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The nuclear matrix isolated from rat liver phosphorylated exogenous tyrosine-containing substrates angiotensin II and synthetic polymer (Glu, Tyr; 4:1). The phosphorylation reaction was dependent on Mn2+ or Mg2+, but the former was the preferred ion. Km values for poly(Glu,Tyr; 4:1) and ATP were 0.2 mM and 4 microM, respectively. Angiotensin II showed a lower affinity for the kinase than poly(Glu,Tyr; 4:1). The isoflavone genistein, a specific inhibitor for tyrosine phosphorylation, inhibited the tyrosine kinase activity in the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   
A genomic clone bank of Acetobacter polyoxogenes NBI1028 constructed in Escherichia coli by use of the expression vector pUC18 was screened with antibody raised against membrane-bound aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH; 75 kilodaltons [kDa]) from A. polyoxogenes NBI1028. A clone that synthesized a 41-kDa protein cross-reactive with anti-ALDH antibody was isolated. For cloning of the full-length ALDH structural gene, a cosmid gene bank was screened by Southern blot hybridization with the cloned DNA as a probe, and subcloning from the positive cosmid clone was performed with shuttle vector pMV24. Plasmid pAL25, containing the full-length ALDH structural gene, was isolated and expressed in both E. coli and Acetobacter aceti to produce a fused protein (78 kDa) with a short NH2-terminal β-galactosidase peptide. pAL25 conferred ALDH production on a mutant of A. aceti lacking the enzyme activity. Transformation of A. aceti subsp. xylinum NBI2099 with pAL25 caused 2- and 1.4-fold increases in the production rate and in the maximum concentration of acetic acid in submerged fermentation, respectively.  相似文献   
We have purified S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) synthetase about 3000-fold from bovine brain extract. The Km values of the enzyme for L-methionine and ATP were 10 and 50 microM, respectively. An apparent molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 160 kDa by gel filtration on a Sephacryl S-200 column. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation gave a sedimentation coefficient of 8 S. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme in native system revealed a single protein band, whereas two polypeptide bands with molecular masses of 48 kDa (p48) and 38 kDa (p38) were observed in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme. Antibody against bovine brain AdoMet synthetase was prepared by injecting the purified enzyme into a rabbit. Immunoblot analysis revealed that the antibody recognized both p48 and p38 in the impure enzyme preparations from bovine brain as well as in the purified enzyme. Specific antibodies against p48 and p38 were separated from the immunoglobulin fraction by an affinity purification, both of which inhibited the enzyme activity. These results indicate that AdoMet synthetase from bovine brain consists of two different polypeptides, p48 and p38.  相似文献   
To elucidate a possible role of tyrosine supply as a factor modulating catecholamine biosynthesis in the adrenergic cell, the transport of [14C]tyrosine into cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells was first examined, and the relationship between [14C]tyrosine transport and [14C]catecholamine formation was then investigated. Under the conditions which were routinely employed to determine the rate of catecholamine biosynthesis, tyrosine was taken up into the cells in a manner independent of extracellular Na+ and Ca2+, and this uptake was also insensitive to ouabain and various metabolic inhibitors. The stimulation of these cells with high K+ and other secretagogues caused no significant alteration in the uptake. While, tyrosine transport was markedly inhibited by tyrosine analogues and other L-aromatic amino acids, and this inhibition was accompanied by the reduction of [14C]catecholamine formation. In contrast, tyrosine transport was markedly enhanced by flavone, and this enhancement was also accompanied by the augmentation of catecholamine production under the same experimental conditions. These results seem to indicate that the transport of tyrosine into the cells may be closely related to catecholamine formation within the cells, thus providing an evidence for a possible role of tyrosine supply as one of the factors affecting catecholamine production in the adrenal chromaffin cell.  相似文献   
