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Although the availability of genetic and genomic resources for Cucurbita pepo has increased significantly, functional genomic resources are still limited for this crop. In this direction, we have developed a high throughput reverse genetic tool: the first TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) resource for this species. Additionally, we have used this resource to demonstrate that the previous EMS mutant population we developed has the highest mutation density compared with other cucurbits mutant populations. The overall mutation density in this first C. pepo TILLING platform was estimated to be 1/133 Kb by screening five additional genes. In total, 58 mutations confirmed by sequencing were identified in the five targeted genes, thirteen of which were predicted to have an impact on the function of the protein. The genotype/phenotype correlation was studied in a peroxidase gene, revealing that the phenotype of seedling homozygous for one of the isolated mutant alleles was albino. These results indicate that the TILLING approach in this species was successful at providing new mutations and can address the major challenge of linking sequence information to biological function and also the identification of novel variation for crop breeding.  相似文献   


Higher serum levels of adhesion molecules (sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1) are associated with advanced liver fibrosis in patients coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus. We assessed the relationship between serum levels of adhesion molecules and liver-related events (LRE) or death, in coinfected patients.


We studied clinical characteristics and outcomes of 182 coinfected patients with a baseline liver biopsy (58 with advanced fibrosis) and simultaneous plasma samples who were followed for median of 9 years. We used receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves to calculate optimized cutoff values (OCV) of sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1, defined as the values with the highest combination of sensitivity and specificity for LRE. We used multivariate regression analysis to test the association between OCVs of sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 and outcomes. The variables for adjustment were age, HIV transmission category, liver fibrosis, baseline CD4+ T-cell counts, antiretroviral therapy, and sustained virologic response (SVR).


During the study period 51 patients had SVR, 19 had LRE, and 16 died. The OCVs for LRE were 5.68 Log pg/mL for sICAM-1 and 6.25 Log pg/mL for sVCAM-1, respectively. The adjusted subhazard ratio (aSHR) (95% confidence interval [CI]) of death or LRE, whichever occurred first, for sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 > OCV were 3.98 ([1.14; 13.89], P = 0.030) and 2.81 ([1.10; 7.19], respectively (P = 0.030).


