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Jordaens, K., Pinceel, J., Van Houtte, N., Breugelmans, K. & Backeljau, T. (2010). Arion transsylvanus (Mollusca, Pulmonata, Arionidae): rediscovery of a cryptic species. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 343–362. Cryptic species are abundant among invertebrates and are often hard to recognise. Molecular markers are an extremely useful tool to delineate cryptic taxa, although they should be applied with caution because different genes and techniques may yield different outcomes. We illustrate how cross‐validation by molecular and morphological data can be applied to optimise taxonomic interpretations when cryptic species are involved. This is performed for the terrestrial slug Arion subfuscus species complex which represents a historical ‘taxonomic garbage can’. Gonad morphology, allozymes and mtDNA data consistently showed that slugs from Romania and a location in E Poland represent a strongly differentiated taxon within this complex. These slugs are therefore formally redescribed and assigned to A. transsylvanus Simroth 1885 ; a forgotten nominal taxon from Transylvania. Diagnostic characters, including DNA sequences for the mitochondrial 16S rDNA are presented. Animals with the morphology of A. brunneus Lehmann 1862 , a nominal taxon which has also been reported from Romania, have the gonad type, allozyme alleles and 16S rDNA haplotypes of either A. fuscus, A. subfuscus or A. transsylvanus. Therefore, A. brunneus is regarded as a colour morph shared by several species and hence, A. transsylvanus is probably the only A. subfuscus‐like species in the Romanian Carpathians.  相似文献   
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is an inflammatory disease involving the production of different cytokines and chemokines and is characterized by leukocyte infiltration. Because the chemokine receptor CCR5 and its ligands [the CC chemokines CCL3/MIP-1alpha, CCL4/MIP-1beta, and CCL5/regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES)] regulate leukocyte chemotaxis and activation, we investigated the expression of CCR5 ligands and the role of CCR5 and its ligands in experimental AP in mice. AP was induced by hourly intraperitoneal injections of cerulein in CCR5-deficient (CCR5(-/-)) or wild-type (WT) mice. Induction of AP by cerulein resulted in an early increase of pancreatic CCL2, CCL3, and CCL4 mRNA expression, whereas CCL5 mRNA expression occurred later. CCR5(-/-) mice developed a more severe pancreatic injury than WT mice during cerulein-induced AP, as assessed by a more pronounced increase in serum amylase and lipase levels and by more severe pancreatic edema, inflammatory infiltrates (mainly neutrophils), and necrosis. CCR5(-/-) mice also exhibited increased production of CCL2/MCP-1, CCL3/MIP-1alpha, and CCL4/MIP-1beta during the course of cerulein-induced AP. In vivo simultaneous neutralization of CC chemokines with monoclonal antibodies in CCR5(-/-) mice reduced the severity of cerulein-induced AP, indicating a role of CC chemokines in exacerbating the course of AP in the absence of CCR5. Moreover, simultaneous neutralization of CCR5 ligands in WT mice also reduced the severity of cerulein-induced AP. In conclusion, lack of the chemokine receptor CCR5 exacerbates experimental cerulein-induced AP and leads to increased levels of CC chemokines and a more pronounced pancreatic inflammatory infiltrate, suggesting that CCR5 expression can modulate severity of AP.  相似文献   
This commentary highlights the promising results of recent studies in animal models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis that have clearly demonstrated the potential of gene therapy for tackling these diseases. In the absence of effective drugs or other treatments, these advances in gene therapy technology represent the best hope for those patients and families that are blighted by these diseases. BACKGROUND: Diseases characterized by progressive muscle degeneration are often incurable and affect a relatively large number of individuals. The progressive deterioration of muscle function is like the sword of Damocles that constantly reminds patients suffering from these diseases of their tragic fate, since most of them will eventually die from cardiac or pulmonary dysfunction. Some of these disorders are due to mutations in genes that directly influence the integrity of muscle fibers, such as in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a recessive X-linked genetic disease. Others result from a progressive neurodegeneration of the motoneurons that are essential for maintaining muscle function, such as in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease. The genetic basis of DMD is relatively well understood as it is due to mutations in the dystrophin gene that encodes the cognate sarcolemmal protein. In contrast, the cause of ALS is poorly defined, with the exception of some dominantly inherited familial cases of ALS that are due to gain-of-function mutations in the gene encoding superoxide dismutase (SODG93A). Gene therapy for these disorders has been hampered by the inability to achieve widespread gene transfer. Moreover, since familial ALS is due to a dominant gain-of-function mutation, inhibition of gene expression (rather than gene augmentation) would be required to correct the phenotype, which is particularly challenging.  相似文献   
