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microRNAs (miRNAs) play essential roles in cardiogenesis. The altered expression of miRNAs can result in cardiac malformations by inducing abnormalities in the behavior of cardiac cells. However, the role of miR-10a in the regulation of cardiomyocyte progenitor cells (CMPCs) remains undetermined. In the present study, we found that up- or down-regulation of miR-10a inhibited or promoted the proliferation of human CMPCs, respectively, without affecting their differentiation toward cardiomyocytes. miR-10a bound to GATA6 directly and reduced GATA6 expression. Over-expression of GATA6 greatly attenuated the miR-10a-mediated inhibitory effect on the proliferation of human CMPCs. Thus, our results indicate that miR-10a could effectively modulate the proliferation of human CMPCs by targeting GATA6. The finding provides novel insights into the potency of miR-10a during heart development.  相似文献   
The duplicated and the highly repetitive nature of the maize genome has historically impeded the development of true single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in this crop. Recent advances in genome complexity reduction methods coupled with sequencing-by-synthesis technologies permit the implementation of efficient genome-wide SNP discovery in maize. In this study, we have applied Complexity Reduction of Polymorphic Sequences technology (Keygene N.V., Wageningen, The Netherlands) for the identification of informative SNPs between two genetically distinct maize inbred lines of North and South American origins. This approach resulted in the discovery of 1,123 putative SNPs representing low and single copy loci. In silico and experimental (Illumina GoldenGate (GG) assay) validation of putative SNPs resulted in mapping of 604 markers, out of which 188 SNPs represented 43 haplotype blocks distributed across all ten chromosomes. We have determined and clearly stated a specific combination of stringent criteria (>0.3 minor allele frequency, >0.8 GenTrainScore and >0.5 Chi_test100 score) necessary for the identification of highly polymorphic and genetically stable SNP markers. Due to these criteria, we identified a subset of 120 high-quality SNP markers to leverage in GG assay-based marker-assisted selection projects. A total of 32 high-quality SNPs represented 21 haplotypes out of 43 identified in this study. The information on the selection criteria of highly polymorphic SNPs in a complex genome such as maize and the public availability of these SNP assays will be of great value for the maize molecular genetics and breeding community.  相似文献   
滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecusbieti)现状及其保护对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecusbieti)是我国特有的珍稀濒危动物,生活在海拔3800~4300m的原始冷杉林中,但有时也会在4300~4700m的低矮灌丛、草甸和流石滩上活动达数小时之久,甚至能跨越近千米的无林高海拔地带,因而它们是海拔分布最高的非人灵长类。松萝是它们的主要食物,取食松萝的时间占总取食时间的91%。猴群活动范围可达近百平方公里。笔者在历时8年的野外考察中,已查明这一物种的全部现存自然种群只有13个,分布在云南的德钦、兰坪、潍西、丽江和西藏的芒康这五县境内,其现存种群数量为1000~1500只;所有现存自然种群几乎均处在相互隔离的状态,群间已不可能进行基因交流,充分表明它们已到达灭绝边缘。然而其栖息地内的商业伐木规模仍在继续扩大,周围的人口压力正在不断增加,各猴群均面临不同程度的偷猎压力。这一现状委实令人担忧。如何拯救这一“国宝”应引起我国保护学家和各级政府有关职能部门的重视  相似文献   
2008年5-6月在徐闻西岸设置了25个站点,运用截线样带法调查了造礁石珊瑚的种类多样性和空间分布.本次研究共发现造礁石珊瑚57种,每个站位的种类数均不超过30种.Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均值分别为1.79和0.42.二异角孔珊瑚(Goniopora duofasciata)、盾形...  相似文献   
We have previously shown that ristocetin, an activator of glycoprotein Ib/IX/V, induces release of soluble CD40 (sCD40) ligand via thromboxane (TX) A(2) production from human platelets. In the present study, we investigated the effect of antithrombin-III (AT-III), an anticoagulant, on the ristocetin-induced glycoprotein Ib/IX/V activation in human platelets. AT-III inhibited ristocetin-stimulated platelet aggregation. The ristocetin-induced production of 11-dehydro-TXB(2), a stable metabolite of TXA(2), and the release of sCD40 ligand were suppressed by AT-III. AT-III also reduced the ristocetin-stimulated secretion of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-AB. AT-III failed to affect U46619-, a TXA(2) receptor agonist, induced levels of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation or sCD40 ligand release. AT-III reduced the binding of SZ2, a monoclonal antibody to the sulfated sequence in the α-chain of glycoprotein Ib, to the ristocetin-stimulated platelets. These results strongly suggest that AT-III reduced ristocetin-stimulated release of sCD40 ligand due to inhibiting TXA(2) production in human platelets.  相似文献   
Birds and Recreational Disturbance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Androgenetic alopecia, known in men as male pattern baldness (MPB), is a very conspicuous condition that is particularly frequent among European men and thus contributes markedly to variation in physical appearance traits amongst Europeans. Recent studies have revealed multiple genes and polymorphisms to be associated with susceptibility to MPB. In this study, 50 candidate SNPs for androgenetic alopecia were analyzed in order to verify their potential to predict MPB. Significant associations were confirmed for 29 SNPs from chromosomes X, 1, 5, 7, 18 and 20. A simple 5-SNP prediction model and an extended 20-SNP model were developed based on a discovery panel of 305 males from various European populations fitting one of two distinct phenotype categories. The first category consisted of men below 50 years of age with significant baldness and the second; men aged 50 years or older lacking baldness. The simple model comprised the five best predictors: rs5919324 near AR, rs1998076 in the 20p11 region, rs929626 in EBF1, rs12565727 in TARDBP and rs756853 in HDAC9. The extended prediction model added 15 SNPs from five genomic regions that improved overall prevalence-adjusted predictive accuracy measured by area under the receiver characteristic operating curve (AUC). Both models were evaluated for predictive accuracy using a test set of 300 males reflecting the general European population. Applying a 65% probability threshold, high prediction sensitivity of 87.1% but low specificity of 42.4% was obtained in men aged <50 years. In men aged ≥50, prediction sensitivity was slightly lower at 67.7% while specificity reached 90%. Overall, the AUC=0.761 calculated for men at or above 50 years of age indicates these SNPs offer considerable potential for the application of genetic tests to predict MPB patterns, adding a highly informative predictive system to the emerging field of forensic analysis of externally visible characteristics.  相似文献   


