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An equal number of male and female rats of the King-Holtzman hybrid breed, divided into two age groups (group A1 : 21–30 days old and group A2 : 90–100 days old), were exposed to two levels of noise: N0 = 30 db and N1 = 90 db, (Ref. 0.0002μ bar), and three levels of negative air ions: IO = no measurable ion concentration, I1 = 7 × 106 ions/cm3 and I2 = 7 × 107 ions/cm3. Time and error scores of 240 rats running a modified Lashley left-right maze with an escape-from-water motive served as criteria. A randomized complete blocks design with replications (2×3×2×2×10) was selected for treatment by analysis of variance. The results indicate that (a) the males show significantly lower error score in negatively ionized air; and (b) the females swim significantly faster than males under all investigated conditions with no apparent effect of noise or ions on their performance.
Zusammenfassung Eine gleiche Anzahl m?nnlicher und weiblicher Ratten (n = 120) des King-Holtzman Stammes, unterteilt in 2 Altersgruppen (21–30 und 90–100 Tage) wurden zwei Ger?uschintensit?ten (30 db und 90 db) und 3 Konzentrationen negativer Luftionen I0: nicht messbar niedrig, I1:7×106, I2:7×107 Ionen/cm3 ausgesetzt. Die Wirkung wurde geprüft an der Schwimmzeit und der Anzahl Fehler der Tiere im Lasley-Links-Rechts-Labyrinth. Das Motiv zum Schwimmen war, aus dem Wasser zu entkommen. Die Auswertung durch Varianzanalyse erfolgte unter Nachbildung randomisierter kompletter Blockentwürfe. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass (a) die M?nnchen bei negativ ionisierter Luft signifikant weniger Fehler machten und (b) die Weibchen unter allen Bedingungen schneller schwammen als die M?nnchen, ohne dass das L?rmniveau oder die Luftionisation darauf einen Einfluss hatten.

Resume Un nombre égal de rats males et femelles (120 de chaque) de la race King-Holtzman futdivisé en deux groupes d'age (21 à 30 jours et 90 à 100 jours). Ils furent exposés à 2 intensités auditives (30 et 90 db) et à 3 concentrations d'ions négatifs: I0 non mesurables (faible), I1 : 7 × 106 et I2: 7 × 107 ions/cm3. Les effets d'un tel traitement furent examinés au moyen de deux critères: le temps pris pour sortir de l'eau et le nombre de fautes commises dans un labyrinthe droitegauche de Laslay. Pour l'analyse des variances, on a adopté une répartition due au hasard avec répétitions (2×3×2×2×10). On peut en conclure que: (a) les males font moins d'erreurs dans l'air ionisé négativement et cela de fa?on significative et (b) les femelles ont nagé plus vite que les males dans toutes les conditions de l'essai. Ni le bruit ni le degré d'ionisation ne semblent avoir d'influence sur leur comportement.

This study was supported in part by a grant from the Faculty Research Fund of the University of Oklahoma.  相似文献   
Equal numbers of male and female rats of the King-Holtzman hybrid breed, divided into two age groups (group A1: 21–30 days old and group A2: 90–100 days old), were exposed to two levels of noise: N0 = 30 db and N1 = 90 db, (ref. 0.002µbar), and three levels of direct electric field intensities: E0 = electric field strength of zero; E1 = 1,600 v/m; and E2 = 16,000 v/m. Time and error scores of 240 rats running a modified Lashley left-right maze with an escape-from-water motive served as criteria. A randomized complete blocks design with replications (2 × 3 × 2 × 2 × 10) was selected for treatment by analysis of variance. The results indicate that (a) adult rats pre-exposed to electric fields showed significantly lower error scores than young rats, regardless of sex or the noise condition; (b) after exposure to electric fields all rats swam faster than their controls; (c) after exposure to noise females showed significantly higher time scores than males under the same conditions, regardless of age; and (d) when subjected to the combined effect of electric fields and noise males showed significantly lower time scores than females under the same conditions, regardless of age.
