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Many biological networks grow under strong spatial constraints, where the large-scale structure emerges from the extension, the branching and intersection of growing parts of the network. One example is provided by ant tunnelling networks, which represent the most common nest architecture in ants. Our goal was to understand how these network structures emerge from the tunnel growth dynamics. We used a standardized two-dimensional set-up shaped as a disk and studied the characteristics of tunnel growth in terms of initiation, propagation and termination of new digging sites and found that they can be described with simple probabilistic laws. We show that a model based on these simple laws and for which parameters were measured from the sand disks experiments can account for the emergence of several topological properties that were observed in experimental networks. In particular, the model accurately reproduced an allometric relation between the number of edges and the number of nodes, as well as an invariance of the node degree distribution. The model was then used to make predictions about the resulting networks' topology when the geometry of the sand substrate was shaped as a square. Experiments aimed at testing the model's predictions showed that the predictions were indeed validated. Both in the model and in the experiments, there was a similar trend for the node degree distribution tail to be steeper in the square sand patch than in the disk sand patch, while other characteristics such as the meshedness (i.e. how densely the network is internally connected) remained constant. Because network growth based on branching/fusion events is widespread in biological systems, this general model might provide useful insights for the study of other systems and, more generally, the evolution of spatial networks in biological systems.  相似文献   
A screen for zebrafish motor mutants identified two noncomplementing alleles of a recessive mutation that were named non‐active (navmi89 and navmi130). nav embryos displayed diminished spontaneous and touch‐evoked escape behaviors during the first 3 days of development. Genetic mapping identified the gene encoding NaV1.6a (scn8aa) as a potential candidate for nav. Subsequent cloning of scn8aa from the two alleles of nav uncovered two missense mutations in NaV1.6a that eliminated channel activity when assayed heterologously. Furthermore, the injection of RNA encoding wild‐type scn8aa rescued the nav mutant phenotype indicating that scn8aa was the causative gene of nav. In‐vivo electrophysiological analysis of the touch‐evoked escape circuit indicated that voltage‐dependent inward current was decreased in mechanosensory neurons in mutants, but they were able to fire action potentials. Furthermore, tactile stimulation of mutants activated some neurons downstream of mechanosensory neurons but failed to activate the swim locomotor circuit in accord with the behavioral response of initial escape contractions but no swimming. Thus, mutant mechanosensory neurons appeared to respond to tactile stimulation but failed to initiate swimming. Interestingly fictive swimming could be initiated pharmacologically suggesting that a swim circuit was present in mutants. These results suggested that NaV1.6a was required for touch‐induced activation of the swim locomotor network. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 70:508–522, 2010  相似文献   
Using the metaphor of swarm intelligence, ant-based routing protocols deploy control packets that behave like ants to discover and optimize routes between pairs of nodes. These ant-based routing protocols provide an elegant, scalable solution to the routing problem for both wired and mobile ad hoc networks. The routing problem is highly nonlinear because the control packets alter the local routing tables as they are routed through the network. We mathematically map the local rules by which the routing tables are altered to the dynamics of the entire networks. Using dynamical systems theory, we map local protocol rules to full network performance, which helps us understand the impact of protocol parameters on network performance. In this paper, we systematically derive and analyze global models for simple ant-based routing protocols using both pheromone deposition and evaporation. In particular, we develop a stochastic model by modeling the probability density of ants over the network. The model is validated by comparing equilibrium pheromone levels produced by the global analysis to results obtained from simulation studies. We use both a Matlab simulation with ideal communications and a QualNet simulation with realistic communication models. Using these analytic and computational methods, we map out a complete phase diagram of network behavior over a small multipath network. We show the existence of both stable and unstable (inaccessible) routing solutions having varying properties of efficiency and redundancy depending upon the routing parameters. Finally, we apply these techniques to a larger 50-node network and show that the design principles acquired from studying the small model network extend to larger networks.  相似文献   
In industrialized countries, prenatal exposure to maternal cigarette smoking (PEMCS) is the most common environmental insult to the fetus. Here, we tested the hypothesis that PEMCS amplifies accumulation of abdominal fat during the accelerated weight gain occurring in late puberty. This hypothesis was tested in 508 adolescents (12–18 years, 237 exposed prenatally to maternal cigarette smoking) in whom subcutaneous and intra‐abdominal fat were quantified with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We found that, in early puberty, exposed and nonexposed adolescents did not differ in MRI‐based measures of adiposity. In late puberty, on the other hand, exposed compared with nonexposed adolescents demonstrated markedly higher quantities of both subcutaneous fat (by 26%, P = 0.004) and intra‐abdominal fat (by 33%, P = 0.001). These group differences remained virtually unchanged after adjusting for sex and potential confounders, including birth weight and breastfeeding. As such, our results suggest that PEMCS may represent a major risk factor for the development of abdominal obesity at the later stages of puberty.  相似文献   


Accurate molecular diagnosis of monogenic non-autoimmune neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM) is critical for patient care, as patients carrying a mutation in KCNJ11 or ABCC8 can be treated by oral sulfonylurea drugs instead of insulin therapy. This diagnosis is currently based on Sanger sequencing of at least 42 PCR fragments from the KCNJ11, ABCC8, and INS genes. Here, we assessed the feasibility of using the next-generation whole exome sequencing (WES) for the NDM molecular diagnosis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We carried out WES for a patient presenting with permanent NDM, for whom mutations in KCNJ11, ABCC8 and INS and abnormalities in chromosome 6q24 had been previously excluded. A solution hybridization selection was performed to generate WES in 76 bp paired-end reads, by using two channels of the sequencing instrument. WES quality was assessed using a high-resolution oligonucleotide whole-genome genotyping array. From our WES with high-quality reads, we identified a novel non-synonymous mutation in ABCC8 (c.1455G>C/p.Q485H), despite a previous negative sequencing of this gene. This mutation, confirmed by Sanger sequencing, was not present in 348 controls and in the patient''s mother, father and young brother, all of whom are normoglycemic.


