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The genes in Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens that encode the enzymes involved in butyrate production were sequenced. In a type I strain (ATCC 19171(T)), the genes coding for the enzymes that catalyze the conversion from acetyl-CoA to butyryl-CoA, thl (thiolase), crt (crotonase), hbd (beta-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase), bcd (butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase), etfB (electron transfer flavoprotein [ETF]-beta), and etfA (ETF-alpha), were found to be clustered and arranged in this order. A type II strain (ATCC 51255) had the same clustered genes with the same arrangement, except that crt was not present in the clustered genes. The deduced amino acid sequences of these enzymes did not greatly differ between the two strains, and even between B. fibrisolvens and clostridia. Amino acid identity appeared to be higher within the same type than between types I and II. The clustered genes were shown to be cotranscribed, and constitutively transcribed without being affected significantly by culture conditions.  相似文献   
To establish α-tropomyosin (Tm)'s structure–function relationships in cooperative regulation of muscle contraction, thin filaments were reconstituted with a variety of Tm mutants (Δ2Tm, Δ3Tm, Δ6Tm, P2sTm, P3sTm, P2P3sTm, P1P5Tm, and wtTm), and force and sliding velocity of the thin filament were studied using an in vitro motility assay. In the case of deletion mutants, Δ indicates which of the quasi-equivalent repeats in Tm was deleted. In the case of period (P) mutants, an Ala cluster was introduced into the indicated period to strengthen the Tm–actin interaction. In P1P5Tm, the N-terminal half of period 5 was substituted with that of period 1 to test the quasi-equivalence of these two Tm periods. The reconstitution included bovine cardiac troponin. Deletion studies revealed that period 3 is important for the positive cooperative effect of Tm on actin filament regulation and that period 2 also contributes to this effect at low ionic strength, but to a lesser degree. Furthermore, Tm with one extra Ala cluster at period 2 (P2s) or period 3 (P3s) did not increase force or velocity, whereas Tm with two extra Ala clusters (P2P3s) increased both force and velocity, demonstrating interaction between these periods. Most mutants did not move in the absence of Ca2+. Notable exceptions were Δ6Tm and P1P5Tm, which moved near at the full velocity, but with reduced force, which indicate impaired relaxation. These results are consistent with the mechanism that the Tm–actin interaction cooperatively affects actin to result in generation of greater force and velocity.  相似文献   
An anchorage-dependent Wilms' tumor cell line, HFWT, has been found to be extremely susceptible to human natural killer (NK) cells. Here we established a transfectant of HFWT with the green fluorescence protein (GFP) gene, designated GHINK-1 cells, to apply to the activated NK cytotoxicity assay without radioisotope labeling. After being co-cultured with CD3 CD56+ NK cells, GHINK-1 cells released GFP into the medium. The intensity of the fluorescence from the released GFP correlated almost exactly with the radioactivity of a standard 51Cr-release assay performed with suspension-cultured K562 cells. Because it does not require separation of the remaining live target cells by centrifugation, the non-radioisotopic GFP release assay with GHINK-1 cells is a convenient alternative for monitoring human activated NK killing activity.  相似文献   
We placed in culture brain tumors from 45 cases (7 cases of astrocytoma, 2 from oligodendrogliomas, 2 glioblastomas, 2 ependymomas, 13 meningiomas, 6 pituitary adenomas, 5 neurinomas, a malignant lymphoma, a choroid plexus papilloma, and 6 metastatic tumors) and succeeded in making a primary culture from 33, and maintained 17 in vitro over a considerable period of time (greater than three months). In the early period of the primary cultures, the astrocytoma cells had cytoplasmic processes which contacted each other, the oligodendroglioma cells were small and spindle-shaped, the glioblastoma cells were neoplastic with pleopmorphic features and possessed cytoplasmic processes, the ependymoma cells formed a rosette-like cell arrangement, the meningioma cells were spindle- or round-shaped cells and characterized as forming psammoma bodies, the pituitary adenoma cells were round- or oval-shaped cells and produced growth hormone (GH), adenocorticoid tropic hormone (ACTH), prolactin, or other hypophyseal hormones, the choroid plexus papilloma cells were round-or polygonal and showed a papillary cell arrangement, the neurinoma cells were spindle- or fibrous-shaped cells, and the malignant lymphoma cells were round and formed cell aggregates floating in the culture medium.  相似文献   
