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We have identified a new gene encoding the G protein alpha subunit, gna-3, from the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. The predicted amino acid sequence of GNA-3 is most similar to the Galpha proteins MOD-D, MAGA, and CPG-2 from the saprophytic fungus Podospora anserina and the pathogenic fungi Magnaporthe grisea and Cryphonectria parasitica, respectively. Deletion of gna-3 leads to shorter aerial hyphae and premature, dense conidiation during growth on solid medium or in standing liquid cultures and to inappropriate conidiation in submerged culture. The conidiation and aerial hypha defects of the Deltagna-3 strain are similar to those of a previously characterized adenylyl cyclase mutant, cr-1. Supplementation with cyclic AMP (cAMP) restores wild-type morphology to Deltagna-3 strains in standing liquid cultures. Solid medium augmented with exogenous cAMP suppresses the premature conidiation defect, but aerial hypha formation is still reduced. Submerged-culture conidiation is refractory to cAMP but is suppressed by peptone. In addition, Deltagna-3 submerged cultures express the glucose-repressible gene, qa-2, to levels greatly exceeding those observed in the wild type under carbon-starved conditions. Deltagna-3 strains exhibit reduced fertility in homozygous crosses during the sexual cycle; exogenous cAMP has no effect on this phenotype. Intracellular steady-state cAMP levels of Deltagna-3 strains are decreased 90% relative to the wild type under a variety of growth conditions. Reduced intracellular cAMP levels in the Deltagna-3 strain correlate with lower adenylyl cyclase activity and protein levels. These results demonstrate that GNA-3 modulates conidiation and adenylyl cyclase levels in N. crassa.  相似文献   
Cycles of hyperactivity were observed in tapetal and microspore mother cells of Pinus sylvestris L. during the pachytene stage of meiosis in microspore mother cells. Hyperactive periods were characterized by dilated rough ER, hypersecretory dictyosomes, autophagic vesicles having one to two sequestration envelopes, and maze-like whor-les of the endomembrane system. The extent and sequence of differentiation differed between the two cell types. During distinct phases of development there was either fi-brillar flocculent or lipoidal material or both within dilations and at cell surfaces. Tapetal cell transfer of material involved endocytotic and exocytotic vesicles and channels opening directly to the cell surface. Dilations of the nuclear envelope of microspore mother cells in late pachytene intruded into the nucleus and, in conjunction with dilated ER, dominated cell profiles. Cellular morphogenesis in a microspo-rangium was seldom synchronous except for intervals of dedifferentiation when plas-modesma-like connections were formed between tapetal cells. Cycles of differentiation and dedifferentiation were correlated each spring season for five years with the progressive change of pachytene chromosomes, suggesting control by a genetic program rather than annual variations in the environment.  相似文献   
Most of the reproductive modes of frogs include an exotrophic tadpole, but a number of taxa have some form of endotrophic development that lacks a feeding tadpole stage. The dicroglossid frog genus Limnonectes ranges from China south into Indonesia. The breeding biologies of the approximately 60 described species display an unusual diversity that range from exotrophic tadpoles to endotrophic development in terrestrial nests. There have been mentions of oviductal production of typical, exotrophic tadpoles in an undescribed species of Limnonectes from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Here we examine newly collected specimens of this species, now described as L. larvaepartus and present the first substantial report on this unique breeding mode. Typical exotrophic tadpoles that are retained to an advanced developmental stage in the oviducts of a female frog are birthed into slow-flowing streams or small, non-flowing pools adjacent to the streams.  相似文献   
Shell disease syndrome is characterised by the external manifestation of black spot lesions in the exoskeletons of crustaceans. In the present study, gills, hepatopancreas and hearts from healthy (<0.05% black spot coverage) and diseased (5 to 15% coverage) edible crabs, Cancer pagurus, were examined histologically to determine whether this disease can cause internal damage to such crabs. There was clear evidence of cuticular damage in the gills of diseased crabs leading to the formation of haemocyte plugs termed nodules. Nephrocytes found within the branchial septa of the gills showed an increase in the accumulation of dark material in their vacuoles in response to disease. In the hepatopancreas, various stages of tubular degradation were apparent that correlated with the severity of external disease. Similarly, there was a positive correlation between the number of viable bacteria in the haemolymph and the degree of shell disease severity. Approximately 21% of the haemolymph-isolated bacteria displayed chitinolytic activity. Overall, these findings suggest that shell disease syndrome should not be considered as a disease of the cuticle alone. Furthermore, it shows that in wild populations of crabs shell perforations may lead to limited septicaemia potentially resulting in damage of internal tissues. Whether such natural infections lead to significant fatalities in crabs is still uncertain.  相似文献   
