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酪氨酸对大鼠离体Leydig细胞睾酮和cAMP生成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验采用胶原酶消化,Ficoll 密度梯度离心,制备大鼠睾丸 Leydig 细胞悬浮液进行体外培养(每管内含有10~6 细胞),以研究酪氨酸对 Leydig 细胞睾酮和cAMP 生成的影响。实验结果表明,hCG(100mIU)能明显地促进Leydig 细胞睾酮和 cAMP的生成。睾酮从对照组的3.08±0.58ng(X±SD,下同)增加到41.61±1.52ng,cAMP 含量从19.62±2.56pmol增加到153.24±5.92pmol。若将酪氨酸(60μg)与hCG同时加入到细胞培养液中,则睾酮和cAMP 含量分别下降到 19.22±.0.52ng(P<0.01)和92.63±6.02pmol(P<0.05)。但是,酪氨酸羟化酶抑制剂(α-甲基酪氨酸)对酪氨酸抗hCG致睾酮生成作用无阻断效应,而酪氨酸对外源cAMP(2.5mM)诱导的睾酮生成,则有明显的抑制作用,睾酮含量从27.56±1.53ng降至 19.50±0.47ng(P<0.01)。以上实验结果表明,酪氨酸抗hCG致睾酮生成的作用机理与cAMP有关。  相似文献   
Dinocrocuta gigantea头骨的发现   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文记述了甘肃和政县晚中新世地层中发现的一个完整的巨鬣狗头骨;讨论了它的分类地位,修正了 Schlosser 1903年建种时的一些鉴定错误.巨鬣狗是鬣狗科中一个十分特化的成员,应代表一个独立的属.根据命名规则,我们采用 N. schmidt-Kittler 1976年所创的 Dinocrocuta. 因此,这个种应订正为 Dinocrocuta gigantea (schlosser, 1903).  相似文献   
滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecusbieti)现状及其保护对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecusbieti)是我国特有的珍稀濒危动物,生活在海拔3800~4300m的原始冷杉林中,但有时也会在4300~4700m的低矮灌丛、草甸和流石滩上活动达数小时之久,甚至能跨越近千米的无林高海拔地带,因而它们是海拔分布最高的非人灵长类。松萝是它们的主要食物,取食松萝的时间占总取食时间的91%。猴群活动范围可达近百平方公里。笔者在历时8年的野外考察中,已查明这一物种的全部现存自然种群只有13个,分布在云南的德钦、兰坪、潍西、丽江和西藏的芒康这五县境内,其现存种群数量为1000~1500只;所有现存自然种群几乎均处在相互隔离的状态,群间已不可能进行基因交流,充分表明它们已到达灭绝边缘。然而其栖息地内的商业伐木规模仍在继续扩大,周围的人口压力正在不断增加,各猴群均面临不同程度的偷猎压力。这一现状委实令人担忧。如何拯救这一“国宝”应引起我国保护学家和各级政府有关职能部门的重视  相似文献   
本文对11例肺癌患者胸水13种游离氨基酸作了分析,并与28例正常人血浆游离氨基酸水平作了对照,结果表明:肺癌患者胸水的必需及非必需氨基酸普遍高于正常人血浆游离氨基酸,但其胸水谷氨酰胺水平则明显低于正常人血浆水平。  相似文献   
DNA replication and its connection to M phase restraint are studied extensively at the level of single cells but rarely in the context of a developing animal. C. elegans lin-6 mutants lack DNA synthesis in postembryonic somatic cell lineages, while entry into mitosis continues. These mutants grow slowly and either die during larval development or develop into sterile adults. We found that lin-6 corresponds to mcm-4 and encodes an evolutionarily conserved component of the MCM2-7 pre-RC and replicative helicase complex. The MCM-4 protein is expressed in all dividing cells during embryonic and postembryonic development and associates with chromatin in late anaphase. Induction of cell cycle entry and differentiation continues in developing mcm-4 larvae, even in cells that went through abortive division. In contrast to somatic cells in mcm-4 mutants, the gonad continues DNA replication and cell division until late larval development. Expression of MCM-4 in the epidermis (also known as hypodermis) is sufficient to rescue the growth retardation and lethality of mcm-4 mutants. While the somatic gonad and germline show substantial ability to cope with lack of zygotic mcm-4 function, mcm-4 is specifically required in the epidermis for growth and survival of the whole organism. Thus, C. elegans mcm-4 has conserved functions in DNA replication and replication checkpoint control but also shows unexpected tissue-specific requirements.  相似文献   
The intercellular adhesion molecule-1 K469E polymorphism in type 1 diabetes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes is a complex trait. The region harboring the ICAM1 gene on 19p13 links to type 1 diabetes, and a growing body of evidence indicates that intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) could play a role in type 1 diabetes development. Recently, association studies of an ICAM-1 K469E polymorphism in type 1 diabetes populations have reported conflicting results. Hence, we performed a transmission disequilibrium test analysis of the ICAM-1 K469E variations in 253 Danish type 1 diabetes families. Linkage and association was not found between the ICAM-1 K469E variation and type 1 diabetes in Danish patients (P(tdt)> or =0.48), and our data did not indicate an interaction between ICAM1 and IDDM1 in predisposition to type 