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The dielectric constant in the active site cleft of subtilisin from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens has been probed by mutating charged residues on the rim and measuring the effect on the pKa value of the active site histidine (His64) by kinetics. Mutation of a negatively charged surface residue, which is 12 to 13 A from His64, to an uncharged one Asp----Ser99) lowers the pKa of the histidine by up to 0.4 unit at low ionic strength (0.005 to 0.01 M). This corresponds to an apparent dielectric constant of about 40 to 50 between Asp99 and His64. The mutation is in an external loop that is known to tolerate a serine at position 99 from homologies with subtilisins from other bacilli. The environment between His64 and Asp99 is predominantly protein. Another charged residue that is at a similar distance from His64 (14 to 15 A) and is also in an external loop that is known to tolerate a serine residue is Glu156, at the opposite side of the active site. There is only water in a direct line between His64 and Glu156. Mutation of Glu----Ser156 also lowers the pKa of His64 by up to 0.4 unit at low ionic strength. This change again corresponds to an apparent dielectric constant of about 40 to 50. The pKa values were determined from the pH dependence of kcat/KM for the hydrolysis of peptide substrates, with a precision of typically +/- 0.02 unit. The following suggests that the changes in pKa are real and not artefacts of experimental conditions: Hill plots of the data for pKa determination have gradients (h) of -1.00(+/- 0.02), showing that there are negligible systematic deviations from theoretical ionization curves involving a monobasic acid: the pH dependence for the hydrolysis of two different substrates (succinyl-L-alanyl-L-alanyl-L-prolyl-L-phenylalanyl p-nitroanilide and benzoyl-L-valyl-L-glycyl-L-arginyl p-nitroanilide) gives identical results so that the pKa is independent of substrate; the pH dependence is unaffected by changing the concentration of enzyme, so that aggregation is not affecting the results; the shift in pKa is masked by high ionic strength, as expected qualitatively for ionic shielding of electrostatic interactions.  相似文献   
In order to determine the sequence dependence of the conformation of deoxynucleotides, Raman spectra have been obtained for the following oligodeoxynucleotides in aqueous salt solutions and in crystals: d(CpG)(I), d(TGCGCGCA)(II), d(CACGCGTG)(III), d(CGTGCACG)(IV), d(CGCATGCG)(V), d(ACGCGCGT)(VI), d(CGCGTACGCG)(VII), d(CGCACGTGCG)(VIII) and d(CGTGCGCACG)(IX), d(GCTATAGC) (X), d(GCATATGC) (XI), d(GGTATACC) (XII) and d(GGATATCC) (XIII). The normal B type conformation is observed for all the oligomer DNA's at low salt (0.1-1.0 M NaCl) concentration in the temperature range of 0-25 degrees C. It was considered possible that all of the first nine oligomers could go into the Z form in aqueous high salt (5.0-6.0 M NaCl) solutions, and under these conditions the last four were considered candidates to go into the A form. The B-type conformation was found to exist in high salt solutions for (I), (IV), (V), (VI), (X), (XI) and (XIII); the Z or partial Z conformation appears in high salt solution for the oligomers, (II), (III), (VII), (VIII) and (IX); an A or partial A conformation appears in high salt solution for (XII). In the crystalline state, (IV), (VIII), (X), and (XI) stay in the B-form and all of the other oligomers adopt the complete Z-form except for (XII) which crystallizes in the A form. In both the crystal and in aqueous solutions, the identification of the conformation genus was made by means of Raman spectroscopy. In the crystal of (I), grown at pH7.0, guanosine is found to be in C3'-endo/syn conformation and cytidine in C2'-endo/anti, which may be taken as the ideal building block of the typical Z conformation. At pH4, (I) crystallizes in a conformation similar to the B genus. A study of the thermally induced B to Z transition has been carried out for (II) and (III). Based on the analysis of Raman spectra of the alternating pyrimidine-purine oligomers which might be expected to go into the Z form, the tendency for these oligonucleotides to adopt the Z form can be ranked as: d(CGCGCGCG) greater than (II) greater than (III) greater than (V) approximately (VI) greater than (IV) for octamers and (VII) greater than (VIII) greater than (IX) for the decamers. Similarly, those oligomers which might have a tendency to go into the A form could be ranked as (XII) greater than (XIII) approximately (X) greater than (XI). These data should provide help in formulating rules for predicting the sequence dependence of the B to A and B to Z transitions. Some possible rules are explored, but precautions should be taken.  相似文献   
