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Misunderstanding of the dynamical behavior of the ventilatory system, especially under assisted ventilation, may explain the problems encountered in ventilatory support monitoring. Proportional assist ventilation (PAV) that theoretically gives a breath by breath assistance presents instability with high levels of assistance. We have constructed a mathematical model of interactions between three objects: the central respiratory pattern generator modelled by a modified Van der Pol oscillator, the mechanical respiratory system which is the passive part of the system and a controlled ventilator that follows its own law. The dynamical study of our model shows the existence of two crucial behaviors, i.e. oscillations and damping, depending on only two parameters, namely the time constant of the mechanical respiratory system and a cumulative interaction index. The same result is observed in simulations of spontaneous breathing as well as of PAV. In this last case, increasing assistance leads first to an increase of the tidal volume (VT), a further increase in assistance inducing a decrease in VT, ending in damping of the whole system to an attractive fixed point. We conclude that instabilities observed in PAV may be explained by the different possible dynamical behaviors of the system rather than changes in mechanical characteristics of the respiratory system.  相似文献   
We studied copulation behaviour of the osprey, Pandion haliaetus, a semicolonial, fish-eating raptor, in Corsica (Mediterranean). Pairs copulated over a long period (45 days) and at a high rate, with, on average, 288 within-pair copulations (WPCs) for a clutch. Pairs breeding at higher density faced more frequent territorial intrusions than others and were potentially at an increased cuckoldry risk. However, and contrary to predictions of the ‘paternity assurance’ hypothesis for frequent copulations, we found that WPC rate decreased with increasing frequency of territorial intrusions. Male territory attendance increased with territorial intrusion frequency, to the detriment of the food provisioning of the female. Both attempted and successful WPC rates were positively related to the amount of food delivered by the male. Thus, the more frequent the territorial intrusions, the more time the male spent within his territory, the less he courtship fed and the smaller the fish he delivered, and the less the pair copulated successfully. WPC rate was also higher in newly formed pairs than in established pairs, and decreased with increasing pair bond length. The results suggest that males rely on mate guarding rather than frequent copulations to ensure paternity, and do not support the idea that sperm competition is the main cause of frequent WPCs. Nonfertilization functions of frequent copulations, such as pair bonding, mate assessment and mate retention, were likely early in the prelaying period. The findings that WPC rate decreased with mate fidelity and that females traded copulations for food suggest that mate retention was a possible function of frequent copulations in this species. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
Phosphorylation of protein kinase Cs (PKCs) by phosphoinositide-dependent kinase I (PDK) is critical for PKC activity. In the nervous system of the marine mollusk Aplysia, there are only two major PKC isoforms, the calcium-activated PKC Apl I and the calcium-independent PKC Apl II, and both PKCs are persistently activated during intermediate memory. We monitored the PDK-dependent phosphorylation of PKC Apl I and PKC Apl II using phosphopeptide antibodies. During persistent activation of PKCs in Aplysia neurons, there is a significant increase in the amount of PDK-phosphorylated PKC Apl II in the particulate fraction but no increase in the amount of PKC Apl I phosphorylated by PDK. PDK phosphorylation of PKCs was not sensitive to inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, PKC, or expression of a kinase-inactive PDK. Localization of PDK-phosphorylated PKC Apl II using immunocytochemistry revealed an enrichment of phosphorylated PKC Apl II at the plasma membrane. These data suggest that increased PDK phosphorylation of PKC Apl II is important for persistent kinase activation.  相似文献   
We present here the genetic structure existing among five samples of the spotted sea bass Dicentrarchus punctatus, and we compare it to what prevails in the common sea bass D. labrax, a congeneric species sampled on almost the same geographical range. A genetic distance tree inferred from the polymorphism at six microsatellite loci shows a distinct pattern for the two species. D. labrax samples appears to be genetically more homogeneous with a global Fst of 3% as compared to the 10% observed at D. punctatus, indicating a lesser level of gene flow in the latter species. While appearing more differentiated, D. punctatus presents no clear geographical organisation of its genetic variability in opposition to D. labrax samples. This allows us to propose this pair of closely relative species as a good candidate for the study by comparative analysis of the biological and/or historical factors affecting genetic differentiation in marine environment.  相似文献   
The rate of N uptake of crops is highly variable during crop development and between years and sites. However, under ample soil N availability, crop N accumulation is highly related to crop growth rate and to biomass accumulation. Critical N concentration has been defined as the minimum N concentration which allows maximum growth rate. Critical N concentration declines during crop growth. The relationship between critical N concentration and biomass accumulation over the growth period of a crop is broadly similar within major C(3) and C(4) cultivated species. Therefore, the critical N concentration concept is widely used in agronomy as the basis of the diagnosis of crop N status, and allows discrimination between situations of sub-optimal and supra-optimal N supply. The relationship between N and biomass accumulation in crops, relies on the interregulation of multiple crop physiological processes. Among these processes, N uptake, crop C assimilation and thus growth rate, and C and N allocation between organs and between plants, play a particular role. Under sub-optimal N supply, N uptake of the crop depends on soil mineral N availability and