Serum levels of sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 can serve as markers of outcome in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients. Therapies targeting necroinflammatory damage and fibrogenesis may have a role in the management chronic hepatitis C.  相似文献   
The pharmaceutical industry is committed to marketing safer drugs with fewer side effects, predictable pharmacokinetic properties and quantifiable drug-drug interactions. Drug metabolism is a major determinant of drug clearance and interindividual pharmacokinetic differences, and an indirect determinant of the clinical efficacy and toxicity of drugs. Progressive advances in the knowledge of metabolic routes and enzymes responsible for drug biotransformation have contributed to understanding the great metabolic variations existing in human beings. Phenotypic as well genotypic differences in the expression of the enzymes involved in drug metabolism are the main causes of this variability. However, only a minor part of phenotypic variability in man is attributable to gene polymorphisms, thus making the definition of a normal liver complex. At present, the use of human in vitro hepatic models at early preclinical stages means that the process of selecting drug candidates is becoming much more rational. Cultured human hepatocytes are considered to be the closest model to human liver. However, the fact that hepatocytes are located in a microenvironment that differs from that of the cell in the liver raises the question: to what extent does drug metabolism variability observed in vitro actually reflect that of the liver in vivo? By comparing the metabolism of a model compound both in vitro and in vivo in the same individual, a good correlation between the in vitro and in vivo relative abundance of oxidized metabolites and the hydrolysis of the compound was observed. Thus, it is reasonable to consider that the variability observed in human hepatocytes reflects the existing phenotypic heterogeneity of the P450 expression in human liver.  相似文献   
Some ultrastructural changes can be observed in diseased Saccharum officinarum L. (cv. Cuba 120-78) plants with visual symptoms of yellow leaf syndrome (YLS), used to discriminate between healthy and diseased plants. Abaxial epidermis of diseased leaves shows a large amount of adhered superficial bodies, which partially occluded some stomata. Bundle sheath cells surrounding the bottom of phloem of diseased leaves are separated from the conducting tissues by a large layer of an amorphous matrix similar to wax. Debris of the end wall can be observed in large xylem vessels. Sometimes, spherical bodies similar to phytoplasma can be observed in the intercellular spaces of bundle sheath cells. These particles have never been observed in healthy plants. YLS was also associated to an increase of the concentration of reducing sugars, glucose index, and glycoproteins recovered in juices whereas the amount of sucrose decreases. Sugarcane juices obtained from both healthy and YLS-affected Cuba 120-78 cultivars of sugarcane contained putrescine (PUT), cadaverine (CAD), spermidine and spermine (SPM) as free and macromolecules-conjugated compounds. Only CAD and SPM appeared as acid-soluble conjugates to small molecules whereas PUT and CAD are the major polyamines (PAs) conjugated to macromolecules, mainly to high molecular mass glycoproteins. The disease was associated to an increase in total PA fraction. Arginase and ornithine decarboxylase activities, responsible for the synthesis of PUT, were higher in YLS juices than in those obtained from healthy plants. CAD and SPM presumably conjugated mostly to chlorogenic, syringic and ferulic acids in juices from YLS plants.  相似文献   
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are often linked to critical phenotypes such as diseases or responses to vaccines, medications and environmental factors. However, the specific molecular mechanisms by which a causal SNP acts is usually not obvious. Changes in RNA secondary structure emerge as a possible explanation necessitating the development of methods to measure the impact of single-nucleotide variation on RNA structure. Despite the recognition of the importance of considering the changes in Boltzmann ensemble of RNA conformers in this context, a formal method to perform directly such comparison was lacking. Here, we solved this problem and designed an efficient method to compute the relative entropy between the Boltzmann ensembles of the native and a mutant structure. On the basis of this theoretical progress, we developed a software tool, remuRNA, and investigated examples of its application. Comparing the impact of common SNPs naturally occurring in populations with the impact of random point mutations, we found that structural changes introduced by common SNPs are smaller than those introduced by random point mutations. This suggests a natural selection against mutations that significantly change RNA structure and demonstrates, surprisingly, that randomly inserted point mutations provide inadequate estimation of random mutations effects. Subsequently, we applied remuRNA to determine which of the disease-associated non-coding SNPs are potentially related to RNA structural changes.  相似文献   
Rapid auditory processing and acoustic change detection abilities play a critical role in allowing human infants to efficiently process the fine spectral and temporal changes that are characteristic of human language. These abilities lay the foundation for effective language acquisition; allowing infants to hone in on the sounds of their native language. Invasive procedures in animals and scalp-recorded potentials from human adults suggest that simultaneous, rhythmic activity (oscillations) between and within brain regions are fundamental to sensory development; determining the resolution with which incoming stimuli are parsed. At this time, little is known about oscillatory dynamics in human infant development. However, animal neurophysiology and adult EEG data provide the basis for a strong hypothesis that rapid auditory processing in infants is mediated by oscillatory synchrony in discrete frequency bands. In order to investigate this, 128-channel, high-density EEG responses of 4-month old infants to frequency change in tone pairs, presented in two rate conditions (Rapid: 70 msec ISI and Control: 300 msec ISI) were examined. To determine the frequency band and magnitude of activity, auditory evoked response averages were first co-registered with age-appropriate brain templates. Next, the principal components of the response were identified and localized using a two-dipole model of brain activity. Single-trial analysis of oscillatory power showed a robust index of frequency change processing in bursts of Theta band (3 - 8 Hz) activity in both right and left auditory cortices, with left activation more prominent in the Rapid condition. These methods have produced data that are not only some of the first reported evoked oscillations analyses in infants, but are also, importantly, the product of a well-established method of recording and analyzing clean, meticulously collected, infant EEG and ERPs. In this article, we describe our method for infant EEG net application, recording, dynamic brain response analysis, and representative results.  相似文献   
The prokaryotic beta serine recombinase (beta-rec) catalyzes site-specific recombination between two directly oriented six sites (93 bp) in mammalian cells, both in episomal and in chromosomally integrated substrates. The beta-rec/six exclusive intramolecular site-specific recombination (SSR) system has been proposed as a suitable approach when several independently controlled recombination events are needed in a single cell. Here we explored the use of the beta-rec/six system for selective induction of genome-targeted modifications. We generated and analyzed mouse transgenic lines (Tgbeta) expressing beta-rec under the control of the Lck promoter. beta-rec activity was demonstrated, and there was no evidence of alterations to thymic or peripheral T cell development. We developed two transgenic mouse lines harboring different target sequences (Tgrec and KOsix) and analyzed the effect of beta-rec expression on these animals. The results indicate that the beta-rec/six SSR system is functional for in vivo gene-targeting applications.  相似文献   
The use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to assess changes in cortical excitability is a tool used with increased prevalence in healthy and impaired populations. One factor of concern with this technique is how to achieve adequate statistical power given constraints of a small number of subjects and variability in responses. This paper compares a single pulse excitability measure using traditional group-level statistics vs single subject analyses in a patient population of subjects with focal hand dystonia, pre and post repetitive TMS (rTMS). Results show significant differences in cortical excitability for 4/5 subjects using a split middle line analysis on plots of individual subject data. Group level statistics (ANOVA), however, did not detect any significant findings. The consideration of single subject statistics for TMS excitability measures may assist researchers in describing the variably of rTMS outcome measures.  相似文献   
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