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The apoenzyme of diol dehydrase was inactivated by modification with pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (pyridoxal-P). The inactivation was accompanied by appearance of a new peak at 425 nm which was shifted to 325 nm by reduction with NaBH4. ?-N-Pyridoxyl lysine was detected by paper chromatography and paper electrophoresis from the hydrolysate of the NaBH4-reduced enzyme-pyridoxal-P complex. The relationship of inactivation vs pyridoxal-P incorporation as well as kinetic experiments suggests that one lysyl residue per enzyme molecule was essential for catalytic activity, although two to three pyridoxal-P molecules were introduced into the almost completely inactivated enzyme molecule. Both 1,2-propanediol (substrate) and adenosylcobalamin (coenzyme) completely protected the enzyme from inactivation. The result of disc gel electrophoresis showed that the inactivation of diol dehydrase by pyridoxal-P results from irreversible dissociation of the enzyme into subunits upon pyridoxal-P modification. Therefore, it is suggested that this modifiable lysyl residue is essential for subunit interaction to form an active oligomeric enzyme. The inactivated enzyme restored activity by addition of excess component F, but not by S, suggesting that the essential lysyl residue is located in component F of the enzyme. Pyridoxal-P-modified enzyme was no longer able to bind cyanocobalamin (a competitive inhibitor of adenosylcobalamin).  相似文献   
The apoenzyme of diol dehydrase was inactivated by four sulfhydryl-modifying reagents, p-chloromercuribenzoate, 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) (DTNB), iodoacetamide, and N-ethylmaleimide. In each case pseudo-first-order kinetics was observed. p-Chloromercuribenzoate modified two sulfhydryl groups per enzyme molecule and modification of the first one resulted in complete inactivation of the enzyme. DTNB also modified two sulfhydryl groups, but modification of the second one essentially corresponded to the inactivation. In both cases, the inactivation was reversed by incubation with dithiothreitol. Cyanocobalamin, a potent competitive inhibitor of adenosylcobalamin, protected the essential residue, but not the nonessential one, against the modification by these reagents. By resolving the sulfhydryl-modified cyanocobalamin-enzyme complex, the enzyme activity was recovered, irrespective of treatment with dithiothreitol. From these results, we can conclude that diol dehydrase has two reactive sulfhydryl groups, one of which is essential for catalytic activity and located at or in close proximity to the coenzyme binding site. The other is nonessential for activity. Neitherp-chloromercuribenzoate- nor DTNB-modified apoenzyme was able to bind cyanocobalamin, whereas the iodoacetamide- and N-ethylmaleimide-modified apoenzyme only partially lost the ability to bind cyanocobalamin. The inactivation of diol dehydrase by p-chloromercuribenzoate and DTNB did not bring about dissociation of the enzyme into subunits. Total number of the sulfhydryl groups of this enzyme was 14 when determined in the presence of 6 m guanidine hydrochloride. No disulfide bond was detected.  相似文献   
Summary A DNA fragment containing the replication origin of the Escherichia coli K-12 chromosome was inserted in two orientations at either the BamHI or SalI site of pBR322 DNA. All the resulting hybrid plasmids were found to replicate in both polA and polA + cells, whereas pBR322 replicates only in polA + cells. This characteristic provided a method for assaying the autonomously replicating ability (Ori function) of the E. coli origin.In order to define the minimum DNA region (ori) that determines Ori function, deletions of various sizes were introduced from either side of the ori-containing segment in the hybrid plasmids by in vitro techniques, and the correlation between the Ori phenotype and nucleotide sequence of the deletion derivatives was analyzed. It was found that the left end of ori is between positions 23 and 35, and the right end is either position 266 or 267 in our nucleotide coordinate (Sugimoto et al., 1979). Therefore, ori is present within a region of minimum 232 base pairs and maximum 245 base pairs in length. The Ori+ and Ori- phenotypes were clearly resolved at both sides of these boundaries by the above assay procedure.To obtain information about the effect of mutations in the internal region of the defined ori stretch, short sequences were inserted or deleted in vitro in the vicinity of several restriction sites within ori on the hybrid plasmids. Most of these plasmids carrying modified sequences showed Ori- phenotype, suggesting that most parts of the ori stretch play important roles in Ori function.  相似文献   
