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We have developed a radioimmunoassay (RIA) for nonenzymatically glycated serum proteins. The polyclonal antibodies prepared against reduced glycated human albumin were specific for the glucitollysine residues of serum proteins. Serum proteins from diabetic patients (n = 25) contained 5.3 +/- 2.8 nmoles of glucitollysine/mg protein, compared to 2.0 +/- 0.2 in controls (n = 20). The intra- and inter-assay variables were 3.2-6.2% and 4.4-8.6%, respectively. Results from this assay procedure correlated well with those from the boronate affinity chromatography procedure (r = 0.94; P less than 0.001). The data suggested that diabetic serum proteins contained at least 2.5 times as much immunochemically detectable glucitollysine residures as normal serum proteins after reduction of the proteins with sodium borohydride.  相似文献   
Single amino acid substitutions at nine different positions on the H-2Kb molecules from in vitro-mutagenized, immunologically altered, somatic cell variants were correlated with their patterns of recognition by monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and allogeneic cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones. While MAbs were found to detect spatially discrete, domain-specific sites, CTLs interacted simultaneously with multiple residues on the alpha 1 and alpha 2 domains of the Kb molecule. The computer graphic three-dimensional Kb model structure showed that, of the seven CTL-specific residues analyzed, six residues were located on the alpha-helical regions of the two domains. Every CTL clone was found to interact with a distinct pattern of residues composed of a specific subset of the CTL-specific residues.  相似文献   
Guineapig antibodies to Streptococcus pneumoniae (SPN) serotype 19F were detected by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a simple procedure. In experimentally infected hosts, antibody was detectable as early as 2 to 3 weeks after infection, and high titres were maintained for a long period. Antibodies higher than 1:64 were regarded as specific. In a field study, high antibody titres were shown in SPN enzootic colonies in contrast to negative or low antibody titres in a majority of the animals from non-enzootic and SPF colonies.  相似文献   
Hormone autonomous callus was institutioniated reproduciblyon MS agar medium with 0.25 mg/liter of BA as the sole planthormone (AI medium) from young leaf explants of sugar beets.When leaf explants were inoculated into AI medium and culturedon a reciprocal shaker, single cells began to be released fromthe cut surfaces of the leaf pieces after 6 days, followed byactive release. When the single cells which had been releasedwere transferred to fresh liquid MS medium without any planthormones, they could divide and grow autonomously, giving riseto hormone-autonomous suspension cultures. The effects of BAon induction of hormone-autonomous cells are discussed. (Received March 12, 1987; Accepted October 13, 1987)  相似文献   
The in vitro ent-Mcaurene synthesizing capacity, as well asthe endogenous GA content of shoot-forming tobacco crown gallsinduced by a nopaline-type Ti plasmid, was studied. For determinationof the ent-kaurene synthesizing capacity, an HPLC procedurepreceded by sample clean-up was used and the GA content wasexamined by GC-SIM. Kaurene synthesis reached a maximum at thebeginning of the logarithmic phase of growth. There was a clearcorrelation between the ent-kaurene synthesizing capacity andthe content of C20-GAs. It seems that gibberellin synthesisis related to growth and development of the tissue. The natureof the GAs identified suggests, that the GA metabolism mightbe an unusual one. (Received October 12, 1987; Accepted April 11, 1988)  相似文献   
Two monoclonal antibodies, 17(3)9 and 36(79)4, were preparedagainst nitrate reductase from Spinacia oleracea L. leaves.An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed that 17(3)9, butnot 36(79)4, reacted more strongly to heat-denatured than nativeantigen. These antibodies inhibited NADH-nitrate reductase aswell as its various partial activities including reduced methylvilogen-nitrate reductase, reduced flavin mononucleotide-nitratereductase and NADH-cytochrome c reductase activities, but notNADH-ferricyanide reductase activity. Immunoblotting after electrophoreticseparation of nitrate reductase fragments obtained by Staphyrococcusaureus V8 protease digestion of native enzyme revealed thatthe two monoclonal antibodies bind to different epitopes locatedon the 28 kDa of the NADH-ferricyanide reductase domain. (Received October 2, 1987; Accepted June 9, 1988)  相似文献   
The activity of ammoniagenesis from guanine nucleotides was found to increase significantly in rat brain after infusion of kainic acid into the striatum. Among the enzymes involved in degrading guanine nucleotides, nucleoside diphosphatase was markedly increased in the lesioned striatum. The enzyme activity began to increase 2 days after the infusion, and reached the maximum on the 13th day, the level being 4 times as high as that of the intact contralateral region. The increased activity was due to Type L enzyme, judging from its substrate specificity. Puromycin and cycloheximide inhibited this increase, indicating that the increased activity resulted from an increase in the net synthesis of the enzyme. These findings suggest that Type L NDPase might play some important roles in gliosis after neuronal lesion.  相似文献   
A new Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent serine kinase was isolated from rat parotid gland acinar cells following chronic treatment with the beta-agonist isoproterenol. A single-step purification was performed on a calmodulin-agarose affinity column, following solubilization with Triton X-100. Among various substrates tested, bovine galactosyltransferase was the preferred substrate of the kinase, followed by glycogen synthetase greater than histone greater than phosphodiesterase greater than phenylalanine hydroxylase greater than phosphorylase b greater than bovine serum albumin. In comparison, a spleen preparation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase did not show galactosyltransferase to be the preferred substrate. Thus, the enzyme would appear to be similar to the human galactosyltransferase-associated kinase. The kinase activity was saturable with 100 microM Ca2+ and 2 microM calmodulin. The molecular mass determined by nondenaturing and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses was 75 kDa with a pI of 4.3. The Vmax was 3500 mumol/(min.mg protein) with a Km of 1.6 microM for the transferase substrate. Leukotriene C and prostaglandin E2 were found to be specific noncompetitive inhibitors of the rat galactosyltransferase-associated kinase.  相似文献   
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