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Vi capsular polysaccharide production is encoded by the viaB locus, which has a limited distribution in Salmonella enterica serovars. In S. enterica serovar Typhi, viaB is encoded on a 134-kb pathogenicity island known as SPI-7 that is located between partially duplicated tRNA(pheU) sites. Functional and bioinformatic analysis suggests that SPI-7 has a mosaic structure and may have evolved as a consequence of several independent insertion events. Analysis of viaB-associated DNA in Vi-positive S. enterica serovar Paratyphi C and S. enterica serovar Dublin isolates revealed the presence of similar SPI-7 islands. In S. enterica serovars Paratyphi C and Dublin, the SopE bacteriophage and a 15-kb fragment adjacent to the intact tRNA(pheU) site were absent. In S. enterica serovar Paratyphi C only, a region encoding a type IV pilus involved in the adherence of S. enterica serovar Typhi to host cells was missing. The remainder of the SPI-7 islands investigated exhibited over 99% DNA sequence identity in the three serovars. Of 30 other Salmonella serovars examined, 24 contained no insertions at the equivalent tRNA(pheU) site, 2 had a 3.7-kb insertion, and 4 showed sequence variation at the tRNA(pheU)-phoN junction, which was not analyzed further. Sequence analysis of the SPI-7 region from S. enterica serovar Typhi strain CT18 revealed significant synteny with clusters of genes from a variety of saprophytic bacteria and phytobacteria, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri. This analysis suggested that SPI-7 may be a mobile element, such as a conjugative transposon or an integrated plasmid remnant.  相似文献   
Flt3 ligand (FL) dramatically increases the number of immunostimulatory dendritic cells (DC) and their precursors in bone marrow (BM) and secondary lymphoid tissues. Herein we tested the ability of FL-mobilized donor hemopoietic cells to promote induction of skin graft tolerance across full MHC barriers. C57BL/10 (B10; H2(b), IE(-)) mice were given 10(8) spleen cells (SC) from normal or FL-treated, H-2-mismatched B10.D2 (H2(d), IE(+)) donors i.v. on day 0, 200 mg/kg i.p. cyclophosphamide on day 2, and 10(7) T cell-depleted BM cells from B10.D2 mice on day 3. B10.D2 skin grafting was performed on day 14. Indefinite allograft survival (100 days) was induced in recipients of FL-SC, but not in mice given normal SC. Tolerance was associated with blood macrochimerism and was confirmed by second-set skin grafting with donor skin 100 days after the first graft. In tolerant mice, peripheral donor-reactive T cells expressing TCR Vbeta11 were deleted selectively. Immunocompetence of tolerant FL-SC-treated mice was proven by rapid rejection of third-party skin grafts. To our knowledge this is the first report that mobilization of DC in donor cell infusions can be used to induce skin graft tolerance across MHC barriers, accompanied by specific deletion of donor-reactive T cells.  相似文献   
Bacterial nitric-oxide reductase catalyzes the two electron reduction of nitric oxide to nitrous oxide. In the oxidized form the active site non-heme Fe(B) and high spin heme b(3) are mu-oxo bridged. The heme b(3) has a ligand-to-metal charge transfer band centered at 595 nm, which is insensitive to pH over the range of 6.0-8.5. Partial reduction of nitric-oxide reductase yields a three electron-reduced state where only the heme b(3) remains oxidized. This results in a shift of the heme b(3) charge transfer band lambda(max) to longer wavelengths. At pH 6.0 the charge transfer band lambda(max) is 605 nm, whereas at pH 8.5 it is 635 nm. At pH 6.5 and 7.5 the nitric-oxide reductase ferric heme b(3) population is a mixture of both 605- and 635-nm forms. Magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy suggests that at all pH values examined the proximal ligand to the ferric heme b(3) in the three electron-reduced form is histidine. At pH 8.5 the distal ligand is hydroxide, whereas at pH 6.0, when the enzyme is most active, it is water.  相似文献   
The yeast inheritable phenotype [URE3] is thought to result from conformational changes in the normally soluble and highly helical protein Ure2p. In vitro, the protein spontaneously forms long, straight, insoluble protein fibrils at neutral pH. Here we show that fibrils of intact Ure2p assembled in vitro do not possess the cross beta-structure of amyloid, but instead are formed by the polymerization of native-like helical subunits that retain the ability to bind substrate analogues. We further show that dissociation of the normally dimeric protein to its constituent monomers is a prerequisite for assembly into fibrils. By analysing the nature of early assembly intermediates, as well as fully assembled Ure2p fibrils using atomic force microscopy, and combining the results with experiments that probe the fidelity of the native fold in protein fibrils, we present a model for fibril formation, based on assembly of native-like monomers, driven by interactions between the N-terminal glutamine and asparagine-rich region and the C-terminal functional domain. The results provide a rationale for the effect of mutagenesis on prion formation and new insights into the mechanism by which this, and possibly other inheritable factors, can be propagated.  相似文献   
