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Protein phosphorylation is a reversible post-translational modification controlling many biological processes. Most phosphorylation occurs on serine and threonine, and to a less extend on tyrosine (Tyr). In animals, Tyr phosphorylation is crucial for the regulation of many responses such as growth or differentiation. Only recently with the development of mass spectrometry, it has been reported that Tyr phosphorylation is as important in plants as in animals. The genes encoding protein Tyr kinases and protein Tyr phosphatases have been identified in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. Putative substrates of these enzymes, and thus Tyr-phosphorylated proteins have been reported by proteomic studies based on accurate mass spectrometry analysis of the phosphopeptides and phosphoproteins. Biochemical approaches, pharmacology and genetic manipulations have indicated that responses to stress and developmental processes involve changes in protein Tyr phosphorylation. The aim of this review is to present an update on Tyr phosphorylation in plants in order to better assess the role of this post-translational modification in plant physiology.Key words: protein tyrosine phosphorylation, kinases, phosphatases, proteomics, mass spectrometry, signaling  相似文献   
Within a few decades, the repair of long neuronal pathways such as spinal cord tracts, the optic nerve or intracerebral tracts has gone from being strongly contested to being recognized as a potential clinical challenge. Cut axonal stumps within the optic nerve were originally thought to retract and become irreversibly necrotic within the injury zone. Optic nerve astrocytes were assumed to form a gliotic scar and remodelling of the extracellular matrix to result in a forbidden environment for re-growth of axons. Retrograde signals to the ganglion cell bodies were considered to prevent anabolism, thus also initiating apoptotic death and gliotic repair within the retina. However, increasing evidence suggests the reversibility of these regressive processes, as shown by the analysis of molecular events at the site of injury and within ganglion cells. We review optic nerve repair from the perspective of the proximal axon stump being a major player in determining the successful formation of a growth cone. The axonal stump and consequently the prospective growth cone, communicates with astrocytes, microglial cells and the extracellular matrix via a panoply of molecular tools. We initially highlight these aspects on the basis of recent data from numerous laboratories. Then, we examine the mechanisms by which an injury-induced growth cone can sense its surroundings within the area distal to the injury. Based on requirements for successful axonal elongation within the optic nerve, we explore the models employed to instigate successful growth cone formation by ganglion cell stimulation and optic nerve remodelling, which in turn accelerate growth. Ultimately, with regard to the proteomics of regenerating retinal tissue, we discuss the discovery of isoforms of crystallins, with crystallin beta-b2 (crybb2) being clearly upregulated in the regenerating retina. Crystallins are produced and used to promote the elongation of growth cones. In vivo and in vitro, crystallins beta and gamma additionally promote the growth of axons by enhancing the production of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), indicating that they also act on astrocytes to promote axonal regrowth synergistically. These are the first data showing that axonal regeneration is related to crybb2 movement within neurons and to additional stimulation of CNTF. We demonstrate that neuronal crystallins constitute a novel class of neurite-promoting factors that probably operate through an autocrine and paracrine mechanism and that they can be used in neurodegenerative diseases. Thus, the post-injury fate of neurons cannot be seen merely as inevitable but, instead, must be regarded as a challenge to shape conditions for initiating growth cone formation to repair the damaged optic nerve.  相似文献   
Phosphatidylinositol‐3 kinase‐related kinases (PIKKs) comprise a family of protein kinases that respond to various stresses, including DNA damage, blocks in DNA replication, availability of nutrients and errors in mRNA splicing. PIKKs are characterized by the presence of a conserved kinase domain (KD), whose activity is regulated by two C‐terminal regions, referred to as PIKK‐regulatory domain (PRD) and FRAP‐ATM‐TRRAP‐C‐terminal (FATC), respectively. Here, we review functional and structural data that implicate the PRD and FATC domains in regulation of PIKK activity, drawing parallels to phosphatidylinositol‐3 kinases (PI3K), lipid kinases that have sequence similarity to PIKKs. The PI3K C‐terminus, which we propose to be equivalent to the PRD and FATC domains of PIKKs, is in close proximity to the activation loop of the KD, suggesting that in PIKKs, the PRD and FATC domains may regulate kinase activity by targeting the activation loop.  相似文献   
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