Screening for leptomycin B (LMB)-resistant transformants in a gene library constructed in Schizosaccharomyces pombe with the chromosomal DNA of an LMB-resistant mutant of S. pombe and with multicopy plasmid pDB248' as the vector led to the isolation of a gene, named pmd1+, encoding a 1362-amino-acid protein. This protein showed great similarity in amino acid sequence to the mammalian P-glycoprotein encoded by the multidrug resistance gene, mdr, and the Saccharomyces cerevisiae a-factor transporter encoded by STE6. In addition, computer analyses predicted that the protein encoded by pmd1+ formed an intramolecular duplicated structure and each of the halves contained six transmembrane regions as well as two ATP-binding domains, as observed with the P-glycoproteins and the STE6 product. Consistent with this was that S. pombe cells containing the pmd1+ gene on a multicopy plasmid showed resistance not only to LMB but also to several cytotoxic agents. The pmd1 null mutants derived by gene disruption were viable and hypersensitive to these agents. All these data suggest that the pmd1+ gene encodes a protein that is a structural and functional counterpart of mammalian mdr proteins.  相似文献   
We have recently obtained a monospecific antibody against calf thymus DNA ligase composed of a single Mr = 130,000 polypeptide. Immunohistochemical studies using the antibody and immunoperoxidase detection methods indicated that DNA ligase in a rat liver parenchymal cell line (BB) is localized essentially in nucleus. The specific activity of DNA ligase from growing BB cells was more than 10-fold higher than that from rat hepatocytes. The molecular forms of DNA ligase in these cell-free extracts were also analyzed.  相似文献   
The soluble mediators and/or mechanisms involved in immunosuppression in tumor-bearing hosts are not well characterized, although macrophages have long been recognized as major participants. We have investigated the role of lipocortin I, a phospholipid-binding protein, in macrophage-mediated immunosuppression in tumor-bearing mice. Proliferation of splenic lymphocytes in response to the mitogens (PHA, Con A, LPS, and PWM) was severely suppressed in tumor (Sqc-NH-1 carcinoma)-bearing mice. This immunosuppression was associated with a decrease in T and B lymphocytes and an increase in macrophages in these spleens. Mac-2+ macrophages were found only in spleens from tumor-bearing mice. Splenic macrophages from tumor-bearing, but not normal, mice were responsible for this immunosuppression, as revealed by negative and positive selection experiments. The levels of lipocortin I mRNA expression were markedly increased in peripheral blood cells from tumor-bearing mice as compared with those from normal mice. Lipocortin I mRNA was strongly induced in splenic mononuclear cells from tumor-bearing mice. Furthermore, these cells displayed increased expression of lipocortin I protein, as judged by Western blot analysis with polyclonal anti-lipocortin I serum. Some nonimmune organs such as the heart, submaxillary gland, muscle, and bladder also displayed increased levels of lipocortin I mRNA expression in tumor-bearing mice. Mac-2+ macrophages among the splenic mononuclear cells in tumor-bearing mice expressed lipocortin I mRNA, as judged by negative and positive selection experiments. Most of these Mac-2+ macrophages also had Mac-1 and Mac-3 Ag. Lipocortin I protein was increased in the serum of tumor-bearing mice as compared with normal mice. The culture supernatants of splenic cells from tumor-bearing mice suppressed the mitogenic responses of splenic cells from normal mice, and addition of anti-lipocortin I antiserum inhibited this suppression. Furthermore, recombinant mouse lipocortin I suppressed mitogenic responses of splenic cells from normal mice. In summary, Mac-2+ macrophage-derived lipocortin I was largely involved in immunosuppression in tumor-bearing mice.  相似文献   
A novel method is proposed for the evaluation of the activity of an antifungal agent administered as a gas. This system is composed of a batch-flow type reaction vessel, a gas flow system, and a microscopic observation system. The agar plate was prepared on the ceiling of the reaction vessel, and the mycelium of a fungus (Aspergillus niger or Rhizoctonia solani) was inoculated onto it. After preincubation at 25 degrees C for 24 h, the reaction vessel was connected to the gas flow system. An appropriate hypha was selected, and its elongation rate was measured. Then a sample holder containing an antifungal compound was inserted into the reaction vessel from the side hole to saturate the atmosphere inside with its vapor. The retardation or inhibition of the hypha elongation was observed on a television monitor and recorded on a video tape recorder. The antifungal compound was then removed, and the reaction vessel was flushed with air. If the hypha lived, it began to elongate again. By this method, antifungal activity of seven odor compounds could be evaluated quantitatively within several hours.  相似文献   
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