At the time of organ transplantation, a variety of non-parenchymal cells are transplanted simultaneously with the allograft. Recognition of the importance of these cells as potential immunostimulatory cells lead to the concept of 'passenger leukocytes' as the principal instigators of rejection. Passenger leukocytes include interstitial dendritic cells (DCs) and blood-derived monocytes/macrophages. As investigators have discovered the significance of DCs in influencing graft outcome, so have they begun to determine the best ways to influence DCs themselves. This review discusses the role of DCs in transplantation and then focuses on three different approaches for manipulating DCs to improve allograft survival: (1) targeting of chemokines involved in DC migration, (2) pharmacological arrest of DC maturation, and (3) genetic engineering of DCs.  相似文献   
Our main aim was to determine the dermatophyte infection and colonization prevalence in canines from South Santiago, Chile. We studied 241 dogs, 121 of them presented cutaneous lesions suggestive of dermatophytosis and the other 120 were free from lesions and were considered clinically healthy. Dermatophytes were isolated from the lesions of 48.8% of animals with cutaneous diseases and from 5% of healthy dogs. Microsporum canis was the principal species isolated with a frequency of 98.3% from dermatophytosis and from all healthy carriers. The direct microscopic test showed a sensibility of 85% with a positive and negative predictive value of 74 and 79%, respectively. The highest prevalence of dermatophytosis were detected in animals up to one year old (p <= 0.05) and in dogs with high level of irritation, scaly skin, itching and alopecia (p < or = 0.05). The lesions were detected more frequently in head-neck and anterior members (p < or = 0.05). This study shows some clinical characteristics and a frequency of dermatophytes in canines that can be interesting for laboratory professionals and veterinarians.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: In protein chemistry, proteomics and biopharmaceutical development, there is a desire to know not only where a protein is cleaved by a protease, but also the susceptibility of its cleavage sites. The current tools for proteolytic cleavage prediction have often relied purely on regular expressions, or involve models that do not represent biological data well. RESULTS: A novel methodology for characterizing proteolytic cleavage site activities has been developed, which incorporates two fundamental features: activity class prediction and the use of an amino acid similarity matrix for (non-parametric) neural learning. The first solved the problem of predicting proteolytic efficiency. The second significantly improved the robustness in prediction and reduced the time complexity for learning. This study shows that activity class prediction is successful when applying this methodology to the prediction and characterization of Trypsin cleavage sites and the prediction of HIV protease cleavage sites. AVAILABILITY: Requests for software and data should be made respectively to Dr Zheng Rong Yang and Miss Rebecca Thomson.  相似文献   
Homologous recombination in human embryonic stem cells   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Dual intracellular recordings from pairs of synaptically connected neurones have demonstrated that the frequency-dependent pattern of transmitter release varies dramatically between different classes of connections. Somewhat surprisingly, these patterns are not determined by the class of neurone supplying the axon alone, but to a large degree by the class of postsynaptic neurone. A wide range of presynaptic mechanisms, some that depress the release of transmitter and others that enhance release have been identified. It is the selective expression of these different mechanisms that determines the unique frequency- and pattern-dependent properties of each class of connection. Although the molecular interactions underlying these several mechanisms have yet to be fully identified, the wealth and complexity of the protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions that have been shown to control the release of transmitter suggest many ways in which the properties of a synapse may be tuned to respond to particular patterns and frequencies.  相似文献   
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