The taxonomic significance of the polysaccharide structures of algal cell walls has been underscored several times over the past few decades but has never been pursued systematically. Many changes in red algal systematics and the biochemical analyses of phycocolloids have occured in recent years. The cell-wall composi-tion of representatives of 167 (24.7%) genera and 470 (11.5%) species of red algae has been documented.The method developed by Chopin and Whalen for carrageenan identification by Fourier transform infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy is extended to the study of phycocolloids for diverse species in many red algal orders. This paper focuses on the Gigartinales in which representatives of 28 (68.3%) families, 88 (50.6%) genera and 224 (27.9%) species have been analyzed. In light of recent molecular phylogenies, some patterns of distribution of key phycocolloid attributes, corresponding to familial and ordinal level groupings, are emerging; however, more species remain to be analyzed. The well-documented biochemical alternation of generations in the Phyllophoraceae, Petrocelidaceae and Gigartinaceae still holds (with two exceptions), but this pattern was not recorded in other families of Gigartinales.  相似文献   
An electrophoretic comparison of variation at 28 isozyme loci was performed for 58Vigna accessions belonging to theV. luteola, V. ambacensis, andV. racemosa groups of species. In all three groups, strong divergence is noted between results and actual nomenclature.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the propagation of the display call used for individual recognition between penguin partners. Transmission of acoustic information in a noisy environment such as a king penguin colony is very difficult. Conditions of propagation were examined for two areas of the colony (hatching and courtship areas) and reception at three heights from the ground (10, 45 and 90 cm). Signal modification was assessed in terms of attenuation of signal, amplitude modulation and spectral content. The acoustic recognition of the mate, which is decisive for breeding success, took place in the hatching area where signal degradation was less great for all parameters studied. When the receiver was located 10 cm above the ground, degradation of the signal was much more pronounced than when it was located 45 or 90 cm above ground. The characteristic incubating attitude of the king penguin (i.e. standing with the head at 45 cm above the ground) enables it to receive the main part of the signal in spite of the noisy environment. Accepted: 19 October 1998  相似文献   
Aim Invasive alien species (IAS) are recognized as major drivers of biodiversity loss, but few causal relationships between IAS and species declines have been documented. In this study, we compare the distribution (Belgium and Britain) and abundance (Belgium, Britain and Switzerland) of formerly common and widespread native ladybirds before and after the arrival of Harmonia axyridis, a globally rapidly expanding IAS. Location Europe Methods We used generalized linear mixed‐effects models (GLMMs) to assess the distribution trends of eight conspicuous and historically widespread and common species of ladybird within Belgium and Britain before and after the arrival of H. axyridis. The distribution data were collated largely through public participatory surveys but verified by a recognized expert. We also used GLMMs to model trends in the abundance of ladybirds using data collated through systematic surveys of deciduous trees in Belgium, Britain and Switzerland. Results Five (Belgium) and seven (Britain) of eight species studied show substantial declines attributable to the arrival of H. axyridis. Indeed, the two‐spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata, declined by 30% (Belgium) and 44% (Britain) over 5 years after the arrival of H. axyridis. Trends in ladybird abundance revealed similar patterns of declines across three countries. Main conclusion Together, these analyses show H. axyridis to be displacing native ladybirds with high niche overlap, probably through predation and competition. This finding provides strong evidence of a causal link between the arrival of an IAS and decline in native biodiversity. Rapid biotic homogenization at the continental scale could impact on the resilience of ecosystems and severely diminish the services they deliver.  相似文献   
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