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Integrated studies that address proteins structure and function in the new era of systems biology and genomics often require the application of high-throughput approaches for parallel production of many different purified proteins from the same organism. Cytochromes c-electron transfer proteins carrying one or more hemes covalently bound to the polypeptide chain-are essential in most organisms. However, they are one of the most recalcitrant classes of proteins with respect to heterologous expression because post-translational incorporation of hemes is required for proper folding and stability. We have addressed this challenge by designing two families of vectors (total of 6 vectors) suitable for ligation-independent cloning and developing a pipeline for expression and solubility analysis of cytochromes c. This system has been validated by expression analysis of thirty genes from Shewanella oneidensis coding for cytochromes c or cytochromes c-type domains predicted to have 1-4 hemes. Out of 30 targets, 26 (87%) were obtained in soluble form in one or more vectors. This work establishes a methodology for high-throughput expression of this class of proteins and provides a clone resource for the microbiological and functional genomics research communities.  相似文献   
We describe the 1.6 Å crystal structure of the fatty-acid-binding protein EgFABP1 from the parasitic platyhelminth Echinococcus granulosus. E. granulosus causes hydatid disease, which is a major zoonosis. EgFABP1 has been implicated in the acquisition, storage, and transport of lipids, and may be important to the organism since it is incapable of synthesising most of its lipids de novo. Moreover, EgFABP1 is a promising candidate for a vaccine against hydatid disease.The crystal structure reveals that EgFABP1 has the expected 10-stranded β-barrel fold typical of the family of intracellular lipid-binding proteins, and that it is structurally most similar to P2 myelin protein. We describe the comparison of the crystal structure of EgFABP1 with these proteins and with an older homology model for EgFABP1.The electron density reveals the presence of a bound ligand inside the cavity, which we have interpreted as palmitic acid. The carboxylate group of the fatty acid interacts with the protein's P2 motif, consisting of a conserved triad R…R-x-Y. The hydrophobic tail of the ligand assumes a fairly flat, U-shaped conformation and has relatively few interactions with the protein.We discuss some of the structural implications of the crystal structure of EgFABP1 for related platyhelminthic FABPs.  相似文献   
Previous studies examining the delay to the onset of vasodilation have primarily focused on the onset of exercise, a setting complicated by the fact that the muscle pump and the vasodilator systems are both activated, making it difficult to attribute changes in blood flow to one or both. The goal here was to determine the delay to the onset of vasodilation after changes in work rate imposed by changes in treadmill grade (work intensity) during locomotion at a steady speed. The rationale was that constant speed would help ensure constant muscle pump activity (contraction frequency) such that vasodilator responses could be examined in isolation. Seven Sprague-Dawley rats underwent three trials each in which treadmill incline was suddenly ( approximately 1 s) elevated from -10 degrees to +10 degrees. The delay to the onset of vasodilation averaged 5.0 +/- 1.8 s, and this delay was not altered by inhibition of nitric oxide synthase. Similar or longer delays were seen during sinusoidal exercise. Thus there is a significant delay before the onset of vasodilation after an increase in work intensity (muscle force) during locomotory exercise at constant speed.  相似文献   
The PAT family of lipid droplet proteins includes 5 members in mammals: perilipin, adipose differentiation-related protein (ADRP), tail-interacting protein of 47 kDa (TIP47), S3–12, and OXPAT. Members of this family are also present in evolutionarily distant organisms, including insects, slime molds and fungi. All PAT proteins share sequence similarity and the ability to bind intracellular lipid droplets, either constitutively or in response to metabolic stimuli, such as increased lipid flux into or out of lipid droplets. Positioned at the lipid droplet surface, PAT proteins manage access of other proteins (lipases) to the lipid esters within the lipid droplet core and can interact with cellular machinery important for lipid droplet biogenesis. Genetic variations in the gene for the best-characterized of the mammalian PAT proteins, perilipin, have been associated with metabolic phenotypes, including type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity. In this review, we discuss how the PAT proteins regulate cellular lipid metabolism both in mammals and in model organisms.  相似文献   
One consequence of rising spring temperatures is that the optimum timing of key life‐history events may advance. Where this is the case, a population's fate may depend on the degree to which it is able to track a change in the optimum timing either via plasticity or via adaptation. Estimating the effect that temperature change will have on optimum timing using standard approaches is logistically challenging, with the result that very few estimates of this important parameter exist. Here we adopt an alternative statistical method that substitutes space for time to estimate the temperature sensitivity of the optimum timing of 22 plant species based on >200 000 spatiotemporal phenological observations from across the United Kingdom. We find that first leafing and flowering dates are sensitive to forcing (spring) temperatures, with optimum timing advancing by an average of 3 days °C?1 and plastic responses to forcing between ?3 and ?8 days °C?1. Chilling (autumn/winter) temperatures and photoperiod tend to be important cues for species with early and late phenology, respectively. For most species, we find that plasticity is adaptive, and for seven species, plasticity is sufficient to track geographic variation in the optimum phenology. For four species, we find that plasticity is significantly steeper than the optimum slope that we estimate between forcing temperature and phenology, and we examine possible explanations for this countergradient pattern, including local adaptation.  相似文献   
