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Chromosome translocations have been known to affect disjunction of chromosomes unrelated to the translocation in the mouse and in Drosophila. However, in humans, an interchromosomal effect in chromosome translocations has not been demonstrated. The availability of techniques that allow the study of nondisjunction in sperm cells has permitted us to evaluate the possibility of an interchromosomal effect in male translocation heterozygotes. In this study, multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization was used to determine levels of disomy for the clinically relevant chromosomes X, Y, 13, 18, and 21 in 332,858 spermatozoa from nine reciprocal translocation heterozygotes and nine controls with normal karyotypes. The specific translocations studied were as follows: t(10;12)(p26.1;p13.3), t(2;18)(p21;q11.2), t(3;19)(p25;q12), t(5;8)(q33;q13), t(11;22)(q23;q11), t(3;4)(p25;p16), t(8;9) (q24.2;q32), t(10;18)(q24.1;p11.2), and t(4;10)(q33;p12.2). Comparisons of disomy rates between carriers and controls were performed by using the Mann-Whitney test. Our results showed that the rates of sex chromosome hyperhaploidy were similar in controls (0.21%) and in translocation carriers (0.19%). Similarly, the frequencies of disomy for chromosomes 13, 18, and 21 did not differ significantly between controls and carriers (0.05% versus 0.08%, 0.07% versus 0.03%, and 0.14% versus 0.20%, respectively). Sex chromosome nondisjunction was more common than nondisjunction of chromosomes 13 and 18 both in controls (P=0.0057) and in carriers (P=0.0008). Similarly, the rates of chromosome disomy for chromosome 21 were higher than those for chromosomes 13 and 18 in both controls (P=0.0031) and translocation carriers (P=0.0057). In our study, the excess of chromosome 21 disomy versus disomy of the other autosomes was more pronounced in carriers than in controls. Thus, although the difference of disomy 21 between controls and carriers was not statistically significant, it is worthy of attention.  相似文献   
The proportion of Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans that were alive and mobile when they fell from honey bees, Apis mellifera L., in hives was measured during a 20-wk period to determine the potential use of systems that prevent these mites from returning to the bees. Traps designed to discriminate between the live, fallen mites and those that are dead or immobile were used on hive bottom boards. A large fraction of the fallen mites was alive when acaricide was not in use and also when fluvalinate or coumaphos treatments were in the hives. The live proportion of mitefall increased during very hot weather. The proportion of mitefall that was alive was higher at the rear and sides of the hive compared with that falling from center frames near the hive entrance. More sclerotized than callow mites were alive when they fell. A screen-covered trap that covers the entire hive bottom board requires a sticky barrier to retain all live mites. This trap or another method that prevents fallen, viable mites from returning to the hive is recommended as a part of an integrated control program. It also may slow the development of acaricide resistance in V. jacobsoni and allow the substitution of less hazardous chemicals for the acaricides currently in use.  相似文献   
Hawaiian tree snails in the endemic subfamily Achatinellinae display a staggering variety of shell colors and banding patterns. Despite numerous attempts to classify this morphological variation, a conclusive phylogeny has not been proposed. To improve conservation efforts, we sought to better understand the species identities and phylogenetic relationships among the extant species of Achatinella and Partulina using partial mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA sequences. The reconstructed phylogeny showed a high degree of support for more recent branches, but gave little support to deeper nodes. The most confident branches challenge previous systematic arrangements of these snails, grouping species that previously had been placed into different subgenera. High levels of sequence divergence within some species may reflect the long-term isolation of subpopulations. Rapid rates of sequence divergence may have saturated base substitutions and contributed to the lack of resolution of higher-order relationships. We did not find support for the monophyly of the Achatinella species, nor thus for a single colonization of Oahu from Maui Nui.  相似文献   
Thacker C  Srayko M  Rose AM 《Gene》2000,252(1-2):15-25
