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Several staphylococcal plasmids from different incompatibility (inc) groups which replicate by a rolling circle mechanism each specify a replication initiator protein (Rep) which is homologous with that of the inc3 tetracycline resistance plasmid pT181. The rep gene sequences of six pT181-like plasmids are known, each encoding proteins of molecular mass 38 kDa with 62% overall amino acid sequence identity. The initiation of replication in vivo by each of the Rep proteins is plasmid specific, acting in trans only at the cognate replication origin (ori) of the encoding plasmid. Previous studies in vitro of the RepC protein of pT181 demonstrated replication initiator, topoisomerase-like, and DNA binding activities, which appeared to be specific for the origin (oriC) of pT181 when compared with unrelated staphylococcal plasmids. Although RepD, specified by the inc4 chloramphenicol resistance plasmid pC221, has a range of activities similar to those noted previously for RepC, manipulation of in vitro conditions has revealed discrete steps in the overall reaction of RepD with oriD. In addition, factors have been identified which are necessary not only for sequence-dependent discrimination in vitro by Rep proteins for all pT181-like plasmids but also for the absolute specificity of RepD for its cognate pC221 replication origin (oriD), the latter occurring in vivo and a function of the topological state of the ori-containing target DNA. Here we also demonstrate the presence of a covalent phosphoryl-tyrosine linkage between the RepD protein of plasmid pC221 and an oligonucleotide substrate corresponding to its replication origin (oriD). The reactive tyrosine (Tyr-188) was identified from amino acid sequences of 32P-labeled peptide-oligonucleotide fragments. Substitution of Tyr-188 with phenylalanine confirms the importance of the tyrosyl hydroxyl group since the Y188F protein retains the sequence-specific DNA-binding capabilities of wild-type RepD but is unable to attach covalently to the replication origin or participate in the nicking-closing reaction in vitro.  相似文献   
Adenovirus type 5 induces cellular DNA synthesis and thymidine kinase in quiescent rat cells but does not induce ornithine decarboxylase. We now show that unlike serum, adenovirus type 5 fails to induce S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase or polyamine accumulation. The inhibition by methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) of the induction of thymidine kinase by adenovirus type 5 is probably unrelated to its effects on polyamine biosynthesis. Thus, induction of cellular thymidine kinase and DNA replication by adenovirus type 5 is uncoupled from polyamine accumulation.  相似文献   
Summary Seeds produced under open-pollination were collected from eight natural stands and a plus-tree seed orchard of Douglas-fir. These seeds were germinated and both diploid embryos and haploid gametophytes were analyzed by starch-gel electrophoresis. Eleven variable loci were resolved for both kinds of tissue and used as genetic markers for estimating outcrossing rates. Estimates made with single-locus and multilocus methods both indicated that the proportion of viable embryos resulting from outcrossing is about 0.90 for the natural stands, and for the seed orchard. Comparison of single-locus and multilocus estimates of outcrossing rates indicated that little or no inbreeding other than selfing occurred. Estimated outcrossing rates were higher for seeds from the upper portion of the crown than for seeds from the lower crown. It was also found that some trees selfed at a much higher rate than other trees.  相似文献   
After the onset of Epstein-Barr virus DNA and protein synthesis 10 h after superinfection of Raji cells (a cell line containing Epstein-Barr virus DNA but not producing virus), filamentous structures 25 nm in diameter and 0.2 to 1.4 micrometers in length could be detected in the cell cytoplasm by electron microscopy. These structures banded in metrizamide gradients with viral DNA and proteins, but at a density different from that of virions or nucleocapsids. These filaments, enriched in a 155,000-dalton protein similar in size to a major nucleocapsid protein of Epstein-Barr virus, may represent intermediates in viral nucleocapsid assembly.  相似文献   
The nonparalyzing venoms of two unrelated parasitic wasps, Eulophus larvarum and Clinocentrus gracilipes, in separate ways cause delayed yet well-defined arrests in their hosts' development, apparently by disrupting events normally under endocrine control. The venom of E. larvarum (for which species host acceptance and oviposition behavior is described) prevents apolysis in its host after a depressed feeding period. The venom employed by C. gracilipes switches the host to a pharate pupal stage irrespective of its larval instar.  相似文献   
Mutants at 2 new loci which control mutagen-sensitivity are described. Mutants at both loci are female-sterile and are hypersensitive to killing by MMS; neither increases the frequency of sex-linked recessive lethals. A screen of previously described female-sterile and meotic mutants has revealed that a number of these are also sensitive to mutagens. In addition, several new mutants have been identified on the basis of sensitivity to either HN2 or MMS. An anlysis of complementation data suggests that all of the X-linked genes controlling sensitivity to MMS may now have been identified. Among the new mei-41 alleles are mutants which show verly little meiotic nondisjunction or loss. Cytogenetic mapping of previously known mutants is also described. The mutants mus(1)104D1 and mei-41D5 are located in th eregion 14B13±?14D1,2 on the polytene chromosome map, and they map very close to each other genetically. Cytogenetically mus(1)101D1 is between salivary chromosome bands 12A6,7 and 12D3, mus(1)103D1 is between bands 12A1,2 and 12A6,7, and mus(1)-109A1 is in section 8F3-9A2.  相似文献   