CNS inflammation is a hallmark of neurodegenerative disease, and recent studies suggest that the inflammatory response may contribute to neuronal demise. In particular, increased tumor necrosis factor (TNF) signaling is implicated in the pathology of both Parkinson''s disease (PD) and Alzheimer''s disease (AD). We have previously shown that localized gene delivery of dominant negative TNF to the degenerating brain region can limit pathology in animal models of PD and AD. TNF is upregulated in Huntington''s disease (HD), like in PD and AD, but it is unknown whether TNF signaling contributes to neuronal degeneration in HD. We used in vivo gene delivery to test whether selective reduction of soluble TNF signaling could attenuate medium spiny neuron (MSN) degeneration in the YAC128 transgenic (TG) mouse model of Huntington''s disease (HD). AAV vectors encoding cDNA for dominant-negative tumor necrosis factor (DN-TNF) or GFP (control) were injected into the striatum of young adult wild type WT and YAC128 TG mice and achieved 30–50% target coverage. Expression of dominant negative TNF protein was confirmed immunohistologically and biochemically and was maintained as mice aged to one year, but declined significantly over time. However, the extent of striatal DN-TNF gene transfer achieved in our studies was not sufficient to achieve robust effects on neuroinflammation, rescue degenerating MSNs or improve motor function in treated mice. Our findings suggest that alternative drug delivery strategies should be explored to determine whether greater target coverage by DN-TNF protein might afford some level of neuroprotection against HD-like pathology and/or that soluble TNF signaling may not be the primary driver of striatal neuroinflammation and MSN loss in YAC128 TG mice.  相似文献   
The focus of this study was to identify the molecular basis for the hypersensitive response of glycogen phosphorylase activation to epinephrine stimulation in alloxan diabetic-derived cardiomyocytes. Cyclic AMP levels were found not to be significantly different between normal and diabetic-derived cells while cGMP concentrations were found consistently to be significantly lower in diabetic-derived cells than in normal cells. Treatment with cyclic GMP analogues did not affect phosphorylase activation by epinephrine in normal cardiomyocytes whereas, IBMX, a nonselective phosphodiesterase inhibitor, had a significant effect on basal and agonist-stimulated phosphorylase activity in both normal and diabetic-derived cardiomyocytes. Differences in the time course for the rate of decay of phosphorylasea from agonist-stimulated to basal levels were observed between normal and diabetic cells. After 3 h in primary culture, phosphorylasea activity returned to basal levels more quickly in normal than in diabetic-derived cells while after 24 h in culture, the time for phosphorylasea decay was not significantly different between normal and diabetic myocytes and was longer than the 3 h response. After 3 h in primary culture, no significant difference in phosphorylase kinase activity was observed between normal and diabetic-derived cells exposed to epinephrine whereas, after 24 h in culture, phosphorylase kinase activity was significantly decreased in diabetic cells under basal and agonist-stimulated conditions. These data collectively suggest that the hypersensitive response of glycogen phosphorylase to epinephrine stimulation in diabetic-derived cardiomyocytes is not due to a defect present at the level of phosphorylase kinase but may, in part, result from an alteration in cardiac phosphodiesterase activity resulting from diminished intracellular cyclic GMP concentrations.  相似文献   
Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins act as GTPase activating proteins to negatively regulate G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling. Although several RGS proteins including RGS2, RGS16, RGS10, and RGS18 are expressed in human and mouse platelets, the respective unique function(s) of each have not been fully delineated. RGS10 is a member of the D/R12 subfamily of RGS proteins and is expressed in microglia, macrophages, megakaryocytes, and platelets. We used a genetic approach to examine the role(s) of RGS10 in platelet activation in vitro and hemostasis and thrombosis in vivo. GPCR-induced aggregation, secretion, and integrin activation was much more pronounced in platelets from Rgs10-/- mice relative to wild type (WT). Accordingly, these mice had markedly reduced bleeding times and were more susceptible to vascular injury-associated thrombus formation than control mice. These findings suggest a unique, non-redundant role of RGS10 in modulating the hemostatic and thrombotic functions of platelets in mice. RGS10 thus represents a potential therapeutic target to control platelet activity and/or hypercoagulable states.  相似文献   
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