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European agri-environment schemes encourage farmers to establish sown field margin strips to protect and enhance wild plant diversity. However, plant diversity in such wild plant sowings based on seed mixtures is often low due to the high competitiveness of few, common species. Here we analysed whether intraspecific aggregation could enhance the performance of less competitive species, and how plant performance is influenced by the number of species in a mixture. We focused on inter- and intraspecific competition between six agricultural wild plant species (Centaurea cyanus, Calendula arvensis, Melilotus officinalis, Poa annua, Bromus mollis, Medicago lupulina), and tested (i) two different seeding patterns (intraspecifically aggregated vs. randomly dispersed) and (ii) three different species mixtures (monocultures, three-species, and six-species mixtures). Plant performance was measured in terms of number of individuals, biomass per individual, and biomass per m2. Intraspecific aggregation resulted in higher numbers of individuals of all species, while mixtures generated lower numbers of individuals. The performance of plant species differed depending on their position in the competitive hierarchy. Competitively weak species suffered much less from intraspecific than interspecific competition in terms of biomass, and the competitively weakest species became even excluded in the most species rich and randomly dispersed sowings with high interspecific competition. In conclusion, the performance of wild plant species was influenced by both seeding pattern and number of species in a mixture. Intraspecific aggregation enabled the coexistence of competitively weak species by reducing interspecific competitive exclusion processes. Consequently, agri-environmental schemes designed to preserve and enhance biodiversity should consider small-scale processes influencing the distribution and abundance of plants, and develop new agricultural sowing technologies to cultivate competitively weak and endangered wild plant species.  相似文献   
Many external signals influence growth cone motility, pathfinding, and the formation of synapses that lead to the final map formation of the retinotectal system. Chick temporal retinal ganglion cell axons (RGCs) collapse and retract after encountering posterior tectal cells in vitro. During this process lateral extensions appear along the RGC axonal shaft. Lateral extensions appear as nascent interstitial axonal branches and also as defasciculating growth cones that are trailing along the pioneer axon. RGC branching controlled by repellent tectal cues has recently been shown to be the critical event in retinotectal map development. The intracellular mechanism underlying this phenomenon, however, is not understood. Inhibiting RhoA with either C3 toxin or inhibiting p160Rock kinase, an effector of RhoA, with Y27632 inhibited collapse, retraction, and the number of axons that showed lateral extensions. Lateral extension length increased significantly. Inhibiting Rac1A and cdc42 with cell permeable peptide inhibitors did not inhibit collapse of growth cones, but did inhibit axon retraction. In addition, the number of axons that showed lateral extensions and lateral extension length were significantly reduced. A dynamic cytoskeleton is necessary to react to incoming guidance information. This study addresses the problems of how growth cone motility and branching or defasciculation are affected by Rho-GTPases as extracellular signals are transmitted to the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
A protein induced by wild-type T4 phage which is absent in Escherichia coli infected with nuclear disruption-deficient phage (with mutations in gene ndd) was identified by polacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This protein was synthesized at maximum rate at 3 to 6 min after infection. It had a molecular weight of 15,000 determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It was associated with sedimentable fractions of the cell from which it can be dissociated with 1 M guanidine-hydrochloride. The dissociated protein can be partly recovered in a form soluble in dilute buffer after partial purification and dialysis. The occurrence of this protein in a particulate cell fraction is of interest because of the postulated role of the bacterial cell membrane in nuclear disruption.  相似文献   
A new genus and species of catshark (Neoselachii, Carcharhiniformes, Scyliorhinidae) —Bavariscyllium tischlingeri n. gen. n. sp. — is described from the Late Jurassic (Tithonian) Plattenkalke of South Germany. The new taxon is known from a single articulated skeleton having the skull, the trunk and all of the fins preserved. The position of the first dorsal fin in relation to the pelvic fins and the dental morphology shows that the specimen belongs into the neoselachian family Scyliorhinidae. Two isolated tooth crowns from the Kimmeridgian of North Germany are identified asBavariscyllium sp. and represent the oldest unambigious fossil record of the Scyliorhinidae known so far.  相似文献   
