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Plasma corticosterone increases in association with migratory flight in the red knot Calidris canutus islandica, suggesting that corticosterone may promote migratory activity and/or energy mobilization in this species. This hypothesis is supported by general effects of glucocorticoids, which include stimulation of locomotion and the mobilization of energy depots. We experimentally examined the role of elevated corticosterone levels in the migratory red knot by comparing foraging behavior, flight frequency, and plasma metabolites between vehicle-injected controls and birds treated with RU486, an antagonist to the genomic low-affinity glucocorticoid receptor (GR). We predicted that RU486 treatment would interfere with energy mobilization. However, we expected no effects on flight activity because recent studies suggest that glucocorticoids affect locomotion through a nongenomic receptor. Finally, because glucocorticoids exert permissive effects on food intake, we postulated that RU486 treatment in the red knot would interfere with feeding. Results were consistent with the latter prediction, suggesting that the GR participates in the promotion of hyperphagia, the intense feeding state that is characteristic of the migratory condition. RU486 treatment did not affect flight frequency, suggesting that corticosterone may support migratory activity through a receptor other than the GR. Energy metabolism (as determined through plasma metabolites) was also unaffected by RU486, possibly because energetic demands experienced by captive birds were low.  相似文献   
In many species, naïve first‐time migrants undertake migration without adults, supposedly on the basis of a ‘simple’ vector programme that combines an innate directional preference with a temporal programme that specifies distance. In strongly dimorphic species in which the sexes show distinct ecological requirements, the innate mechanisms of navigation may be expected to diverge between males and females with respect to their specific destinations. Based on captures of juvenile Ruff Philomachus pugnax at a migratory stopover over 21 years, a correlation was found between the year‐specific sex ratio and the global magnetic field disturbance during the 2 weeks prior to the peak of captures in that year. This suggests that males and females respond differently to geomagnetic disturbance with changes in either the direction of migration or the level of migratory activity, and implies sex‐specificity in the use of their geomagnetic navigational ‘toolbox’.  相似文献   
Phenotypic differences among individuals can arise during any stage of life. Although several distinct processes underlying individual differences have been defined and studied (e.g. parental effects, senescence), we lack an explicit, unified perspective for understanding how these processes contribute separately and synergistically to observed variation in functional traits. We propose a conceptual framework based on a developmental view of life-history variation, linking each ontogenetic stage with the types of individual differences originating during that period. In our view, the salient differences among these types are encapsulated by three key criteria: timing of onset, when fitness consequences are realized, and potential for reversibility. To fill a critical gap in this framework, we formulate a new term to refer to individual differences generated during adulthood—reversible state effects. We define these as ‘reversible changes in a functional trait resulting from life-history trade-offs during adulthood that affect fitness’, highlighting how the adult phenotype can be repeatedly altered in response to environmental variation. Defining individual differences in terms of trade-offs allows explicit predictions regarding when and where fitness consequences should be expected. Moreover, viewing individual differences in a developmental context highlights how different processes can work in concert to shape phenotype and fitness, and lays a foundation for research linking individual differences to ecological and evolutionary theory.  相似文献   
With 40% of the European Black-tailed Godwit population breeding in The Netherlands, this country harbours internationally significant numbers of this species. However, ongoing agricultural intensification has resulted in the fragmentation of the population and drastic population declines since 1967. By establishing genetic diversity, genetic differentiation and gene flow on the basis of 12 microsatellites, we investigated whether the population genetic structure of the Dutch Black-tailed Godwit bears the marks of these changes. Genetic diversity appeared to be moderate, and Bayesian model-based analysis of individual genotypes revealed no clustering in the Dutch populations. This was supported by pairwise FST values and AMOVA, which indicated no differentiation among the nine breeding areas. Gene flow estimates were larger than “one migrant per generation” between sample locations, and no isolation by distance was demonstrated. Our results indicate the maintenance of moderate levels of genetic diversity and genetic connectivity between breeding sites throughout the Dutch Black-tailed Godwit breeding population. We suggest that the Dutch Black-tailed Godwit breeding areas should be managed as a single panmictic unit, much as it is presently done.  相似文献   
