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To determine whether GH has an independent action on cerebral development, we examined the central nervous system of thelittle mouse (lit), a promissing model of isolated growth hormone deficiency. Our findings are (A); the weights of two parts of thelit brain were significantly less than those of the normal controls, 81.5% less for the cerebrum, and 81.6% for the cerebellum, (B): the total DNA content was reduced to approximately 80% in the cerebrum and 84% in the cerebellum compared to those of the normal controls, (C); the total RNA content was also reduced in the cerebrum and cerebellum, proportional to the reduction in DNA, (D); CNPase activity was reduced selectively in the cerebrum of thelit mouse (74.4% of the normal control), and (E); thelit mice exhibited a strikingly reduced level of activity with an indistinct diurnal periodicity. These results indicate that GH has independent actions on cerebral development, especially on glial cell proliferation as a precondition of myelin formation.Dedicated to Professor Yasuzo Tsukada.  相似文献   
Two types of amino acid substitutions in protein evolution   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Summary The frequency of amino acid substitutions, relative to the frequency expected by chance, decreases linearly with the increase in physico-chemical differences between amino acid pairs involved in a substitution. This correlation does not apply to abnormal human hemoglobins. Since abnormal hemoglobins mostly reflect the process of mutation rather than selection, the correlation manifest during protein evolution between substitution frequency and physico-chemical difference in amino acids can be attributed to natural selection. Outside of abnormal proteins, the correlation also does not apply to certain regions of proteins characterized by rapid rates of substitution. In these cases again, except for the largest physico-chemical differences between amino acid pairs, the substitution frequencies seem to be independent of the physico-chemical parameters. The limination of the substituents involving the largest physicochemical differences can once more be attributed to natural selection. For smaller physico-chemical differences, natural selection, if it is operating in the polypeptide regions, must be based on parameters other than those examined.  相似文献   
Epsilon-toxin (ET) of Clostridium perfringens, which causes fatal enterotoxemia in ungulates, was previously shown to bind to and form a heptameric pore within the detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) of MDCK cells. Depletion of cholesterol has also been shown to decrease the cytotoxicity of ET and its heptamerization. In this study, we investigated the effects of changes in sphingolipids, other DRM components of MDCK cells, on the cells' susceptibility to ET. Treatment with fumonisin B1 and PDMP, inhibitors of sphingolipid and glycosphingolipid syntheses, respectively, increased the susceptibility, while D609, a sphingomyelin synthesis inhibitor, had the opposite effect. The exogenous addition of ganglioside G(M1) dramatically decreased the ET binding, heptamerization and cytotoxicity. These effects were shown not to be due to ET binding to G(M1) or to denaturation of ET. We also found that the ET cytotoxicity towards MDCK cells decreased with an increase in culture time. In accordance with the resistance observed for prolonged cultured cells, G(M3), a major ganglioside component, increased and sialidase treatment increased their susceptibility. These results suggest that membrane-anchored sialic acid of G(M3) within DRMs inhibits ET binding, leading to prevention of the heptamerization of ET and cell death. It is also suggested that sialidase produced by this organism aids the targeting of ET to MDCK cells.  相似文献   
Peyer's patches (PP) are important inductive sites for the mucosal immune response. It is well known that lymphocytes that migrate into PP are mainly of T-cell lineage from thymus-derived cells (i.e. alphabetaTCR(high) cells). In this study, we further characterized the properties of PP lymphocytes in mice using a mouse model of colitis induced by dextran sulphate sodium (DSS). Although the major site of the inflammation induced by DSS is known to be the large intestine, the small intestine was also damaged. When mice developed DSS-induced colitis, CD3+CD8+B220+ gammadelta T cells increased in PP in the small intestine. These gammadelta T cells, which are not seen in the PP of normal mice, resembled intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) in the small intestine in terms of their expression of CD5, CD103 and Thy1.2. In addition, the Vgamma/delta repertoire of these gammadelta T cells was similar to that of gammadelta IEL. When DSS-treated mice were injected with IEL isolated from normal mice, IEL including gammadelta T cells preferentially migrated to PP, raising the possibility that B220+ T cells seen in PP of diseased mice may derive from IEL in the small intestine. Our present study suggests that PP might be able to accept T-cell lineages from intestinal IEL as well as from thymus-derived T cells.  相似文献   
