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ß-Tubulins from fourteen benomyl-resistant strainsof the homobasidiomycete Coprinus cinereus, which carry thebenA, benB, benC or benD mutations, were analyzed by urea SDS-PAGEor isoelectric focusing and subsequent immunoblot analysis.Electrophoretic aberrations in a major ß-tubulin isotype,denoted ß1 were found in two strains, BEN154 and BEN215,both of which carry benomyl resistance mutations in benA + Theaberrations of ß1 in BEN154 and BEN215 cosegregatedwith benomyl resistance among the progeny of outcrosses of BEN154 and BEN215 to wild type, indicating that the ß1aberrations were caused by the benA mutations. Both the mutantand wild-type ß1 tubulins were present in the heterozygousdikaryons, BEN 154/wild-type and BEN215/wild-type, ruling outpost-translational modification as a possible cause for theaberrations in ß1. Thus, we conclude that benA isa structural gene for ß1. Transhyphal migration ofnuclei in dikaryosis was blocked in the mycelia of BEN 154 andin its progeny that carried benA (ß1 mutation), demonstratingthat microtubules are involved in the migration process. Nuclearmigration in dikaryosis seems to differ in terms of mechanism,at least in part, from the migration of tetrad nuclei from basidiainto prespores during formation of basidiospores and from themigration of nuclei from basidiospores into hyphae during germination,because a benA mutation blocked the former without affectingthe latter two processes. (Received May 19, 1989; Accepted August 30, 1989)  相似文献   
In Japan, histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis (Kikuchi’s disease) is a relatively common reactive lesion affecting lymph nodes, but the histogenesis and pathogenesis of the disease have not been clarified. Alpha-interferon has a role in the body’s defense against, viral infections. Using a polyclonal antibody to human alpha-interferon, we found numerous cells, mainly histiocytes, containing alpha-interferon in affected foci in the lymph nodes from 24 patients with Kikuchi’s disease. Tubuloreticular structures, thought by some authors to be associated with the production of interferon, were detected by electron microscopy in histiocytes, activated lymphocytes and vascular endothelial cells in the affected foci. These results suggested that the formation of tubuloreticular structures is a secondary phenomenon following stimulation by alpha-interferon. Further, the activity of 2′–5′ oligoadenylate synthetase, which is induced by alpha-interferon and enhanced during the early or active stage of viral infection, showed increased levels of activity in the active stage of Kikuchi’s disease and decreased to normal levels in the convalescent stage 2 weeks later. These results suggested the possibility of a viral etiology for Kikuchi’s disease.  相似文献   
In contrast to the case of peripheral T cells, the surface expression of CD20 antigen and the expression of CD20 mRNA in monkey lymph node (LN) T cells underwent a noticeable increase when they were cultured with mitogen and interleukin-2 (IL-2). To confirm in vivo regulation of CD20 expression during the activation of LN T cells, we examined LNs derived from monkeys experimentally inoculated with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Significant expression of CD20 antigen was detected in the T cells of the LNs at the stage of lymphadenopathy. These findings suggest that lymphocyte activation in the LNs induced expression of the CD20 molecule in some T cells.  相似文献   
Kinetic studies of the isomerization reaction of horse heart ferricytochrome c between pH 8.5 and pH 12.1 have been carried out by using stopped-flow and rapid scanning stopped-flow techniques. Below pH 10, our results were in good agreement with the scheme proposed earlier (Davis, L. A., Schejter, A. and Hess, G. P. (1974) J. Biol. Chem. 249, 2624–2632). Above pH 10, another faster first-order process was observed, which suggested the existence of a transient species in the isomerization reaction between the species with and without a 695 nm band. The probable scheme of the isomerization reaction is considered to be
where H denotes a proton, the colored forms are the species predominant at neutral pH with a 695 nm band and the noncolored forms are the species without a 695 nm band. The transient species has a small 695 nm absorbance which suggests that the sixth ligand is still Met-80, although the protein conformation might be different from that at neutral pH.  相似文献   
Many decapod crustaceans in marine intertidal habitats release larvae toward coastal oceans, from which postlarvae (decapodids: settling-stage larvae) return home. Decapodid settlement processes are poorly understood. Previous studies showed that in Kyushu, Japan, the callianassid shrimp population on an intertidal sandflat of an open bay joining the coastal ocean near a large estuary released eight batches of larvae basically in a semilunar cycle from June through October and that decapodids performed diel vertical migration, occurring in the water column nocturnally. We conducted (a) frequent sampling for population density and size-composition on the sandflat through one reproductive season, (b) planktonic and benthic sampling for decapodids around the bay mouth, and (c) current meter deployment at three points across the bay mouth for tidal harmonic analysis. On the sandflat, six batches of newly-settled decapodids (settlers) occurred in a semilunar periodicity until October, with peaks occurring 0–3 days before syzygy dates except for the first one. For larval Batches 1–4, buoyancy-driven shoreward subsurface currents during July to mid-October would transport some pre-decapodid-stage larvae (zoeae) toward the bay. The absence of expected settler Batches 7–8 would be due to the converse subsurface currents caused by water-column mixing and seasonal winds after mid-October, carrying zoeae offshore. Once in the bay, phasing of night and nighttime-averaged shoreward tidal current explained the settlement pattern for Batches 1–4. For Batches 5–6 occurring in mid-September to mid-October, water currents generated by seasonal wind and tidal forcings may have caused peak settlement after the time expected from tidally-driven decapodid transport.  相似文献   