The accumulation pattern of arachin and its subunits in growinggroundnuts was investigated. Soluble proteins were extractedfrom the kernels at twelve different stages of maturation (4–16weeks after pegging). Fractionation showed arachin, conarachinII, 5S and 2S protein components with sucrose gradient centrifugation.Ten weeks after pegging, only 35% of the maximum amount of arachinhad accumulated, whereas conarachin II was 85%, the 5S component89%, and the 2S component 76%. Arachin, however, increased rapidlyin the later stage of maturation. No change in the subunit ratioin arachin during seed growth was observed on the patterns ofsodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis and gel isoelectricfocusing in the presence of urea. The ratio of the arachin subunitscontained in urea-extractable fraction of the kernels was constantthroughout seed development and was consistent with the subunitratio in arachin. On the other hand, the arachin subunits inthe free forms, if any, accounted for less than 1% of the associatedarachin subunits. Probably, the arachin subunits synthesizedin equimoles are associated into arachin without individualdeposition and are accumulated as arachin associates in growingseeds. (Received July 17, 1980; )  相似文献   
Isolated rat pancreatic islets, incubated in the presence of extracellular 32Pi to steady state 32P incorporation into cellular phosphopeptides, were exposed to glucose for 10 min. Glucose (16.7 mM) significantly stimulated the phosphorylation of six phosphoproteins with molecular weights of 15,000, 35,000, 49,000, 64,000, 93,000 and 138,000. Mannoheptulose (16.7 mM) markedly inhibited glucose-stimulated phosphorylation of these six phosphoproteins. This protein phosphorylation might be important in mediating glucose-stimulated insulin release.  相似文献   
1. The extent of racemization and the coupling yield in peptide synthesis were studied under high dilution conditions. The azide method yielded the best results. 2. Five linear penta-peptide precursors related to gramicidin S were subjected to cyclization in order to study how the difference in the sequence influences the yield and the ratio of cyclic dimer to monomer. The azide with the sequence of -L -Pro-L -Val-L -Orn(Z)-L -Leu-D -Phe- afforded diZ-gramicidin S in a high yield of 63%. 3. Alternaria mali toxin III, a cyclotetradepsipeptide phytotoxin, was synthesized. The activated linear tetradepsipeptide containing a D -Dap(Z) (N3-Z-D -2,3-diaminopropionic acid) residue at the N-terminus afforded the cyclic precursor (53%). The Dap residue in the precursor was converted into a ΔAla residue by Hofmann degradation to give the desired product.  相似文献   
The citrate-utilizing ability of 19 out of 22 citrate-positive Escherichia coli strains isolated from pig sewage was transferred via conjugation to E. coli K-12. The conjugal transfer of citrate-utilizing (Cit) abilities was thermosensitive and concurrent with transfer of drug resistance. Weakly citrate-positive colonies were readily obtained in conjugation experiments. Their Cit characters could be transmitted to the other E. coli strains at a similar frequency in the retransfer experiments, and the transconjugants obtained still showed same characteristic growth on Simmons citrate agar plates. The 19 thermosensitive plasmids conferring citrate utilization and drug resistance were Fi-, and 16 of these plasmids belonged to incompatibility group H1. However, occasionally two conjugative plasmids (pOH3122-1 and pOH3124-1) carrying only the citrate utilization were also obtained in the conjugation experiments, and they were Fi+ and compatible with 19 reference R plasmids. In the two citrate-positive E. coli strains, it was suggested that the conjugative Cit plasmid showing Fi+ character and the more thermosensitive H1 plasmid conferring both the Cit character and drug resistance coexisted in the strain. The characterization of citrate utilization plasmids derived from pig farm sewage is discussed.  相似文献   
A highly sensitive assay for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with amperometric detection was devised based on the rapid isolation of enzymatically formed DOPA by a double-column procedure, the columns fitted together sequentially (the top column of Amberlite CG-50 and the bottom column of aluminium oxide). DOPA was adsorbed on the second aluminium oxide column, then eluted with 0.5 M hydrochloric acid, and assayed by HPLC with amperometric detection. d-Tyrosine was used for the control. α-Methyldopa was added to the incubation mixture as an internal standard after incubation. This assay was more sensitive than radioassays and 5 pmol of DOPA formed enzymatically could be measured in the presence of saturating concentrations of tyrosine and 6-methyltetrahydropterin. The TH activity in 2 mg of human putamen could be easily measured, and this method was found to be particularly suitable for the assay of TH activity in a small number of nuclei from animal and human brain.  相似文献   
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