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Two morphological types of Bacillus popilliae, causal agent of the milky disease, have been isolated from taro beetles (Papuana spp, Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). B. popilliae from P. woodlarkiana woodlarkiana (Papua New Guinea) was a type A1 with a small sporangium (4.1 x 1.6 microm) and a large spore (2.1 x 1.4 microm) and parasporal body (1.8 x 1.2 microm) that sometimes overlap. B. popilliae from P. uninodis and P. woodlarkiana laevipennis (Solomon Islands) was a type B2 with a small sporangium (2.8 x 1.3 microm), a small eccentric spore (1.1 x 0.7 microm), and no parasporal body. The infectivity of these B. popilliae to Papuana uninodis larvae was compared with two B. popilliae samples from Popillia japonica in injection tests. The hemolymph of P. uninodis supported the germination and growth of isolates from Papuana and P. japonica. Results were similar in third instars and adults. Highest infection (spores present) and mortality was caused by the isolates from Papuana: mortality reached almost 100% 4 weeks after injection of the B2 type B. popilliae with 40% of larvae and 52% of adults infected. Injection of type A1 caused lower mortality but a similar percentage infected. Of two A1 B. popilliae from P. japonica, one caused a mortality comparable to type A1 from Papuana but lower infection; an older isolate resulted in low mortality and only one infected larva. B. popilliae type A1 from P. woodlarkiana was produced in the Solomon Islands by injection of spores in P. uninodis. Thirty four percent of the injected larvae and 31% of the adults produced spores with an average yield of 3.2 and 0.8 x 10(9) spores/insect, respectively. Oral application of a single dose of 10(7) spores of the B. popilliae isolates from P. uninodis or P. japonica did not cause infection and similarly inoculation of the food with spores of B. popilliae type B2 did not result in infections. However, when different rates were applied to the food of second- and third-instar P. uninodis, the B. popilliae type A1 from P. woodlarkiana caused up to 15% infection and concentration-related mortality.  相似文献   
The design of drugs with selective tissue distribution can be an effective strategy for enhancing efficacy and safety, but understanding the translation of preclinical tissue distribution data to the clinic remains an important challenge. As part of a discovery program to identify next generation liver selective HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors we report the identification of (3R,5R)-7-(4-((3-fluorobenzyl)carbamoyl)-5-cyclopropyl-2-(4-fluorophenyl)-1H-imidazol-1-yl)-3,5-dihydroxyheptanoic acid (26) as a candidate for treating hypercholesterlemia. Clinical evaluation of 26 (PF-03491165), as well as the previously reported 2 (PF-03052334), provided an opportunity for a case study comparison of the preclinical and clinical pharmacokinetics as well as pharmacodynamics of tissue targeted HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors.  相似文献   
Migrating birds make the longest non‐stop endurance flights in the animal kingdom. Satellite technology is now providing direct evidence on the lengths and durations of these flights and associated staging episodes for individual birds. Using this technology, we compared the migration performance of two subspecies of bar‐tailed godwit Limosa lapponica travelling between non‐breeding grounds in New Zealand (subspecies baueri) and northwest Australia (subspecies menzbieri) and breeding grounds in Alaska and eastern Russia, respectively. Individuals of both subspecies made long, usually non‐stop, flights from non‐breeding grounds to coastal staging grounds in the Yellow Sea region of East Asia (average 10 060 ± SD 290 km for baueri and 5860 ± 240 km for menzbieri). After an average stay of 41.2 ± 4.8 d, baueri flew over the North Pacific Ocean before heading northeast to the Alaskan breeding grounds (6770 ± 800 km). Menzbieri staged for 38.4 ± 2.5 d, and flew over land and sea northeast to high arctic Russia (4170 ± 370 km). The post‐breeding journey for baueri involved several weeks of staging in southwest Alaska followed by non‐stop flights across the Pacific Ocean to New Zealand (11 690 km in a complete track) or stopovers on islands in the southwestern Pacific en route to New Zealand and eastern Australia. By contrast, menzbieri returned to Australia via stopovers in the New Siberian Islands, Russia, and back at the Yellow Sea; birds travelled on average 4510 ± 360 km from Russia to the Yellow Sea, staged there for 40.8 ± 5.6 d, and then flew another 5680–7180 km to Australia (10 820 ± 300 km in total). Overall, the entire migration of the single baueri godwit with a fully completed return track totalled 29 280 km and involved 20 d of major migratory flight over a round‐trip journey of 174 d. The entire migrations of menzbieri averaged 21 940 ± 570 km, including 14 d of major migratory flights out of 154 d total. Godwits of both populations exhibit extreme flight performance, and baueri makes the longest (southbound) and second‐longest (northbound) non‐stop migratory flights documented for any bird. Both subspecies essentially make single stops when moving between non‐breeding and breeding sites in opposite hemispheres. This reinforces the critical importance of the intertidal habitats used by fuelling godwits in Australasia, the Yellow Sea, and Alaska.  相似文献   
