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Quantifying and classifying ichthyoplankton is one of the most effective ways of monitoring the recruitment process in fishes. However, correctly identifying the fish based on morphological characters is extremely difficult, especially in the early stages of development. We examined ichthyoplankton from tributaries and reservoirs along the middle stretch of the Paranapanema River, one of the areas most impacted by hydroelectric projects in the Neotropics. Matching DNA sequences of the COI gene (628–648 bp) allowed us to identify 99.25% of 536 samples of eggs (293) and larvae (243) subjected to BOLD‐IDS similarity analysis with a species‐level threshold of 1.3%. The results revealed 37 species in 27 genera, 15 families and four orders, some 23.8% of documented fish species in the Paranapanema River. Molecular identification meant that we could include data from egg samples that accounted for about 30% of the species richness observed. The results in this study confirm the efficacy of DNA barcoding in identifying Neotropical ichthyoplankton and show how the data produced provide valuable information for preparing plans for conserving and managing inland waters.  相似文献   
Bacterial light-harvesting II (LH-II) centers contain two types of Bacteriochlorophylls (Bchl). One is named B800 and found as a single molecule within one monomer of the complex while the other named B850 is found as a dimer. Their names indicate their peak of UV absorbance around red spectrum. Both types of molecules are attached to the protein chain via ligation of their central Magnesium atom to an either Histidine or Deoxymethionine amino acid. They are also coordinated by peripheral hydrogen bonds that they accept with their carboxyl side group. Both the ligation and the hydrogen bonding are thought to have an effect on electronic structure of the Bchl hence its UV absorbance and energy transfer rate. Experiments and theoretic studies performed on this subject support the above idea. This theoretical molecular modeling study case aims to mimic the experimental mutations performed on certain amino acids in silico and study its effects on the electronic structure of Bchl. By comparison with experimental results it was observed that the likely place for the nearby Arginine is not below the plane of the Bchl as in the X-ray crystallographic structure but above the plane defined by the four nitrogen atoms and their rings. It was also seen that the coordination of the acetyl group is very sensitive to changes in ligation of the Bchl molecule.  相似文献   
The genome sequence of Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli, which causes ratoon stunting disease and affects sugarcane worldwide, was determined. The single circular chromosome of Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli CTCB07 was 2.6 Mb in length with a GC content of 68% and 2,044 predicted open reading frames. The analysis also revealed 307 predicted pseudogenes, which is more than any bacterial plant pathogen sequenced to date. Many of these pseudogenes, if functional, would likely be involved in the degradation of plant heteropolysaccharides, uptake of free sugars, and synthesis of amino acids. Although L. xyli subsp. xyli has only been identified colonizing the xylem vessels of sugarcane, the numbers of predicted regulatory genes and sugar transporters are similar to those in free-living organisms. Some of the predicted pathogenicity genes appear to have been acquired by lateral transfer and include genes for cellulase, pectinase, wilt-inducing protein, lysozyme, and desaturase. The presence of the latter may contribute to stunting, since it is likely involved in the synthesis of abscisic acid, a hormone that arrests growth. Our findings are consistent with the nutritionally fastidious behavior exhibited by L. xyli subsp. xyli and suggest an ongoing adaptation to the restricted ecological niche it inhabits.  相似文献   


Leishmania braziliensis is the main causative agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil. Protection against infection is related to development of Th1 responses, but the mechanisms that mediate susceptibility are still poorly understood. Murine models have been the most important tools in understanding the immunopathogenesis of L. major infection and have shown that Th2 responses favor parasite survival. In contrast, L. braziliensis–infected mice develop strong Th1 responses and easily resolve the infection, thus making the study of factors affecting susceptibility to this parasite difficult.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we describe an experimental model for the evaluation of the mechanisms mediating susceptibility to L. braziliensis infection. BALB/c mice were inoculated with stationary phase promastigotes of L. braziliensis, isolates LTCP393(R) and LTCP15171(S), which are resistant and susceptible to antimony and nitric oxide (NO), respectively. Mice inoculated with LTCP393(R) presented larger lesions that healed more slowly and contained higher parasite loads than lesions caused by LTCP15171(S). Inflammatory infiltrates in the lesions and production of IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-10 and TGF-β were similar in mice inoculated with either isolate, indicating that these factors did not contribute to the different disease manifestations observed. In contrast, IL-4 production was strongly increased in LTCP393(R)-inoculated animals and also arginase I (Arg I) expression. Moreover, anti-IL-4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatment resulted in decreased lesion thickness and parasite burden in animals inoculated with LTCP393(R), but not in those inoculated with LTCP15171(S).