Studies utilizing NMR spectroscopy have shown that adenosine cyclic 3',5'-phosphate dependent protein kinase (A-kinase) probably binds Leu-Arg-Arg-Ala-Ser-Leu-Gly (peptide 1) in one of two extended coil conformations (A or B). The relative reactivities of a series of N-methylated peptides based on the structure of peptide 1 might, therefore, be related to how well each can assume the A or B conformation. From estimates of the magnitude of steric interactions that would be induced by N-methylation of an amide in peptide 1 that is locked in either conformation, the ability of each peptide to form that conformation was predicted. The ability of A-kinase to catalyze phosphorylation of the N-methylated peptides correlated well with the ability of each peptide to form conformation A, but not conformation B. In accord with these findings, the reactivity of an unreactive N-methylated peptide was partially restored by a second change, which allowed the peptide to assume conformation A. These results suggest that, when bound in the enzymatic active site, peptide 1 has a conformation that resembles structure A much more closely than structure B.  相似文献   
Photosynthetic ATP regeneration was measured in open reactors using immobilized Chromatophores from Rhodopseudomonas capsulata. The influence of several factors on both initial and long-term ADP photophosphorylation was studied. The effect of phosphate salts and of bovine serum albumin on the organelle activity yield was studied. Photophosphorylation was initiated either with ADP or regenerated ATP and the roles of these nucleotides were compared. Different photoreactor configurations were tested for the production of a phosphorylated compound and a flat reactor selected. The presence of inorganic pyrophosphate in the reaction medium was shown to improve the synthesis of ATP 1.4 times. Using the optimal conditions described here, the total G-6P production was 50-fold higher than in batch reactors.  相似文献   
The prlC gene of E. coli was originally identified as an allele, prlC1, which suppresses certain signal sequence mutations in the genes for several exported proteins. We have isolated six new alleles of prlC that also confer this phenotype. These mutations can be placed into three classes based on the degree to which they suppress the lamB signal sequence deletion, lamBs78. Genetic mapping reveals that the physical location of the mutations in prlC correlates with the strength of the suppression, suggesting that different regions of the gene can be altered to yield a suppressor phenotype. We also describe an in vivo cloning procedure using lambda placMu9H. The procedure relies on transposition and illegitimate recombination to generate a specialized transducing phage that carries prlC1. This method should be applicable to any gene for which there is a mutant phenotype.  相似文献   
A reagent (I, N4-(9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl-4-amino-1-oxyl-4-succinimidyloxycarbonyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine)) that acylates calmodulin specifically at lysines 75 and 148 was recently described (Jackson and Puett, 1984). Chromatographic procedures are described that permit purification to apparent homogeneity of a 1 : 1 and a 2 : 1 adduct characterized by modification at just Lys 75 or at Lys 75 and Lys 148, respectively. These adducts are suitable for detailed characterization in an effort to provide information on calmodulin structure-function relationships. The adducts were incapable of, or exhibited low potency (e.g., 0.1% that of calmodulin) in, stimulating the activity of an activatable bovine brain cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (3,5-cyclic AMP 5-nucleotidehydrolase, EC preparation. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of the adducts yielded rotational correlation times of approximately 3–6 nsec, in agreement with the expected value for a hydrated protein of this molecular weight (5–7 nsec). Thus, the nitroxide reporter group appears to monitor closely the motion of the protein, and there is no evidence of a major conformational change in the derivative relative to calmodulin. Interestingly, removal of the fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl portion from the 1 : 1 adduct to give a deprotected 1 : 1 adduct resulted in apparent greater mobility of the probe, since the rotational correlation coefficient was found to be 1 nsec. Circular dichroic spectra were obtained over the wavelength interval 200–250 nm on the two adducts and on the deprotected 1 : 1 adduct. These derivatives, like calmodulin, exhibited a Ca2+-mediated increase in helicity, and the spectra of the adducts in the presence of a chelating agent and in the presence of saturating Ca2+ were similar to those obtained for calmodulin. Thus, the adducts have secondary structures similar to the native protein. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were determined in the aromatic region (6–8 ppm) for the deprotected 1 : 1 adduct before and after reduction of the nitroxide with ascorbate. The nitroxide had little effect on the chemical shifts of the two tyrosines and the single histidine relative to calmodulin, although the histidine C4 resonance was markedly altered by the addition of ascorbate. In order to explore in greater detail the tertiary structure of the 1 : 1 adduct, a reagent similar to I, but not paramagnetic, was synthesized. This compound II, -N-(9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl)alanine N-hydroxysuccinimide ester, like I, forms a 1 : 1 adduct at Lys 75 and a 2 : 1 adduct at Lys 75 and Lys 148. Proton NMR spectra of adducts with II were not complicated by the relaxation effects arising from adducts with I; thus more definitive assignments could be made to the upfield resonances, including the fluorene protons. Again, it was possible to conclude that adduct formation had no major effect on the tertiary structure of the protein as monitored by chemical shifts associated with various residues. We conclude that modification of just Lys 75, a residue in the long connecting helix of calmodulin, does not lead to major changes in protein conformation but does interfere with the ability of calmodulin to stimulate an activatable form of bovine brain cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase.  相似文献   
This is a literature review of 361 opportunistic fungal infections caused by the Zygomycetes. The clinical and laboratory diagnosis, pathogenesis, management, treatment, and outcome of infection are discussed. The Zygomycetes are a group of opportunistic fungi (orders Mucorales and Entomophthorales) which cause severe infections which may be fatal. Early clinical recognition, prompt diagnostic procedures, control of underlying disease and treatment with high doses of amphotericin B and aggressive surgery increases survival in an otherwise lethal infection.  相似文献   
Summary The pattern of the vascular supply to the choroid of the frog eye was studied in toto with the use of the injection-replication-SEM technique. The choroid of anuran amphibians is composed mainly of the choriocapillaris. In both species studied (Rana temporaria, Rana esculenta), an independent arterial supply to the choriocapillaris supplemented that from the ciliary arteries. This additional vascular route arises from the optic artery, a separate branch of the arteria infundibularis superficialis. The optic artery, accompanied by its vein within the vascular sheath of the optic nerve, joins the rich arterial capillary network of the choriocapillaris and supplies the posterior pole of the ocular bulb. The superficial capillary network displays a dense collar around the entrance of the optic nerve into the eye and is composed of a circular meshwork of small capillaries, several layers deep. More peripherally, however, it becomes single layered. This capillary network, as a whole, establishes numerous connections with the adjacent choriocapillaris at the posterior pole of the ocular bulb. In anuran amphibians the complex arrangement of both arterial systems supporting the choriocapillaris may be regarded as a more complete equivalent of the short posterior ciliary arteries of mammals.  相似文献   
Summary By combined enzymatic and mechanical treatment, it was possible to dissociate the sensory epithelium of developing antennae of male Antheraea polyphemus and A. pernyi silkmoths from the stage of separation of the antennal branches up to the early stages of cuticle deposition. Large numbers of entire developing trichoid sensilla were isolated. These are characterized by a large trichogen cell with a long apical, hair-forming process and a large nucleus. A cluster of 2–3 sensory neurons, enclosed by the thecogen cell, is situated in the basal region. The dendrites run past the nucleus of the trichogen cell into the apical process from which they protrude laterally. The nuclei of the tormogen and a 4th enveloping cell can be distinguished near the base of the prospective hair. After further dissociation, only the neuron clusters remain, still enclosed by their thecogen cell and often attached to the antennal branch nerve via their axons. It is finally possible to disrupt the thecogen cells and the axons, leaving the sensory neurons with inner dendritic segments and axon stumps. The majority of these neurons can be expected to be olfactory.  相似文献   
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