We have shown that a polynomial equation, FP = AP3 + BP2 + CP + D, where F is flow and P is pressure, can accurately determine the presence of inspiratory flow limitation (IFL). This equation requires the invasive measurement of supraglottic pressure. We hypothesized that a modification of the equation that substitutes time for pressure would be accurate for the detection of IFL and allow for the noninvasive measurement of upper airway resistance. The modified equation is Ft = At3 + Bt2 + Ct + D, where F is flow and t is time from the onset of inspiration. To test our hypotheses, data analysis was performed as follows on 440 randomly chosen breaths from 18 subjects. First, we performed linear regression and determined that there is a linear relationship between pressure and time in the upper airway (R2 0.96 +/- 0.05, slope 0.96 +/- 0.06), indicating that time can be a surrogate for pressure. Second, we performed curve fitting and found that polynomial equation accurately predicts the relationship between flow and time in the upper airway (R2 0.93 +/- 0.12, error fit 0.02 +/- 0.08). Third, we performed a sensitivity-specificity analysis comparing the mathematical determination of IFL to manual determination using a pressure-flow loop. Mathematical determination had both high sensitivity (96%) and specificity (99%). Fourth, we calculated the upper airway resistance using the polynomial equation and compared the measurement to the manually determined upper airway resistance (also from a pressure-flow loop) using Bland-Altman analysis. Mean difference between calculated and measured upper airway resistance was 0.0 cmH2O x l(-1) x s(-1) (95% confidence interval -0.2, 0.2) with upper and lower limits of agreement of 2.8 cmH2O x l(-1) x s(-1) and -2.8 cmH2O x l(-1) x s(-1). We conclude that a polynomial equation can be used to model the flow-time relationship, allowing for the objective and accurate determination of upper airway resistance and the presence of IFL.  相似文献   
The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a pest of soybeans in Asia, and in recent years has caused extensive damage to soybeans in North America. Within these agroecosystems, generalist predators form an important component of the assemblage of natural enemies, and can exert significant pressure on prey populations. These food webs are complex and molecular gut-content analyses offer nondisruptive approaches for examining trophic linkages in the field. We describe the development of a molecular detection system to examine the feeding behaviour of Orius insidiosus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) upon soybean aphids, an alternative prey item, Neohydatothrips variabilis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), and an intraguild prey species, Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Specific primer pairs were designed to target prey and were used to examine key trophic connections within this soybean food web. In total, 32% of O. insidiosus were found to have preyed upon A. glycines, but disproportionately high consumption occurred early in the season, when aphid densities were low. The intensity of early season predation indicates that O. insidiosus are important biological control agents of A. glycines, although data suggest that N. variabilis constitute a significant proportion of the diet of these generalist predators. No Orius were found to contain DNA of H. axyridis, suggesting intraguild predation upon these important late-season predators during 2005 was low. In their entirety, these results implicate O. insidiosus as a valuable natural enemy of A. glycines in this soybean agroecosystem.  相似文献   
The Hedgehog (Hh-) signaling pathway is a key developmental pathway which gets reactivated in many human tumors, and smoothened (Smo) antagonists are emerging as novel agents for the treatment of malignancies dependent on the Hh-pathway, with the most advanced compounds demonstrating encouraging results in initial clinical trials. A novel series of potent bicyclic hydantoin Smo antagonists was reported in the preceding article, these have been resolved, and optimized to identify potent homochiral derivatives with clean off-target profiles and good pharmacokinetic properties in preclinical species. While showing in vivo efficacy in mouse allograft models, unsubstituted bicyclic tetrahydroimidazo[1,5-a]pyrazine-1,3(2H,5H)-diones were shown to epimerize in plasma. Alkylation of the C-8 position blocks this epimerization, resulting in the identification of MK-5710 (47) which was selected for further development.  相似文献   
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