Many shorebirds travel over large sections of the globe during the course of their annual cycle and use habitats in many different biomes and climate zones. Increasing knowledge of the factors driving variations in shorebird numbers, phenotype and behaviour may allow shorebirds to serve as 'integrative sentinels' of global environmental change. On the basis of numbers, timing of migration, plumage status and body mass, shorebirds could indicate whether ecological and climate systems are generally intact and stable at hemispheric scales, or whether parts of these systems might be changing. To develop this concept, we briefly review the worldwide shorebird migration systems before examining how local weather and global climatic features affect several performance measures of long-distance migrants. What do variations in numbers, phenotype and behaviour tell us about the dependence of shorebirds on weather and climate? How does data on migrating shorebirds integrate global environmental information? Documenting the dependencies between the population processes of shorebirds and global environmental features may be an important step towards assessing the likely effects of projected climate change. In the meantime we can develop the use of aspects of shorebird life histories on large spatial and temporal scales to assay global environmental change.  相似文献   
In studying the success of foraging animals, studies of interferencecompetition have put emphasis on effects of competitor density,whereas studies of resource defense have focused on the effectsof the spatial distribution of food within patches. Very fewstudies have looked at both factors simultaneously, that is,determined whether the effects of competitor density on foragingsuccess depend on the spatial distribution of food. We studiedthe behavior and the foraging success of ruddy turnstones (Arenariainterpres) using an experiment in which we varied both the presenceof a competitor and the food distribution. Because turnstonesmay differ strongly in their relative dominance status, we alsoexperimentally varied the foragers' relative dominance status.We found that the presence of a competitor only reduced theforaging success of subordinate birds foraging at the clumpedfood distribution. At this condition, dominant and subordinatebirds differed markedly in their foraging success. Contraryto our expectations, we did not observe more agonistic behaviorat the clumped food distribution. This indicates that the amountof agonistic behavior observed may be a bad indicator of interferenceeffects. These findings have specific implications for modelsof interference competition. Most notably they show that theeffects of competitor density on agonistic behavior and foragingsuccess may well depend on the spatial distribution of foodand the foragers' relative dominance status. Additionally, ourresults suggest that social dominance will not be fully understoodwithout considering long-term processes such as the formationand maintenance of social dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   
Corticosterone regulates physiological changes preparing wild birds for migration. It also modulates the immune system and may lead to increased susceptibility to infection, with implications for the spread of pathogens, including highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) H5N1. The red knot (Calidris canutus islandica) displays migratory changes in captivity and was used as a model to assess the effect of high plasma concentration of corticosterone on HPAIV H5N1 infection. We inoculated knots during pre-migration (N = 6), fueling (N = 5), migration (N = 9) and post-migration periods (N = 6). Knots from all groups shed similar viral titers for up to 5 days post-inoculation (dpi), peaking at 1 to 3 dpi. Lesions of acute encephalitis, associated with virus replication in neurons, were seen in 1 to 2 knots per group, leading to neurological disease and death at 5 to 11 dpi. Therefore, the risk of HPAIV H5N1 infection in wild birds and of potential transmission between wild birds and poultry may be similar at different times of the year, irrespective of wild birds'' migratory status. However, in knots inoculated during the migration period, viral shedding levels positively correlated with pre-inoculation plasma concentration of corticosterone. Of these, knots that did not become productively infected had lower plasma concentration of corticosterone. Conversely, elevated plasma concentration of corticosterone did not result in an increased probability to develop clinical disease. These results suggest that birds with elevated plasma concentration of corticosterone at the time of migration (ready to migrate) may be more susceptible to acquisition of infection and shed higher viral titers—before the onset of clinical disease—than birds with low concentration of corticosterone (not ready for take-off). Yet, they may not be more prone to the development of clinical disease. Therefore, assuming no effect of sub-clinical infection on the likelihood of migratory take-off, this may favor the spread of HPAIV H5N1 by migratory birds over long distances.  相似文献   
Second-order rate constants, k2, for the substitution of the ferrocene-containing β-diketonato ligands FcCOCHCOR with R=CF3 (ferrocenoyltrifluroacetonato, fctfa, pKa 6.56), CCl3 (ferrocenoyltrichloroacetonato, fctca, 7.13), CH3 (ferrocenoylacatonato, fca, 10.01), Ph (anion of benzoylferrocenoylmethane, bfcm, 10.41) and Fc (anion of diferrocenoylmethane, dfcm, 13.1) (Ph=phenyl, Fc=ferrocenyl, values in brackets are the pKa values of the free β-diketones) from the complexes [Rh(cod)(FcCOCHCOR)] with 1,10-phenanthroline (phen, cod=1,5-cyclooctadiene) at 25 °C were found to be 560 (R=CF3), 1370 (CCl3), 30 (Ph), 18 (CH3) and 7.0 dm3 mol−1 s−1 (Fc), respectively. The temperature dependence of each reaction was determined and the large negative values obtained for activation, ΔS#<−100 J K−1 mol−1 for all but R=CCl3S#CCl3=−81 J K−1 mol−1), suggests an associative substitution mechanism. The rate law of the reaction was found to be R={ks+k2[phen]}[Rh(cod)(FcCOCHCOR)]. Since the solvent-associated rate constant ks≈0 for all R except Ph (ks,RPh=0.06 s−1) the solvent, methanol, plays a limited role in the reaction. Results are interpreted to imply that the rate-determining step during substitution is breaking of an RhO bond and not the formation of an RhN bond. The role of β-diketone pKa and group electronegativity, χ, of each R group on the rate of substitution are also discussed.  相似文献   
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