1 diabetes in Danes (P=0.78). We did not observe significant association with late-onset type 1 diabetes (P(tdt)> or =0.12) or differences in transmission patterns between groups of affected offspring stratified for age at onset (P> or =0.19), as suggested in Japanese patients. Combined analysis of the present and previously reported transmission data comprising 728 affected offspring of Romanian, Finnish, and Danish ancestry suggested association between the ICAM-1 E469 allele and type 1 diabetes (P(tdt)=0.013), but association was not found in the combined Scandinavian material. In conclusion, we found no association of the ICAM-1 K469E polymorphism with type 1 diabetes or its subsets stratified for age at onset and HLA risk in Danish patients. Analysis of ICAM-1 K469E transmissions reported in three populations suggested association to type 1 diabetes, but also demonstrated heterogeneity between populations.  相似文献   
TP53 and FGFR3 mutations are the most common mutations in bladder cancers. FGFR3 mutations are most frequent in low-grade low-stage tumours, whereas TP53 mutations are most frequent in high-grade high-stage tumours. Several studies have reported FGFR3 and TP53 mutations to be mutually exclusive events, whereas others have reported them to be independent. We carried out a meta-analysis of published findings for FGFR3 and TP53 mutations in bladder cancer (535 tumours, 6 publications) and additional unpublished data for 382 tumours. TP53 and FGFR3 mutations were not independent events for all tumours considered together (OR = 0.25 [0.18–0.37], p = 0.0001) or for pT1 tumours alone (OR = 0.47 [0.28–0.79], p = 0.0009). However, if the analysis was restricted to pTa tumours or to muscle-invasive tumours alone, FGFR3 and TP53 mutations were independent events (OR = 0.56 [0.23–1.36] (p = 0.12) and OR = 0.99 [0.37–2.7] (p = 0.35), respectively). After stratification of the tumours by stage and grade, no dependence was detected in the five tumour groups considered (pTaG1 and pTaG2 together, pTaG3, pT1G2, pT1G3, pT2-4). These differences in findings can be attributed to the putative existence of two different pathways of tumour progression in bladder cancer: the CIS pathway, in which FGFR3 mutations are rare, and the Ta pathway, in which FGFR3 mutations are frequent. TP53 mutations occur at the earliest stage of the CIS pathway, whereas they occur would much later in the Ta pathway, at the T1G3 or muscle-invasive stage.  相似文献   
To establish baseline data on the distribution, abundance and threats to marine turtles in Viet Nam we conducted surveys with local fishers, community members and provincial Ministry of Fisheries staff from 17 of Viet Nam’s 29 coastal provinces. These data indicate that five species of marine turtle reside in Viet Nam’s waters (loggerhead, olive ridley, leatherback, green and hawksbill turtles), and four species nest on Viet Nam’s beaches (all of the above except the loggerhead turtle). It is evident from these data that significant declines have occurred in both foraging and nesting populations of all five marine turtle species found in Viet Nam. The greatest current threats to marine turtle populations in Viet Nam are habitat degradation, the accidental and opportunistic of turtles capture by fishers and the direct take of nesting females and their eggs. Successful conservation efforts have been made in recent years through collaboration between international Non Government Organisations and several Vietnamese Government Ministries. Continued success of these projects and the development and implementation of marine conservation policy will depend upon building awareness among Government employees, fishers and the general public about marine turtle biology, ecology, and the need to protect them.  相似文献   
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