epicarp cells of the injured region do not show extensive damage but do exhibit increased lipid accumulation. This accumulation of lipid is a phenomenon common to both types of injury and may be indicative of an altered metabolism due to the low temperatures. The apparent loss of organization and compartmentation in the chilling injury is also suggestive of membrane degradation.The storage chilling-injury occurs after exposure to low temperatures for several weeks, whereas the concentric ring stipple is evidently induced by an exposure in the field for only a few hours. The ultrastructural differences observed in these two injuries, therefore, may be due to the different time- and stress- factors involved.  相似文献   
Nuclear phosphoprotein kinases from normal rat liver and transplantable neoplasms were fractionated and compared. A phosphoprotein kinase fraction activated by Mn2+ was found to be present only in the neoplasms. This nuclear protein kinase phosphorylated nuclear proteins represented by one major and several minor bands as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (M approximately 50,000).  相似文献   
Six auxotrophic markers of a halotolerant collagenolytic strain of Achromobacter were transduced by four alpha hages. Abortive transduction was also demonstrated. The generalized transduction system is unusual as the transductants were unstable, characteristic of transduction by lysogeny. The Achromobacter strain is a cryptic lysogen for alpha and purified transductants were either sensitive or resistant to alpha. Purified clones from four resistant transductants and one sensitive transductant liberated phage spontaneously. The host ranges of these spontaneous phage differed from that of the alpha phage used for the transduction experiment. Some initially resistant transductants became simi-sensitive to alpha (efficiency to plating) e.o.p. (10minus-1 to 10minus-2) after repeated cloning.  相似文献   
Methane oxidation by washed cell suspensions of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3B was selectively inhibited by 25 compounds, including metal binding components such as carbon monoxide (85% O2: 15% CO), KCN (10-6 M), αα′-dipyridyl (10-4 M), 8-quinolinol (10-4 M), thiosemicarbazide (10-5 M), thiourea (10-5 M), hydroxylamine (10-4 M), histidine (10-2 M), British Anti-Lewisite (5x10-3 M), and miscellaneous known inhibitors of other oxygenases. A role for copper in the methane oxygenase system was suggested by the pattern of inhibition and relief of inhibition by added metal ions.  相似文献   
Extreme climatic events can trigger abrupt and often lasting change in ecosystems via the reduction or elimination of foundation (i.e., habitat‐forming) species. However, while the frequency/intensity of extreme events is predicted to increase under climate change, the impact of these events on many foundation species and the ecosystems they support remains poorly understood. Here, we use the iconic seagrass meadows of Shark Bay, Western Australia – a relatively pristine subtropical embayment whose dominant, canopy‐forming seagrass, Amphibolis antarctica, is a temperate species growing near its low‐latitude range limit – as a model system to investigate the impacts of extreme temperatures on ecosystems supported by thermally sensitive foundation species in a changing climate. Following an unprecedented marine heat wave in late summer 2010/11, A. antarctica experienced catastrophic (>90%) dieback in several regions of Shark Bay. Animal‐borne video footage taken from the perspective of resident, seagrass‐associated megafauna (sea turtles) revealed severe habitat degradation after the event compared with a decade earlier. This reduction in habitat quality corresponded with a decline in the health status of largely herbivorous green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the 2 years following the heat wave, providing evidence of long‐term, community‐level impacts of the event. Based on these findings, and similar examples from diverse ecosystems, we argue that a generalized framework for assessing the vulnerability of ecosystems to abrupt change associated with the loss of foundation species is needed to accurately predict ecosystem trajectories in a changing climate. This includes seagrass meadows, which have received relatively little attention in this context. Novel research and monitoring methods, such as the analysis of habitat and environmental data from animal‐borne video and data‐logging systems, can make an important contribution to this framework.  相似文献   
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