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Isolation of single taste cells from lingual epithelium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is described for obtaining large numbers of isolatedtaste cells with identified polarity from lingual epithelium.The procedure involves incubating lingual epithelium in collagenase,staining the apical surface with fluorescein-conjugated wheatgerm agglutinin (FTTC-WGA), peeling non-gustatory surface epitheliumfrom the underlying taste buds and connective tissue, and dissociatingisolated taste buds with Ca2+-free saline. Isolated taste cellsretain their characteristic morphology for at least 30 min afterdissociation, and the apical specialization can be identifiedas a single patch of fluorescence usually located at the tipof an elongate process. Isolated taste cells are amenable tostudy with the patch-clamp technique, and whole-cell patch-clamprecordings show that isolated taste cells have membrane propertiessimilar to taste cells of intact lingual epithelium. Evidenceis presented that FITC-WGA staining does not alter the voltage-dependentionic currents of the taste cell membrane.  相似文献   
Seasonal variation in cell volume of epilimnetic bacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationship between bacterial cell volume and temperature was examined for field data collected over a 4-year period and through controlled chemostat incubations of aPseudomonas sp. Volumes of planktonic bacteria were found to decrease as water temperature increased. Changes in temperature accounted for 38% of the variation in average cell volume (P<0.001). Average planktobacterial cell volume fell 42% from 0.217m3 in mid-winter to 0.127m3 in mid-summer. Similar results were found for the size distribution of epibacterial cells. Controlled chemostat incubations of aPseudomonas sp. indicated that cell volume was significantly affected by temperature, growth rate, and the interaction of temperature and growth rate. The data suggest that a change in cell volume as a result of a change in temperature is an intrinsic property of planktonic bacteria.  相似文献   
Semen and blood samples from 154 rams from two Montana range flocks (Flock A, vaccinated for Brucella ovis ; Flock B, nonvaccinated) were evaluated to determine the relationship between Brucella ovis (B. ovis ) semen culture results and various semen and blood parameters. All rams utilized in this study exhibited no palpable ram epididymitis lesions. Thirteen and 25.6% of the rams tested in Flocks A and B, respectively, had positive B. ovis semen cultures. Only age of ram and ram condition scores differed (P<0.05) between flocks. No flock by semen culture interactions were detected (P>0.05) for any of the parameters evaluated. Age of ram, ram condition score, and spermatozoa rate from forward movement were unrelated (P>0.05) to B. ovis culture results. Rams with positive B. ovis semen cultures had lower sperm motility (P<0.05), higher percentage of abnormal spermatozoa cells (P<0.05), higher percentage of spermatozoa head abnormalities (P<0.01), lower percentage of live-normal cells (P<0.05), higher incidence of white blood cells in semen (P<0.01) and higher complement fixation (CF) titers (P<0.01).  相似文献   
Summary The biomass production and the plasmid stability of immobilizedE. coli cells in K-carrageenan gel beads were investigated in continuous cultures. Several factors, such as inoculum size, gel bead volume and gel concentration were examined in order to increase the cell concentration inside the immobilized cell reactor, and therefore to increase the overall productivity.  相似文献   
Total RNA from post mortem human caudate nucleus, cerebellum, cerebral cortex and pheochromocytoma tissues has been prepared. Northern blot analysis, using a single-stranded human proenkephalin A antisense probe (cRNA), revealed the existence of two different proenkephalin A-like sequences in the human caudate nucleus and pheochromocytoma RNA extracts of approximately 1400 and 1000 nucleotides in length respectively, whereas no specific RNA bands could be detected in the cortex and only the 1400 nucleotide band was present in the cerebellum. Under highly stringent hybridization conditions, the proenkephalin A-like RNA bands still appear, indicating that the detected RNA species have either identical or a closely related sequence to that of the wellcharacterized human proenkephalin A mRNA sequence.  相似文献   