Summary Lymphocyte karyotyping of an infant girl with the clinical features of microphthalmia, iridoschisis, goiter, hip joint dysplasia, labium synechia and craniotabes revealed an Xp deletion. The lymphocyte karyotypes of the parents were normal. Bromodeoxyuridine incorporation studies showed that, in 42 out of 43 metaphases, the deleted X chromosome was late replicating. In one metaphase, the normal X chromosome was observed to be allocyclic. Using DNA markers from the Xp22 region, the breakpoint was assigned distal to DXS16 (pXUT23) and proximal to DXS143 (dic56). Dosage intensity measurements confirmed that the STS gene and the DNA marker DXS31 were involved in the deleted area. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis revealed that the paternally derived X-chromosome was deleted.  相似文献   
Matthias Albrecht  David Kleijn  Neal M. Williams  Matthias Tschumi  Brett R. Blaauw  Riccardo Bommarco  Alistair J. Campbell  Matteo Dainese  Francis A. Drummond  Martin H. Entling  Dominik Ganser  G. Arjen de Groot  Dave Goulson  Heather Grab  Hannah Hamilton  Felix Herzog  Rufus Isaacs  Katja Jacot  Philippe Jeanneret  Mattias Jonsson  Eva Knop  Claire Kremen  Douglas A. Landis  Gregory M. Loeb  Lorenzo Marini  Megan McKerchar  Lora Morandin  Sonja C. Pfister  Simon G. Potts  Maj Rundlf  Hillary Sardias  Amber Sciligo  Carsten Thies  Teja Tscharntke  Eric Venturini  Eve Veromann  Ines M.G. Vollhardt  Felix Wckers  Kimiora Ward  Andrew Wilby  Megan Woltz  Steve Wratten  Louis Sutter 《Ecology letters》2020,23(10):1488-1498
Floral plantings are promoted to foster ecological intensification of agriculture through provisioning of ecosystem services. However, a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of different floral plantings, their characteristics and consequences for crop yield is lacking. Here we quantified the impacts of flower strips and hedgerows on pest control (18 studies) and pollination services (17 studies) in adjacent crops in North America, Europe and New Zealand. Flower strips, but not hedgerows, enhanced pest control services in adjacent fields by 16% on average. However, effects on crop pollination and yield were more variable. Our synthesis identifies several important drivers of variability in effectiveness of plantings: pollination services declined exponentially with distance from plantings, and perennial and older flower strips with higher flowering plant diversity enhanced pollination more effectively. These findings provide promising pathways to optimise floral plantings to more effectively contribute to ecosystem service delivery and ecological intensification of agriculture in the future.  相似文献   
The locus alf/hsdr-1, defined by the albino-deletion complex on mouse chromosome 7, is essential for neonatal survival. Animals homozygous for a subset of the deletions die shortly after birth due to impaired gene expression in liver parenchymal cells and kidney proximal tubular cells. Here, we describe a detailed analysis of the region containing alf/hsdr-1 by means of chromosome jumping from flanking markers. Three chromosome jumping libraries based on the restriction enzymes XmaI and SalI were constructed. Isolation of eight jumping clones distributed over 450 kb allowed more than 240 kb to be cloned in genomic lambda and cosmid libraries. Five of the probes map within the minimal genetic interval for alf/hsdr-1, which is defined by the proximal borders of the deletions c10R75M and c11DSD. The breakpoints of these deletions were precisely mapped, which allowed alf/hsdr-1 to be localized to a 310-kb interval.  相似文献   
The landscape context of cereal aphid-parasitoid interactions   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Analyses at multiple spatial scales may show how important ecosystem services such as biological control are determined by processes acting on the landscape scale. We examined cereal aphid-parasitoid interactions in wheat fields in agricultural landscapes differing in structural complexity (32-100% arable land). Complex landscapes were associated with increased aphid mortality resulting from parasitism, but also with higher aphid colonization, thereby counterbalancing possible biological control by parasitoids and lastly resulting in similar aphid densities across landscapes. Thus, undisturbed perennial habitats appeared to enhance both pests and natural enemies. Analyses at multiple spatial scales (landscape sectors of 0.5-6 km diameter) showed that correlations between parasitism and percentage of arable land were significant at scales of 0.5-2 km, whereas aphid densities responded to percentage of arable land at scales of 1-6 km diameter. Hence, the higher trophic level populations appeared to be determined by smaller landscape sectors owing to dispersal limitation, showing the 'functional spatial scale' for species-specific landscape management.  相似文献   
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