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王华东  曹文杰  张民  付振帅  刘道营  李耀胜 《生物磁学》2013,(25):4929-4931,4912
目的:早期液体复苏对感染性休克患者血流动力学的影响。方法:选取2012年2月-2013年2月我院ICU收治的26例感染性休克患者作为研究对象,随机分为对照组和试验组,各13例。两组患者均采用PICCO监测,并根据早期复苏目标导向(Earlygoaldirectedtherapy,EGDT)进行早期液体复苏治疗。对照组和试验组复苏液分别为林格液和6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4氯化钠溶液。分别于复苏开始时(Oh)、8h和24h收集患者的血流动力学参数。结果:两组患者CO及PAWP水平均随着时间的延长下降,而CI、CVP及SVR水平均随着时间的增加上升。除对照组CI外,与开始复苏(oh)相比较试验组和对照组的C0、CI、CVP、SVR及PAWP与开始复苏(O小时)相比较均有显著差异(P值均〈0.05)。经重复测量资料的.方差分析进行比较发现,与对照组相比较,试验组CVP和SVR上升水平及PAWP下降水平明显,差异具有统计学意义(P值均〈0.05)。结论:感染性休克患者使用6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4氯化钠溶液进行复苏,能更好的改善患者的血流动力学指标。  相似文献   
Milk proteins are frequently used as supplements in fortified foods. However, processing produces chemical changes which likely affect the nutritional advantage. This study was intended to explore the possible difference in digestibility between extruded and non-extruded caseins and how the dietary N ε -carboxymethyllysine (CML) is metabolised. Normal rats were randomized into either an extruded protein diet (EP) or the same with unextruded proteins (UEP), for two periods of 2 weeks at 7 to 9 and 11 to 13 weeks of age. However, no difference in protein digestibility was detected between the two diets, either in young or in adult animals, despite a 9.4-fold higher level of CML and an 8.5-fold higher level of lysinoalanine in the EP than in the UEP. No diet-related changes were observed in plasma CML, either protein bound or free. Amounts of 38 and 48 % of the orally absorbed CML were excreted in urine and faeces, respectively, in UEP-fed rats. Lower rates of excretion were found in the EP-fed rats (23 and 37 %, respectively). A second animal study using a single oral dose of free CML (400 μg/rat) was set up to measure the systemic concentration of CML every hour from 0 to 4 h. It revealed that protein-bound CML was not affected by the oral dose of CML, and the highest free CML level found in the circulation was 600 ng/mL. Extruded proteins, therefore, appear to be well digested, and CML rapidly eliminated. Since its elimination is, however, incomplete, the question of its biodistribution and metabolism remains open.  相似文献   
Pro‐aging effects of endogenous advanced glycation end‐products (AGEs) have been reported, and there is increasing interest in the pro‐inflammatory and ‐fibrotic effects of their binding to RAGE (the main AGE receptor). The role of dietary AGEs in aging remains ill‐defined, but the predominantly renal accumulation of dietary carboxymethyllysine (CML) suggests the kidneys may be particularly affected. We studied the impact of RAGE invalidation and a CML‐enriched diet on renal aging. Two‐month‐old male, wild‐type (WT) and RAGE?/? C57Bl/6 mice were fed a control or a CML‐enriched diet (200 μg CML/gfood) for 18 months. Compared to controls, we observed higher CML levels in the kidneys of both CML WT and CML RAGE?/? mice, with a predominantly tubular localization. The CML‐rich diet had no significant impact on the studied renal parameters, whereby only a trend to worsening glomerular sclerosis was detected. Irrespective of diet, RAGE?/? mice were significantly protected against nephrosclerosis lesions (hyalinosis, tubular atrophy, fibrosis and glomerular sclerosis) and renal senile apolipoprotein A‐II (ApoA‐II) amyloidosis (p < 0.001). A positive linear correlation between sclerosis score and ApoA‐II amyloidosis score (r = 0.92) was observed. Compared with old WT mice, old RAGE?/? mice exhibited lower expression of inflammation markers and activation of AKT, and greater expression of Sod2 and SIRT1. Overall, nephrosclerosis lesions and senile amyloidosis were significantly reduced in RAGE?/? mice, indicating a protective effect of RAGE deletion with respect to renal aging. This could be due to reduced inflammation and oxidative stress in RAGE?/? mice, suggesting RAGE is an important receptor in so‐called inflamm‐aging.  相似文献   
BackgroundIn 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic and lockdown control measures threatened to disrupt routine childhood immunisation programmes with early reports suggesting uptake would fall. In response, public health bodies in Scotland and England collected national data for childhood immunisations on a weekly or monthly basis to allow for rapid analysis of trends. The aim of this study was to use these data to assess the impact of different phases of the pandemic on infant and preschool immunisation uptake rates.Methods and findingsWe conducted an observational study using routinely collected data for the year prior to the pandemic (2019) and immediately before (22 January to March 2020), during (23 March to 26 July), and after (27 July to 4 October) the first UK “lockdown”. Data were obtained for Scotland from the Public Health Scotland “COVID19 wider impacts on the health care system” dashboard and for England from ImmForm.Five vaccinations delivered at different ages were evaluated; 3 doses of “6-in-1” diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and hepatitis B vaccine (DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB) and 2 doses of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. This represented 439,754 invitations to be vaccinated in Scotland and 4.1 million for England. Uptake during the 2020 periods was compared to the previous year (2019) using binary logistic regression analysis. For Scotland, uptake within 4 weeks of a child becoming eligible by age was analysed along with geographical region and indices of deprivation. For Scotland and England, we assessed whether immunisations were up-to-date at approximately 6 months (all doses 6-in-1) and 16 to 18 months (first MMR) of age.We found that uptake within 4 weeks of