Dynamics of autotrophic picoplankton in Lake Constance   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The vertical distribution, biomass concentrations and growthrates of autotrophic picoplankton (APP) were investigated duringthe growing season (March-October) in Lake Constance in differentdepths. Cell numbers determined by epifluorescence microscopyvaried between 1.0 x 103 and 1.6 times; 105 cells ml–1depending on season and water depth. Highest concentrationswere recorded above the thermodine in late summer. Numerically,APP consisted almost exclusively of chroococcoid cyanobactena.During lake stratification several peaks of biomass concentrationsoccurred in epilimsietic waters at intervals of 6–8 weeks.In-situ experiments using a dilution technique and dialysisbags revealed that during summer APP population dynamics wereprimarily driven by combined changes of their growth and grazingrates, whereas temperature was less important. Gross growthrates varied between 0.006 and 0.051 h–1, grazing ratesbetween 0.002 and 0.053 h–1. On average APP productionwas completely removed by grazing within the microbial community.Ciliates, heterotrophic nanoflagellates and rotifers have beenidentified as the major consumers of APP cells. APP biomassis small compared to larger phytoplankton, ranging from ito5% of total phytoplankton biovolume. Due to its high gross growthrates, which are on the same level as those of free-living pelagicbacteria, APP contributes slightly more to overall primary productionwith maximum percentages of {small tilde}15% in late summer.  相似文献   
Two major questions have been raised by prior explorations of Mars. Has there ever been abundant water on Mars? Why is the iron found in the Martian soil not readily seen in the reflectance spectra of the surface? The work reported here describes a model soil system of Mars Soil Analog Materials, MarSAM, with attributes which could help resolve both of these dilemmas. The first set of MarSAM consisted of a suite of variably iron/calcium-exchanged montmorillonite clays. Several properties, including chemical composition, surface-ion composition, water adsorption isotherms, and reflectance spectra, of these clays have been examined. Also, simulations of the Viking Labeled Release Experiment using the MarSAM were performed. The results of these studies show that surface iron and adsorbed water are important determinants of clay behavior as evidenced by changes in reflectance, water absorption, and clay surface reactions. Thus, these materials provide a model soil system which reasonably satisfies the constraints imposed by the Viking analyses and remote spectral observations of the Martian surface, and which offers a sink for significant amounts of water. Finally, our initial results may provide insights into the mechanisms of reactions that occur on clay surfaces as well as a more specific approach to determining the mineralogy of Martian soils.  相似文献   
The nucleolar RNA-binding protein B-36 is highly conserved among plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The nucleolar protein B-36 is an RNA-associated protein which has a number of properties in common with pre-mRNA-binding proteins (hnRNP proteins). Like the hnRNP proteins, B-36 appears to be evolutionarily conserved among various eukaryotes (protists and several animal species). The conservation of B-36 throughout the plant kingdom has been investigated using a panel of nine monoclonal antibodies previously shown to recognize a minimum of four different epitopes in Physarum B-36, the protein used to generate the monoclonal antibodies. Two of the epitopes (I and III) are widely conserved in 34 kDa proteins (presumably B-36 homologues) from the various species tested (Chlamydomonas, moss, fern, oat, onion, carrot, and bean). Using immunofluorescence localization in moss and carrot protoplasts, the cross-reacting proteins were shown to be restricted to the nucleolus, further confirming their probable homology to B-36. Epitopes I and III are also unique to the B-36 homologues as demonstrated by the failure of any other bands to cross-react. Another epitope (IV) was specifically recognized in the plant B-36 homologues but exhibited greatly reduced affinity for the monoclonal antibody relative to Physarum B-36. The remaining epitope (II), unlike the others, exhibited variable conservation in the plant B-36 homologues and, in addition, was present in several other seemingly unrelated proteins. Finally, several of the plant species exhibited two cross-reacting variants at roughly the 34 kDa position and in at least one of these cases a single monoclonal antibody was able to distinguish between the two variants, a result indicating that the variants do have bona fide structural differences.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
An antibody that inhibits over 95% of the cytosolic NADP+-dependent gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) dehydrogenase activity of either rat brain or kidney was found to inhibit only approximately 50% of the conversion of [1-14C]GHB to 14CO2 by rat kidney homogenate. A similar result was obtained with sodium valproate, a potent inhibitor of GHB dehydrogenase. The mitochondrial fraction from rat brain and kidney was found to catalyze the conversion of [1-14C]GHB to 14CO2. The dialyzed mitochondrial fraction also catalyzed the oxidation of GHB to succinic semialdehyde (SSA) in a reaction that did not require added NAD+ or NADP+ and which was not inhibited by sodium valproate. The enzyme from the mitochondrial fraction which converts GHB to SSA appears to be distinct from the NADP+-dependent cytosolic oxidoreductase which catalyzes this reaction.  相似文献   
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