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Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived cardiomyocytes (iCMCs) would provide an unlimited cell source for regenerative medicine and drug discoveries. The objective of our study is to generate functional cardiomyocytes from human iPSCs and to develop a novel method of measuring contractility of CMCs. In a series of experiments, adult human skin fibroblasts (HSF) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were treated with a combination of pluripotent gene DNA and mRNA under specific conditions. The iPSC colonies were identified and differentiated into various cell lineages, including CMCs. The contractile activity of CMCs was measured by a novel method of frame-by-frame cross correlation (particle image velocimetry-PIV) analysis. Our treatment regimen transformed 4% of HSFs into iPSC colonies at passage 0, a significantly improved efficiency compared with use of either DNA or mRNA alone. The iPSCs were capable of differentiating both in vitro and in vivo into endodermal, ectodermal and mesodermal cells, including CMCs with >88% of cells being positive for troponin T (CTT) and Gata4 by flow cytometry. We report a highly efficient combination of DNA and mRNA to generate iPSCs and functional iCMCs from adult human cells. We also report a novel approach to measure contractility of iCMCs.  相似文献   
Cellular and biochemical studies support a role for all five human RecQ helicases in DNA replication; however, their specific functions during this process are unclear. Here we investigate the in vivo association of the five human RecQ helicases with three well-characterized human replication origins. We show that only RECQ1 (also called RECQL or RECQL1) and RECQ4 (also called RECQL4) associate with replication origins in a cell cycle-regulated fashion in unperturbed cells. RECQ4 is recruited to origins at late G1, after ORC and MCM complex assembly, while RECQ1 and additional RECQ4 are loaded at origins at the onset of S phase, when licensed origins begin firing. Both proteins are lost from origins after DNA replication initiation, indicating either disassembly or tracking with the newly formed replisome. Nascent-origin DNA synthesis and the frequency of origin firing are reduced after RECQ1 depletion and, to a greater extent, after RECQ4 depletion. Depletion of RECQ1, though not that of RECQ4, also suppresses replication fork rates in otherwise unperturbed cells. These results indicate that RECQ1 and RECQ4 are integral components of the human replication complex and play distinct roles in DNA replication initiation and replication fork progression in vivo.The RecQ helicases are a family of DNA-unwinding enzymes essential for the maintenance of genome integrity in all kingdoms of life. Five RecQ enzymes have been found in human cells: RECQ1 (also called RECQL or RECQL1), BLM (RECQ2 or RECQL3), WRN (RECQ3 or RECQL2), RECQ4 (RECQL4), and RECQ5 (RECQL5) (3, 7). Here we refer to these helicases as RECQ1, RECQ4, and RECQ5, without the “L” that is present in the official gene names. Mutations in the BLM, WRN, and RECQ4 genes are linked to Bloom syndrome (BS), Werner syndrome (WS), and the subset of Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (RTS) patients at high risk of developing osteosarcomas, respectively (19, 31, 71). RECQ4 mutations have also been associated with RAPADILINO and Baller-Gerold syndrome (56, 61). Although these disorders are all associated with inherent genomic instability and cancer predisposition, they show distinct clinical features, suggesting that BLM, WRN, and RECQ4 are involved in different aspects of DNA metabolism. However, the molecular events underlying the pathogenesis of BS, WS, and RTS remain obscure. Mutations in the remaining two human RecQ helicase genes, RECQ1 and RECQ5, have not as yet been identified as causes of either genomic instability or heritable cancer predisposition disorders.Several lines of evidence suggest that RecQ helicases play an important role in DNA replication control (3, 10). In particular, RecQ helicases are thought to facilitate replication by preserving the integrity of stalled replication forks and by remodeling or repairing damaged or collapsed forks to allow the resumption of replication. Consistent with these ideas, several investigators have shown that primary fibroblasts from BS, WS, and RTS patients and RecQ5-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts all show differential hypersensitivity to agents that perturb DNA replication (12, 14, 26, 29). Moreover, BLM and WRN are recruited to DNA replication forks after replicative stress, and DNA fiber track analyses have shown that both BLM and WRN are required for normal fork progression after DNA damage or replication arrest (11-13, 47, 54). In particular, BLM in conjunction with DNA topoisomerase III and two other accessory proteins, RMI-1 and RMI-2, has been shown to catalyze the resolution of double-Holliday-junction recombination intermediates to generate noncrossover products. This dissolution reaction could play an important role in the error-free recombinational repair of damaged or stalled forks during S phase (57, 67). WRN also appears to promote error-free repair by contributing to the resolution of gene conversion events to generate noncrossover products (46). In line with the above observations, WRN and BLM can be found associated with replication foci or other DNA damage response proteins in damaged cells. In contrast, in unperturbed cells, a majority of