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Swimming behavior of X and Y human sperm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. A laminar-flow fractionation method, developed primarily for removing dead sperm from human semen, was successfully modified to enrich X and Y sperm to 80% purity, and to characterize each enriched fraction for individual swimming behavior. Y-sperm fractions were rapidly detected by fluorescent cytogenetic staining. Subsequently, the degree of enrichment was quantitated with DNA extracted from each sperm fraction probed with a human male-specific recombinant DNA clone. In stationary fluid, X and Y sperm swam in circles with the same average speed. However, in a flowstream, X sperm shifted to a nearly straight path of movement in a significantly decreased angular velocity. This shift was four times more pronounced in X sperm than in Y sperm, especially after the initial transition from stationary fluid to flow. The velocity gradient across the flow axis was essential for separating X and Y sperm; uniform flow velocity did not separate them effectively.  相似文献   
A previously reported amino acid substitution within the second conserved domain of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp120 envelope results in the production of noninfectious particles. Molecular characterization of spontaneous revertant viruses, which arose during long-term cocultures of this env mutant, revealed that an amino acid change within another region of gp120 could functionally compensate for the mutation and restore infectivity. In the current study, we have introduced a conservative amino acid substitution at this second-site revertant codon and observed a marked reduction in HIV-1 infectivity. During the passage of this defective virus in cocultures, yet another revertant appeared which contained an amino acid change within a variable region of gp120 which restored infectivity to near wild-type levels. These results, in combination with other point mutations that have been introduced into the HIV-1 envelope, suggest that at least three discrete regions of gp120 may interact during the establishment of a productive viral infection. This critical step occurs subsequent to the adsorption of virions to the cell surface and either prior to or concomitant with the fusion of viral and cellular membranes.  相似文献   
The concentration and the total content of norepinephrine (NE) in the kidney were measured in Sprague-Dawley rats from 3 to 120 days after birth. Renal NE concentration was relatively low until the end of the second week, when it rose abruptly to adult levels; total NE content per kidney increased steadily throughout development. The effects of perinatal methadone treatment on renal NE development were examined by administering the drug either directly to the pups from 1 to 19 days after birth, or to the mother from 10 days of gestation to 20 days after birth. Both treatments resulted in significant deficits of body weight and kidney weight. Maternal methadone caused a significant deficit in renal NE which was most pronounced at two weeks of postnatal age; direct methadone had less effect on renal NE. These results suggest that renal sympathetic neurotransmission may become mature two weeks after birth and indicate further that maternal methadone interfares with this maturation.  相似文献   
Summary In this paper I compare several biogeographic patterns of West Indian resident land birds and bats, including species-area and trophic diversity-area relationships, the number of islands inhabited per species and levels of endemism, trophic structure as compared with tropical mainland areas, and the degree of faunal simlarity between islands of similar sizes but different locations. In most respects, the bat and bird patterns are strikingly similar. Groups of birds that are conspicuously missing from the Antilles because of the absence of appropriate resources also have missing chiropteran counterparts. Plant-visiting bats and birds are better-represented in terms of relative number of species and, in birds, in biomass, on the Lesser Antilles than on the mainland (e.g. Panama). Small Antillean islands tend to share more species of birds and bats than do larger islands. Stochastic (sensu Simberloff 1978), deterministic, and interactive (e.g. competitive and trophic interactions) factors appear to underly these biogeographic trends. No evidence exists to suggest that Caribbean bats and birds have negatively affected each other's diversity.  相似文献   
Summary The African knife fish,Xenomystus nigri, is found to be sensitive to weak electric fields by the method of averaged evoked potentials from the brain. Slow waves and spikes were recorded in or near the lateral line area of the medulla and the torus semicircularis of the mesencephalon in response to long pulses (best > 50 ms) and low frequency sine waves (best ca. 10 Hz) of voltage gradients down to < 10 V/cm. Evoked waves in the lateral line area are a sequence of negative and positive deflections beginning with a first peak at ca. 24 ms; in the torus semicircularis the first peak is at ca. 37 ms. Spikes are most likely in the torus between 50 and 80 ms after ON. At each recording locus there is a best axis of the homogeneous electric field and a better polarity. Effects of stimulus intensity, duration and repetition are described. The physiological properties are similar to those of ampullary receptor systems in mormyriforms, gymnotiforms and siluriforms.Confirming Braford (1982),Xenomystus has a large medullary nucleus resembling the nucleus otherwise peculiar to mormyriforms, gymnotiforms and siluriforms and now called the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELLL; formerly the posterior lateral line lobe). We describe the projections of anterior and posterior lateral line nerves by HRP applied to the proximal stump of a cut nerve. A descending central ramus of the anterior lateral line nerve and a lateral component of the ascending ramus of the posterior lateral line nerve end in part in the ELLL.Electroreception, including the system of discrete central structures mediating it, is for the first time found to be less than an ordinal or even a family character, but apparently a characteristic of the subfamily Xenomystinae. Species of the other subfamily, Notopterinae as well as of the other families of osteoglossiforms (Osteoglossidae, Hiodontidae and Pantodontidae), lack the ELLL.Notopterus andPantodon are found to lack the evoked potential.The positive finding of evoked activity to feeble electric field is found to be the most practical method for searching widely among fishes for the presence of the electrosense modality and its central pathways. The anatomical criterion of an ELLL can now be taken to be a good criterion for the presence of this sensory system. The absence of evoked response correlates well with the absence of an ELLL.Abbreviations ELLL electrosensory lateral line lobe - HRP horseradish peroxidase - TS torus semicircularis  相似文献   
Ethanol markedly inhibits the biosynthesis of testosterone in the male of several species. Since several in vitro studies have suggested that ethanol per se is not a gonadal toxin and that it must be metabolized to exert its effects, we examined this possibility under in vivo conditions in the present studies. We found that the administration of the alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor, pyrazole, to adult male rats significantly elevated blood ethanol levels. However, rather than resulting in a potentiation of the effects of ethanol on testicular steroidogenesis, pyrazole-induced elevations in blood ethanol concentrations produced a significant attenuation of ethanol's effects. In view of these observations, it is difficult to maintain that ethanol itself is responsible for inhibiting the production of testosterone. On the contrary, our results may provide the first in vivo support for the hypothesis that ethanol must be metabolized to exert its effects on testicular steroidogenesis.  相似文献   
Carex hermannii, a new species known only from a few populations on large volcanic mountains on the Puebla-México state border, central Mexico, is described, illustrated and compared with its nearest relative,C. cuchumatanensis of Guatemala. Both these species have been confused until now with the more distantly relatedC. endlichii. Morphological comparisons ofC. hermannii, C. cuchumatanensis andC. endlichii confirm the distinctiveness of these species.  相似文献   
1. (1) The significance of the specific (ouabain-sensitive) 86Rb+ or 42K+ uptake by cardiac muscle preparations which are not ‘sodium-loaded’ was studied.