The cell line designated HHUS was established from human uterine cervical keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma. The HHUS cell line was subcultivated more than 70 times within 3 years. The cultured cells, polygonal or spindle, with neoplastic and pleomorphic features, appeared epithelial in shape, with a pavement-like arrangement and grew in multi-layers without contact inhibition. The chromosome number was varied from 40 to 88, and the modal number was stable in diploid range. The cultured cells produced keratinizing squamous cell carcinomas by heterotransplantation into the subcutis of nude mice. The HHUS cells were characterized as producing large amounts of SCC, in vitro and possessing HPV-59 DNA genomes.  相似文献   
Conventional kinesin is a processive motor protein that keeps "walking" along a microtubule using chemical energy released by ATP hydrolysis. We previously studied the effects of temperature between 15 degrees and 35 degrees C on the moving velocity, force, and processivity of single kinesin molecules using a bead assay [Kawaguchi and Ishiwata, 2000b: Biochem Biophys Res Commun 272:895-899]. However, we could not examine the effects of temperature higher than 35 degrees C because of the thermal damage to proteins. Here, using temperature pulse microscopy (TPM) [Kato et al., 1999: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96:9602-9606], we could examine the temperature dependence of the gliding velocity of single kinesin molecules interacting with a microtubule above 35 degrees C up to 50 degrees C (instantaneously, approximately 60 degrees C), where the velocity reached 3.68 microm/s, the highest ever reported. The Arrhenius plot showed no breaks between 15 degrees and 50 degrees C with a unique activation energy of about 50 kJ/mol, suggesting that the molecular mechanism of kinesin motility is common over a broad temperature range including physiological temperature.  相似文献   
A cell line designated HUUCLEC was established from a human uterine cervical lymphoepithelial carcinoma obtained from a 61-year-old Japanese woman. The cell line has grown slowly without interruption and serial passages were successively carried out 60 times within 3 years. The cultured cells were spindle or round in shape, showing anaplastic and pleomorphic features, a pavement cell arrangement and multilayering without contact inhibition. The population doubling time of the HUUCLEC line was 72 hours while the chromosomal number varied widely and showed aneuploidy. The modal chromosomal number was stable at the triploid range and marker chromosomes were present; the Ebstein-Barr virus was absent in the cultured cells.  相似文献   
The polymerization-depolymerization dynamics of actin is a key process in a variety of cellular functions. Many spectroscopic studies have been performed in solution, but studies on single actin filaments have just begun. Here, we show that the time course of polymerization of individual filaments consists of a polymerization phase and a subsequent steady-state phase. During the steady-state phase, a treadmilling process of elongation at the barbed end and shortening at the pointed end occurs, in which both components of the process proceed at approximately the same rate. The time correlation of length fluctuation of the filaments in the steady-state phase showed that the polymerization-depolymerization dynamics follow a diffusion (stochastic) process, which cannot be explained by simple association and dissociation of monomers at both ends of the filaments.  相似文献   
Regenerative medical treatment with embryonic stem cells (an ES cell) is a goal for organ transplantation. Structures that are tubular in nature (i.e. blood capillaries) were induced from early embryonic stem (EES) cells in vitro using embryotrophic factor (ETFs). In addition, cardiac muscle cells could be identified as well. However, differentiation of EES cells into a complete cardiovascular system was difficult because 3 germ layer primordial organs are directed embryologically in various ways and it is not possible to guide only cardiovascular organs. Thus, we introduced ETFs after the formation of an embryoid body and were successful in cloning cell clusters that beat, thus deriving only cardiovascular organs. The application of this to the treatment of various cardiovascular diseases is promising.  相似文献   
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