While small Maf proteins have been suggested to be essential for the Nrf2-mediated activation of antioxidant response element (ARE)-dependent genes, the extent of their requirement remains to be fully documented. To address this issue, we generated mafG::mafF double-mutant mice possessing MafK as the single available small Maf. Induction of the NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) gene was significantly impaired in double-mutant mice treated with butylated hydroxyanisole, while other ARE-dependent genes were less affected. Similarly, in a keap1-null background, where many of the ARE-dependent genes are constitutively activated in an Nrf2-dependent manner, only a subset of ARE-dependent genes, including NQO1, were sensitive to a simultaneous deficiency in MafG and MafF. Examination of single and double small maf mutant cells revealed that MafK also contributes to the induction of ARE-dependent genes. To obtain decisive evidence, we established mafG::mafK::mafF triple-mutant fibroblasts that completely lack small Mafs and turned out to be highly susceptible to oxidative stress. We found that induction in response to diethyl maleate was abolished in a wider range of ARE-dependent genes in the triple-mutant cells. These data explicitly demonstrate that small Mafs play critical roles in the inducible expression of a significant portion of ARE-dependent genes.  相似文献   
Peroxisomal matrix proteins are posttranslationally imported into peroxisomes with the peroxisome-targeting signal 1 receptor, Pex5. The longer isoform of Pex5, Pex5L, also transports Pex7-PTS2 protein complexes. After unloading the cargoes, Pex5 returns to the cytosol. To address molecular mechanisms underlying Pex5 functions, we constructed a cell-free Pex5 translocation system with a postnuclear supernatant fraction from CHO cell lines. In assays using the wild-type CHO-K1 cell fraction, (35)S-labeled Pex5 was specifically imported into and exported from peroxisomes with multiple rounds. (35)S-Pex5 import was also evident using peroxisomes isolated from rat liver. ATP was not required for (35)S-Pex5 import but was indispensable for export. (35)S-Pex5 was imported neither to peroxisome remnants from RING peroxin-deficient cell mutants nor to those from pex14 cells lacking a Pex5-docking site. In contrast, (35)S-Pex5 was imported into the peroxisome remnants of PEX1-, PEX6-, and PEX26-defective cell mutants, including those from patients with peroxisome biogenesis disorders, from which, however, (35)S-Pex5 was not exported, thereby indicating that Pex1 and Pex6 of the AAA ATPase family and their recruiter, Pex26, were essential for Pex5 export. Moreover, we analyzed the (35)S-Pex5-associated complexes on peroxisomal membranes by blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. (35)S-Pex5 was in two distinct, 500- and 800-kDa complexes comprising different sets of peroxins, such as Pex14 and Pex2, implying that Pex5 transited between the subcomplexes. Together, results indicated that Pex5 most likely enters peroxisomes, changes its interacting partners, and then exits using ATP energy.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that the cyclooxygenase (COX)-2/PGE2 pathway plays a key role in VEGF production in gastric fibroblasts. Recent studies have identified three PGE synthase (PGES) isozymes: cytosolic PGES (cPGES) and microsomal PGES (mPGES)-1 and -2, but little is known regarding the expression and roles of these enzymes in gastric fibroblasts. Thus we examined IL-1beta-stimulated mPGES-1 and cPGES mRNA and protein expression in gastric fibroblasts by quantitative PCR and Western blot analysis, respectively, and studied both their relationship to COX-1 and -2 and their roles in PGE2 and VEGF production in vitro. IL-1beta stimulated increases in both COX-2 and mPGES-1 mRNA and protein expression levels. However, COX-2 mRNA and protein expression were more rapidly induced than mPGES-1 mRNA and protein expression. Furthermore, MK-886, a nonselective mPGES-1 inhibitor, failed to inhibit IL-1beta-induced PGE2 release at the 8-h time point, while totally inhibiting PGE2 at the later stage. However, MK-886 did inhibit IL-1beta-stimulated PGES activity in vitro by 86.8%. N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)-methanesulfonamide (NS-398), a selective COX-2 inhibitor, totally inhibited PGE2 production at both the 8-h and 24-h time points, suggesting that COX-2-dependent PGE2 generation does not depend on mPGES-1 activity at the early stage. In contrast, NS-398 did not inhibit VEGF production at 8 h, and only partially at 24 h, whereas MK-886 totally inhibited VEGF production at each time point. These results suggest that IL-1beta-induced mPGES-1 protein expression preferentially coupled with COX-2 protein at late stages of PGE2 production and that IL-1beta-stimulated VEGF production was totally dependent on membrane-associated proteins involved in eicosanoid and glutathione metabolism (MAPEG) superfamily proteins, which includes mPGES-1, but was partially dependent on the COX-2/PGE2 pathway.  相似文献   
The cytoplasmic fibril structures of Saprospira sp. strain SS98-5 grown on a low-nutrient agar medium were purified from cell lysates treated with Triton X-100 and were observed by electron microscopy to be about 7 nm in width and 200-300 nm in length. SDS-PAGE of the fibril structures exhibited a single protein band with a molecular mass of 61 kDa. A Saprospira cytoplasmic fibril protein (SCFP), which is a subunit of the fibril structures, was digested with trypsin to oligopeptides and analyzed for amino acid sequences. A partial nucleotide sequence of the SCFP gene was determined after PCR using primers designated from the amino acid sequences of the oligopeptides. SCFP gene including DNA fragments were detected by Southern hybridization using the PCR product for an SCFP gene as a probe and were cloned to determine whole nucleotide sequences. The SCFP gene indicated relatively higher similarity to conserved hypothetical phage tail sheath proteins. A Western immunoblotting analysis showed that SCFP was significantly expressed in gliding cells as compared with nongliding cells. The above findings with the previously reported results suggest that the cytoplasmic fibril structures are possibly related to the gliding motility of Saprospira sp. strain SS98-5.  相似文献   
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