2. (2) In left atrial preparations of guinea-pig heart, resting 86Rb+ uptake was relatively low. It was markedly increased by electrical stimulation. This stimulated uptake was further enhanced by isoproterenol and inhibited by verapamil.
3. (3) In rat atria, the resting 86Rb+ uptake was somewhat higher than in guinea-pig atria, and the increase in uptake caused by electrical stimulation was smaller. In guinea-pig right ventricular papillary muscle, the resting uptake was highest among those tissues studied, and the response to electrical stimulation was smallest. In the latter tissue, verapamil produced only a minimal inhibition of the specific 86Rb+ uptake.
4. (4) The effect of the frequency of electrical stimulation on 86Rb+ uptake paralleled its influence on the force of contraction, suggesting the involvement of intracellular sodium in both events.
5. (5) In both left atrial and right papillary muscle preparations of guinea-pig heart, specific 42K+ uptake observed with 5.8 mM K+ was relatively high, and was increased only slightly by electrical stimulation. This electrical stimulation, however, increased ouabain-induced inhibition of 42K+ uptake, suggesting that the stimulation increases the amount of Na+ available to the sodium pump.
6. (6) When the K+ concentration was 1 mM, the resting 42K+ uptake was low, and could be enhanced by electrical stimulation.
Keywords: Rb+ uptake; K+ uptake; Electrical stimulation; Na+ influex; (Cardiac muscle)  相似文献   
Summary Previous platelet studies have shown that calcium plays important roles in stimulus-secretion coupling, aggregation, and other membrane-associated functions. In addition, lanthanum induces platelet aggregation and the platelet release reaction and also influences platelet responsiveness to various stimuli. The spin-label results presented here suggest that one mechanism through which calcium and lanthanum mediate their effects on platelet functions may be by decreasing the lipid fluidity of the surface membrane.The structure of platelet membrane lipids was examined with the spin-label method. Washed human platelets were labeled with the 5-, 12- and 16-nitroxide stearic acid spin probes. Order parameters which measure the fluidity of the lipid environment of the incorporated probe may be calculated from the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of 5-nitroxide stearate [I(12,3)]-labeled cells. Evidence is presented which indicates that these spectra principally reflect properties of the platelet surface membrane lipids. The membrane fluidity increased with temperature for the range 17 to 37 °C. Either calcium or lanthanum additions to intact cells increased the rigidity of the platelet membranes at 37 °C, although the La3+ effect was larger and occurred at lower concentrations than that of Ca2+. For example, addition of 1mm La3+ or 4mm Ca2+ increased the order parameter of I(12,3)-labeled platelets by 4.3±1.7% or 2.1±0.5%. Preliminary studies conducted on purified platelet plasma membranes labeled with I(12,3) indicated that 1mm LaCl3 or 4mm CaCl2 additions similarly decreased the lipid fluidity at 37 °C. The above cation-induced effects on the fluidity of whole platelets were reversed by the use of the divalent cation-chelating agent ethylene glycol-bis-(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N-tetra-acetic acid (EGTA). Lastly, lanthanum (0.2–1mm) caused rapid aggregation of platelets which were suspended in a 50-mm Tris buffer pH 7.4 that did not contain adenosine.  相似文献   
Macrocentrus grandii which develop within Nosema pyrausta-infected larvae of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, develop direct systemic infections from the ingestion of spores at the time of larval emergence from the host. Infections adversely affect pupal development and adult longevity. Infected females are unable to transmit the microsporidian to additional corn borer hosts. Pathogen development in the parasite host appears identical to its development in the corn borer host and mature spores show no morphological differences in size or shape when observed at the ultrastructural level. The prevalence of infection in natural parasite populations is 53.8% and closely parallels the 56.7% prevalence of infection in corn borer populations. Results suggest N. pyrausta may play a significant role in limiting M. grandii populations when levels of N. pyrausta in corn borers are high.  相似文献   
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