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  1. When applying the adsorption theory to the selectivity coefficient,K and Mg uptakes by cells in a K-Mg replacement series of mediaare not regulated only by a common mechanism, under the assumptionthat b values, which indicate the affinities between the ionand the adsorptive surface, do not change.
  2. Regulation of Kand Mg uptakes by a common multiphasic mechanismin the cellsis possible when the selectivity coefficient bK/bMgvaries inverselywith the MK/MMg ratio in the external medium.
  3. K and Mg uptakesare not regulated only by their respectivesingle specific mechanisms.
  4. Another possibility is regulation of K and Mg uptakes bothbycommon and specific mechanisms. The common mechanism maybemultiphasic.
(Received December 2, 1975; )  相似文献   
The enzyme activity synthesizing poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) was mainly localized in the PHB-containing particulate fraction ofZoogloea ramigera I-16-M, when it grew flocculatedly in a medium supplemented with glucose. On the other hand, the enzyme activity remained in the soluble fraction, when the bacterium grew dispersedly in a glucose-starved medium.The soluble PHB synthase activity became associated with the particulate fraction as PHB synthesis was initiated on the addition of glucose to the dispersed culture. Conversely, the enzyme activity was released from the PHB-containing granules to the soluble fraction when the flocculated culture was kept incubated without supplementing the medium with glucose.PHB synthase was also incorporated into the newly formed PHB fraction when partially purified soluble PHB synthase was incubated withd(-)--hydroxybutyryl CoA in vitro.Although attempts to solubilize the particulate enzyme were unsuccessful, and the soluble enzyme became extremely unstable in advanced stages of purification, both PHB synthases had the same strict substrate specificity ford(-)--hydroxybutyryl CoA, and showed the same pH optimum at 7.0.Non-Standard Abbreviations PHB poly--hydroxybutyrate  相似文献   
A procedure was developed for isolation of variously sized nucleoli in order to study the mechanism of nucleolar formation from multiple nucleolar organizers and to compare the compositions of different-sized nucleoli from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Relatively small nucleoli and large nucleoli from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were separated by centrifugation at 400 g for 5 min in a layer of 0.34 M sucrose over 0.88 M sucrose. Small nucleoli remained in the 0.34 M sucrose layer while the large nucleoli accumulated in the 0.88 M sucrose.Three fractions, provisionally named small, intermediate and large nucleoli, containing 0.33, 0.41 and 0.84 pg DNA/nucleolus, respectively, were separated. Unfractionated nucleoli contained 0.59 pg DNA/nucleolus. The RNA content also increased with the size of the nucleolus and no significant difference was observed in the RNA/DNA ratios in the three fractions. Large nucleoli incorporated more [3H]uridine and [32P]orthophosphate into RNA than did small nucleoli, but the base compositions of the RNAs extracted from the different-sized nucleoli were similar. No significant fragmentation occurred on sonication of large nucleoli for 3 min, so the observed difference in the DNA contents was not due to mechanical damage of the nucleoli.The DNAs of these different-sized nucleoli were analysed on CsCl gradients. The nucleoli contained similar percentages of satellite DNA (20–22%) which were also similar to those of total, unfractionated nucleoli. Approx. 10% of the extranucleolar DNA is satellite DNA—thus the nucleolar fractions were probably not appreciably contaminated with extranucleolar DNA. The DNA of small nucleoli contained a slightly lower percentage (0.058%) of ribosomal cistrons than large nucleoli (0.081%). This means that the higher content of DNA in the large nucleoli is not merely due to longer sized chromatin with extra regions of the vicinity of nucleolar organizers. Thus these results suggest that the total content of ribosomal cistrons/nucleolus is roughly proportional to the DNA content of the nucleoli, at least in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Namely, the number of ribosomal cistrons per nucleolus for small, intermediate and large nucleoli is 40, 60 and 130, respectively.  相似文献   
Synchronization of neural activity, especially at the gamma band, contributes to perceptual functions. In several psychiatric disorders, deficits of perceptual functions are reflected in synchronization abnormalities. Plausible cause of this impairment is an alteration in the balance between excitation and inhibition (E/I balance); a disruption in the E/I balance leads to abnormal neural interactions reminiscent of pathological states. Moreover, the local lateral excitatory-excitatory synaptic connections in the cortex exhibit excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) that follow a log-normal amplitude distribution. This long-tailed distribution is considered an important factor for the emergence of spatiotemporal neural activity. In this context, we hypothesized that manipulating the EPSP distribution under abnormal E/I balance conditions would provide insights into psychiatric disorders characterized by deficits in perceptual functions, potentially revealing the mechanisms underlying pathological neural behaviors. In this study, we evaluated the synchronization of neural activity with external periodic stimuli in spiking neural networks in cases of both E/I balance and imbalance with or without a long-tailed EPSP amplitude distribution. The results showed that external stimuli of a high frequency lead to a decrease in the degree of synchronization with an increasing ratio of excitatory to inhibitory neurons in the presence, but not in the absence, of high-amplitude EPSPs. This monotonic reduction can be interpreted as an autonomous, strong-EPSP-dependent spiking activity selectively interfering with the responses to external stimuli. This observation is consistent with pathological findings. Thus, our modeling approach has potential to improve the understanding of the steady-state response in both healthy and pathological states.  相似文献   
Thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) is a possible virulence factor produced by Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Although TDH has a variety of biological activities, including hemolytic activity, the biochemical mechanism of action remains uncertain. Here we analysed biochemical events, especially phosphorylation, caused by TDH in erythrocytes, and found that TDH caused significant phosphorylations of proteins on erythrocyte membrane. Phosphorylation of proteins was studied using γ-32P ATP and SDS-PAGE. A number of protein kinase inhibitors were tested, to determine which types of kinases were involved in the phosphorylation events. TDH induced the phosphorylation of two proteins on membranes of human erythrocyte that are sensitive to TDH. The estimated molecular weight of these proteins was 25 and 22.5 kDa. Interestingly, the 22.5 kDa, but not the 25 kDa protein, was phosphorylated on the membrane of TDH-insensitive (resistant) horse erythrocytes. Moreover, a mutant TDH (R7), which retained binding ability but lost hemolytic activity, also phosphorylated only the 22.5 kDa protein on human erythrocyte membranes. Among the protein kinase inhibitors used the protein kinase C inhibitors, (staurosporine and calphostin C) showed marked inhibition of phosphorylation of 25 kDa protein. In addition to phosphorylation, these protein kinase C inhibitors suppresssed hemolysis by TDH. These results indicate that the phosphorylation of the 25 kDa protein seems to be essential for the hemolysis by TDH after it binds to erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   
We attempted to delineate the events leading to hypomyelination in the brain of thelittle mouse, a promising murine model of isolated growth hormone deficiency. At 20 days of age, the mutant mouse brain weighed less than its normal counterpart, and this difference in brain weight persisted. Increase in CNPase activity was found to be suppressed in the cerebrum throughout the developmental stage, but not in the other parts of the brain. Differences in cerebral DNA content between thelittle and normal mice first became apparent on the 10th day of age. Thereafter, the rate of increase in thelittle brain consistently lagged behind the normal. [3H]Thymidine incorporation into the DNA fraction in vivo on the 7th day of age, when glial cell proliferation in the normal cerebrum is most active, was approximately half that of the controls in all parts of thelittle brain. These findings indicate that the hypomyelination of the mutant cerebrum might result from reduced oligodendroglial proliferation due to growth hormone deficiency.  相似文献   
Visualization of organelles in living cells is a powerful method for studying their dynamic behavior. Here we attempted to visualize mitochondria in angiosperm male gametophyte (pollen grain from Arabidopsis thaliana) that are composed of one vegetative cell (VC) and two sperm cells (SCs). Combination of mitochondria-targeted fluorescent proteins with VC- or SC-specific expression allowed us to observe the precise number and dynamic behavior of mitochondria in the respective cell types. Furthermore, live imaging of SC mitochondria during double fertilization confirmed previous observations, demonstrated by electron microscopy in other species, that sperm mitochondria enter into the egg and central cells. We also attempted to visualize mutant mitochondria that were elongated due to a defect in mitochondrial division. This mutant phenotype was indeed detectable in VC mitochondria of a heterozygous F(1) plant, suggesting active mitochondrial division in male gametophyte. Finally, we performed mutant screening and isolated a putative mitochondrial protein transport mutant whose phenotype was detectable only in haploid cells. The transgenic materials presented in this work are useful not only for live imaging but also for studying mitochondrial functions by mutant analysis.  相似文献   
Dok-1 (p62(Dok)) is a multiple-site docking protein that acts downstream of receptor and nonreceptor tyrosine kinases. Although it has been proposed to contribute to the control of cell growth and migration through association with the Ras GTPase-activating protein and the adapter protein Nck, the role of Dok-1 remains largely unknown. The functions of Dok-1 have now been investigated by the generation of two different COOH-terminal truncation mutants of this protein: one (DokPH+PTB) containing the pleckstrin homology and phosphotyrosine-binding domains, and the other (DokPH) composed only of the pleckstrin homology domain. Both of these mutant proteins were shown to act in a dominant negative manner. Overexpression of each of the mutants in highly metastatic B16F10 mouse melanoma cells thus both inhibited the tyrosine phosphorylation of endogenous Dok-1 induced by cell adhesion as well as reduced the association of the endogenous protein with cellular membranes and the cytoskeleton. Overexpression of DokPH+PTB in these cells also markedly reduced both the rates of cell spreading, migration, and growth as well as the extent of Ras activation. The effects of DokPH on these processes were less pronounced than were those of DokPH+PTB, indicating the importance of the phosphotyrosine-binding domain. These results suggest that at least in B16F10 cells, Dok-1 positively regulates not only cell spreading and migration but also cell growth and Ras activity.  相似文献   
The synthesis and structure-activity relationship (SAR) study of a novel series of N-type calcium channel blockers are described. L-Cysteine derivative 2a was found to be a potent and selective N-type calcium channel blocker with IC(50) 0.63 microM on IMR-32 assay. Compound 2a showed analgesic efficacy in the rat formalin-induced pain model by intrathecal and oral administration.  相似文献   
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