We conclude that the ability of L. braziliensis isolates to induce Th2 responses affects the susceptibility to infection with these isolates and contributes to the increased virulence and severity of disease associated with them. Since these data reflect what happens in human infection, this model could be useful to study the pathogenesis of the L. braziliensis infection, as well as to design new strategies of therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   
Aim The evolutionary history of bees is presumed to extend back in time to the Early Cretaceous. Among all major clades of bees, Colletidae has been a prime example of an ancient group whose Gondwanan origin probably precedes the complete break‐up of Africa, Antarctica, Australia and South America, because modern lineages of this family occur primarily in southern continents. In this paper, we aim to study the temporal and spatial diversification of colletid bees to better understand the processes that have resulted in the present southern disjunctions. Location Southern continents. Methods We assembled a dataset comprising four nuclear genes of a broad sample of Colletidae. We used Bayesian inference analyses to estimate the phylogenetic tree topology and divergence times. Biogeographical relationships were investigated using event‐based analytical methods: a Bayesian approach to dispersal–vicariance analysis, a likelihood‐based dispersal–extinction–cladogenesis model and a Bayesian model. We also used lineage through time analyses to explore the tempo of radiations of Colletidae and their context in the biogeographical history of these bees. Results Initial diversification of Colletidae took place at the Late Cretaceous (≥ 70 Ma). Several (6–14) lineage exchanges between Australia and South America via Antarctica during the Late Cretaceous and Eocene epochs could explain the disjunctions observed between colletid lineages today. All biogeographical methods consistently indicated that there were multiple lineage exchanges between South America and Australia, and these approaches were valuable in exploring the degree of uncertainty inherent in the ancestral reconstructions. Biogeographical and dating results preclude an explanation of Scrapterinae in Africa as a result of vicariance, so one dispersal event is assumed to explain the disjunction in relation to Euryglossinae. The net diversification rate was found to be highest in the recent history of colletid evolution. Main conclusions The biogeography and macroevolutionary history of colletid bees can be explained by a combination of Cenozoic vicariance and palaeoclimatic changes during the Neogene. The austral connection and posterior break‐up of South America, Antarctica and Australia resulted in a pattern of disjunct sister lineages. Increased biome aridification coupled with floristic diversification in the southern continents during the Neogene may have contributed to the high rates of cladogenesis in these bees in the last 25–30 million years.  相似文献   

Under in vitro culture conditions, plants may present physiological and anatomical disorders, which can interfere negatively after ex vitro transfer. The aim of this investigation was to analyze the impacts of natural ventilation and sucrose supply on the anatomy and physiology of Vriesea imperialis. Plants previously grown in vitro were transferred to culture medium containing 0, 15, 30 or 45?g L?1 sucrose. Three different culture container sealing systems were tested: lids with a green filter (81.35 gas exchanges per day), yellow filter (13.09 gas exchanges per day) or lids with a yellow filter covered with three layers of transparent polyvinylchloride (PVC) film (blocking fluent gas exchange). Sucrose concentrations influenced thickness, lignin and suberin deposition of exodermis cell wall. The modifications verified in leaves, such as higher density of stomata and trichome scales, showed that sucrose can induce osmotic stress in the plants. Photomixotrophic conditions, using containers with intermediate rate of gas exchange (yellow filter) and with 15–30?g L?1 sucrose, produced an improvement in the growth traits and did not induce anatomical and physiological disturbances.  相似文献   
Knowledge of reproductive rates and life cycle of the Cladocera species is essential for population dynamic studies, secondary production and food webs, as well as the management and preservation of aquatic ecosystems. The present study aimed to understand the life cycle and growth of Alona iheringula Kotov & Sinev, 2004 (Crustacea, Anomopoda, Chydoridae), a Neotropical species, as well as its DNA barcoding, providing new information on the Aloninae taxonomy. The specimens were collected in the dammed portion of the Cabo Verde River (21°26′05″ S and 46°10′57″ W), in the Furnas Reservoir, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Forty neonates were observed individually two or three times a day under controlled temperature (25±1°C), photoperiod (12 h light/12 h dark) and feeding (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata at a concentration of 105 cells.mL−1 and a mixed suspension of yeast and fish feed in equal proportion). Individual body growth was measured daily under optical microscope using a micrometric grid and 40× magnification. The species had a mean size of 413(±29) µm, a maximum size of 510 µm and reached maturity at 3.24(±0.69) days of age. Mean fecundity was 2 eggs per female per brood and the mean number of eggs produced per female during the entire life cycle was 47.6(±6.3) eggs per female. The embryonic development time was 1.79(±0.23) days and the maximum longevity was 54 days. The species had eight instars throughout its life cycle and four instars between neonate and primipara stage. The present study using molecular data (a 461 bp smaller COI fragment) demonstrated a deep divergence in the Aloninae subfamily.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated the relative contribution of geographic barriers and Pleistocene refuges in the diversification of the Rhinella crucifer species complex, a group of endemic toads with a widespread distribution in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (AF). We used intensive sampling and multilocus DNA sequence data to compare nucleotide diversity between refuge and nonrefuge areas, investigate regional demographic patterns, estimate demographic parameters related to genetic breaks and test refuge versus barrier scenarios of diversification using approximate Bayesian computation. We did not find higher levels of genetic diversity in putative refuge areas, either at regional or biome scale. Rather, the demographic history of the species complex supports regional differences with moderate population growth in the north and central regions and stability in southern AF. Genetic breaks were dated to the Plio–Pleistocene; however, our analyses rejected the role of refuges in creating a northern and central divergence, supporting a recent colonization scenario at a smaller scale within the central AF. Overall, our data rule out massive climatically driven fragmentation and large‐scale recolonization events for populations across the biome. We confirmed the importance of geographic barriers in creating main divergences and underscored the importance of searching for cryptic discontinuities in the landscape. Comparison of our results with those of other AF taxa indicates organismal specific responses to moderate shifts in habitat and that multiple refuges may constitute a more realistic model for diversification of Atlantic Forest biota.  相似文献   
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