The light purple heartwood of Acacia saxatilis contains (+)-2,3-trans-3,4-trans- and (+)-2,3-trans-3,4-cis-diastereoisomers of 8-methoxy-7,j',4'-trihydroxy- and 7,3′,4′-trihydroxyflavan-3,4-diols as major components. Evidence was also obtained of the first 3-methyl ether of metabolites: of this type, notably of (+)-8-methoxy-7,3′,4′-trihydroxy-2,3-trans-flavan-3,4-cis-diol. Flavonol, dihydroflavonol and flavanone analogies accompany these. The correlation between colour of Acacia heartwoods and structure, phenolic substitution, stereochemistry and composition of their flavonoid components is discussed.  相似文献   
The benthic fauna of two areas in the western Dutch Wadden Sea, Posthuiswad and Staart van Schieringhals, was described in 1930–1960 and again between 1996 and 2005. Here, we document the changes. Whereas both areas formerly had high densities of species that biogenically structured the intertidal mudflats such as mussels Mytilus edulis and cockles Cerastoderma edule, by 1996 they had shown a tenfold decrease in the densities of molluscs, with no recovery till 2005. Although the number of species of polychaetes and crustaceans may not have changed much, their relative abundance did. Nowadays, more polychaete species are common than before. We briefly discuss whether the changes in benthic community composition could be due to industrial fishery practices or eutrophication effects.  相似文献   
The diversity and structure of ecosystems has been found to depend both on trophic interactions in food webs and on other species interactions such as habitat modification and mutualism that form non-trophic interaction networks. However, quantification of the dependencies between these two main interaction networks has remained elusive. In this study, we assessed how habitat-modifying organisms affect basic food web properties by conducting in-depth empirical investigations of two ecosystems: North American temperate fringing marshes and West African tropical seagrass meadows. Results reveal that habitat-modifying species, through non-trophic facilitation rather than their trophic role, enhance species richness across multiple trophic levels, increase the number of interactions per species (link density), but decrease the realized fraction of all possible links within the food web (connectance). Compared to the trophic role of the most highly connected species, we found this non-trophic effects to be more important for species richness and of more or similar importance for link density and connectance. Our findings demonstrate that food webs can be fundamentally shaped by interactions outside the trophic network, yet intrinsic to the species participating in it. Better integration of non-trophic interactions in food web analyses may therefore strongly contribute to their explanatory and predictive capacity.  相似文献   
Birds living in seasonal environments change physiology and behavior in correspondence to temporally changing environmental supplies, demands and opportunities. We recently reported that the chemical composition of uropygial gland secretions of sandpipers (Scolopacidae, order Charadriformes) changes during the breeding season from mixtures of monoesters to diesters, which fulfill specific functions related to incubation. A proper temporal match between the expression of diester preen waxes and incubation requires a flexible organization of the trait. Here we analyze the possible degrees of flexibility with reference to the functionality of better-understood molt and body mass cycles of free-living and captive red knots (Calidris canutus). The relative flexibility of seasonal cycles in preen wax composition was examined by two experimental perturbations: (1) giving birds restricted access to food and (2) monitoring them long-term under a constant photoperiodic regime. We found that wax type cannot change instantaneously, but that changing the type of wax is under similar organizational time constraints as the replacement of feathers. Just as molt and mass cycles, the seasonal rhythm of diester secretion appeared to be under endogenous control: most birds placed in a constant photoperiod still maintained seasonally changing preen waxes. Diester preen wax secretion was synchronized with the peak in body mass in spring, but became less well expressed under constant photoperiodic conditions and when food availability was limited.  相似文献   
The climate variability hypothesis proposes that in variable temperate climates poikilothermic animals have wide thermal tolerance windows, whereas in constant tropical climates they have small thermal tolerance windows. In this study we quantified and compared the upper and lower lethal thermal tolerance limits of numerous bivalve species from a tropical (Roebuck Bay, north western Australia) and a temperate (Wadden Sea, north western Europe) tidal flat. Species from tropical Roebuck Bay had higher upper and lower lethal thermal limits than species from the temperate Wadden Sea, and Wadden Sea species showed an ability to survive freezing temperatures. The increased freezing resistance of the Wadden Sea species resulted in thermal tolerance windows that were on average 7 °C greater than the Roebuck Bay species. Furthermore, at a local-scale, the upper lethal thermal limits of the Wadden Sea species were positively related to submersion time and thus to encountered temperature variation, but this was not the case for the Roebuck Bay species. A review of previous studies, at a global scale, showed that upper lethal thermal limits of tropical species are closer to maximum habitat temperatures than the upper lethal thermal limits of temperate species, suggesting that temperate species are better adapted to temperature variation. In this study, we show for the first time, at both local and global scales, that the lethal thermal limits of bivalves support the climate variability effect in the marine environment.  相似文献   
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