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A substantial loss of embryos occurs between Days 30 and 40 of pregnancy in the pig under crowded intrauterine conditions, but it is not clear whether this loss affects the growth of adjacent conceptuses. Birth intervals are known to increase with decreasing litter size, but the factors responsible are unknown. Two possibilities are that increased birth weight associated with reduced litter size and the empty uterine space and resulting constricted uterine regions that occur in pigs with small litters may impair piglet delivery. To address these, pregnant gilts were laparotomized on Day 35 of pregnancy and one or two fetuses were manually crushed through the uterine wall on the ovarian or cervical end of each uterine horn to create an empty uterine space behind or in front of the litter of piglets, respectively, in relation to the route of delivery from the uterus. A subset of gilts was slaughtered at 105 days of gestation to confirm that the empty uterine spaces were successfully created and to determine their effects on placental and fetal weights of adjacent conceptuses. At slaughter, the lengths of all externally visible empty constricted regions of the uterus were measured. The uterine horns were opened and the lengths of each placenta were measured from the umbilicus toward the ovary and toward the cervix to assess whether placentas developed symmetrically, and then each fetus and placenta was weighed. Fetal crushing successfully created constricted empty uterine regions on the ovarian and cervical ends of the uterine horns. Ovarian-side placental lengths were greater than cervical-side for conceptuses adjacent to fetuses crushed on the ovarian end of the horn. Cervical-side placental lengths were greater than ovarian-side for conceptuses adjacent to fetuses crushed on the cervical end. Both placental and fetal weights were greater (10% and 6%, respectively, P<0.05) for conceptuses adjacent to crushed fetuses compared to nonadjacent conceptuses. Remaining gilts were farrowed to determine the effect of litter size, average birth weights, and treatment on birth intervals of piglets, which were monitored using 24-h video surveillance. The negative association between number of piglets born alive and average birth interval was confirmed and was not explained by litter size-induced reduction in litter average birth weights. Birth intervals and stillbirth rate did not differ between cervically- and ovarian-treated gilts. These results indicate that conceptus loss on Day 35 of gestation can benefit the growth of adjacent placentas and fetuses, but the benefit is small. Increased average birth weight and the presence of empty uterine space that occurs when litter size is reduced does not fully explain the effect of litter size on birth intervals.  相似文献   
The recent generation of a genetic linkage map for the saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) has now made it possible to carry out the systematic searches necessary for the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting traits of economic, as well as evolutionary, importance in crocodilians. In this study, we conducted genome‐wide scans for two commercially important traits, inventory head length (which is highly correlated with growth rate) and number of scale rows (SR, a skin quality trait), for the existence of QTL in a commercial population of saltwater crocodiles at Darwin Crocodile Farm, Northern Territory, Australia. To account for the uncommonly large difference in sex‐specific recombination rates apparent in the saltwater crocodile, a duel mapping strategy was employed. This strategy employed a sib‐pair analysis to take advantage of our full‐sib pedigree structure, together with a half‐sib analysis to account for, and take advantage of, the large difference in sex‐specific recombination frequencies. Using these approaches, two putative QTL regions were identified for SR on linkage group 1 (LG1) at 36 cM, and on LG12 at 0 cM. The QTL identified in this investigation represent the first for a crocodilian and indeed for any non‐avian member of the Class Reptilia. Mapping of QTL is an important first step towards the identification of genes and causal mutations for commercially important traits and the development of selection tools for implementation in crocodile breeding programmes for the industry.  相似文献   
The plasminogen receptors responsible for enhancing cell surface-dependent plasminogen activation expose COOH-terminal lysines on the cell surface and are sensitive to proteolysis by carboxypeptidase B (CpB). We treated U937 cells with CpB, then subjected membrane fractions to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by ligand blotting with (125)I-plasminogen. A 54-kDa protein lost the ability to bind (125)I-plasminogen after treatment of intact cells and was purified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and then sequenced by mass spectrometry. Two separate amino acid sequences were obtained and were identical to sequences contained within human and rat TIP49a. The cDNA for the 54-kDa protein matched the human TIP49a sequence, and encoded a COOH-terminal lysine, consistent with susceptibility to CpB. Antibodies against rat TIP49a recognized the plasminogen-binding protein on two-dimensional Western blots of U937 cell membranes. Human (125)I-Glu-plasminogen bound specifically to TIP49a protein, and binding was inhibited by epsilon-aminocaproic acid. A single class of binding sites was detected, and a K(d) of 0.57 +/- 0.14 microm was determined. TIP49a enhanced plasminogen activation 8-fold compared with the BSA control, and this was equivalent to the enhancement mediated by plasmin-treated fibrinogen. These results suggest that TIP49a is a previously unrecognized plasminogen-binding protein on the U937 cell surface.  相似文献   