Computerized fluoroscopy (CF) allows visualization of any segment of the arterial vascular system with intravenous injection of small volumes of standard iodinated contrast media. Because it avoids the risk of arterial puncture and the need for hospitalization, this technique is safer and more economical than standard arteriography. Because of these advantages, CF is likely to expand the role of arteriography in the clinical management of vascular disease. Computerized arteriographic imaging requires an intravenous power injection of 40 to 60 cc of iodinated contrast media. Immediately after injection, six to ten fluoroscopic images (1/15 sec duration) are obtained at 1.5-sec intervals. The first image serves as a mask from which subsequent images are serially subtracted by means of a digital video image processor. The sequence of different images is contrast enhanced and stored on a video disk. Video images are converted to hard copy arteriography with a standard multiformat camera. Technical failures (<5%) may result from patient motion, inadequate peripheral venous access, or extravasation of contrast media. Nearly 600 computerized intravenous arteriograms have been performed in 240 patients with peripheral vascular disease. Qualitative com-parisons with standard arteriograms suggest a close correlation between these two imaging techniques. Computerized fluoroscopy allows the identification of atheromatous plaque ulceration, stenoses, occlusions, and aneurysms. This method has been used to visualize the aortic arch and its branches, the cervical and intracranial vessels, the abdominal aorta, and arteries of the extremities. Computerized fluoroscopy has great potential as a method for safe, simple diagnostic screening and assessment of the postoperative patient.  相似文献   
Summary Eimeria cyclopei n.sp. is described from the silky anteater, Cyclopes didactylus, from Pará State, north Brazil. Undifferentiated oocysts, passed in the faeces, complete sporulation in seven days at 26 to 28°C. Oocysts are ellipsoidal to sub-spherical, with a mean size of 28.1 × 23.6 m: the wall is 1.5 to 2.0 m thick, apparently with an outer thin, colourless membrane and two inner, thicker, striated and yellowish layers. There is no micropyle, oocyst residuum or polar body. The mean measurements of sporocysts are 19.0 × 9.0 m, and they are slightly asymmetrical, elongate pear-shape, with a plug-shaped Steida body projecting beyond the end of the sporocyst. Sporozoites are as long as or longer than the sporocysts: The sporocyst residuum is scattered between sporozoites in younger specimens and becomes condensed into rounded mass in older ones. The endogenous stages occur in the epithelial cells of the ileum, on the lumenal side of the host-cell nucleus. Uninucleate meront, microgamont and macrogamont precursors are recognizable morphologically. Mature meronts are 20.0 × 15.7 m some produce 12 to 20 merozoites which are 8.7 × 2.0 m, and others 10 to 26 merozoites which are 11.4 × 2.0 to 15.0 × 3.0 m. Mature microgamonts which are 27.5 × 24.1 m, produce from 150 to 170 microgametes of 7.1 × 1.0 m: microgametes have two flagella of unequal length. Mature macrogamonts are 28.4 × 24.5 m Eimeria choloepi n.sp. is recorded from the two-toed sloth, Choloepus didactylus, from the same area of Brazil. Undifferentiated oocysts, passed in the faeces, complete sporulation in 23 days at 26 to 28°C. Oocysts with a mean size of 23.0 × 20.3 m, have a wall 2.0 to 2.5 m thick which is composed of two thick, yellowish and striated outer layers and a delicate, colourless inner one. There is no micropyle, oocyst residuum or polar granule. Mature sporocysts with a mean size of 11.3 × 7.1 m, are ellipsoidal to egg-shaped and have a poorly developed Steida body. The sporocyst residuum is composed of a small number of large globules: The sporozoites are longer than the sporocyst and strongly recurved. The endogenous stages occur in epithelial cells of the ileum, on the lumenal side of the host-cell nucleus. Dimorphic meronts produce 8 to 18 merozoites which are either 13.0 × 2.0 m or 13.0 × 3.0 m. Microgamonts produce 50 to 80 microgametes of 8.0 × 1.0 m. Mature macrogamonts are 18.3 × 17.9 m. ac]19820212  相似文献   
Characterization of plasmids from plant pathogenic pseudomonads   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Physical characterization of the resident plasmids from Pseudomonas tabaci, P. angulata, and P. coronafaciens strains indicated that they harbored five different plasmid DNA species. Two ATCC strains of P. tabaci contained indistinguishable plasmids that we have named pJP1 and pJP2. An isolate of one of these strains contained a spontaneous variant of pJP1, pJP11, which contains an insertion of 3.9 Mdal. This 3.9-Mdal region did not hybridize to pJP1 indicating that the region was foreign DNA and not a duplication of a segment of DNA already present in pJP1. Another P. tabaci strain, PT27881, contained a third plasmid species, pJP27, which had few similarities to pJP1 or pJP2, but was indistinguishable from the plasmids from all three P. angulata strains. pJP27 and pJP1 had a small region, 8.8 Mdal, of sequence homology. The one strain of P. coronafaciens examined contained a plasmid, pJP50, which was different from the P. tabaci plasmids, but had the 8.8-Mdal region and additional regions of sequence homology with pJP1 and pJP27 as well as homology with a portion of the pJP11 insertion. A fourth strain of P. tabaci, PTBR-2, a pathogen on beans, contained plasmid pBW, the only plasmid that lacked detectable regions of homology with the other plasmids.  相似文献   
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