each protein is found in the nucleolus (WRN) or associated with PML bodies (BLM) (5, 37, 62).RECQ4 has also been implicated in DNA replication. Recent studies have shown that hypomorphic mutants of the Drosophila melanogaster homolog of human RECQ4, DmRECQ4, have reduced DNA replication-dependent chorion gene amplification (65). These findings are thus consistent with a postulated role for Xenopus laevis RECQ4 (XRECQ4) in the initiation of DNA replication (39, 48). The N terminus of XRECQ4 bears homology to the N termini of the yeast proteins Sld2 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae [budding yeast]) and DRC1 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe [fission yeast]), which play a central role, in association with budding yeast Dpb11 and the fission yeast homolog Cut5/Rad4, in the establishment of DNA replication forks (38, 41, 63). Consistently, the N terminus of XRECQ4 has been shown to interact with the X. laevis variant of Cut5, and XRECQ4 depletion severely perturbs DNA replication initiation in X. laevis egg extracts (39, 48). The notion that the function of XRECQ4 is evolutionarily conserved in mammals is supported by the observations that the human protein can complement its Xenopus counterpart in cell-free assays for replication initiation and that depletion of human RECQ4 inhibits cellular proliferation and DNA synthesis (39, 48). Moreover, deletion of the N-terminal region of mouse RECQ4 has been shown to be an embryonic lethal mutation (27). These observations suggest that vertebrate RECQ4 might be a functional homolog of Sld2/DRC11, although its precise function during replication initiation and progression is not known. Recent results, published while this work was in progress, indicate that human RECQ4 interacts with the MCM replicative complex during replication initiation and that this interaction is regulated by CDK phosphorylation of RECQ4 (69). These findings, together with our results below, provide clues to the mechanism regulating RECQ4 interaction with the replication machinery.RECQ1 is the most abundant of the human RecQ helicases and was the first of the human RecQ proteins to be discovered on the basis of its potent ATPase activity (50). Despite this, little is known about the cellular functions of RECQ1, and no human disease associations have been identified to date. Recent studies have shown that RECQ1 is involved in the maintenance of genome integrity and that RECQ1 depletion affects cellular proliferation (51). Moreover, biochemical studies have shown that RECQ1 and BLM display distinct substrate specificities, indicating that these helicases are likely to perform nonoverlapping functions (43). These results suggest an important—though as yet mechanistically ill-defined—role for RECQ1 in cell cycle progression and/or DNA repair (52).In order to better delineate the role of human RecQ helicases in DNA replication, we investigated the in vivo interactions of all five human RecQ enzymes with three well-characterized human DNA replication origins in quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays. We also determined how nascent-origin-dependent DNA synthesis, chromatin binding of replication proteins, origin firing frequency, and replication fork rates were altered by depleting specific human RecQ helicase proteins. We found that only two of the five human RecQ helicases, RECQ1 and RECQ4, specifically interact with origins in unperturbed cells. Our results provide new mechanistic insight into the distinct roles of human RECQ1 and RECQ4 in DNA replication initiation and in replication fork progression.  相似文献   
BLM, the helicase defective in Bloom syndrome, is part of a multiprotein complex that protects genome stability. Here, we show that Rif1 is a novel component of the BLM complex and works with BLM to promote recovery of stalled replication forks. First, Rif1 physically interacts with the BLM complex through a conserved C‐terminal domain, and the stability of Rif1 depends on the presence of the BLM complex. Second, Rif1 and BLM are recruited with similar kinetics to stalled replication forks, and the Rif1 recruitment is delayed in BLM‐deficient cells. Third, genetic analyses in vertebrate DT40 cells suggest that BLM and Rif1 work in a common pathway to resist replication stress and promote recovery of stalled forks. Importantly, vertebrate Rif1 contains a DNA‐binding domain that resembles the αCTD domain of bacterial RNA polymerase α; and this domain preferentially binds fork and Holliday junction (HJ) DNA in vitro and is required for Rif1 to resist replication stress in vivo. Our data suggest that Rif1 provides a new DNA‐binding interface for the BLM complex to restart stalled replication forks.  相似文献   