eligibility in Scotland for all the 5 vaccines was higher during lockdown than in 2019. Differences ranged from 1.3% for first dose 6-in-1 vaccine (95.3 versus 94%, odds ratio [OR] compared to 2019 1.28, 95% confidence intervals [CIs] 1.18 to 1.39) to 14.3% for second MMR dose (66.1 versus 51.8%, OR compared to 2019 1.8, 95% CI 1.74 to 1.87). Significant increases in uptake were seen across all deprivation levels.In England, fewer children due to receive their immunisations during the lockdown period were up to date at 6 months (6-in-1) or 18 months (first dose MMR). The fall in percentage uptake ranged from 0.5% for first 6-in-1 (95.8 versus 96.3%, OR compared to 2019 0.89, 95% CI 0.86– to 0.91) to 2.1% for third 6-in-1 (86.6 versus 88.7%, OR compared to 2019 0.82, 95% CI 0.81 to 0.83).The use of routinely collected data used in this study was a limiting factor as detailed information on potential confounding factors were not available and we were unable to eliminate the possibility of seasonal trends in immunisation uptake.ConclusionsIn this study, we observed that the national lockdown in Scotland was associated with an increase in timely childhood immunisation uptake; however, in England, uptake fell slightly. Reasons for the improved uptake in Scotland may include active measures taken to promote immunisation at local and national levels during this period and should be explored further. Promoting immunisation uptake and addressing potential vaccine hesitancy is particularly important given the ongoing pandemic and COVID-19 vaccination campaigns.

Fiona McQuaid and colleagues assess the uptake of infant and pre-school immunisations in Scotland and England during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   
Stable packaging cell lines expressing the rep and cap genes for recombinant adeno-associated virus type 2 (rAAV-2) assembly constitute an attractive alternative to transient transfection protocols. We recently characterized a stable HeLa rep-cap cell clone (HeRC32) and demonstrated that upon vector transfection and adenovirus infection, efficient rAAV assembly correlated with a 100-fold amplification of the integrated rep-cap sequence with the inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) deleted. We now report a more detailed analysis of this phenomenon and highlight the key cellular and viral factors involved. Determination of the rep-cap copy number of HeRC32 cells indicated that maximum rep-cap amplification occurred between 24 and 48 h following adenovirus infection. Analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of adenovirus-infected HeRC32 cells indicated that amplified rep-cap sequences were found in an extrachromosomal form. Amplification of the rep-cap sequence with the ITRs deleted was not dependent on adenovirus replication and still occurred when the highly specific adenovirus polymerase was inactivated. In contrast, amplification was inhibited in the presence of aphidicolin, indicating that cellular polymerases were needed. Our study also documented that among the adenovirus gene products, the DNA-binding protein (DBP) was essential, since rep-cap amplification was severely abrogated when HeRC32 cells were infected at a nonpermissive temperature with an adenovirus mutant encoding a thermosensitive DBP. Furthermore, expression of DBP alone in HeRC32 cells was sufficient to induce a sustained level of rep-cap amplification. Finally, immunofluorescence analysis showed that HeRC32 cells expressing the DBP also simultaneously expressed the Rep proteins, suggesting a possible involvement of the latter in rep-cap amplification. Indeed, the lack of detectable amplification in an adenovirus-infected stable rep-cap HeLa cell clone unable to produce Rep proteins further supported that, among the viral gene products, both the DBP and Rep proteins are necessary to induce the targeted amplification of the integrated rep-cap sequences in the absence of the AAV ITRs.  相似文献   


Structural genomics (SG) projects aim to determine thousands of protein structures by the development of high-throughput techniques for all steps of the experimental structure determination pipeline. Crucial to the success of such endeavours is the careful tracking and archiving of experimental and external data on protein targets.  相似文献   
We previously reported that a 350-bp region of the adeno-associated virus (AAV) type 2 rep gene contains a cis-acting element responsible for the Rep-dependent replication of a transiently transfected rep-cap plasmid. In this study, we further report that replicated rep-cap sequences can be packaged into AAV capsids in the absence of the inverted terminal repeats.  相似文献   
We have cloned and analyzed alpha-, beta- and gamma-tubulin genes from Euglena gracilis. The gamma-tubulin genes are 6-10 times longer than the alpha- and beta-tubulin genes, owing to the presence of numerous introns. These introns are all of the conventional type, whereas the alpha- and beta-tubulin genes contain both conventional and non-conventional introns. This is the first time that both types of introns have been found in the same gene. In the E. gracilis genome there are two genes for each tubulin, but the level of gamma-tubulin mRNA is 60 times lower than that of alpha- and beta-tubulin RNAs. The distinctive structure of gamma-tubulin genes prompted us to investigate the maturation of its pre-mRNA. We show that trans-splicing occurs before the cis-splicing of the first intron of the pre-mRNA and that polyadenylation occurs after the cis-splicing of the last intron of the pre-mRNA. We propose that mRNA processing is likely to play a role in regulating the amounts of different tubulins in E. gracilis.  相似文献   
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