Patients with schizophrenia elicit cognitive decline from the early phase of the illness. Mismatch negativity (MMN) has been shown to be associated with cognitive function. We investigated the current source density of duration mismatch negativity (dMMN), by using low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA), and neuropsychological performance in subjects with early schizophrenia.


Data were obtained from 20 patients meeting DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder, and 20 healthy control (HC) subjects. An auditory odd-ball paradigm was used to measure dMMN. Neuropsychological performance was evaluated by the brief assessment of cognition in schizophrenia Japanese version (BACS-J).


Patients showed smaller dMMN amplitudes than those in the HC subjects. LORETA current density for dMMN was significantly lower in patients compared to HC subjects, especially in the temporal lobes. dMMN current density in the frontal lobe was positively correlated with working memory performance in patients.


This is the first study to identify brain regions showing smaller dMMN current density in early schizophrenia. Further, poor working memory was associated with decreased dMMN current density in patients. These results are likely to help understand the neural basis for cognitive impairment of schizophrenia.  相似文献   
We investigated the prevalence of Legionella species isolated from puddles on asphalt roads. In addition, we carried out sequence-based typing (SBT) analysis on the genetic relationship between L. pneumophila serogroup 1 (SG 1) isolates from puddles and from stock strains previously obtained from sputum specimens and public baths. Sixty-nine water samples were collected from puddles on roads at 6 fixed locations. Legionella species were detected in 33 samples (47.8%) regardless of season. Among the 325 isolates from puddles, strains of L. pneumophila SG 1, a major causative agent of Legionnaires'' disease, were the most frequently isolated (n = 62, 19.1%). Sixty-two isolates of L. pneumophila SG 1 from puddles were classified into 36 sequence types (STs) by SBT. ST120 and ST48 were identified as major STs. Environmental ST120 strains from puddles were found for the first time in this study. Among the 14 STs of the clinical isolates (n = 19), 4 STs (n = 6, 31.6%), including ST120, were also detected in isolates from puddles on roads, and the sources of infection in these cases remained unclear. The lag-1 gene, a tentative marker for clinical isolates, was prevalent in puddle isolates (61.3%). Our findings suggest that puddles on asphalt roads serve as potential reservoirs for L. pneumophila in the environment.  相似文献   
We designed and synthesized N-substituted 8-azatetrahydroquinolone derivatives as selective M1 and M4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors agonists. Optimization of selected derivatives led to the discovery of compound 7 as a highly potent M1 and M4 agonist with weak hERG inhibition. Oral administration of compound 7 improved psychosis-like behavior in rats.  相似文献   
A screening was designed to isolate microorganisms having poly(γ-glutamic acid) (PGA) endohydrolase activity. Of the strains screened, TM-4222, from a soil sample, showed the highest viscosity decrement ability on PGA. It was identified to be a Myrothecium sp. The fungal production of the enzyme was slightly promoted with yeast extract and greatly promoted with· both yeast extract and PGA. The fungus was evaluated to produce PGA hydrolase of an endo-type specificity by analyzing of the reaction products.  相似文献   
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