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The stoichiometry of calcium-ion chelation to alginate chains has been investigated by circular dichroism (c.d.), and by equilibrium dialysis in the presence of various concentrations of sodium chloride. C.d. intensity in the carboxylate π → π * spectral region increases linearly with calcium-ion concentration up to a level equivalent to half the total poly-L-guluronate stoichiometric requirement, and thereafter shows little further change. Similarly, the level of bound calcium resistant to displacement by swamping concentrations of sodium ions is equivalent to half the stoichiometric requirement of poly-L-guluronate chain-sequences alone. In terms of the previously developed “egg-box” model of co-operative junction-zone formation in alginate gelation, these results are interpreted as showing that the primary mechanism of interchain association is by dimerisation of poly-L-guluronate chain-segments in a regular, buckled, two-fold conformation related to that characterized for the free acid in the solid state, with tight interchain chelation of calcium to the carboxylate groups on the interior faces of the dimer (i.e., half the carboxylate residues of the participating chain-sequences). This interpretation is entirely consistent with previous evidence from electron microscopy, and offers a simple rationalisation of experimental results from competitive-ion binding studies.  相似文献   
The major volatile compounds of the Dufour's gland secretion of the ant Myrmica rubra have been identified as acetaldehyde, ethanol, acetone, and butanone, in the approximate ratios of 35:3:40:25, with a total content of 12 ng per gland. Ethological tests have shown that three effects recognized earlier for the Dufour's gland can be attributed to these components. Acetaldehyde synergized by ethanol produces an attractive effect on foraging workers. Acetone induces an increased linear speed, and changes in sinuosity of movement are induced by ethanol synergized by butanone. Ethanol, butanone, or mixtures of all four induce the deposition of Dufour's secretion on the foraging area.  相似文献   
We have used P1 transduction to create intergeneric hybrid strains of enteric bacteria by moving the genA and hut genes between Klebsiella aerogenes, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. The use of E. coli as the recipient in such transductions permits the construction of episomes and specialized transducing phage containing non-E. coli material. The effect of host restriction modification and deoxyribonucleic acid homology on the frequency of intergeneric transduction of these loci has been examined.  相似文献   
Progesterone concentrations in milk were not significantly different when quantitated by different methods (RIA vs. GLC). There was a significant day effect (P less than 0.05) on milk progesterone level due apparently to gradually decreasing values as pregnancy advanced over days 30, 120 and 210. The means for the percent fat content were different (P less than 0.05) for all comparisons among four times of collection (immediately premilking, milking pool, immediately postmilking, and 3 hr postmilking). For progesterone concentration, the main effect of time and the three-way interaction (time times antiserum times purification method) were significant (P less than 0.005); all other main effects and interactions were not significant. Within each of 4 assay groups (2 antisera times 2 purifications), the concentration of progesterone was greater (P less than 0.05) for the samples which were collected immediately postmilking than for any of the other times of collection. The three-way interaction seemed due primarily to difference in progesterone determinations among the four assay groups in the samples which were taken immediately postmilking. Over all milk samples within each assay group, the percent fat content and the concentration of progesterone were positively correlated (r = 0.71, P less than 0.01).  相似文献   
Objectives:Females tend to fatigue less than males after isometric exercise, but less is clear for isotonic exercise. Further, there have been relatively few sex comparisons for fatigability of the plantar flexors (PFs). We sought to investigate potential sex differences in contractile properties after a sustained maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) and isotonic contractions.Methods:Twenty-seven physically active males (n=14; 22±2 yrs) and females (n=13; 21±2 yrs) randomly performed a 2 min MVIC and 120 concentric isotonic (30% MVIC) contractions for the PFs on separate visits. Before and after each fatiguing task, muscle activation was obtained from brief MVICs, which was followed (~2 sec) by tibial nerve stimulation at rest. Contractile properties including peak twitch, absolute and normalized time to peak twitch, and half relaxation time were calculated.Results:No sex differences existed for fatigue-induced changes in muscle activation (p=0.09-0.41; d=0.33-0.69) or contractile properties (p=0.19-0.96; d=0.06-0.94).Conclusions:Peripheral fatigue, as indicated by contractile parameters, did not differ between sexes after isometric or isotonic exercise. The PFs similar fiber type proportions between sexes or greater fiber type heterogeneity may explain why sex differences in fatigability, though common in other muscle groups (e.g., knee extensors), were not expressed in this muscle group.  相似文献   
Net‐wire fencing built to confine livestock is common on rangelands in the Southwestern USA, yet the impacts of livestock fencing on wildlife are largely unknown. Many wildlife species cross beneath fences at defined crossing locations because they prefer to crawl underneath rather than jump over fences. Animals occasionally become entangled jumping or climbing over fences, leading to injury or death. More commonly, repeated crossings under net‐wire fencing by large animals lead to fence damage, though the damage is often tolerated by landowners until the openings affect the ability to enclose livestock. The usage, placement, characteristics, and passage rates of fence crossings beneath net‐wire fencing are poorly understood. We monitored 20 randomly selected fence crossings on net‐wire livestock fencing across two study sites on rangelands in South Texas, USA, from April 2018 to March 2019. We assessed the characteristics of fence‐crossing locations (openings beneath the fence created by animals to aid in crossing) and quantified crossing rates and the probability of crossing by all species of animals via trail cameras. We documented 10,889 attempted crossing events, with 58% (n = 6271) successful. Overall, 15 species of medium‐ and large‐size mammals and turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) contributed to crossing events. Crossing locations received 3–4 crossing attempts per day on average, but the number of attempts and probability of successful crossing varied by location and fence condition. The probability of crossing attempts was most consistently influenced by the opening size of the crossing and season; as crossing size (opening) increased, the probability of successful crossing significantly increased for all species. Peaks in crossing activity corresponded with species'' daily and seasonal movements and activity. The density and size of fence‐crossing locations were dependent on fence maintenance and not associated with vegetation communities or habitat variables. However, crossing locations were often re‐established in the same locations after fence repairs. This is one of the few studies to monitor how all animal species present interacted with net‐wire livestock fencing in rangelands. Our results will help land managers understand the impact of net‐wire livestock fencing on animal movement.  相似文献   
Molecular methods based on soil DNA extracts are increasingly being used to study the fungal diversity of ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungal communities in soil. Contrary to EM root tip identification, the use of molecular methods enables identification of extramatrical mycelia in soil. To compare fungal diversity as determined by root tip identification and mycelial identification, six soil samples were analysed. Root tips were extracted from the six samples and after amplification, the basidiomycete diversity on the root tips was analysed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The soil from the six samples was sieved, total soil DNA was extracted and after amplification, the basidiomycete diversity in the soil fractions was analysed by DGGE. Fourteen different bands were excised from the DGGE gel and sequenced; fungal taxon names could be assigned to eight bands. Out of a total of 14 fungal taxa detected in soil, 11 fungal taxa were found on root tips, of which seven were EM fungal taxa. To examine whether the sieving treatment would affect EM species diversity, two different sieve mesh sizes were used and in addition, the organic soil fraction was analysed separately. DGGE analysis showed no differences in banding pattern for the different soil fractions. The organic fraction gave the highest DGGE band intensities. This work demonstrates that there is a high correspondence between basidiomycete diversity detected by molecular analysis of root tips and soil samples, irrespective of the soil fraction being analysed.  相似文献   
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