Angiostatin, the N-terminal four kringles (K1-4) of plasminogen, blocks tumor-mediated angiogenesis and has great therapeutic potential. However, angiostatin's mechanism of anti-angiogenic action is unclear. We found that bovine arterial endothelial (BAE) cells adhere to angiostatin in an integrin-dependent manner and that integrins alpha(v)beta(3), alpha(9)beta(1), and to a lesser extent alpha(4)beta(1), specifically bind to angiostatin. alpha(v)beta(3) is a predominant receptor for angiostatin on BAE cells, since a function-blocking antibody to alpha(v)beta(3) effectively blocks adhesion of BAE cells to angiostatin, but an antibody to alpha(9)beta(1) does not. epsilon-Aminocaproic acid, a Lys analogue, effectively blocks angiostatin binding to BAE cells, indicating that an unoccupied Lys-binding site of the kringles may be required for integrin binding. It is known that other plasminogen fragments containing three or five kringles (K1-3 or K1-5) have an anti-angiogenic effect, but plasminogen itself does not. We found that K1-3 and K1-5 bind to alpha(v)beta(3), but plasminogen does not. These results suggest that the anti-angiogenic action of angiostatin may be mediated via interaction with alpha(v)beta(3). Angiostatin binding to alpha(v)beta(3) does not strongly induce stress-fiber formation, suggesting that angiostatin may prevent angiogenesis by perturbing the alpha(v)beta(3)-mediated signal transduction that may be necessary for angiogenesis.  相似文献   
Modelling the impact of antigen kinetics on T-cell activation and response   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses are thought to be important for the control of many viral and other infections. Qualitative aspects of the CTL response, including the epitope specificity, affinity, and clonal composition, may affect the ability of T cells to mediate infection control. Although it is clear that the mode of introduction and the dose of antigen can affect these qualitative aspects of the response, little is understood of the mechanisms. We have developed an in silico model of the CTL response, which we use to study the impact of antigen dose, antigen kinetics and repeated antigen delivery on the response. The results suggest that recent observations on differences in response to killed antigen can be explained simply by differences in timing of T-cell activation. These findings may provide insight into how different vaccination strategies can quantitatively and qualitatively affect the outcome of the immune response.  相似文献   
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been applied to the study of heterogeneity in the structure and function of individual biopolymers with complex structures such as glycoproteins, polysaccharides and nucleic acids. In this work we describe experiments which shed light on the heterogeneity of human ocular mucin gene products. By separating samples of native human ocular mucins on a caesium chloride density gradient, at least three populations consisting predominantly of products of the gene MUC5AC can be identified. Separation on the caesium chloride density gradient is governed by molecular architecture and charge density, and thus provides a route to the discrimination between different glycoforms within a glycoprotein sample. AFM images of these populations show that each is characterised by different conformational properties and polymer diameters, both of which can be attributed to differences in the degree and nature of glycosylation. These differences in glycosylation are likely to be the result of post-translational processing and may also have functional consequences. The AFM's ability to examine the composition of a predominantly single gene product population at the level of the single molecule allows the consequences of post-translational process heterogeneity to be examined at high resolution.  相似文献   
1-15N-L-Tryptophan (1-15N-L-Trp) was synthesized from 15N-aniline by a Sandmeyer reaction, followed by cyclization to isatin, reduction to indole with LiAlH4, and condensation of the 15N-indole with L-serine, catalyzed by tryptophan synthase. 1-15N-L-Trp was complexed with wild-type tryptophan synthase and beta-subunit mutants, betaK87T, betaD305A, and betaE109D, in the absence or presence of the allosteric ligands sodium chloride and disodium alpha-glycerophosphate. The enzyme complexes were observed by 15N-heteronuclear single-quantum coherence nuclear magnetic resonance (15N-HSQC NMR) spectroscopy for the presence of 1-15N-L-Trp bound to the beta-active site. No 15N-HSQC signal was detected for 1-15N-L-Trp in 10 mm triethanolamine hydrochloride buffer at pH 8. 1-15N-L-Trp in the presence of wild-type tryptophan synthase in the absence or presence of 50 mm sodium chloride showed a cross peak at 10.25 ppm on the 1H axis and 129 ppm on the 15N axis as a result of reduced solvent exchange for the bound 1-15N-L-Trp, consistent with formation of a closed conformation of the active site. The addition of disodium alpha-glycerophosphate produced a signal twice as intense, suggesting that the equilibrium favors the closed conformation. 15N-HSQC NMR spectra of betaK87T and betaE109D mutant Trp synthase with 1-15N-L-Trp showed a similar cross peak either in the presence or absence of disodium alpha-glycerophosphate, indicating the preference for a closed conformation for these mutant proteins. In contrast, the betaD305A Trp synthase mutant only showed a 15N-HSQC signal in the presence of disodium alpha-glycerophosphate. Thus, this mutant Trp synthase favored an open conformation in the absence of disodium alpha-glycerophosphate but was able to form a closed conformation in the presence of disodium alpha-glycerophosphate. Our results demonstrate that the 15N-HSQC NMR spectra of 1-15N-L-Trp bound to Trp synthase can be used to determine the conformational state of mutant forms in solution rapidly. In contrast, UV-visible spectra of wild-type and mutant Trp synthase in the presence of L-Trp with NaCl and/or disodium alpha-glycerophosphate are more difficult to interpret in terms of altered conformational equilibria.  相似文献   
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