Determinants of growth hormone receptor down-regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GH receptor (GHR) is a cytokine receptor family member that responds to GH by activation of the receptor-associated tyrosine kinase, JAK2 (Janus family of tyrosine kinase 2). We previously showed that JAK2, in addition to being a signal transducer, dramatically increases the half-life of mature GHR, partly by preventing constitutive GHR down-regulation. Herein we explored GHR and JAK2 determinants for both constitutive and GH-induced GHR down-regulation, exploiting the previously characterized GHR- and JAK2-deficient gamma2A reconstitution system. We found that JAK2's ability to protect mature GHR from rapid degradation measured in the presence of the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, depended on the presence of GHR's Box 1 element and the intact JAK2 FERM (band 4.1/Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin); domain, but not the kinase-like or kinase domains of JAK2. Thus, GHR-JAK2 association, but not JAK2 kinase activity, is required for JAK2 to inhibit constitutive GHR down-regulation and enhance GHR half-life. In cells that expressed JAK2, but not cells lacking JAK2, GH markedly enhanced GHR degradation. Like JAK2-induced protection from constitutive down-regulation, GH-induced GHR down-regulation required the GHR Box 1 element and an intact JAK2 FERM domain. However, a JAK2 mutant lacking the kinase-like and kinase domains did not mediate GH-induced GHR down-regulation. Likewise, a kinase-deficient JAK2 was insufficient for this purpose, indicating that kinase activity is required. Both lactacystin (a proteasome inhibitor) and chloroquine (a lysosome inhibitor) blocked GH-induced GHR loss. Interestingly, GH-induced GHR ubiquitination, like down-regulation, was prevented in cells expressing a kinase-deficient JAK2 protein. Further, a GHR mutant, of which all the cytoplasmic tyrosine residues were changed to phenylalanines, was resistant to GH-induced GHR ubiquitination and down-regulation. Collectively, our data suggest that determinants required for JAK2 to protect mature GHR from constitutive degradation differ from those that drive GH-induced GHR down-regulation. The latter requires GH-induced JAK2 activation and GHR tyrosine phosphorylation and is correlated to GHR ubiquitination in our reconstitution system.  相似文献   
Protease-cleavable peptides containing a suitable fluor/quencher (Fl/Q) pair are optically dark until cleaved by their target protease, generating fluorescence. This approach has been used with many Fl/Q pairs, but little has been reported with IRDye 800CW, a popular near-infrared (NIR) fluor. We explored the use of the azo-bond-containing Black Hole Quencher 3 (BHQ-3) as a quencher for IRDye 800CW and found that IRDye 800CW/BHQ-3 is a suitable Fl/Q pair, despite the lack of proper spectral overlap for fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) applications. Cleavage of IRDye 800CW-PLGLK(BHQ-3)AR-NH(2) (8) and its D-arginine (Darg) analogue (9) by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in vitro yielded the expected cleavage fragments. In vivo, extensive metabolism was found. Significant decomposition of a "non-cleavable" control IRDye 800CW-(1,13-diamino-4,7,10-trioxatridecane)-BHQ-3 (10) was evident in plasma of normal mice by 3 min post injection. The major metabolite showed a m/z and UV/vis spectrum consistent with azo bond cleavage in the BHQ-3 moiety. Preparation of an authentic standard of this metabolite (11) confirmed the assignment. Although the IRDye 800CW/BHQ-3 constructs showed efficient contact quenching prior to enzymatic cleavage, BHQ-3 should be used with caution in vivo, due to instability of its azo bond.  相似文献   
Aim and methodsCollagen is the most abundant protein found in animal body, which is widely used for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. In the present study, acid soluble collagen (ASC) and pepsin soluble collagen (PSC) from the skin wastes of marine eel fish (Evenchelys macrura) were isolated and characterized.ResultsASC and PSC extracted from eel fish skin showed the yields of 80 and 7.10 percent (based on dry weight), respectively. ASC and PSC comprising different α-chains (α1, α2 and α3) were characterized as type I and exhibited high solubility in acidic pH (1–4) and were soluble in the presence of NaCl at concentration up to 3.0 and 4.0 percent (w/v) for ASC and PSC, respectively. Amino acids analysis of both ASC and PSC contained imino acid of 190 and 200 residues per 1000 residues, respectively. The present results of ASC and PSC from eel fish skin exhibited higher thermal stability of 39 °C and 35 °C, respectively. Similar, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of ASC and PSC were observed and suggesting that pepsin hydrolysis did not affect the secondary structure of collagen, especially triple-helical structure.ConclusionThese results suggest that the marine eel fish skin collagen close to the Td (denaturation temperature) of mammalian collagen which could be used in the biomedical materials, food and pharmaceutical industries as an alternative source.  相似文献   
This study investigated behavioral activities (resting, moving, aggressive, social, and reproductive behavior) and fecal cortisol levels in 8 individually identified adult male blackbucks during periods of varying levels of zoo visitors (zero, low, high, and extremely high zoo visitor density). This study also elucidated whether zoo visitor density could disturb nonhuman animal welfare. This study analyzed fecal cortisol from the samples of blackbuck by radioimmunoassay and found significant differences (p < .05) for time the animals devoted to moving, resting, aggressive, reproductive, and social behavior on days with high and extremely high levels of zoo visitors. The ANOVA with Duncan's Multiple Range Test test showed that the fecal cortisol concentration was higher (p < .05) during the extremely high (137.30 ± 5.88 ng/g dry feces) and high (113.51 ± 3.70 ng/g dry feces) levels of zoo visitor density. The results of the study suggest that zoo visitor density affected behavior and adrenocortical secretion in Indian Blackbuck, and this may indicate an animal welfare problem.  相似文献   
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