Kex2/subtilisin-like proteinase activity is required for the production of the adult cuticle in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Deletion of the carboxy termini of four of the bli-4/kpc-4 convertase isoforms results in blistering of the adult cuticle. The blisters vary in severity (expressivity) and are not evident in all individuals (reduced penetrance). We have isolated 13 bli-4/kpc-4 mutants that arrest development in late embryogenesis. Using a PCR-based heteroduplex technique, we have identified nucleotide changes responsible for eight of these lethal mutations. The lesions reside within the first 12 exons that are shared by all of the bli-4/kpc-4 gene products, with the majority of mutations clustered within the protease domain. This finding suggests that the protease domain represents a large mutable target. Among these mutations, allele h384 represents a molecular null mutant in which the catalytically essential serine residue (Ser415) is replaced by phenylalanine. Novel missense mutations that change the identity of amino acids evolutionary conserved in all kex2/subtilisin-convertases highlight critical residues essential for activity. We examined the functional activity of BLI-4/KPC-4 products expressed from several lethal mutants by testing their effect on the variable penetrance of blistering exhibited by the e937 allele. We found that the combination of a bli-4/kpc-4 lethal mutation in trans to the bli-4(e937) mutation was sufficient to cause severe blistering in heteroallelic progeny, even in the presence of a known dominant suppressor.  相似文献   
Cervical cancer is the major cause of cancer related deaths in women, especially in developing countries and Human Papilloma Virus infection in conjunction with multiple deregulated signaling pathways leads to cervical carcinogenesis. TGF-β signaling in later stages of cancer is known to induce epithelial to mesenchymal transition promoting tumor growth. Phytochemicals, curcumin and emodin, are effective as chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic compounds against several cancers including cervical cancer. The main objective of this work was to study the effect of curcumin and emodin on TGF-β signaling pathway and its functional relevance to growth, migration and invasion in two cervical cancer cell lines, SiHa and HeLa. Since TGF-β and Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathways are known to cross talk having common downstream targets, we analyzed the effect of TGF-β on β-catenin (an important player in Wnt/β-catenin signaling) and also studied whether curcumin and emodin modulate them. We observed that curcumin and emodin effectively down regulate TGF-β signaling pathway by decreasing the expression of TGF-β Receptor II, P-Smad3 and Smad4, and also counterbalance the tumorigenic effects of TGF-β by inhibiting the TGF-β-induced migration and invasion. Expression of downstream effectors of TGF-β signaling pathway, cyclinD1, p21 and Pin1, was inhibited along with the down regulation of key mesenchymal markers (Snail and Slug) upon curcumin and emodin treatment. Curcumin and emodin were also found to synergistically inhibit cell population and migration in SiHa and HeLa cells. Moreover, we found that TGF-β activates Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in HeLa cells, and curcumin and emodin down regulate the pathway by inhibiting β-catenin. Taken together our data provide a mechanistic basis for the use of curcumin and emodin in the treatment of cervical cancer.  相似文献   
Cultured IFN-γ ELISPOT assays are primarily a measure of central memory T cell (Tcm) responses with humans; however, this important subset of lymphocytes is poorly characterized in cattle. Vaccine-elicited cultured IFN-γ ELISPOT responses correlate with protection against bovine tuberculosis in cattle. However, whether this assay measures cattle Tcm responses or not is uncertain. The objective of the present study was to characterize the relative contribution of Tcm (CCR7+, CD62Lhi, CD45RO+), T effector memory (Tem, defined as: CCR7-, CD62Llow/int, CD45RO+), and T effector cells (CCR7-, CD62L-/low, CD45RO-), in the immune response to Mycobacterium bovis. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from infected cattle were stimulated with a cocktail of M. bovis purified protein derivative, rTb10.4 and rAg85A for 13 days with periodic addition of fresh media and rIL-2. On day 13, cultured PBMC were re-stimulated with medium alone, rESAT-6:CFP10 or PPDb with fresh autologous adherent cells for antigen presentation. Cultured cells (13 days) or fresh PBMCs (ex vivo response) from the same calves were analyzed for IFN-γ production, proliferation, and CD4, CD45RO, CD62L, CD44, and CCR7 expression via flow cytometry after overnight stimulation. In response to mycobacterial antigens, ~75% of CD4+ IFN-γ+ cells in long-term cultures expressed a Tcm phenotype while less than 10% of the ex vivo response consisted of Tcm cells. Upon re-exposure to antigen, long-term cultured cells were highly proliferative, a distinctive characteristic of Tcm, and the predominant phenotype within the long-term cultures switched from Tcm to Tem. These findings suggest that proliferative responses of Tcm cells to some extent occurs simultaneously with reversion to effector phenotypes (mostly Tem). The present study characterizes Tcm cells of cattle and their participation in the response to M. bovis infection.  相似文献   
In this study, experiments were performed to determine the contribution of TLR9 to the generation of protective innate immunity against virulent bacterial pathogens of the lung. In initial studies, we found that the intratracheal administration of Klebsiella pneumoniae in wild-type (WT) BALB/c mice resulted in the rapid accumulation of dendritic cells (DC) expressing TLR9. As compared with WT mice, animals deficient in TLR9 (TLR9-/-) displayed significantly increased mortality that was associated with a >50-fold increase in lung CFU and a >400-fold increase in K. pneumoniae CFU in blood and spleen, respectively. Intrapulmonary bacterial challenge in TLR9-/- mice resulted in reduced lung DC accumulation and maturation as well as impaired activation of lung macrophages, NK cells, and alphabeta and gammadelta T cells. Mice deficient in TLR9 failed to generate an effective Th1 cytokine response following bacterial administration. The adoptive transfer of bone marrow-derived DC from syngeneic WT but not TLR9-/- mice administered intratracheally reconstituted antibacterial immunity in TLR9-/- mice. Collectively, our findings indicate that TLR9 is required for effective innate immune responses against Gram-negative bacterial pathogens and that approaches to maximize TLR9-mediated DC responses may serve as a means to augment antibacterial immunity in pneumonia.  相似文献   
Synaptojanin is a lipid phosphatase required to degrade phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PIP(2)) at cell membranes during synaptic vesicle recycling. Synaptojanin mutants in C. elegans are severely uncoordinated and are depleted of synaptic vesicles, possibly because of accumulation of PIP(2). To identify proteins that act downstream of PIP(2) during endocytosis, we screened for suppressors of synaptojanin mutants in the nematode C. elegans. A class of uncoordinated mutants called "fainters" partially suppress the locomotory, vesicle depletion, and electrophysiological defects in synaptojanin mutants. These suppressor loci include the genes for the NCA ion channels, which are homologs of the vertebrate cation leak channel NALCN, and a novel gene called unc-80. We demonstrate that unc-80 encodes a novel, but highly conserved, neuronal protein required for the proper localization of the NCA-1 and NCA-2 ion channel subunits. These data suggest that activation of the NCA ion channel in synaptojanin mutants leads to defects in recycling of synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to understand how the reconstituted HDL (rHDL) phospholipid (PL) composition affects its cholesterol efflux and anti-inflammatory properties. An ApoA-I mimetic peptide, 5A, was combined with either SM or POPC. Both lipid formulations exhibited similar in vitro cholesterol efflux by ABCA1, but 5A-SM exhibited higher ABCG1- and SR-BI-mediated efflux relative to 5A-POPC (P < 0.05). Injection of both rHDLs in rats resulted in mobilization of plasma cholesterol, although the relative potency was 3-fold higher for the same doses of 5A-SM than for 5A-POPC. Formation of preβ HDL was observed following incubation of rHDLs with both human and rat plasma in vitro, with 5A-SM inducing a higher extent of preβ formation relative to 5A-POPC. Both rHDLs exhibited anti-inflammatory properties, but 5A-SM showed higher inhibition of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β release than did 5A-POPC (P < 0.05). Both 5A-SM and 5A-POPC showed reduction in total plaque area in ApoE−/− mice, but only 5A-SM showed a statistically significant reduction over placebo control and baseline (P < 0.01). The type of PL used to reconstitute peptide has significant influence on rHDL’s anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerosis properties.  相似文献   
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