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The leukocyte-common antigen (L-CA or T200) includes a family of lymphoid and myeloid cell surface glycoproteins with apparent molecular weights from 180,000 to 240,000. We report a partial protein sequence for thymocyte L-CA containing 1073 amino acids predicted from cDNA clones isolated using an oligonucleotide probe. Only one segment (residues 347-368) is likely to cross the membrane, and peptide data suggest that sequences N-terminal to this are outside the cell, with residues 369-1073 inside. The cytoplasmic domain includes possible phosphorylation sites and an internal homology between residues 385-671 and 676-986. Analysis of B lymphocyte cDNA clones suggests that B cell and thymocyte mRNAs are identical in 3' sequences, but size differences in Northern blots suggest 5' sequences may differ.  相似文献   
Synopsis Stegastes fasciolatus is the most common territorial damselfish in the shallow waters of Hawaii. Territorial defense was observed against other herbivorous fishes, especially acanthorids, scarids and one omnivorous chaetodontid. One acanthurid,Acanthurus nigrofuscus was found to differ in abundance and social behavior in areas whereS. fasciolatus was present, compared to areas where it was absent. The chaetodontid,Chaetodon quadrimaculatus was sheltered during the day in areas where the pomacentrid was abundant, apparently feeding at night. In other areas it fed during the day and at night, depending on the phase of the moon.S. fasciolatus were then experimentally removed from one study site, to test whether the differences in abundance and behavior of the other species were due to the presence of the damselfish. There was a significant increase in numbers of the surgeonfishAcanthurus nigrofuscus in the removal area, as well as changes in social behavior from schooling to defense of small territories. The butterflyfish,C. quadrimaculatus, was observed to forage during the day in the removal area. There were no significant changes in the control sites. The presence of the interspecifically territorial damselfish,S. fasciolatus, thus appears to be an important determinant of the behavior of these potential food competitors.  相似文献   
The incidental catch of northern sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) in the walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) joint-venture fishery in Shelikof Strait, Alaska, was studied during 1982–1984 to assess the nature and magnitude of the catch. Data were obtained by placing U.S. observers on foreign processing vessels. Dead sea lions recovered from trawl nets were counted, sexed and measured, teeth were removed for age determination by dental laminae; and stomach contents were analyzed. Although the fishery has continued to expand both in number of boats and estimated total catch (74,136 metric tons [t] in 1982 to 171,539 t in 1984), the estimated incidental catch of northern sea lions has declined (ranging from 958 to 1,436 in 1982, 216 to 324 in 1983 and 237 to 355 in 1984). Of the sea lions processed, 73 percent were caught between 2000 and 0500 h, probably during net retrieval. Most caught sea lions were females ranging in age from 1–25 yr with a mean age of 6.43 yr; 79 percent of the females were sexually mature and probably part of the reproducing population. Males had a mean age of 4.8 yr and only 12 percent were old enough to obtain and defend territories. Analysis of stomach contents showed that the sea lions consumed pollock the same size as that taken by the commercial fishery. The impact of the incidental catch on the Gulf of Alaska sea lion population is unknown.  相似文献   
Assays of ribonucleotide reductase in extracts of Detroit 98 (human) cells were found to be complicated by the rapid depletion of the substrate (CDP) by nucleoside diphosphate kinase. Assays of either 100,000g supernatants or ammonium sulfate-fractionated extracts resulted in the conversion of >90% of the substrate to CTP within 2 min. It was therefore desirable to separate nucleoside diphosphate kinase from ribonucleotide reductase. Chromatography of the fractionated extract on an ATP-agarose column resulted in the delivery of nondissociated ribonucleotide reductase in the void volume and the retention of >99.9% of the nucleoside diphosphate kinase. The kinase could be eluted by 2 mm ATP. The ribonucleotide reductase was recovered from this commercially available gel with an apparent yield of >200%. It could be accurately assayed with only minimal extraneous depletion of substrate. Furthermore, it was stable to storage at ?80°C. Tris-HCl was found to inhibit the enzyme. When HEPES (4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid)-Na buffer was used in place of Tris-HCl, the rate of CDP reduction was increased by 2.5-fold. Since the above procedure selectively removes nucleoside diphosphate kinase from crude preparations of ribonucleotide reductase, it should have general applicability for purifying ribonucleotide reductase from other sources.  相似文献   
Leucocytes from 46 melanoma patients, 45 breast carcinoma patients, and 95 control donors were tested by the leucocyte migration test against the supernatants of homogenates of malignant melanomas, breast carcinomas, simple breast tumours, and breasts showing simple cystic disease. By comparison with controls inhibition of migration occurred significantly more frequently when tumour patients'' leucocytes were exposed to extracts of histogenetically similar tumours.Cell-mediated immunity to tumour-associated antigens was measured in 12 patients with breast carcinoma and 12 with malignant melanoma immediately before surgical operation and in the postoperative period. All patients tested before operation showed significant inhibition of migration on contact with extracts of histogenetically similar tumours. Postoperatively the degree of leucocyte migration inhibition was reduced in all patients with melanoma and breast carcinoma. Significant inhibition of leucocyte migration returned in most patients 6-22 days after operation.  相似文献   
The synthesis of the imidoester methyl 3-mercaptopropionimidate is described; this reacts selectively with the amino groups of proteins. It is intended that the additional thiol groups thereby introduced should serve as points of attachment for heavy atoms and allow the preparation of isomorphous derivatives (at chemically identifiable sites) for X-ray diffraction analysis. Specific reaction of the imidoester with one of the two lysine residues of the protein subunit of intact tobacco mosaic virus is described.  相似文献   
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