Zusammenfassung Zwei Altersgruppen (21–30 und 90–100 Tage) männlicher and weiblicher Ratten des King-Holtzman-Stammes wurden 2 Lärmintensitäten (30 db und 90 db) und 3 elektrischen Feldstärken (0, 1.600 v/m und 16.000 v/m) ausgesetzt und die Lernfähigkeit beim Schwimmen im modifizierten Lashley linksrechts Maze geprüft. Das Kriterium waren die Zeit und die Anzahl Fehler bei dem Versuch aus dem Wasser zu entkommen. Auswertung der Messungen durch Varianzanalyse unt er Nachbildung kompletter Blockentwürfe. Die Ergebnisse zeigen: (a) Erwachsene Ratten, die vorher elektrischen feldern ausgesetzt wurden, wiesen signifikant weniger fehler auf als junge Ratten, unabhängig vom Geschlecht und Lärmbedingungen; (b) nach der Exponierung in elektrischen Feldern schwammen alle Ratten schneller als die unbehandelten Kontrollen; (c) nach Lärmeexponierung zeigten weibliche Ratten signifikant höhere Trefferzeiten als Männchen unter den gleichen Bedingungen ohne Beziehung zum Alter und (d) bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung von elektrischen Feldern und Lärm wiesen die Männchen niedrigere Trefferzeiten auf als die Weibchen. Alter spielte dabei keine Rolle.

Resume Des rats de la race King-Holzman, mâles et femelles, de deux groupes d'âge (21 à 30 et 90 à 100 jours) ont été exposes à deux intensités accoustiques (30 et 90 db) et à 3 champs électriques (0, 1.600 et 16. 000 v/m). On a alors examiné leur capacité d'apprendre à nager dans un labyrinthe droite-gauche de Lashley modifié. Les critères d'examen furent le temps et le nombre de fautes commises pour sortir de l'eau. Les observations furent ensuite traitées par l'analyse de variances en tenant compte de répétitions (2 × 3 × 2 × 2 × 10). Les résultats montrent: (a) Les rats adultes préalablement exposés à des champs électriques on fait moins fautes que de jeunes individus et cela de façon significative quels que soient le sexe ou les conditions de bruit; (b) après avoir été exposés à des champs électriques, tous les rats ont nagé plus vite que les bêtes de contrôle; (c) après exposition au bruit, les femelles ont présenté des temps de sortie significativement plus élevés que les mâles pris dans des conditions identiques et cela quel qu'en soit l'âge et (d) après exposition simultanée au bruit et aux champs électriques, les mâles se sont trouvés moins habiles que les femelles, sans incidence de l'âge.
Absorption and Screening in Phycomyces   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
In vivo absorption measurements were made through the photosensitive zones of Phycomyces sporangiophores and absorption spectra are presented for various growth media and for wavelengths between 400 and 580 mµ. As in mycelia, β-carotene was the major pigment ordinarily found. The addition of diphenylamine to the growth media caused a decrease in β-carotene and an increase in certain other carotenoids. Growth in the dark substantially reduced the amount of β-carotene in the photosensitive zone; however, growth on a lactate medium failed to suppress β-carotene in the growing zone although the mycelia appeared almost colorless. Also when diphenylamine was added to the medium the absorption in the growing zone at 460 mµ was not diminished although the colored carotenoids in the bulk of the sporangiophore were drastically reduced. Absorption which is characteristic of the action spectra was not found. Sporangiophores immersed in fluids with a critical refractive index show neither positive nor negative tropism. Measurements were made of the critical refractive indices for light at 495 and 510 mµ. The critical indices differed only slightly. Assuming primary photoreceptors at the cell wall, the change in screening due to absorption appears too large to be counterbalanced solely by a simple effect of the focusing change. The possibility is therefore advanced that the receptors are internal to most of the cytoplasm; i.e., near the vacuole.  相似文献   
Image analysis of restriction enzyme fingerprint autoradiograms   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A genome mapping system has been developed that reads and assemblesdata from clones analysed by restriction enzyme fragmentationand polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Input data for the systemcan be most effectively obtained by the use of a scanning densitometerand image-processing package, such as that described in thisarticle. The image-processing procedure involves preliminarylocation of bands, cooperative tracking of lanes by correlationof adjacent bands, a precise densitometric pass, alignment ofthe marker bands with the standard, optional interactive editing,and normalization of the accepted bands. Received on August 31, 1988; accepted on December 6, 1988  相似文献   