Recent reports suggest the role of nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) in cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (CDK7) gene associated with defect in the DNA repair mechanism that may contribute to cancer risk. Among the various inhibitors developed so far, flavopiridol proved to be a potential antitumor drug in the phase-III clinical trial for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Here, we described a theoretical assessment for the discovery of new drugs or drug targets in CDK7 protein owing to the changes caused by deleterious nsSNPs.


Three nsSNPs (I63R, H135R, and T285M) were predicted to have functional impact on protein function by SIFT, PolyPhen2, I-Mutant3, PANTHER, SNPs&GO, PhD-SNP, and screening for non-acceptable polymorphisms (SNAP). Furthermore, we analyzed the native and proposed mutant models in atomic level 10 ns simulation using the molecular dynamics (MD) approach. Finally, with the aid of Autodock 4.0 and PatchDock, we analyzed the binding efficacy of flavopiridol with CDK7 protein with respect to the deleterious mutations.


By comparing the results of all seven prediction tools, three nsSNPs (I63R, H135R, and T285M) were predicted to have functional impact on the protein function. The results of protein stability analysis inferred that I63R and H135R exhibited less deviation in root mean square deviation in comparison with the native and T285M protein. The flexibility of all the three mutant models of CDK7 protein is diverse in comparison with the native protein. Following to that, docking study revealed the change in the active site residues and decrease in the binding affinity of flavopiridol with mutant proteins.


This theoretical approach is entirely based on computational methods, which has the ability to identify the disease-related SNPs in complex disorders by contrasting their costs and capabilities with those of the experimental methods. The identification of disease related SNPs by computational methods has the potential to create personalized tools for the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of diseases.

Lay abstract

Cell cycle regulatory protein, CDK7, is linked with DNA repair mechanism which can contribute to cancer risk. The main aim of this study is to extrapolate the relationship between the nsSNPs and their effects in drug-binding capability. In this work, we propose a new methodology which (1) efficiently identified the deleterious nsSNPs that tend to have functional effect on protein function upon mutation by computational tools, (2) analyze d the native protein and proposed mutant models in atomic level using MD approach, and (3) investigated the protein-ligand interactions to analyze the binding ability by docking analysis. This theoretical approach is entirely based on computational methods, which has the ability to identify the disease-related SNPs in complex disorders by contrasting their costs and capabilities with those of the experimental methods. Overall, this approach has the potential to create personalized tools for the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of diseases.
野生罗汉果遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
应用ISSR分子标记方法对采自广西和广东的7个罗汉果(Siraitia grosvenorii)野生居群共130个个体进行了遗传多样性分析。15个ISSR引物共扩增到了111个位点,其中91个是多态性位点,占82.0%。Nei′s基因多样性指数(He)为 0.248,Shannon 信息多样性指数(I) 为0.354。罗汉果不同居群的遗传多样性水平差异较大,居群多态位点百分率在 28.2%-55.6%之间,Nei′s基因多样性指数为0.080-0.209,Shannon 信息多样性指数为0.123-0.310。永福居群(YF)和金秀居群(JX)的遗传多样性水平较高,其周边居群的遗传多样性水平逐渐降低,居群间产生了较大的遗传分化(Gst = 0.569)。居群间的遗传距离与地理距离相关性不明显(r =0.369,P = 0.115)。UPGMA聚类图中,7个居群的个体按居群各自聚在一起。  相似文献   
海洋生物制药现状及展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代生物技术在制药产业中发挥了重要作用,海洋生物技术的出现和发展推动了海洋生 物药物的研究,是今后生物技术药物的发展方向。综述了生物技术在海洋药物开发中的应用,并 展望了新世纪海洋生物制药的前景。  相似文献   
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