WES identified a novel de novo ABCC8 mutation in a NDM patient. Compared to the current Sanger protocol, WES is a comprehensive, cost-efficient and rapid method to identify mutations in NDM patients. We suggest WES as a near future tool of choice for further molecular diagnosis of NDM cases, negative for chr6q24, KCNJ11 and INS abnormalities.  相似文献   
Hotter, longer, and more frequent global change‐type drought events may profoundly impact terrestrial ecosystems by triggering widespread vegetation mortality. However, severe drought is only one component of global change, and ecological effects of drought may be compounded by other drivers, such as anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition and nonnative plant invasion. Elevated N deposition, for example, may reduce drought tolerance through increased plant productivity, thereby contributing to drought‐induced mortality. High N availability also often favors invasive, nonnative plant species, and the loss of woody vegetation due to drought may create a window of opportunity for these invaders. We investigated the effects of multiple levels of simulated N deposition on a Mediterranean‐type shrubland plant community in southern California from 2011 to 2016, a period coinciding with an extreme, multiyear drought in the region. We hypothesized that N addition would increase native shrub productivity, but that this would increase susceptibility to drought and result in increased shrub loss over time. We also predicted that N addition would favor nonnatives, especially annual grasses, leading to higher biomass and cover of these species. Consistent with these hypotheses, we found that high N availability increased native shrub canopy loss and mortality, likely due to the higher productivity and leaf area and reduced water‐use efficiency we observed in shrubs subject to N addition. As native shrub cover declined, we also observed a concomitant increase in cover and biomass of nonnative annuals, particularly under high levels of experimental N deposition. Together, these results suggest that the impacts of extended drought on shrubland ecosystems may be more severe under elevated N deposition, potentially contributing to the widespread loss of native woody species and vegetation‐type conversion.  相似文献   
Invasive alien predators are a serious threat to biodiversity worldwide. However, there is no generic method for assessing which local species are most at risk following the invasion of a new predator. The harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), is an alien in Europe and many other parts of the world where it affects other species of ladybirds through competition for food and intra-guild predation (IGP). Here, we describe a method developed to assess which European ladybird species are most at risk following the invasion of H. axyridis. The three components of the risk assessment are: the likelihood that the assessed native species encounters H. axyridis in the field, the hazard of competition for food, and the IGP hazard. Thirty native European ladybird species were assessed through data obtained from field observations, laboratory experiments and literature reviews. The species that are considered most at risk are found on deciduous trees, have immature stages which are highly vulnerable to IGP by H. axyridis, and are primarily aphidophagous. These species should be the focus of specific studies and possibly conservation actions. The risk assessment method proposed here could be applied to other alien predators which are considered a threat to native species through competition and predation.  相似文献   
Rainforest conversion and expansion of plantations in tropical regions are associated with changes in animal communities and biodiversity decline. In soil, Collembola are one of the most numerous invertebrate groups that affect the functioning of microbial communities and support arthropod predators. Despite that, information on the impact of changes in land use in the tropics on species and trait composition of Collembola communities is very limited. We investigated the response of Collembola to the conversion of rainforest into rubber agroforestry (“jungle rubber”), rubber, and oil palm plantations in Jambi Province (Sumatra, Indonesia), a region which experienced one of the strongest recent deforestation globally. Collembola were sampled in 2013 and 2016 from the litter and soil layer using heat extraction, and environmental factors were measured (litter C/N ratio, pH, water content, composition of microbial community and predator abundance). In the litter layer, density and species richness in plantation systems were 25%–38% and 30%–40% lower, respectively, than in rainforest. However, in the soil layer, density, species richness, and trait diversity of Collembola were only slightly affected by land‐use change, contrasting the response of many other animal groups. Species and trait composition of Collembola communities in litter and soil differed between each of the land‐use systems. Water content and pH were identified as main factors related to the differences in species and trait composition in both litter and soil, followed by the density of micro‐ and macropredators. Dominant species of Collembola in rainforest and jungle rubber were characterized by small body size, absence of furca, and absence of intense pigmentation, while in plantations, larger species with long furca and diffuse or patterned pigmentation were more abundant. Overall, land‐use change negatively affected Collembola communities in the litter layer, but its impact was lower in the soil layer. Several pantropical genera of Collembola (i.e., Isotomiella, Pseudosinella, and Folsomides) dominated across land‐use systems, reflecting their high environmental adaptability and/or efficient dispersal, calling for studies on their ecology and genetic diversity. The decline in species richness and density of litter‐dwelling Collembola with the conversion of rainforest into plantation systems calls for management practices mitigating negative effects of the deterioration of the litter layer in rubber plantations, but even more in oil palm plantations.  相似文献   
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