Regional cutaneous sensitivity to cooling was assessed in males by separately immersing four discrete skin regions in cold water (15 degrees C) during head-out immersion. The response measured was gasping at the onset of immersion; the gasping response appears to be the result of a nonthermoregulatory neurogenic drive from cutaneous cold receptors. Subjects of similar body proportions wore a neoprene "dry" suit modified to allow exposure to the water of either the arms, upper torso, lower torso, or legs, while keeping the unexposed skin regions thermoneutral. Each subject was immersed to the sternal notch in all four conditions of partial exposure plus one condition of whole body exposure. The five cold water conditions were matched by control immersions in lukewarm (34 degrees C) water, and trials were randomized. The magnitude of the gasping response was determined by mouth occlusion pressure (P0.1). For each subject, P0.1 values for the 1st min of immersion were integrated, and control trial values, although minimal, were subtracted from their cold water counterpart to account for any gasping due to the experimental design. Results were averaged and showed that the highest P0.1 values were elicited from whole body exposure, followed in descending order by exposures of the upper torso, legs, lower torso, and arms. Correction of the P0.1 response for differences in exposed surface area (A) and cooling stimulus (delta T) between regions gave a cold sensitivity index [CSI, P0.1/(A.delta T)] for each region and showed that the index for the upper torso was significantly higher than that for the arms or legs; no significant difference was observed between the indexes for the upper and lower torso.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Epidermal growth factor receptor binding is not a simple one-step process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The binding kinetics of 125I-labeled mouse epidermal growth factor (EGF) to receptors on human fibroblast cells in monolayer culture were measured at 4 degrees C. Initial binding rates as a function of hormone concentration allowed estimation of simple two-state on-off rate constants of 1.2 x 10(6) M-1 s-1 and 4.9 x 10(-3) s-1, respectively. These two-state parameters gave inadequate computer fits to long term kinetic and equilibrium-binding data, suggesting that an additional process(es) was occurring. Nonlinear equilibrium Scatchard plots and transient "pseudo-Scatchard" plots taken at pre-equilibrium times support the idea that at least one other process is occurring during receptor binding. 125I-EGF-receptor dissociation kinetic plots were biphasic, yielding rate constants of 1.5 x 10(-2) s-1 and 5.6 x 10(-5) s-1 with the ratio of the two components changing with the time of initial incubation with 125I-EGF. Application of a ternary complex model which assumed complexation of the bound receptor with a cell surface interaction molecule gave satisfactory fits to all data.  相似文献   
Burke JJ 《Plant physiology》1990,93(2):652-656
The relationship between the thermal dependence of the reappearance of chlorophyll variable fluorescence following illumination and temperature dependence of the apparent Michaelis constant (Km) of NADH hydroxypyruvate reductase for NADH was investigated in cool and warm season plant species. Brancker SF-20 and SF-30 fluorometers were used to evaluate induced fluorescence transients from detached leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv TAM-101), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv Paymaster 145), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv Del Oro), bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv California Wonder), and petunia (Petunia hybrida cv. Red Sail). Following an illumination period at 25°C, the reappearance of variable fluorescence during a dark incubation was determined at 5°C intervals from 15°C to 45°C. Variable fluorescence recovery was normally distributed with the maximum recovery observed at 20°C in wheat, 30°C in cotton, 20°C to 25°C in tomato, 30 to 35°C in bell pepper and 25°C in petunia. Comparison of the thermal response of fluorescence recovery with the temperature sensitivity of the apparent Km of hydroxypyruvate reductase for NADH showed that the range of temperatures providing fluorescence recovery corresponded with those temperatures providing the minimum apparent Km values (viz. the thermal kinetic window).  相似文献   
Summary Understanding polymorphism at the enzyme level is basic to its use in population and genetic studies. However, no such information is available on the variability among different sainfoin (Onobrychis) species. Therefore, our objective was to study the existence of genetic polymorphism for esterase in 17 Onobrychis species and three cultivars of O. viciifolia Scop. Three regions of banding were observed in all the materials tested, with the number of bands varying from 0 to 3, 3 to 14, and 1 to 2 bands in each of these zones, which have been designated EST1, EST2, and EST3 respectively. All the materials studied had unique banding patterns, the only common feature being that all of them, except one species, had isozyme 1. Identification was possible only for four species (O. iberica, O. kachetica, O. transcaucasica, and O. bieberstenii) and one cultivar (Nova) based on the banding patterns. Large diversity was evident from the wide range of percent similarity values (0%–79%). Subsequent studies should be directed in using these isozyme banding patterns as markers to the desirable agronomic and quality traits of different germplasm lines.This work was supported by USDA Specific Cooperative Agreement No. 58-7MN1-8-143 from the Plant Stress and Water Conservation Unit, USDA-ARS, Lubbock, Texas. Joint contribution of the Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas and the USDA-ARS. TTU Journal no. T-4-302  相似文献   
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