distribution, and on root distribution. Under ample N supply, N uptake largely depends on growth rate via internal plant regulation. Carbon assimilation of the crop is related to crop N through the distribution of N between mature leaves with consequences for leaf and canopy photosynthesis. However, although less commonly emphasized, carbon assimilation of the crop also depends on crop N through leaf area development. Therefore, crop growth rate fundamentally relies on the balance of N allocation between growing and mature leaves. Nitrogen uptake and distribution also depends on C allocation between organs and N composition of these organs. Within shoots, allocation of C to stems generally increases in relation to C allocation to the leaves over the crop growth period. Allocation of C and N between shoots and roots also changes to a large extent in relation to soil N and/or crop N. These alterations in C and N allocation between plant organs have implications, together with soil availability and carbon assimilation, on N uptake and distribution in crops. Therefore, N uptake and distribution in plants and crops involves many aspects of growth and development. Regulation of nitrogen assimilation needs to be considered in the context of these interregulatory processes.  相似文献   
The triplexes formed by pyrimidine alpha-oligodeoxynucleotides, 15mers alpha dT(15) or 12mers alpha dCT having dimethoxyethyl (PNHdiME), morpholino (PMOR) or propyl (PNHPr) non-ionic phosphoramidate linkages with DNA duplex targets have been investigated by UV and FTIR spectroscopy. Due to the decrease in the electrostatic repulsion between partner strands of identical lengths all modifications result in triplexes more stable than those formed with unmodified phosphodiester beta-oligodeoxynucleotides (beta-ODNs). Among the alpha-ODN third strands having C and T bases and non-ionic phosphoramidate linkages (alpha dCTPN) the most efficient modification is (PNHdiME). The enhanced third strand stability of the alpha dCTPN obtained as diastereoisomeric mixtures is attenuated by the steric hindrance of the PMOR linkages or by the hydrophobicity of the PNHPr linkages. All alpha dCTPN strands form triplexes even at neutral pH. In the most favorable case (PNHdiME), we show by FTIR spectroscopy that the triplex formed at pH 7 is held by Hoogsteen T*A.T triplets and in addition by an hydrogen bond between O6 of G and C of the third strand (Tm = 30 degrees C). The detection of protonated cytosines is correlated at pH 6 with a high stabilization of the triplex (Tm = 65 degrees C). While unfavorable steric effects are overcome with alpha anomers, the limitation of the pH dependence is not completely suppressed. Different triplexes are evidenced for non pH dependent phosphoramidate alpha-thymidilate strands (alpha dT(15)PN) interacting with a target duplex of identical length. At low ionic strength and DNA concentration we observe the binding to beta dA(15) either of alpha dT(15)PN as duplex strand and beta dT(15) as third strand, or of two hydrophobic alpha dT(15)PNHPr strands. An increase in the DNA and counterion concentration stabilizes the anionic target duplex and then the alpha dT(15)PN binds as Hoogsteen third strand.  相似文献   
The psbD mRNA, which encodes the D2 reaction center polypeptide of photosystem II, is one of the most abundant chloroplast mRNAs. We have used genomic complementation to isolate the nuclear Nac2 gene, which is required for the stable accumulation of the psbD mRNA in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Nac2 encodes a hydrophilic polypeptide of 1385 amino acids with nine tetratricopeptide-like repeats (TPRs) in its C-terminal half. Cell fractionation studies indicate that the Nac2 protein is localized in the stromal compartment of the chloroplast. It is part of a high molecular weight complex that is associated with non-polysomal RNA. Change of a conserved alanine residue of the fourth TPR motif by site-directed mutagenesis leads to aggregation of Nac2 protein and completely abrogates its function, indicating that this TPR is important for proper folding of the protein and for psbD mRNA stability, processing and/or translation.  相似文献   
In the present study the genetic structure of Dicentrarchus labrax (14 samples from the Mediterranean) was analysed at six microsatellite loci, in order to test the hypothesis that some enzymatic loci undergo selection between marine and lagoon habitat. Eight of the 14 samples were analysed at both microsatellite and allozyme markers. The analysis of the genetic variation among the Mediterranean samples showed that (i) &Fcirc;ST values obtained with the six microsatellite loci were much smaller than those obtained with the 28 allozymes and (ii) microsatellite loci seemed to reflect more the geographical proximity than an ecological one. Thirteen enzymatic loci exhibited moderate to high values compared with microsatellites. This was interpreted as evidence that these allozymes are non-neutral. However, only six loci seemed to be implicated in differentiation between marine and lagoon samples, the causes of selection being unknown for the others. A possible scenario of population dynamics of the sea bass between marine and lagoon habitat is suggested.  相似文献   
During growth and development, the immature central nervous system undergoes rapid alterations in constituents and structure. We hypothesize that these alterations are accompanied by changes in the mechanical properties of brain tissue which, in turn, influence the response of the brain to traumatic inertial loads. Samples of frontal cerebrum from neonatal (2–3 days) and adult pigs were harvested and tested within 3 h post-mortem. The complex shear modulus of the samples was measured in a custom-designed oscillatory shear testing device at engineering shear strain amplitudes of 2.5% or 5% from 20–200 Hz, at 25°C and 100% humidity. In this range, the elastic and viscous components of the complex shear modulus increased significantly with the development of the cerebral region of the brain. Using an idealized model of the developing head, the age-dependent material properties of brain tissue were shown to affect the mechanical response of the brain to inertial loading. This study is a first step toward developing head injury tolerance criteria specifically for the pediatric population.  相似文献   
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